FB Physik
| WS 2021/22
WS 2021/22

Department colloquia

© Uni MS
  • 18.11.2021   Dr. Andreas Bauswein, GSI

    From quarks to black holes: micro- and macrophysics of neutron star mergers

    Neutron stars are the densest stellar objects with densities exceeding those in atomic nuclei. Consequently, the collision of two neutron stars creates very extreme conditions and leads to a variety of different highly energetic and potentially observable phenomena: electromagnetic radiation from radio to gamma wavelengths, neutrinos and gravitational waves. Since the first unambiguous observation of a neutron star merger in 2017, a few more events have been detected, and increased instrumental sensitivity promises many more measurements in the future.
    We will provide an overview on which fundamental questions can be addressed by studying neutron star mergers. This includes the formation of black holes or the synthesis of heavy elements in the explosive outflows from these events. Moreover, mergers provide information on the properties of high-density matter including the prospect to identify the presence of a possible phase of deconfined quark matter in neutron stars.


  • 02.12.2021   Prof. Dr. Volker Springel, MPI Garching

    Supercomputer Simulations of Galaxy Formation

    Numerical calculations of cosmic structure formation have become a powerful took in theoretical astrophysics. Starting right after the Big Bang, they are not only able to accurately predict the dark matter backbone of the cosmic web far into the non-linear regime, but are also capable of following the baryonic sector with rapidly improving physical fidelity. In my talk, I will review the methodology and selected results of recent hydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations, such as the IllustrisTNG project. I will discuss some of the primary challenges in modelling strong, scale-dependent feedback processes that regulate star formation, and highlight the important role played by supermassive black holes in galaxy formation.


  • 16.12.2021   Prof. Dr. Achim Stahl, RWTH Aachen -Online Veranstaltung

    The Einstein Telescope

    The first gravitational waves were detected in 2015 by the LIGO observatories. After the outstanding success of LIGO and VIRGO we are preparing the next generation of gravitational wave detectors. The European project is called Einstein Telescope. In my talk I will present the project, I will describe some of the technological challenges and the attempts to solve them, and discuss the science case.


    Der Vortrag findet aufgrund der aktuellen Corona Lage online statt.

    Zoom-Meeting beitreten:

    Meeting-ID: 622 7626 5104
    Kenncode: 16122021

  • 03.02.2022   Dr. Vladislav Demidov, Institut für Angewandte Physik, WWU


    Current driven Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons

    The quanta of magnetic excitations – magnons – are known for their unique ability to undergo Bose‐Einstein condensation (BEC) at room temperature. This fascinating phenomenon manifests itself in the spontaneous formation of a coherent magnon state, if the density of magnons is increased above a critical value by an incoherent stimulus. For a long time, the only experimentally proven approach enabling the observation of roomtemperature magnon BEC was the injection of magnons using microwave pumping, which has significant drawbacks. Alternatively, the magnon gas can be driven into the BEC state using direct spin currents. This possibility was proposed theoretically more than a decade ago. However, its experimental implementation was reported only recently. In my presentation, I will briefly review the basic principles and major advances in the field of room‐temperature magnon BEC and then discuss in detail the formation of BEC induced by direct spin currents. I will show that this mechanism allows the efficient control of the thermodynamic characteristics of a magnon gas and can be used to create a stationary, spatially extended magnon condensate characterized by high temporal and spatial coherence. Additionally, this simple and robust driving method enables a large variety of exciting new experiments and paves the way for the implementation of integrated quantum magnonic devices.
    via Zoom:
    Meeting‐ID: 613 8714 4615
    Kenncode: 020322