• 2024


    Artikel in Fachzeitschriften, Zeitungen oder Magazinen

  • 2023


    Forschungsartikel (Zeitschriften)

  • 2022 - 2021



  • 2020 - 2016


    A. Davani F, Hilke S, Rösner H , Geissler D, Gebert A, Wilde G.
    ‘Correlations between the ductility and medium-range order of bulk metallic glasses.’
    Journal of Applied Physics 2020, No. 128 (2020). doi: 10.1063/5.0007564.


    A. Davani F, Hilke S, Rösner H, Geissler D, Gebert A, Wilde G.
    ‘On the shear-affected zone of shear bands in bulk metallic glasses.’
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 837, No. 155494 (2020): 1-6. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.155494.


    A.K. Mohamed, V.V. Palacheva, V.V. Cheverikin, E.N. Zanaeva, W.C. Cheng u. a.
    ‘The Fe-Ga phase diagram: revisited.’
    JALCOM 846 (2020)156486.


    Alphonse Carmel Mary Esther, Garlapati Mohan Muralikrishna, Hilke Sven, Wilde Gerhard.
    ‘Double shadow masking sample preparation method for in‐situ TEM characterization.’
    Nano Select 1, Nr. 4: 413-418. doi: 10.1002/nano.202000063.


    Daniel Gaertner, Josua Kottke, Yury Chumlyakov, Fabian Hergemöller, Gerhard Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski.
    ‘Tracer diffusion in single crystalline CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys: kinetic hints towards a low-temperature phase instability of the solid-solution?’
    Scripta Materialia 187 (2020): 57-62. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.05.060.


    G. Mohan Muralikrishna, Vladimir A. Esin, Kaustubh N. Kulkarni, B.S. Murty, Gerhard Wilde, Sergiy V. Divinski.
    ‘Atomic transport in B2-ordered Al(Fe,Ni) alloys: Tracer-interdiffusion couple approach.’
    Intermetallics 126 (2020)106920. doi: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2020.106920.


    G.M. Muralikrishna, A.C.M. Esther, K. Guruvidyathri, Ph. Watermeyer, Ch.H. Liebscher u. a.
    ‘Novel Multicomponent B2 Ordered Aluminides: Compositional Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Stability.’
    Metals 10 (2020)1411.


    G.M. Muralikrishna, B. Tas, N. Esakkiraja, V. Esin, K.C. Hari Kumar u. a.
    ‘Composition dependence of Fe tracer diffusion coefficients in Fe–Ga alloys: a case study by a tracer-interdiffusion couple method.’
    Acta Materialia 203 (2020)116446. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.10.065.


    H. Zhou, S. Hilke, E. Pineda, M. Peterlechner, Y. Chushkin, S. Shanmugam, G. Wilde
    X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy revealing the change of relaxation dynamics of a severely deformed Pd-based bulk metallic glass
    Acta Materialia 195 (2020) 446-453


    Gabski M, Peterlechner M, Wilde G.
    ‘Exploring the Phase Space of Multi ‐ Principal ‐ Element Alloys and Predicting the Formation of Bulk Metallic Glasses.’
    Entropy 2020, Nr. 22: 292. doi: 10.3390/e22030292.


    Gebert A, Geissler D, Pilz S, Uhlemann M, A. Davani F u. a.
    ‘Studies on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Vit 105 Bulk Metallic Glass.’
    Frontiers in Materials 7 (2020). doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2020.00128.


    Hassanpour Afrouz, Hilke Sven, Rösner Harald, Divinski Sergiy V, Wilde Gerhard.
    ‘Impact of severe plastic deformation on the relaxation of glassy and supercooled liquid states of amorphous Pd40Ni40P20.’
    Journal of Applied Physics 128, No. 155107 (2020): 1-9. doi: 10.1063/5.0026950.


    Hilke S, Rösner H, Wilde G.
    ‘The role of minor alloying in the plasticity of bulk metallic glasses.’
    Scripta Materialia, No. 188 (2020): 50-53. doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.06.070.


    Hongbo Zhou, Martin Peterlechner, Sven Hilke, Depeng Shen, Gerhard Wilde.
    ‘Influence of plastic deformation by high-pressure torsion on the crystallization kinetics of a Pd40Ni40P20 bulk metallic glass.’
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 821 (2020): 153254. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.153254.


    Hubek R, Hilke S, A. Davani F., Golkia M, Shrivastav GP u. a.
    ‘Shear Bands in Monolithic Metallic Glasses: Experiment, Theory, and Modeling.’
    Frontiers in Materials 7, No. 144 (2020). doi: doi: 10.3389/fmats.2020.00144.


    J. Zimmerman, A. Sharma, S.V. Divinski, E. Rabkin. ‘
    Relative grain boundary energies in ultrafine grain Ni obtained by high pressure torsion.’
    Scripta Materialia 182 (2020): 90-93.


    Kottke Josua, Utt Daniel, Laurent-Brocq Mathilde, Fareed Adnan, Gaertner Daniel u. a.
    ‘Experimental and theoretical study of tracer diffusion in a series of (CoCrFeMn)100-xNix alloys.’
    Acta Materialia 194 (2020): 236 - 248.


    L. García de la Cruz, B. Domenges, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde, E. Hug.
    ‘Ultrafast atomic diffusion paths in fine-grained nickel obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering.’
    Metall Mater Transactions A 51 (2020): 3425-3434. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-020-05791-4.


    Lisa Neier, K. Anantha Padmanabhan, Sergiy Divinski, Gerhard Wilde.
    ‘Grain boundary structures in metallic materials subjected to severe plastic deformation.’
    Philosophical Magazine 100 (2020): 2365-2385. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2020.1767310.


    Marcel Glienke, Mayur Vaidya, Lydia Daum, Bengü Tas, Lukas Rogal u. a.
    ‘Grain boundary diffusion in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy: kinetic hints towards a phase decomposition.’
    Acta Materialia 195 (2020): 304-316. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.05.009.


    Mayur Vaidya, Sandipan Sen, Xi Zhang, Lena Frommeyer, Lukasz Rogal u. a.
    ‘Phenomenon of ultra-fast tracer diffusion of Co in HCP high entropy alloys.’
    Acta Materialia 196 (2020): 220-230. doi: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.06.025.


    Mohan Muralikrishna G., Mayur Vaidya, B.S. Murty, Sergiy V. Divinski, Gerhard Wilde.
    ‘Tracer diffusion in ordered pseudo-binary multicomponent aluminides.’
    Scripta Materialia 178 (2020): 227-231. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.11.044.


    N. Choi, V. Kulitckii, J. Kottke, B. Tas, J. Choe u. a.
    ‘Analyzing the ‘non-equilibrium state’ of grain boundaries in additively manufactured high-entropy CoCrFeMnNi alloy using tracer diffusion measurements.’
     JALCOM 844 (2020)155757. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.155757.


    Neelamegan Esakkiraja, Ankit Gupta, Vikram Jayaram, Tilmann Hickel, Sergiy V. Divinski, Aloke Paul.
    ‘Diffusion, defects and understanding the growth of multicomponent interdiffusion zone between Pt-modified B2 NiAl bond coat and single crystal superalloy.’
     Acta Materialia 195 (2020): 35-49. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.04.016.


    Olga A. Lukianova, Ziyuan Rao, Vladislav Kulitckii, Zhiming Li, Gerhard Wilde, and Sergiy V. Divinski.
    ‘Impact of interstitial carbon on self-diffusion in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys.’
    Scripta Materialia 188 (2020): 264-268. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.07.044.


    R. Hubek, M. Seleznev, I. Binkowski, M. Peterlechner, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde.
    ‘Intrinsic heterogeneity of shear banding: hints from diffusion and relaxation measurements of Co micro-alloyed PdNiP-based glass.’
    J Applied Physics 127 (2020)115109. doi: doi: 10.1063/1.5142162.


    R. Post, J. V. Osinskaya, G. Wilde, S. V. Divinski, A. V. Pokoev.
    ‘Effect of the Annealing Temperature and Constant Magnetic Field on the Decomposition of Quenched Beryllium Bronze BrB-2.’
    Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 14 (2020): 464-472.


    Radić Drazen, Hilke Sven, Peterlechner Martin, Posselt Matthias, Wilde Gerhard, Bracht Hartmut.
    ‘Comparison of experimental STEM conditions for Fluctuation Electron Microscopy.’
    Microscopy and Microanalysis (2020): 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S143192762002440X.


    S.L. Xie, S.V. Divinski, Y.B. Lei, Z.B. Wang.
    ‘Accelerated grain boundary migration in nanolaminated interstitial-free steel during chromizing.’
    Materials Research Letters 9 (2020): 84-90.


    Sai Rajeshwari K, S. Sankarana, K.C. Hari Kumar, Harald Rösner, Martin Peterlechner u. a.
    ‘Grain boundary diffusion and grain boundary structures of a Ni-Cr-Fe- alloy: Evidences for grain boundary phase transformations.’
    Acta Materialia 195 (2020). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2020.05.051.


    SV Divinski, OA Lukianova, A Dash, N Esakkiraja, G Wilde, A Paul.
    High-Entropy Alloys: Diffusion In Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Alloys
    edited by M.C. Gao, 1. Elsevier, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819726-4.11771-5.


    Zhou Hongbo, Hilke Sven, Pineda Eloi, Peterlechner Martin, Chushkin Yuri, Shanmugam Sankaran, Wilde Gerhard.
     ‘X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy reveals the change of relaxation dynamics of a Pd-based bulk metallic glass induced by severe plastic deformation.’
    Acta Materialia 195 (2020): 446-453. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.05.064.


    G. Mohan Muralikrishna, Mayur Vaidya, B.S. Murty, Sergiy V. Divinski, Gerhard Wilde.
    ‘Tracer diffusion in multi component pseudo-binary B2 aluminides.’
    Scripta Materialia 178 (2019): 227-231. doi: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2019.11.044.


    Hilke Sven, A. Davani Farnaz, Rösner Harald, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin.
    ‘TEM investigations of Zr-based metallic glasses.’
    contributed to the Winterschool Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 2019.


    Hilke Sven, Grove Maximilian, Rösner Harald, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin.
    ‘TEM investigations of metallic glasses and amorphous materials.’
    contributed to the Winterschool Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 2019.


    Hilke Sven, Hassanpour Afrouz, Divinski S V, Peterlechner Martin, Wilde Gerhard.
    ‘The thermo-mechanical evolution of medium range order of Pd40Ni40P20 characterized by variable resolution fluctuation electron microscopy.’
    contributed to the ISMANAM, Chennai (Indien), 2019.


    Hilke Sven, Hassanpour Afrouz, Spangenberg Katharina, Zhou Hongbo, Lindenblatt Manuel u. a.
    ‘TEM investigations of Pd-Fe-based metallic glasses.’
    contributed to the Winterschool Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 2019.


    Hilke Sven, Rösner Harald, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin.
    ‘Fluctuation electron microscopy of amorphous materials: simulation meets experiments.’
    contributed to the Microscopy Conference Berlin, Berlin, 2019.


    I.S. Golovin, A.K. Mohamed, V.V. Palacheva, V.V. Cheverikin, A.V. Pozdiakov u. a.
    ‘Comparative study of phase transitions in Fe-(25-27)%Ga alloys.’
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 811 (2019)152030. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152030.


    Iván Maisuls, Stefan Ostendorp, Gerhard Wilde, A. Jorge Parola, Cristian A. Strassert, Ezequiel Wolcan. (2019)
    ‘Energy Transfer between CNT Surface and −Re(CO)3(phen)+* Pendants Grafted to P4VP in Nanohybrid Shish-Kebob-like Structures.’
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, Nr. 1: 1238-1248. doi: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b10567.


    J. Ribbe, V.A. Esin, S.V. Divinski.
    ‘Grain boundary diffusion of 59Fe in high-purity copper.’
    Acta Materialia 165 (2019): 431-443.


    Kondavalasa Sai Rajeshwari, Aditya Prakash, Rohit Jagtap, Shanmugam Sankaran, I. Samajdar, Vijay K.Vasudevan, Gerhard Wilde. (2019)
    ‘On the comparison of graded microstructures developed through High Reduction (per pass) Cold Rolling (HRCR) and Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification (UNSM) in nickel-base Alloy 602CA.’
    Materials Characterization 153: 328-338. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2019.05.021.


    Mohamed M, Wilde G, Peterlechner M.
    ‘Melting and Solidification of in Nanoparticles Embedded in an Al-Matrix: Stability and Metastability Under Confinement Conditions.’
    Acta Materialia 2019 (2019).


    Proetto M.T., Sanning J., Peterlechner M., Thunemann M., Stegemann L. u. a.
    ‘Phosphorescent Pt (II) complexes spatially arrayed in micellar polymeric nanoparticles providing dual readout for multimodal imaging.’
    Chem. Commun. 2019, No. 55-4 (2019): 501-504. doi: 10.1039/c8cc06347h


    S. Santra, S.K. Makineni, G. Shankar, S. Suwas, K. Chattopadhyay, S. V. Divinski, A. Paul.
    ‘Exceptional effect of Ti-addition on diffusion-controlled growth and texture of Nb3Sn intermetallic superconductor phase.’
    Materialia 6 (2019)100276.


    Yikun Zhang, Dan Guo, Hui Xu, Zhongming Ren, Gerhard Wilde (2019)
    ‘Giant refrigerant capacity in equi-atomic HoErGdCuNi amorphous ribbons.’
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 792: 180-184. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.04.039.


    Yurii P. Mitrofanov, Andrei S. Makarov, Gennadii V. Afonin, Konstantin V. Zakharov, Alexander N. Vasiliev u. a.
    ‘Relationship Between the Boson Heat Capacity Peak and the Excess Enthalpy of a Metallic Glass.’
    physica status solidi / Rapid Research Letter 13, Nr. 6., 2019


    Zhao H, Wilde G, Lei Y.
    ‘Recent Research Progress for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage in Europe.’
    Small Methods 3 (2019), Nr. 8. doi: 10.1002/smtd.201900283.

































    Stringe M, Rösner H, Wilde G. (2019)
    Effect of high heating rates on the melting behavior of embedded In nanoparticles.
    Thermochimica Acta 677: 206-210. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2019.03.011.


    Hilke Sven, Rösner Harald, Geissler David, Gebert Annett, Peterlechner Martin, Wilde Gerhard.
    The influence of deformation on the medium-range order of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass characterized by variable resolution fluctuation electron microscopy.
    Acta Materialia 171: 275-281. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2019.04.023.


    Hilke Sven, Kirschbaum Jan, Hieronymus-Schmidt Vitalij, Radek Manuel, Bracht Hartmut, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin.
    Analysis of medium-range order based on simulated segmented ring detector STEM-images: amorphous Si.
    Ultramicroscopy 200: 169-179. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2019.02.023.


    Gabski Mirko, Ostendorp Stefan, Peterlechner Martin, Wilde Gerhard.  (2019)
    Stability and Performance of Nanostructured Perovskites for Light‐Harvesting Applications.
    Small Methods 2019. doi: 10.1002/smtd.201800404.


    Emeis F, Peterlechner M, Wilde G.  (2019)
    Hall--Petch Relations of Severely Deformed Cu, Ni, and Cu--Ni Alloys: Analysis of the Dislocation Blockage Strength of Deformation-Modified Grain Boundaries.
    Advanced Engineering Materials 2019: 1900429. doi: 10.1002/adem.201900429.


    G. Wilde, S. Divinski.  (2019)
    Grain boundaries and diffusion phenomena in severely deformed materials.
    Materials Transactions 60: 1302-1315.


    Gabski M, Ostendorp S, Peterlechner M, Wilde G. (2019)
    Stability and Performance of Nanostructured Perovskites for Light-Harvesting Applications.
    Small Methods 2019: 1800404. doi: 10.1002/smtd.201800404.


    Habainy J., Lee Y., Surreddi K.B., Prosvetov A., Simon P., Iyengar S., Dai Y., Tomut M. (2019)
    Study of heavy ion beam induced damage in tungsten for high power target applications
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
    Volume 439, 15 January 2019, Pages 7-16; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.11.017


    Emeis F, Leuthold J, Spangenberg K, Peterlechner M, Wilde G. (2019)
    Characterization of Special Grain Boundaries and Triple Junctions in CuxNi1-x Alloys upon Deformation and Annealing.
    Advanced Engineering Materials 21, Nr. 4: 1801214. doi: 10.1002/adem.201801214.


    Zhou H, Hubek R, Peterlechner M, Wilde G. (2019)
    Two-stage rejuvenation and the correlation between rejuvenation behavior and the boson heat capacity peak of a bulk metallic glass.
    Acta Materialia 179: 308-316. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2019.08.040.


    Gaertner Daniel, Abrahams Katrin, Kottke Josua, Esin Vladimir, Steinbach Ingo, Wilde Gerhard, Divinski Sergiy. (2019)
    Concentration-dependent atomic mobilities in FCC CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys.
    Acta Materialia 166.


    Kottke Josua, Laurent-Brocq Mathilde, Fareed Adnan, Gaertner Daniel, Perrière Loïc u. a. (2019)
    Tracer Diffusion in the Ni-CoCrFeMn system: Transition from a dilute solid solution to a high entropy alloy.
    Scripta Materialia Volume 159. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.09.011.


    Zhang Y., Li H., Geng S., Lu X., Wilde G. (2019)
    Microstructure and cryogenic magnetic properties in amorphousized RE57Cu25Al18 (RE= Ho and Tm) ribbons.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 770: 849-853. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.08.210. [Im Druck]


    Zhou H, Hubek R, Peterlechner M, Wilde G. (2019)
    Intermittent Rejuvenation and the Correlation between Rejuvenation Behavior and the Boson Heat Capacity Peak of a Bulk Metallic Glass.
    Available at SSRN 3399193 2019.



































    Zhang Y., Li H., Guo D., Hou L., Li X., Ren Z., Wilde G. (2018)
    Cryogenic magnetic properties and magnetocaloric performance in double perovskite Pr2NiMnO6 and Pr2CoMnO6 compounds.
    Ceramics International, 44 (17), p. 20762-20767. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.08.075.


    Emdadi A., Palacheva V., Cheverikin V., Divinski S. , Wilde G., Golovin I. (2018)
    Structure and magnetic properties of Fe-Ga alloys doped by Tb.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 758, p. 214-223. doi: Figures (9) Fig.1. Typical BSE-SEM images of the as-cast Fe-19Ga (a), Fe-19Ga-0 Fig.2. DSC cooling (solid lines) and heating (dash lines) curves (a) and room… Fig.3. Magnetic hysteresis loops, M(H), (a), dependence of the magnetic permeability.


    Zhang Y., Guo D., Geng S., Lu X., Wilde G. (2018)
    Structure, magnetic and cryogenic magneto-caloric properties in intermetallic gallium compounds RE2Co2Ga (RE = Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm).
    Journal of Applied Physics, 124, p. 043903. doi: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5044578.
    Hong Wang, Haiping Lin, Xing Fan, Stefan Ostendorp, Yandong Wang u. a. (2018)
    Positioning growth of NPB crystalline nanowires on the PTCDA nanocrystal template.
    Nanoscale, 10, p. 10262-10267. doi: DOI: 10.1039/C8NR02085J.

    Radek Manuel, Tenberge Jan-Gerd, Hilke Sven, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin (2018)
    STEMcl–A multi-GPU multislice algorithm for simulation of large structure and imaging parameter series.
    Ultramicroscopy, 188, p. 24-30. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2018.02.004.

    Zhang Y., Li H., Wang J., Li X., Ren Z., Wilde G. (2018)
    Structure and cryogenic magnetic properties in Ho2BaCuO5 cuprate.
    Ceramics International, 44 (2), p. 1991-1994. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.10.143.
    Straumal P., Stakhanova S., Wilde G., Divinski S. (2018)
    44Ti self-diffusion in nanocrystalline thin TiO2 films produced by a low temperature wet chemical process.
    Scripta Materialia, 149 (null), p. 31-35. doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2018.01.022.

    Zhang Y., Yang Y., Hou C., Guo D., Li X., Ren Z., Wilde G. (2018)
    Metamagnetic transition and magnetocaloric properties in antiferromagnetic Ho2Ni2Ga and Tm2Ni2Ga compounds.
    Intermetallics, 94 (null), p. 17-21. doi: 10.1016/j.intermet.2017.12.013.

    Zhang Y., Li H., Guo D., Ren Z., Wilde G. (2018)
    Cryogenic magnetic properties in the pyrochlore RE2TiMnO7 (RE = Dy and Ho) compounds.
    Ceramics International, 44 (13), p. 15681-15685. doi: Fig. 1. XRD patterns at room temperature for Dy2TiMnO7 and Ho2TiMnO7 compounds Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images for Dy2TiMnO7 and Ho2TiMnO7 compounds Fig. 3. Magnetization (M, left scale) and the reciprocal susceptibility (1/χ,.

    Hilke Sven, Kirschbaum Jan, Hieronymus-Schmidt Vitalij, Radek Manuel, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin (2018)
    New simulation method of segmented ring detector images in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) analyzing medium-range order.
    In: DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin.

    Hilke Sven, Davani Farnaz Abdollahzadeh, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin (2018)
    In-Situ TEM investigation of dynamics and relaxation in amorphous NiTi.
    In: IAMNano2018, Hamburg, Deutschland.

    Emeis F., Peterlechner M., Divinski S.V., Wilde G. (2018)
    Grain boundary engineering parameters for ultrafine grained microstructures: Proof of principles by a systematic composition variation in the Cu-Ni system.
    Acta Materialia, Volume 150, p. 262-272.

    Vaidya M., Pradeep K.G., Murty B.S., Wilde G., Divinski S.V. (2018)
    Bulk tracer diffusion in CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys.
    Acta Materialia, 146, p. 211-224. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2017.12.052.

    A.Emdadi, V.V. Palacheva, V.V. Cheverikin, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde, I.S. Golovin (2018)
    Structure and magnetic properties of Fe-Ga alloys doped by Tb.
    JALCOM, 758, p. 214-223. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.05.073.

    Straumal P.B., Stakhanova S.V., Wilde G., Divinski S.V. (2018)
    44Ti self-diffusion in nanocrystalline thin TiO2 films produced by a low temperature wet chemical process.
    Scripta Materialia, 149.

    Razumovskiy V.I., Divinski S.V., Romaner L. (2018)
    Solute segregation in Cu: DFT vs. Experiment.
    Acta Materialia, 147, p. 122-132. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2018.01.011.

    S.V. Divinski, A. Pokoev, N. Eesakkiraja, A. Paul (2018)
    A mystery of 'sluggish diffusion' in high-entropy alloys: the truth or a myth?
    Diffusion Foundations, 17, p. 69-104.

    Gaertner Daniel, Kottke Josua, Chumlyakov Yury, Wilde Gerhard, Divinski Sergiy (2018)
    Tracer diffusion in single crystalline CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys.
    Journals of Materials Research, Volume 33 (Issue 19 (Focus Issue: Fundamental Understanding and Applications of High-Entropy Alloys)). doi: https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2018.162.
    Vaidya M., Pradeep K., Murty B., Wilde G., Divinski S. (2018) Bulk tracer diffusion in CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys. Acta Materialia, 146 (null), p. 211-224. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.12.052.

    Shirinyan A., Wilde G., Bilogorodskyy Y. (2018)
    Solidification loops in the phase diagram of nanoscale alloy particles: from a specific example towards a general vision.
    Journal of Materials Science, 53 (4), p. 2859-2879. doi: 10.1007/s10853-017-1697-y.

    Dan Guo, Yikun Zhang, Shuhua Geng, Hui Xu, Zhongming Ren, and Gerhard Wilde (2018)
    Structure, glass-forming ability, magnetic and cryogenic magneto-caloric properties in the amorphous Ni30Co10RE60 (RE = Ho and Tm) ribbons.
    J Mater Sci, 2018 (53), p. 9816-9822. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-018-2257-9.

    Vladimir Popov , Gerrit Reglitz, Evgeniy Shorohov, E.N. Popova, A.V. Stolbovsky, Sergiy Divinski, Gerhard Wilde (2018)
    Effect of Equal Channel and Dynamic Channel Angular Pressing of Ni and Further Heat Treatment on its Structure and Grain Boundary Diffusion.
    Defect and Diffusion Forum, 383, p. 96-102. doi: https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.383.96.

    Hilke Sven, Hieronymus-Schmidt Vitalij, Wilde Gerhard, Peterlechner Martin (2018)
    Sensitivity for density change detection studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy image simulations.
    In: DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin.

    Regina Post, Julia Osinskaya, Sergiy Divinski, Alexander Pokoev, Gerhard Wilde (2018)
    Impact of a Constant Magnetic Field on Decomposition of Cu-Be-Ni-Based Solid Solution.
    Defect and Diffusion Forum, 383, p. 173-179. doi: https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.383.173.

    Hilke Sven, Kirschbaum Jan, Radic Drazen, Hieronymus-Schmidt Vitalij, Radek Manuel u. a. (2018)
    Segmented ring detector analysis in simulated STEM images investigating medium-range order in amorphous materials.
    In: IMC19, Sydney, Australien.

    Zhang Y., Guo D., Li H., Geng S., Wang J. u. a. (2018)
    Low field induced large magnetic entropy change in the amorphousized Tm60Co20Ni20 ribbon.
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 733 (null), p. 40-44. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.10.296.

    Zhang Y., Simon C., Volkmann T., Kolbe M., Lei Y., Li L., Wilde G. (2018)
    Continuous Transformations of the Nucleation Mechanism in the Undercooled State.
    Crystal Growth and Design, 18, p. 2905-2911.

    Lippmann S., Simon C., Zechel S., Seyring M., Schubert U., Wilde G., Rettenmayr M. (2018)
    Determining solid/liquid interfacial energies in Al-Cu by curvature controlled melting point depression.
    Acta Materialia, 147 (null), p. 113-121. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2018.01.012.

    Nina Kemnade, Paul Gebhardt, Greta M. Haselmann, Alexey Cherevan, Gerhard Wilde, Dominik Eder
    How to Evaluate and Manipulate Charge Transfer and Photocatalytic Response at Hybrid Nanocarbon–Metal Oxide Interfaces
    Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28, 1704730, https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201704730


    Hieronymus-Schmidt, V., Rösner, H., Zaccone, A., Wilde, G.
    Shear banding in metallic glasses described by alignments of Eshelby quadrupoles
    Physical Review B 95 (2017) 134111, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.134111

    Gupta, A., Kavakbasi, B.T., Dutta, B., Grabowski, B., Peterlechner, M., Hickel, T., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G., Neugebauer, J.
    Low temperature features in the heat capacity of unary metals and intermetallics for the example of bulk aluminum and Al3Sc
    Physical Review B 95 (2017) 094307, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.094307

    Peterlechner, M., Moros, A., Rösner, H., Lazar, S., Ericus, P., Wilde, G.
    Melting and solidification of lead nanoparticles embedded in Aluminium-Gallium matrices
    Acta Materialia 128 (2017) 284-291, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.01.062

    Ibrahim, N., Peterlechner, M., Emeis, F., Wegner, M., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G.
    Mechanical alloying via high-pressure torsion of the immiscible Cu 50 Ta 50 system
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 685 (2017) 19 - 30

    Popov, V.V., Popova, E.N., Kuznetsov, D.D., Stolbovsky, A.V., Reglitz, G., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G., Shorohov, E.V.
    Evolution of Ni Structure under ECAP and DCAP and Further Annealing
    Materials Science Forum 879 (2017) 1507-1512

    Zhang, Y., Guo, D., Yang, Y., Geng, S., Li, X., Ren, Z., Wilde, G.
    Magnetism and magnetocaloric effect in the RE 2 CuSi 3 (RE= Dy and Ho) compounds
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 702 (2017) 546-550

    Jiang, M.Q., Wu, X.Q., Wei, Y.P., Wilde, G., Dai, L.H.
    Cavitation bubble dynamics during pulsed laser ablation of a metallic glass in water
    Extreme Mechanics Letters 11 (2017) 24-29

    Gaertner, D., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Grain boundary diffusion and segregation of 57 Co in high-purity copper: Radiotracer measurements in B-and C-type diffusion regimes
    Acta Materialia 127 (2017) 407-415

    A. Paul, S.V. Divinski
    Handbook of Solid State Diffusion: Volume 1, 1st Edition: Diffusion Fundamentals and Techniques
    Elsevier (2017) ISBN: 9780128042878

    Yang, Y., Zhang, Y., Xu, X., Geng, S., Hou, L., Li, X., Ren, Z., Wilde, G.
    Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the ternary cadmium based intermetallic compounds of Gd 2 Cu 2 Cd and Er 2 Cu 2 Cd
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 692 (2017) 665-669

    Straumal, P.B., Wegner, M., Shangina, D.V., Kogtenkova, O.A., Kilmametov, A., Divinski, S.V., Dobatkin, S.V., Wilde, G.
    Diffusion of 63Ni in severely deformed ultrafine grained Cu-based alloys
    Scripta Materialia 127 (2017) 141-145

    Jiang, M.Q., Wilde, G., Dai, L.H.
    Shear band dilatation in amorphous alloys
    Scripta Materialia 127 (2017) 54-57

    Yu. Buranova, V. Kulitskiy, M. Peterlechner, A. Mogucheva, R. Kaibyshev, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde
    Al3(Sc,Zr)-based precipitates in Al-Mg alloy: effect of severe deformation
    Acta Materialia 124 (2017) 210-224

    Reglitz G., Oberdorfer B., Fleischmann N., Kotzurek J., Divinski S., Sprengel W., Wilde G., Würschum R.

    Combined volumetric, energetic and microstructural defect analysis of ECAP-processed nickel
    Acta Materialia 103 (2016) 396-406, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.10.004

    Nollmann N., Binkowski I., Schmidt V., Rösner H., Wilde G.
    Impact of micro-alloying on the plasticity of Pd-based bulk metallic glasses
    Scripta Materialia 111 (2016) 119-122, DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2015.08.030

    Zhang Y., Hou L., Ren Z., Li X., Wilde G.
    Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in TmZnAl and TmAgAl compounds
    Elsevier Ltd 656 (2016) 635-639, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.10.026

    Buranova Y., Rösner H., Divinski S.V., Imlau R., Wilde G.
    Quantitative measurements of grain boundary excess volume from HAADF-STEM micrographs
    Acta Materialia 106 (2016) 367-373, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.01.033

    I.S. Golovin, V.V. Palacheva, A.I. Bazlov, J. Cifre, N.Nollmann, S.V. Divinski and G. Wilde
    Diffusionless nature of D03 → L12 transition in Fe3Ga alloys
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 656 (2016), 897, DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.10.041

    Zhang Y., Xu X., Yang Y., Hou L., Ren Z., Li X., Wilde G.
    Study of the magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Dy 2 Cu 2 In compound
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 667 (2016) 130-133


    Kulitskiy V, Malopheyev S, Buranova Y, Divinski S, Wilde G, Kaibyshev R
    Ultrafine-Grained Structure Produced by FSW and ECAP in Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloy: Comparison
    Materials Science Forum 838  (2016) 379-384


    Zhang, Y., Wilde, G.
    Reversible Table-like Magnetocaloric Effect in EuAuGe Compound
    Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 29 (2016) 2159–2163

    Zhang, Y., Geng, S., Wilde, G.
    Magnetocaloric Properties in TbNi2B2C Compound
    Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2016) DOI 10.1007/s10948-016-3602-3


    Simon, C., Zhang, Y., Wilde, G.
    Nucleation Kinetics Analyses of Deeply Undercooled Metallic Liquids by Fast Scanning Calorimetry
    Book Chapter in “Fast Scanning Calorimetry”, ed. By C. Schick and V. Mathot,Springer (2016), ISBN 978-3-319-31327-6, pp. 661-691


    Perepezko, J.H., Wilde, G.
    Melt undercooling and nucleation kinetics
    Current Opinion in Solid State and materials Science 20 (2016) 3-12


    Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., Xu, X., Hou, L., Ren, Z., Li, X., Wilde, G.
    Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in RE2Cu2In (RE=Er and Tm) and enhanced refrigerant capacity in its composite materials
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (2016) 145002


    Binkowski, I., Shrivastav, G.P., Horbach, J., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G.
    Shear band relaxation in a deformed metallic glass
    Acta Materialia 109 (2016) 330-340


    Brink, T., Peterlechner, M., Rösner, H., Albe, K., Wilde, G.
    Influence of Crystalline Nanoprecipitates on Shear-Band Propagation in Cu-Zr Based Metallic Glasses
    Physical Review Applied 5 (2016) 054005


    Zhang, Y., Xu, X., Yang, Y., Hou, L., Ren, Z., Li, X., Wilde, G.
    Study of the magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Dy2Cu2In compound
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 667 (2016) 130-133


    Leuthold, J., Reglitz, G., Wegner, M., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Local texture-microstructure correlation due to deformation localization in ECAP-processed nickel
    Materials Science and Engineering A 669 (2016) 196-204


    Vaidya, M., Trubel, S., Murty, B.S., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Ni tracer diffusion in CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688 (2016) 665-669


    Leon, J.C., Stegemann, L., Peterlechner, M., Litau, S., Wilde, G., Strassert, C.A., Müller, J.
    Formation of solver nanoclusters from a DNA template containing Ag(I)-mediated base pairs
    Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 2016 (2016) doi.org/10.1155/2016/7485125


    Hebert, R.J., Perepezko, J.H., Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Deformation-driven catalysis of nanocrystallization in amorphous Al alloys
    Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 7 (2016) 1428-1433


    Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., Xu, X., Geng, S., Hou, L., Li, X., Ren, Z., Wilde, G.
    Excellent magnetocaloric properties in RE2Cu2Cd (RE= Dy and Tm) compounds and its composite materials
    Scientific Reports 6 (2016)


    Y. Buranova, H. Rösner, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde
    Determination of grain boundary excess free volume from HRTEM images
    Acta Materialia 106 (2016) 367 - 373. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.01.033


    Stricker, L., Fritz, E.-C., Peterlechner, M., Doltsinis, N.L., Ravoo, B.J.
    Arylazopyrazoles as Light-Responsive Molecular Switches in Cyclodextrin-Based Supramolecular Systems
    (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (13), pp. 4547-4554.


    Surmiak, S.K., Doerenkamp, C., Selter, P., Peterlechner, M., Schäfer, A.H., Eckert, H., Studer, A.
    Palladium Nanoparticle Loaded Bifunctional Silica Hybrid Material: Preparation and Applications as Catalyst in Hydrogenation Reactions
    (2016) Chemistry - A European Journal



  • 2015 - 2011

    Jiang MQ, Naderi M, Wang YJ, Peterlechner M, Liu XF, Zeng F, Jiang F, Dai LH and Wilde G
    Thermal expansion accompanying the glass-liquid transition and crystallization
    AIP Advances 5 (12) (2015) 127133


    Isabelle Binkowski, Severin Schlottbom, Jörn Leuthold, Stefan Ostendorp, Sergiy V. Divinski, Gerhard Wilde
    Sub-micron strain analysis of local stick-slip motion of individual shear bands in a bulk metallic glass
    Applied Physics Letters, Volume 107, Issue 22, 30 November 2015,  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4936388


    D. Ji, A. D. Donner, G. Wilde, W. Hu, H. Fuchs
    Poly(sodium-4-styrene sulfonate) (PSSNa)-assisted transferable flexible, top-contact high-resolution free-standing organic field-effect transistors
    RSC Adv. 5 (2015) 98288-98292, DOI: 10.1039/C5RA21329K


    N. Kemnade, C. J. Shearer, D. J. Dieterle, A. S. Cherevan, P. Gebhardt, G. Wilde, D. Eder
    Non-destructive functionalisation for atomic layer deposition of metal oxides on carbon nanotubes: effect of linking agents and defects
    Nanoscale 7 (2015)3028-34, DOI: 10.1039/c4nr04615c


    Y. Zhang, G. Wilde
    Magnetism and Large Magnetocaloric Effect in GdNiBC Compound
    IEEE Transaction on Magnetics 51 (2015)


    K.A. Padmanabhan, J. Leuthold, G. Wilde, S.S. Bhattacharya
    On the power law description of low-stress uni-axial steady-state high-homologous-temperature deformation
    Mechanics of Materials 91 (2015) 177-193, DOI:10.1016/j.mechmat.2015.07.011


    Y. Zhang, G. Wilde, X. Li, Z. Ren, L. Li
    Magnetism and magnetocaloric effect in the ternary equiatomic REFeAl (RE= Er and Ho) compounds
    Intermetallics 65 (2015) 61-65, DOI:10.1016/j.intermet.2015.06.003


    Y. Zhang, L. Hou, Z. Ren, X. Li, G. Wilde
    Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in TmZnAl and TmAgAl compounds
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 656 (2015) 635-639; DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.10.026


    M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, F. Jiang, L.H. Dai
    Understanding ductile-to-brittle transition of metallic glasses from shear-transformation-zone dilatation
    Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 5 (2015) 200-204,  DOI:10.1016/j.taml.2015.09.002


    V. Perekrestov, A. Kornyushchenko, V. Natalich, S. Ostendorp, G. Wilde
    Formation of porous nickel nanosystems using alumina membranes as templates for deposition
    Materials Letters 153 (2015) 171-174,  DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2015.03.141


    J.H. Perepezko, G. Wilde
    Melt undercooling and nucleation kinetics
    Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 20 (2015) 3-12,  DOI:10.1016/j.cossms.2015.07.001


    D.D. Liu, J. Fiebig, M. Peterlechner, S. Trubel, M. Wegner, Y. Du, Z.P. Jin, G. Wilde, S. Divinski
    Ti and Ni Grain Boundary Diffusion in B2 NiTi Compound
    Defect and Diffusion Forum 363 (2015) 137-141,  DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.363.137


    J. Buenz, K.A. Padmanabhan, G. Wilde
    On the applicability of a mesoscopic interface sliding controlled model for understanding superplastic flow in bulk metallic glasses
    Intermetallics 60 (2015) 50-57,  DOI:10.1016/j.intermet.2015.01.007


    Y. Zhang, G. Wilde
    Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in quaternary boroncarbides compound ErNiBC
    Physica B: Condensed Matter, 472 (2015) 56-59, DOI:10.1016/j.physb.2015.05.017


    Anna Churakova, Dmitry Gunderov, Alexander Lukyanov and Niklas Nollmann
    Transformation of the TiNi Alloy Microstructure and the Mechanical Properties Caused by Repeated B2-B19′ Martensitic Transformations
    Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), October 2015, Volume 28, Issue 10, pp 1230-1237


    Mohammed, A.J., Wilde, G., Ostendorp, S., Winkler, N.
    ZnO Nanowires / Nanobelts Structured CO Gas Sensor
    International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, 4 (2015) 66-74


    I. Binkowski, S. Schlottbom, J. Leuthold, S. Ostendorp, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde
    Sub-micron strain analysis of local stick-slip motion of individual shear bands in a bulk metallic glass
    Applied Physics Letters (2015)


    M. Naderi, M. Peterlechner, E. Schaffler, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde
    Kinetic, Volumetric and structural effects by liquid Ga penetration in ultrafine grained Al
    Acta Mater 99 (2015) 196-205


    V. Perekrestov, A. Kornyushchenko, V. Latyshev, S. Ostendorp, G. Wilde
    Formation of porous zinc nanostructures during self‐organization of critically small steady‐state supersaturations
    Physica status solidi (b) 252 (2), 397-403, 2015


    D. Prokoshkina, A. Moros, G. Reglitz, G.P.Dinda, D.D. Kuznetsov, V.V. Popov, A.V. Stolbovsky, E.V. Shorohov, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde
    On the processing pathway dependence of microstructure evolution during severe plastic deformation  – Nickel as a case example
    Advanced Engineering Materials 17 (2015), DOI: 10.1002/adem.201500174


    S.V. Divinski
    Grain boundary diffusion in severe plastically deformed metals: State of the art and unresolved issues
    Diffusion Foundations 5 (2015) 57-73, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DF.5.57


    Yu.P. Mitrofanov, M. Peterlechner, I. Binkowski, M.Yu. Zadorozhnyy, I.S. Golovin, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde
    The impact of elastic and plastic strain on relaxation and crystallization of Pd–Ni–P-based bulk metallic glasses
    Acta Mater 90 (2015) 318-329, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.03.001


    D. Liu, J. Fiebig, M. Peterlechner, S. Trubel, M. Wegner, Y. Du, Zh. Jin, G. Wilde, S.V. Divinski
    Temperature-induced grain boundary transformations as revealed by grain boundary diffusion in B2 NiTi alloy
    Intermetallics  61 (2015) 30-37, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intermet.2015.02.009


    M.Q. Jiang, Y.P. Wei, G. Wilde, L.H. Dai
    Explosive boiling of a metallic glass superheated by nanosecond pulse laser ablation
    Applied Physics Letters 106 (2), 021904, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4905928


    D. Prokoshkina, L. Klinger, A. Moros, G. Wilde, E. Rabkin, S.V. Divinski
    Persistence of ultrafast atomic diffusion paths in recrystallizing ultrafine grained Ni
    Scripta Mater 101 (2015) 91-94, DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2015.01.027


    M. Shepelenko, L. Klinger, E. Rabkin, A. Berner, D. Prokoshkina, G. Reglitz, J. Fiebig, G. Wilde, S.V. Divinski
    Recovery, Recrystallization and Diffusion in Cold-Rolled Ni
    Int J Mater Research 106 (2015) 554 - 564, DOI 10.3139/146.111217


    Liu, D., Peterlechner, M., Fiebig, J., Trubel, S., Wegner, M., Du, Y., Jin, Z., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Grain boundary diffusion and precipitates in B2 Ti-50.2 at.% Ni alloy
    Intermetallics 61 (2015) 30-37


    N. Winkler, M. Peterlechner and   G. Wilde
    Controlling crystallization, phase transformation and magnetic properties of amorphous FeNiP by annealing in nano-confinement
    Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Volume 3, Issue 29, 7 August 2015, Pages 7543-7551, DOI:  10.1039/C5TC01002K


    Schmidt, V., Rösner, H., Peterlechner, M., Wilde, G., & Voyles, P. M.
    Quantitative Measurement of Density in a Shear Band of Metallic Glass Monitored Along its Propagation Direction
    Physical Review Letters, 115 (2015) 035501, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.035501


    Jiang, M.Q., Wilde, G., Dai, L.H.
    Origin of stress overshoot in amorphous solids
    Mechanics of Materials, 81 (2015) 72-83, DOI 10.1016/j.tca.2014.10.027


    Simon, C., Peterlechner, M., Wilde, G.
    Experimental determination of the nucleation rates of undercooled micron-sized liquid droplets based on fast chip calorimetry
    Thermochimica Acta, 603 (2015) 39-45, DOI 10.1016/j.tca.2014.10.027


    Zhang, Y., Yang, B., Wilde, G.
    Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in ternary REAgAl (RE = Er and Ho) intermetallic compounds
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 619 (2015) 12–15


    Divinski, S.V., Reglitz, G., Golovin, I.S., Peterlechner, M., Lapovok, R., Estrin, Y., Wilde, G.
    Effect of heat treatment on diffusion, internal friction, microstructure and mechanical properties of ultra-fine-grained nickel severely deformed by equal-channel angular pressing
    Acta Materialia, 82 (2015) 11-21


    Gubicza, J., Sitarama Raju, K., Subramanya Sarma, V., Kauffmann, A., Hegedüs, Z., Peterlechner, M., Freudenberger, J., Wilde, G.:
    The effect of thermomechanical treatment on the microstructure and the mechanical behavior of a supersaturated Cu-Ag alloy.
    Materials Science Forum 812 (2015) 53-58, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.812.53


    Song, T.-E., Wilde, G., Peterlechner, M.
    Morphology and aspect ratio of bismuth nanoparticles embedded in a zinc matrix
    Applied Physics Letters, 105 (2014) 241902


    A. Paul, T. Laurila, V. Vuorinen, S.V. Divinski
    Thermodynamics, Diffusion and the Kirkendall Effect in Solids
    Springer Int. Publ. Switzerland, 2014, 522 pp.; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07461-0; ISBN 978-3-319-07460-3


    Perekrestov, V., Kornyushchenko, A., Latyshev, V., Ostendorp, A., Wilde, G.
    Formation of porous zinc nanostructures during self-organization of critically small steady-state supersaturations
    Physica Status Solidi B, 1-7 (2014), DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201451266


    Mathaudhu, S.N., Estrin, Y., Horita, Z., Lavernia, E., Liao, X.Z., Lu, L., Wei, Q.M., Wilde, G., Zhu, Y.T.
    Preface to the special issue on ultrafine-grained materials
    Journal of Materials Science, 49 (2014) 6485-6486


    Perekrestov, V., Kornyushchenko, A., Kosminska, Y., Wilde, G., Ostendorp, S., Winkler, A.
    Formation of porous low-dimensional nickel systems during near-equilibrium condensation in ultrapure inert environment
    Applied Surface Science, 316 (2014) 155–162


    Jiang, M.Q., Wilde, G., Qu, C.B., Jiang, F., Xiao, H.M., Chen, J.H., Fu, S.Y., Da, L.H.
    Wavelike fracture pattern in a metallic glass: a Kelvin–Helmholtz flow instability
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2014, DOI.org/10.1080/09500839.2014.955549


    Wegner, M.,Leuthold, J., Peterlechner, M., Song, X., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G.
    Grain boundary and triple junction diffusion in nanocrystalline copper
    Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (2014) 093514


    Zhang, Y., Simon, C.,Volkmann, T., Kolbe, M., Herlach, D., Wilde, G.
    Nucleation transitions in an undercooled Cu70Co30 immiscible alloy.
    Applied Physics Letter, 105 (2014) 041908.


    Jiang, M.Q., Wilde, G., Cheng, J.H., Qu, C.B., Fu, S.Y., Jiang, F., Dai, L.H.:
    Cryogenic-temperature-induced transition from shear to dilatational failure in metallic glasses.
    Acta Materialia, 77 (2014) 248 – 257


    S.V. Divinski, G. Reglitz, M. Wegner, M. Peterlechner, G. Wilde
    Effect of pinning by orientation gradient on the thermal stability of ultrafine grained Ni produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
    J Appl Phys 115 (2014) 113503, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4867416


    Wilde, G.
    Grain boundaries in severely deformed metals and alloys.
    Proceedings of the 35th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science: “New Frontiers of Nanometals”, 1-5 September 2014, Risoe, Denmark


    V.V. Popov, E.N. Popova, D.D. Kuznetsov, A.V. Stolbovsky, E.V. Shorohov, P.A. Nasonov, K.A. Gaan, G. Reglitz, S.V. Divinski, G. Wilde
    Nanostructuring of Ni by Various Modes of Severe Plastic Deformation
    Defect Diffusion Forum 354 (2014) 109-119


    Bokeloh, J., Wilde, G.
    High-precision nucleation rate measurements for higher-melting metals
    Journal of Metals JOM, 66 (2014) 1512-1519


    Zhang, Y., Gao, J., Yasuda, H., Kolbe, M., Wilde, G.
    Particle size distribution and composition in phase-separated Cu75Co25 alloys under various magnetic fields
    Scripta Materialia, 82 (2014) 5-8


    Wilde, G.
    Physical Metallurgy of Nanocrystalline Metals
    in: “Physical Metallurgy”, Fifth Edition, by David Laughlin (Editor), Kazuhiro Hono (Editor) (formerly R. Cahn and P. Haasen), ISBN-13: 978-0444537706, ISBN-10: 0444537708, Chapter 26, pages 2707-2805 (2014).


    Urazhdin, S., Demidov, V.E., Ulrichs, H., Kendziorczyk, T., Kuhn, T., Leuthold, J., Wilde, G., Demokritov, S.O.
    Nanomagnonic devices based on the spin transfer torque
    Nature Nanotechnology, 9 (2014) 509-513


    Bünz, J., Brink, T., Tsuchija, K., Meng, F., Wilde, G., Albe, K
    Low temperature heat capacity of a severely deformed metallic glass
    Physical Review Letters, 112 (2014) 135501


    Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Rotational defects as stabilising elements in SPD materials
    Proceedings of the NanoSPD conference, Metz, France, May 2014


    Divinski, S.V., Reglitz, G., Peterlechner, M., Wilde, G.
    Pinning by an orientation gradient as a reason of thermal stability of ultrafine grained Ni produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
    Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014)113503


    Rösner, H., Peterlechner, M., Kübel, C., Schmidt, V., Wilde, G.
    Density changes in shear bands of a metallic glass determined by correlative analytical transmission electron microscopy
    Ultramicroscopy, 142 (2014) 1-9


    Mitrofanov, Y.P., Peterlechner, M., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G.
    Impact of Plastic Deformation and Shear Band Formation on the Boson Heat Capacity Peak of Metallic Glass
    Physical Review Letters, 112 (2014) 135901


    Prokoshkina, D., Klinger, L., Moros, A., Wilde, G., Rabkin, E., Divinski, S.V.
    Effect of recrystallization on diffusion in ultrafine-grained Ni
    Acta Materialia, 69 (2014) 314-325


    S. Roy, S. Prasad, S.V. Divinski, A. Paul
    Diffusion pattern in MSi2 and M5Si3 silicides in group VB (M = V, Nb, Ta) and VIB (M = Mo, W) refractory metal-silicon systems
    Phil Mag 94 (2014) 683 - 699, DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2014.888103


    J. Rogal, S.V. Divinski, M.W. Finnis, A. Glensk, J. Neugebauer, J.H. Perepezko, S. Schuwalow, M.H.F. Sluiter, Bo Sundman
    Perspectives on point defect thermodynamics
    Physica status solidi B 251 (2014) 97-129, DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201350155


    Zhang, Y., Wu, Z.K., Wang, M.M., Yang, C., Wilde, G.
    Effect of undercooling on particle size distribution in phase separated Cu75Co25-xMx (M = Ni, Fe) alloys with low M content
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 596 (2014) 55-57


    Wilde, G.
    Early Stages of Crystal Formation in Glass-forming Metallic Alloys
    in: “Glass – Selected Properties and Crystallization”, by J.W.P. Schmelzer (ed.), De Gruyter, Berlin (2014), Chaper II, pages 95-135


    Bokeloh, J., Wilde, G., Rozas, R.E., Benjamin, R., Horbach, J.
    Nucleation Barriers for the Liquid-to-crystal Transition in Simple Metals: Experiment vs. Simulation
    European Physical Journal Special Topics, 223 (2014) 511-526


    Emmerich, H., Virnau, P., Wilde, G., Spatschek, R.
    Heterogeneous nucleation and microstructure formation: Steps towards a system and scale bridging understanding
    European Physical Journal Special Topics, 223 (2014) 337-346


    Madge, S.V., Caron, A., Gralla, R., Wilde, G., Mishra, S.K.
    Novel W-based metallic glass with high hardness and wear resistance
    Intermetallics, 47 (2014) 6-10


    Makarova, A.S., Khonika, V.A., Wilde, G., Mitrofanov, Yu.P., Khonik, S.V.
    "Defect"-induced heat flow and shear modulus relaxation in a metallic glass
    Intermetallics 44 (2014) 106-109


    Tsyplakov, A.N., Khonik,  V.A., Makarov, A.S., Mitrofanov,  Yu.P., Afonin, G.V.,Kobelev, N.P., Konchakov, R.A., and Lysenko, A.V.
    On the nature of the shear viscosity and shear modulus relaxation in metallic glasses
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 (2013) 345402 (6pp), DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/25/34/345402


    Cosentino, S., Knebel, S., Mirabella, S., Gibilisco, S., Simone, F., Bracht, H., Wilde, G., Terrasi, A.
    Light absorption in Ge nanoclusters embedded in SiO2: comparison between magnetron sputtering and sol–gel synthesis
    Applied Physics A 116 (2014) 223-241


    Jiang, M.Q., Wilde, G., Gao, J.B., Dai, L.H.
    A universal power law for metallic glasses
    Scripta Materialia 69 (2013) 760-763


    Perekrestov, V.I., Kornyushchenko, A.S., Latyshev, V.M., Ostendorp, S., Wilde, G.
    Formation of porous ZnO nanosystems for potential use in sensor electronics
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties”, Alushta (Ukraine), September 16-20, 2013


    S. Roy, S.V. Divinski, A. Paul
    Reactive diffusion in the Ti-Si system an the significance of the parabolic growth constant
    Phil Mag 94 (2013) 683-699, DOI:10.1080/14786435.2013.859759


    Bünz, J., Wilde, G.
    Direct measurement of the kinetics of volume and enthalpy relaxation of an Au-based bulk metallic glass
    Journal of Applied Physics, 114 (2013) 223503


    Makarov, A.S., Khonik, V.A., Mitrofanov, Yu.P., Granato, A.V., Joncich,  D.M. et al.
    Interrelationship between the shear modulus of a metallic glass,
    concentration of frozen-in defects, and shear modulus of the parent crystal

    Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 091908 (2013), DOI: 10.1063/1.4794987


    Popov, V.V., Popova, E.N., Kuznetsov, D.D., Stolbovsky, A.V., Shorohov, E.V., Nasonov, P.A., Gaan, K.A., Reglitz, G., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G.
    Evolution of Ni structure at dynamic channel-angular pressing
    Materials Science & Engineering A 585 (2013) 281–291


    Makarov, A.S., Khonik, V.A., Mitrofanov, Yu.P., Granato, A.V., Joncich, D.M.
    Determination of the susceptibility of the shear modulus to the defect concentration in a metallic glass
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 370 (2013) 18–20


    Wegner, M., Leuthold, J., Peterlechner, M., Setman, D., Zehetbauer, M., Pippan, R., Divinski, S., Wilde, G.
    Percolating Porosity in Ultrafine Grained Copper Processed by High-Pressure Torsion
    Journal of Applied Physics, 114 (2013) 183509


    Ribbe, J., Schmitz, G., Gunderov, D., Estrin, Y., Amouyal, Y., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Effect of annealing on percolating porosity developed in ultrafine grained copper produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
    Acta Mater (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2013.05.036


    Stolwijk, N.A., Heddier, C., Reschke, M., Wiencierz, M., Bokeloh, J., Wilde, G.
    Salt-concentration dependence of the glass transition temperature in PEO-NaI and PEO-LiTFSI polymer electrolytes
    Macromolecules 46 (2013) 8580-8588


    Prokoshkina, D., Esin, V., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Grain boundary width, energy and self-diffusion in nickel: effect of material purity
    Acta Mater (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2013.05.010.


    Frolov, T., Divinski, S.V., Asta, M., Mishin, Y.
    Effect of interface phase transformations on diffusion and segregation in high-angle grain boundaries
    Phys Rev Lett (2013), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.255502


    Ribbe, J., Schmitz, G., Rösner, H., Lapovock, R., Estrin, Y., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Effect of back-pressure during Equal Channel Angular Pressing on deformation-induced porosity in copper
    Scr Mater 68 (2013) 925 – 928, DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2013.02.034


    Nasr, B., Wang, D., Kruk, R., Rösner, H., Hahn, H., Dasgupta, S.
    High-Speed, low-voltage, and environmentally stable operation of electrochemically gated zinc oxide nanowire field-effect transistors
    Advanced Functional Materials, 23 (2013) 1750-1758


    Raju, K.S., Sarma, V.S., Kauffmann, A., Hegedus, Z., Gubicza, J., Peterlechner, M., Freudenberger, J., Wilde, G.
    High strength and ductile ultrafine-grained Cu–Ag alloy through bimodal grain size, dislocation density and solute distribution
    Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 228–238


    Wilde, G., Divinski, S., Peterlechner, M., Rösner, H.: Towards Multifunctional Bulk Nanostructures
    Grain Boundary Structure and Grain Boundary Diffusivity of Severely Strained Alloys
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Bulk Nanostructured Metals, Kyoto University, June 26-29, 2012, Kyoto, Japan


    Winkler, N., Leuthold, J., Lei, Y., Wilde, G.
    Large-scale highly ordered arrays of freestanding magnetic nanowires
    Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (2012) 16627–16632


    Rösner, H., Koch, C., Wilde, G.
    Strain mapping at Al-Pb interfaces
    Imaging and Microscopy, 14 (2012) 40-42


    Sauvage, X., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V., Horita, Z., Valiev, R.Z.
    Grain boundaries in ultrafine grained materials processed by severe plastic deformation and related phenomena
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 540 (2012), 1-12


    Wegner, M., Leuthold, J., Divinski, J., Setman, D., Zehetbauer, M., Wilde, G.
    Deformation Induced Percolating Porosity in High Pressure Torsioned (HPT) Copper
    Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012) 105-108


    Leuthold, J., Wegner, M., Divinski, S., Padmanabhan, K.A., Setman, D., Zehetbauer, M., Wilde, G.
    Role of texture in understanding creep flow in HPT-processed ultrafine grained copper
    Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012) 370-373


    Bokeloh J, Divinski SV, Reglitz G, Wilde G
    Accelerated diffusion along shear bands in metallic glass
    Phys Rev Lett, 107 (2012) 235503-1 – 235503-4


    Lindemann Florian, Brix Tobias, Diepenbrock Stefan, Praßni Jörg-Stefan, Hemmer Bernd, Linnemann Sören, Weingardt Paul, Wilde Gerhard, Hinrichs Klaus
    Visual Analysis of Phase Transitions and Polarisation Domains in Barium Titanate
    http://viscg.uni-muenster.de/publications/2012/LBDPHLWWH12/muenster.pdf (2012)


    Al-Khayat, W.M.S., Wilde, G.
    Characteristics Study of Silicon Nanoparticles Produced by Physical Vapour Deposition
    American Journal of Materials Science 2 (2012) doi: 10.5923/j.materials.20120206.07


    Bokeloh, J., Reglitz, G., Divinski, S., Wilde, G.
    Tracer Measurements of Atomic Diffusion inside Shear Bands of a Bulk Metallic Glass
    Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011) 235503 – 1-5


    Bokeloh, J., Rozas, R.E., Horbach, J., Wilde, G.
    Nucleation Barriers for the Liquid-To-Crystal Transition in Ni: Experiment and Simulation
    Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011) 145701 - 1-5


    Rösner, H., Kübel, C., Ivanisenko, Y., Kurmanaeva, L., Divinski, S.V., Peterlechner, M., Wilde, G.
    Strain mapping of a triple junction in nanocrystalline Pd
    Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 7380–7387


    Ostendorp, S., Lei, Y., Wilde, G.
    Two-step synthesis method for regular arrays of nano-particles embedded in oxide layers
    Chemical Physics Letters 513 (2011) 99-102


    Yang, S.K., Xu, F., Ostendorp, S., Wilde, G., Zhao, H., Lei, Y.
    Template-Confined Dewetting Process to Surface Nanopatterns: Fabrication, Structural Tunability, and Structure-Related Properties
    Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (2011) 2446-2455


    Divinski, S.V., Padmanabhan, K.A., Wilde, G.
    Microstructure Evolution During Severe Plastic Deformation
    Philosophical Magazine, 91 (2011) 4574-4593


    Fiebig, J., Divinski, S., Rösner, H., Estrin, Y., Wilde, G.
    Diffusion of Ag and Co in ultrafine grained -Ti deformed by equal channel angular pressing
    Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (2011) 083514


    Singh, R., Fiebig, J., Ostendorp, S., Rösner, H., Prokofyev, E.A., Valiev, R.Z., Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G.
    Heterogeneity of microstructure evolution in NiTi (50 at. % Ni) alloy severely deformed by high pressure torsion
    Proceedings of the TMS Annual Meeting 2011, San Diego, CA, USA, Vol. 2: Materials Fabrication, Properties, Characterization and Modelling


    Moros, A., Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Melting of faceted Pb nanoparticles at reduced latent heat
    Scripta Materialia, 65 (2011) 883-886


    Shirinyan A.S., Bilogorodskyy Y.S., Wilde G., Schmelzer J.W.P.
    Size-dependent hysteresis and phase formation kinetics during temperature cycling of metal nanopowders
    Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter 23 (2011) 245301


    Wilde G., Rösner, H.
    Nanocrystallization in a shear band – an in-situ investigation.
    Applied Physics Letters, 98 (2011) 251904


    Shelyakov, A.V., Glezer, A.M., Fedotov, V.T., Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Structural Features of Composite Materials Produced by Melt Quenching
    Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2 (2011) 81-84


    Wang, Z.B., Lu, K., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.V.
    Effects of grain growth on interface diffusion in nanostructured Cu
    Scripta Materialia, 64 (2011) 1055-1058


    Singh, R., Divinski, S.V., Rösner, H., Prokofyev, E.A., Valiev, R.Z., Wilde, G.
    Annealing behaviour of nanocrystalline NiTi (50 at% Ni) alloy produced by high-pressure torsion
    Philosophical Magazine, 91 (2011) 3079-3092


    Singh, R., Divinski, S, Rösner, H., Prokofiev, E.A., Valiev, R.Z., Wilde, G.
    Microstructure evolution in nanocrystalline NiTi alloy produced by HPT
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 290-293


    Wilde, G.
    Development of static and dynamic structures in glass-forming metallic alloys.
    Thermochimica Acta, 522 (2011) 20-27


    Knebel, S., Kyriakudou. A., Bracht, H., Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Structural and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Ge nanocrystal in SiO2 films
    Applied Physics A, 103 (2011) 149-158


    Divinski, S.V., Reglitz, G., Rösner, H., Estrin, Y., Wilde, G.
    Ultra-fast diffusion channels in pure Ni severely deformed by equal channel angular pressing
    Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 1974-1985


    Divinski, S.V., Padmanabhan, K.A., Wilde, G.
    On The Theoretical Limits of Microstructure Evolution in Severe Plastic Deformation
    Materials Science Forum, 667-669 (2011) 283-288


    Sauvage, X., Wilde, G., Valiev, R.Z.
    Atomic scale investigation of impurity 3D distribution in nanocrystalline Ni processed by SPD
    Materials Science Forum, 667-669 (2011) 169-174


    Singh, R., Divinski, S.V., Schneibel, J.H., Wilde, G.
    Grain boundary diffusion of Fe in ultrafine-grained nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steel
    Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 1346-1353


    Lei, Y., Yang, S., Wu, M., Wilde, G.: Surface Patterning using Templates
    Concept, Properties and Device Applications
    Chemical Society Reviews, 40 (2011) 1247-1258


    Raju, K.S., Ghanashyam Krishna, M., Padmanabhan, K.A., Subramanya Sarma, V., Gurao, N.P., Wilde, G.
    Microstructure evolution and hardness variation during annealing of equal channel angular pressed ultra-fine grained nickel subjected to 12 passes
    Journal of Materials Science, 46 (2011) 2662-2671


    Divinski SV, Reglitz G, Rösner H, Estrin Y, Wilde G
    Self-diffusion in Ni prepared by severe plastic deformation: effect of non-equilibrium grain boundary state
    Acta Mater, 59 (2011) 1975-1985


  • 2010 - 2006

    Wilde, G., Fiebig, J., Peterlechner, M., Rösner, H., Singh, R., Divinski, S.
    Towards multifunctional bulk nanostructures: grain boundary structure and grain boundary diffusivity of severely strained alloys
    Proceedings of GSAM2010, Fukuoka, Japan, 19. – 22. Nov. 2010, ed. Z. Horita, Kyushu University Press, ISBN 978-4-7985-0054-6


    Li, L., Gao, P., Schuermann, K.C., Ostendorp, S., Wang, W.
    Controllable growth and field-effect property of monolayer to multilayer microstripes of an organic semiconductor
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (2010) 8807-8809


    Peterlechner, M., Bokeloh, J., Wilde, G., Waitz, T.
    Study of relaxation and crystallization kinetics of NiTi made amorphous by repeated cold rolling
    Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 6637-6648


    Wen, L., Shao, Z., Fang, Y., Wong, K.M., Lei, Y., Bian, L., Wilde, G.
    Selective growth and piezoelectric properties of highly ordered arrays of vertical ZnO nanowires on ultrathin alumina membranes
    Applied Physics Letters, 97 (2010) 053106


    Bokeloh, J., Boucharat, N., Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Primary crystallization in Al-rich metallic glasses discovered at unusually low temperatures
    Acta Materialia, 58 (2010), 3919-3926


    Wilde, G., Ribbe, J., Reglitz, G., Wegner, M., Rösner, H., Estrin, Y., Zehetbauer, M., Setman, D., Divinski S.
    Plasticity and grain boundary diffusion at small grain sizes
    Advanced Engineering Materials, 12 (2010) 758-764. (Figure 2 of this paper was selected as front cover of this issue of the journal)


    Divinski, S.V., Wilde, G., Rabkin, E., Estrin, Y.
    Ultra-Fast Atomic Transport in Severely Deformed Materials – A Pathway to Applications?
    Advanced Engineering Materials, 12 (2010) 779-785


    Wu, M.H., Wen, L.Y., Lei, Y., Ostendorp, S., Chen, K., Wilde, G.
    Ultrathin Alumina Membranes for Surface Nano-Patterning in Fabricating Quantum-Sized Nanodots
    Small, 6 (2010), 695-699


    Rösner, H., Boucharat, N., Padmanabhan, K.A., Markmann, J., Wilde, G.
    Strain mapping in a deformation-twinned nanocrystalline Pd grain
    Acta Materialia, 58 (2010), 2610-2620


    Wang, Z.B., Lu, K., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.
    Interfacial diffusion in Cu with a gradient nanostructured surface layer
    Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 2376-2386


    Divinski, S.V., Reglitz, G., Wilde, G.
    Grain boundary self-diffusion in polycrystalline nickel of different purity levels
    Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 386-395


    Lechner, W., Puff, W., Wilde, G., Würschum, R.
    Vacancy-type defects in amorphous and nanocrystalline Al alloys - Variation with preparation route and processing
    Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) 439-442


    Rösner, H., Koch, C.T., Wilde, G.
    Strain Mapping along Al-Pb interfaces
    Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) 162-172


    Wilde, G., Santhaweesuk, C., Sebright, J.L., Bokeloh, J., Perepezko, J.H.
    Kinetics of heterogeneous nucleation on intrinsic nucleants in pure fcc transition metals
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21 (2009) 464113


    Divinski, S.V., Ribbe, J., Reglitz, G., Estrin, Y., Wilde, G.
    Percolating network of ultra-fast transport channels in severely deformed nanocrystalline metals
    Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (2009), 063502


    Divinski, S.V., Ribbe, J., Baither, D., Schmitz, G., Reglitz, G., Rösner, H., Sato, K., Estrin, Y., Wilde, G.
    Nano- and micro-scale free volume in ultrafine grained Cu-1wt.%Pb alloy deformed by equal channel angular pressing
    Acta Materialia, 57 (2009) 5706-5717


    Rösner, H., Boucharat, N., Markmann, J., Padmanabhan, K.A., Wilde G.
    In-situ TEM observation of deformation processes in nanocrystalline Palladium
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 525 (2009) 102-106


    Wilde, G. (Ed.)
    Nanostructured Materials
    First volume in the series: Frontiers of Nanoscience, by R.E. Palmer (Ed.), ISBN 978-0-08-044965-4, Elsevier, Oxford, (2009)


    Divinski, S., Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Functional Nanostructured Materials – Microstructure, Thermodynamic Stability and Atomic Mobility
    In “Nanostructured Materials”, edited by G. Wilde, Elsevier, London, GB, (2009) 1-50


    Rösner, H., Scherer, T., Wilde G.
    Electron tomography of Pb nano-inclusions in Al
    Scripta Materialia, 60 (2009) 168-171


    Lechner, W., Puff, W., Würschum, R., Wilde, G., Schafler, E., Zehetbauer, M.J.
    Positron annihilation studies of highly deformed aluminium alloys
    Physica Status Solidi, 6 (.2009) 2313


    Wang, Z.B., Wang, K., Lu, K., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.
    Interface Diffusion in Cu processed by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment
    Defect and Diffusion Forum, 289-292 (2009) 557-563


    Wang, Z.B., Lu, K., Wilde, G., Divinski, S.
    Towards the existence of ultra-fast diffusion paths in Cu with a gradient nanostructure: Room temperature diffusion of Ni
    Applied Physics Letters, 93 (2008) 131904
    Also selected for publication in: Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 11 (2008)


    Wilde, G., Bunzel, P., Rösner, H., Weissmüller, J.
    Phase equilibria of nanoscaled metals and alloys
    In “Phase Transformations in Multicomponent Melts”, edited by D.M. Herlach, Wiley, Weinheim, (2008) 87-107


    Rösner, H., Lopatin, S., Freitag, B., Wilde, G.
    An investigation of Al-Pb interfaces using probe-corrected high-resolution STEM
    EMC 2008, Vol. 2: Materials Science, S. Richter, A. Schwedt (Eds.), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85226-1_180, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2008) 359-360


    Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    In-situ TEM observations of deformation processes in nanocrystalline Pd
    Materials Science Forum, 584-586 (2008) 464-469


    Divinski, S., Wilde, G.
    Diffusion in ultrafine grained materials
    Materials Science Forum, 584-586 (2008) 1012-1017


    Lechner, W., Puff, W., Wilde, G., Würschum, R.
    Chemical sensitive positron-annihilation study of amorphization and nanocrystallization processes by repeated roll bonding
    Materials Science Forum, 584-586 (2008) 209-214


    Raju, K.S., Krishna, M.G., Padmanabhan, K.A., Muralidharan, K., Gurao, N.P., Wilde G.
    Grain size and grain boundary character distribution in ultra-fine grained (ECAP) Nickel
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 491 (2008) 1-7


    Wilde, G.
    Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Materials by repeated cold rolling and folding (RCR)
    Materials Science Forum, 579 (2008) 109-134, invited review


    Boucharat, N., Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Nanocrystallization mechanisms of Al-rich glass-forming alloys
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 354 (2008) 592-596


    Kilmametov, A.R., Khristoforov, A.V., Wilde, G., Valiev, R.Z.
    X-ray studies of nanostructured metals processed by severe plastic deformation
    Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 26 (2008) 339-344


    Valiev, R.Z., Zehetbauer, M.J., Estrin, Y., Höppel, H.-W., Ivanisenko, Y., Hahn, H., Wilde, G., Sauvage, X., Roven, H.J., Langdon, T.G.
    The Innovation Potential of Bulk Nanostructured Materials
    Advanced Engineering Materials, 9 (2007) 527-533, no. 1 download to AEM papers published in 2007


    Lei, Y., Jiao, Z., Wu, M., Wilde, G.
    Ordered Arrays of Nanostructures and Applications in High-Efficient Nano-Generators
    Advanced Engineering Materials, 9 (2007) 343-348, invited article, no. 3 download to AEM papers published in 2007


    Wilde, G., Bunzel, P., Rösner, H., Weissmüller, J.
    Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams of Nanoscaled Systems
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 434-435 (2007) 286-289, invited paper


    Perepezko, J.H., Hamann, J., Hebert, R.J. Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Devitrification Routes to Nanostructures
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid-to-Solid Phase Transformations in inorganic Materials 2005, 2 (2005) 899-916, invited paper, appeared in 2007


    Wilde, G., Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H.
    Deformation Processing of Massive Nanostructured Materials
    International Journal of Materials Research, 98 (2007) 299-306, invited article


    Boucharat, N., Hebert, R., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.Z., Wilde, G.
    Synthesis routes for controlling the microstructure in nanostructured Al88Y7Fe5 alloys
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 434-435 (2007) 252-254


    Rösner, H., Freitag, B., Wilde, G.
    HRTEM study of a non-equilibrium Al-Pb interface
    Philosophical Magazine Letter, 87 (2007) 341-347


    Hebert, R.J., Boucharat, N., Perepezko, J.H. Rösner, H., Wilde, G.
    Calorimetric and microstructural analysis of deformation-induced crystallization reactions in amorphous Al88Y7Fe5 alloy
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 434-435 (2007) 18-21


    Puff, W., Rabitsch, H., Wilde, G., Dinda, G.P., Würschum, R.
    Chemically sensitive free-volume study of amorphization of Cu60Zr40 induced by cold rolling and folding
    Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (2007) 123512


    Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Cold-rolling induced amorphization in Zr-Cu, Ti-Zr-Cu and Ti-Zr-Cu-Ni multilayers
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 353 (2007) 3777-3781


    Boucharat, N., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Melting behavior of nanosized particles embedded in an Al-rich metallic glass.
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 449-451 (2007) 640-643


    Puff, W., Rabitsch, H., Würschum, R., Wilde, G.
    Continuous amorphization of Cu-Zr studied by positron lifetime and 2-dimensional Doppler broadening measurements
    Physica Status Solidi C, 4 (2007) 3502-3505


    Wilde, G.
    Bulk Nanostructured Materials from Amorphous Solids
    In: „Bulk Nanostructured Materials“, edited by M. Zehetbauer and J.T. Zhu, Elsevier, Weinheim, Germany, (2009). (Invited book chapter, in press).


    Hebert, R.J., Boucharat, N., Perepezko, J.H., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Deformation-Induced Crystallization Reactions in Amorphous Al88Y7Fe5 Alloy
    Proceedings of an International Conference on Solid Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials 2005, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 29 May-3 June 2005, Warrendale, PA, USA: TMS (Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2006, p 965-970.


    Perepezko, J.H., Hamann, J., Hebert, R.J., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Amorphization and devitrification reactions in metallic glass alloys
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 449-451 (2007) 84-89, invited article


    Fecht, H.J., and Wilde, G.
    Nanoscale Effects in Macro-Composites
    In: „Materials Processing Handbook“, edited by J. Groza, Taylor and Francis Group LLC, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, (2007). Invited book chapter


    Wilde, G., Rösner, H.
    Stability aspects of bulk nanostructured metals and composites
    Journal of Materials Science, 42 (2007) 1772-1781, invited paper


    Lei, Y., Cai, W.P. and Wilde, G.
    Highly ordered nanostructures with tunable size, shape and properties: a new way to surface nano-patterning with a non-lithographic method
    Progress in Materials Science, 52 (2007) 465-539


    Wilde, G., Boucharat, N., Hebert, R., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.
    New Ways to obtain Bulk Nanostructured Materials
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 449-451 (2007) 825-828


    Lei, Y., Wilde, G.: The UTAM Nano-patterning
    A New Surface Nano-patterning Technique In Fabricating Ordered Arrayed Surface Nanostructures
    Proceedings of MNC2007 (MicroNanoChina07), Sanya, Hainan, China, January 10-13, 2007, MNC2007, 21628


    Sauvage, X., Dinda, G.P., Wilde, G.
    Non-equilibrium intermixing and phase transformation in severely deformed Al/Ni multilayers
    Scripta Materialia, 56 (2007) 181-184


    Wilde, G.
    Deformation Processing of Massive Nanostructured Materials
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Characterization – Building future Materials through Innovation, Ed.: L. Karunamoorthy, D. Viswanathan, K.A. Padmanabhan, I.K. International Publishing House, New Delhi, (2006), pp. 11-20


    Boucharat, N., Hebert, R., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.Z., Wilde, G.
    Deformation-induced nanocrystallization in Al-rich metallic glasses
    Solid State Phenomena, 114 (2006) 123-132, invited paper


    Wilde, G., Sebright, J.L., Perepezko, J.H.
    Bulk Liquid Undercooling and Nucleation in Gold
    Acta Materialia, 54 (2006) 4759-4769


    Rösner, H., Weissmüller J. and Wilde, G.
    HRTEM observation of misfit dislocations at non-faceted Al-Pb interfaces
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, 86 (2006) 623-632


    Wilde, G., Boucharat, N., Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H. and Valiev, R.Z.
    New Routes for Synthesizing Massive Nanocrystalline Materials
    Materials Science Forum, 503-504 (2006) 425-432, invited paper


    Wilde, G.
    Nanostructured Composite Materials - Synthesis, Stability and Phase Transformations
    Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA), 38 (2006) 1047-1062, invited paper.


    Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    The impact of altered interface structures on the melting behavior of embedded nanoparticles
    Scripta Materialia, 55 (2006) 119-122


    Wilde, G., Madge, S.V.
    Fragility, kinetic stability and phase separations in the undercooled state of bulk glass formers – a case study on metallic model systems
    International Journal of Materials Research (formerly: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde), 2006/04 (2006) 395-403, invited paper


    Wilde, G., Boucharat, N., Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.:
    Non-equilibrium processing routes for ultrafine grained or nanostructured materials
    „Ultrafine Grained Materials IV“, edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L. Semiatin, and T.C. Lowe, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), (2006), 23-28.


    Hebert, R.J., Perepezko, J.H., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Crystallization reactions in Amorphous Al alloys induced by intense plastic deformation
    „Ultrafine Grained Materials IV“, edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L. Semiatin, and T.C. Lowe, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), (2006), 151-156.


    Lei, Y. and Wilde, G.
    Surface nanostructuring with ordered arrayed nanoparticles of tunable size, shape and property
    „Surfaces and Interfaces in Nanostructured Materials II“, edited by S.M. Mukhopadhyay, N.B. Dahotre, S. Seal, and A. Agarwal, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), (2006), 131-140


    Hebert, R.J., Perepezko, J.H., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Dislocation formation during deformation induced synthesis of nanocrystals in amorphous and partially crystalline amorphous Al88Y7Fe5 alloy
    Scripta Materialia, 54 (2006) 25-29


    Wilde G
    Deformation-induced nanocomposites
    Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 977 (2006) 15-16


  • 2005 - 2001

    Hebert, R.J., Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Deformation-induced mixing reactions in Cu-Cd multilayers
    Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, 24-25 (2005) 527-530


    Yamazaki, Y., Ou-Yang, Z.-C., Lu. K.-Q., Gleiter, H., Zhu, X., Wilde, G., Shen, D.-H., Abe, Y., Watanabe, M.
    Mesoscopic Relaxation and Elastic Properties of Two Dimensional Magnetic Nano Structured Materials
    Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2 (2005) 277-286


    Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured Materials by Repeated Cold-Rolling
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 410-411 (2005) 328-331


    Madge, S.V., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Transformations in supercooled Pd40.5Ni40.5P19
    Scripta Materialia, 53 (2005) 1147-1151


    Lei, Y., Chim, W.K., Weissmüller, J., Wilde, G., Sun, H.P., Pan, X.Q.
    Ordered arrays of highly oriented single-crystal semiconductor nanoparticles on silicon substrates
    Nanotechnology, 16 (2005) 1892-1898


    Wilde, G., Boucharat, N., Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.
    Synthese massiver nanostrukturierter Materialien
    Photonik, 4 (2005) 81-82, invited paper


    Boucharat, N., Hebert, R.J., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.Z. and Wilde, G.
    Nanocrystallization of amorphous Al88Y7Fe5 alloy induced by plastic deformation
    Scripta Materialia, 53 (2005) 823-828


    Wilde, G., Bunzel, P., Lei, Y., Rösner, H., Weissmüller, J.
    Synthese und Eigenschaften nanoskaliger Legierungsstrukturen
    FZK Nachrichten, 37 (1-2) (2005) 35-39, (invited paper)


    Madge, S.V., Boucharat, N., Greer, A.L. and Wilde G.
    Nanocrystallisation in light-weight amorphous alloys
    Solid State Phenomena, 101-102 (2005) 253-258


    Lei, Y., Chim, W.K., Sun, H.P. and Wilde, G.
    Highly ordered CdS nanoparticle arrays on silicon substrates and photoluminescence properties
    Applied Physics Letters, 86 (2005) 103106/1-3


    Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured Ni, Ti and Zr by Repeated Cold-Rolling
    Scripta Materialia, 52 (2005) 577-582


    Wilde, G., Dinda, G.P., Hebert, R. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Microstructure selection in severely deformed Al-base systems
    Solid State Phenomena, 101-102 (2005) 247-252


    Lei, Y., Chim, W.K., Sun, H.P. and Wilde, G.
    Highly ordered CdS nanoparticle arrays on silicon substrates and photoluminescence properties
    Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, March 14 (2005), (invited paper)


    Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Crystal refinement by cold rolling in NiTi shape memory alloys
    Solid State Phenomena, 101-102 (2005) 55-60


    Wilde, G., Rösner, H. and Dinda, G.P.
    Synthesis of Nanostructures by Repeated Cold-Rolling
    Advanced Engineering Materials, 7 (2005) 11-15, (Invited paper)


    Hamann, J., Tong, W.S., Rösner, H., Perepezko, J.H. and Wilde, G.
    Thermally Controlled Nanocrystallization in Amorphous Al Alloys
    Solid State Phenomena, 101-102 (2005) 259-264


    Boucharat, N., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.Z. and Wilde, G.
    Crystallisation sequence during the devitrification of Al-based glassy alloys
    Archives of Materials Science, 25 (4) (2004) 357-363


    Wilde, G., Boucharat, N., Dinda, G.P. and Rösner, H.
    Vitrification and crystallization of marginally glass-forming alloys
    Archives of Materials Science, 25 (4) (2004) 391-397


    Rösner, H., Weissmüller, J. and Wilde, G.
    HRTEM observation of interfacial dislocations at faceted Al-Pb interfaces
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, 84 (11) (2004) 673-683


    Boucharat, N. and Wilde, G.
    Nanocrystallization of Al-based glassy alloys
    In “Berichte zur XXV. Arbeitskreistagung Nichtkristalline Festkörper, edited by B. Müller, Universität Jena, (2004) (invited paper)


    Hebert, R., Rösner, H., Wilde, G., Perepezko, J.H.
    Deformation-induced devitrification of Al-based amorphous alloys
    Journal of Metals, JOM, 56 (11) (2004) 269


    Lei, Y., Wilde, G., Weissmüller, J., Chim, W. K., Choi, W. K.
    Highly ordered nanoparticle arrays with tunable shapes and sizes
    Proceeding of 3rd Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Annual Conference Incorporating & 2nd Shanghai International Nanotechnology Cooperation Symposium (APNF 2004 ‘SINCS 04’), Dec 9-12, (2004) Shanghai, P. R. China


    Boucharat, N., Rösner, H., Hebert, R.J. Perepezko, J.H. and Wilde, G.
    Modification of the phase selection during the nanocrystallization of amorphous Al-Y-Fe
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 806, (2004) 39-44


    Wilde, G., Rösner, H., Boucharat, N., Hamann, J., Tong, W.S. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Early Stages of Al-Nanocrystal Formation in Al92Sm8
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 806, (2004) 33-38


    Bunzel, P., Wilde, G., Rösner, H. and Weissmüller, J.
    Two-Phase Equilibrium in Binary Alloy Nano-Particles
    In „Solidification and Crystallization“, edt. D.M. Herlach, Selected Proceedings of the EUROMAT 2003 conference, Wiley, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-31011-8, (2004) 157-165, (invited paper)


    Frommen, C., Wilde, G. and Rösner, H.
    Wet Chemical Synthesis and Martensitic     Phase Transformation of Au-Cd Nanoparticles with Near-Equiatomic Composition
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 377 (2004) 232-242


    Perepezko, J.H., Hebert, R. and Wilde, G.
    Synthesis of Nanostructures from Amorphous and Crystalline Phases
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 375-377 (2004) 171-177, (invited paper)


    Wilde, G., Bunzel, P., Rösner, H., Valiev, R.Z., Weissmüller, J.
    Interface-controlled nanocrystal phase transformations
    Materials Processing and Manufactoring Division Fifth Global Symposium on “Surfaces and Interfaces of Nanostructured Materials and Trends in LIGA, Miniaturization and Nanoscale Materials”, edited by S.M. Mukhopadhyay, S. Seal, N.B. Dahotre and A. Agarwal, J.E. Smugeresky and N. Moody. TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), (2004) 61-70


    Weissmüller, J., Bunzel, P. and Wilde, G.
    Two-Phase Equilibrium in Small Alloy Particles
    Scripta Materialia, 51 (2004) 813-818, (invited paper)


    Wilde, G., Lu, I.-R. and Willnecker, R.
    Fragility, Thermodynamic Properties and Thermal Stability of Pd-rich Glass-Forming Liquids
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 375-377 (2004) 417-421

    Dinda, G.P., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Synthesis of Ultrafine-Grained Alloys by Repeated Cold-Rolling
    “Ultrafine-Grained Materials III”, edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, R.Z. Valiev, S.L. Semiatin, D.H. Shin, and T.C. Lowe. TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), (2004) 309-314

    Boucharat, N., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Crystallization kinetics and phase selection in amorphous Al-alloys
    In „Solid State Transformation and Heat Treatment“, edt. Alain Hazotte, Selected Proceedings of the EUROMAT 2003 conference, Wiley, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-31007-X, (2004) 113-121, (invited paper)


    Balaji, G., Wilde, G., Weissmüller, J., Gajbhiye, N.S. and Sankaranarayanan, V.K.
    Spin-glass-like transition in interacting MnFe2O4 nanoparticles
    Physica Status Solidi B – Basic Research, 241 (7) (2004) 1589-1592


    Boucharat, N., Rösner, H., Perepezko, J.H. and Wilde, G.
    Devitrification of Al-based Glass-forming Alloys
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 375-377 (2004) 713-717


    Perepezko, J.H., Tong, W.S., Hamann, J.A., Hebert, R.J., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Analysis of primary crystallization in amorphous Al-alloys
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 754, (2003) 347-352


    Wilde, G.
    Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured Alloys
    VDI Berichte, 1803 (2003) 67-70, (Invited paper)


    Fei, G.T., Weissmüller, J., Wilde, G., Rösner, H., Huang, J.B., Cui, P. and Shui, J.P.
    The coarsening behavior of nanoscale Pb droplet
    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials - Nano2002, (2003), ISBN 0-97 46216-0-9, PC3.6, pp.1-6


    Perepezko, J. H., Hebert, R. J., Tong, W. S., Hamann, J., Rösner, H. and Wilde G.
    Nanocrystallization Reactions in Amorphous Al Alloys
    Materials Transactions JIM, 44 (10), (2003) 1982-1992, (Invited paper)


    Wilde, G., Rösner, H., Ehrhardt, H. and Weissmüller, J.
    Size-dependent melting of matrix-encased Pb nanocrystals
    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials - Nano2002, (2003), ISBN 0-97 46216-0-9, III.4.C.3, pp.1-6


    Fei, G.T., Weissmüller, J., Wilde, G., Rösner, H., Huang, J.B., Cui, P. and Shui, J.P.
    Internal Friction Study of the Size Dependent Melting of Pb Inclusions in an Al Matrix
    “Interfacial Effects and Novel roperties of Nanomaterials“, edt. Witold Lojkowski and John R. Blizzard.
    Solid State Phenomena 94, (2003) 41-44


    Yamazaki, Y., Gleiter, H. and Wilde, G.
    Phase Transformations in Mesoscopic Systems: Local metastable States
    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials - Nano2002, (2003), ISBN 0-97 46216-0-9, III.4.C.2, pp.1-6


    Schloßmacher, P., Boucharat, N., Rösner, H., Wilde, G. and Shelyakov, A.V.
    Crystallization studies of amorphous melt-spun Ti50Ni25Cu25
    Journal de Physique IV, 112 part 2 (2003) 731-734


    Wilde, G., Boucharat, N., Rösner, H., Hebert, R.J. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Nanocrystal formation in amorphous Al-rich alloys
    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials - Nano2002, (2003), ISBN 0-97 46216-0-9, II.1.A.1, pp.1-6  


    Rösner, H., Scheer, P., Weissmüller, J. and Wilde, G.
    The impact of particle morphology on the melting characteristics of matrix-embedded Pb-nanocrystals
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, 83 (8) (2003) 511-523


    Perepezko, J.H., Hebert, R.J., Wu, R.I. and Wilde, G.
    Primary Crystallization in Amorphous Al-Base Alloys
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 317 (2003) 52-61, (Invited paper)


    Wilde, G., Boucharat, N., Hebert, R.J., Rösner, H., Tong, S. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Nanocrystallization in Al-rich metallic glasses
    Advanced Engineering Materials, 5(3) (2003) 125-130


    Boucharat, N., Rösner, H. and Wilde, G.
    Development of Nanocrystals in amorphous Al-alloys
    Materials Science and Engineering C, 23 (2002) 57-61


    Wilde, G.
    Comment on: Specific heat and thermodynamic properties of undercooled liquid cobalt
    Applied Physics Letters, 81 (2002) 3290-3291


    Wilde, G.
    Thermodynamics, viscous flow and relaxation dynamics of bulk glass-forming Pd-alloys
    Annales de Chimie - Science des Materiaux, 27 (5), (2002) 49-54, (Invited paper)


    Wilde, G.
    Slow Relaxations in Deeply Undercooled Metallic Liquids
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 312-314 (2002) 537-541, (Invited paper)


    Upadhyaya, A., Gosh, S., Wilde, G. and Ray, R.K.
    Transient and Supersolidus Sintering of Premixed and Prealloyed Bronze
    Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials 2002, edited by V. Arnhold, C.-L. Chu, W.F. Jandeska and H.I. Sanderow, MPIF 2002, Princeton, NJ, USA, 13-323 – 13-333


    Wilde, G.
    The Static and Dynamic Specific Heat of Undercooled Metallic Liquids
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 307-310 (2002) 853-862


    Balaji, G, Gajbhiye, N.S., Wilde, G. and Weissmüller, J.
    Magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 242-245 (2002) 617-620


    Perepezko, J.H., Sebright, J.L. and Wilde, G.
    Solidification of Atomized Liquid Droplets
    Advanced Engineering Materials, 4, (2002) 147-151, (invited paper)


    Stahl, B., Gajbhiye, N.S., Wilde, G., Kramer, D., Ellrich, J., Ghafari, M., Hahn, H., Gleiter, H., Weißmüller, J., Würschum, R. and Schloßmacher, P.
    Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Mono-Dispersed FePt Nanoparticles
    Advanced Materials, 14(1), (2002) 24-27


    Sheng, H.W., Wilde, G. and Ma, E.
    The Competing Crystalline and Amorphous Solid Solutions in the Ag-Cu System
    Acta Materialia, 50, (2002) 475-488


    Wilde, G.
    Development of Static and dynamic Structures in Glass-Forming Metallic Alloys
    In: "Recent Research Developments in Non-Crystalline Solids", Vol. 2, (2002), pp. 215-251, ISBN: 81-7895-045-6, Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, Kerala, India. (Invited book chapter)


    Perepezko, J.H., Höckel, P.G., Sebright, J.L. and Wilde, G.
    Undercooling and Solidification of Atomized Liquid Droplets
    Materials Science and Engineering, A326, (2002) 144-153, (Invited paper)


    Perepezko, J.H., Wu, R.I., Hebert, R. and Wilde, G.
    Synthesis and Stability of Amorphous Al-Alloys
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 644, (2001),  L.4.7.1-L.4.7.12, (Invited Paper)


    Wilde, G.
    Direct Measurement of the Slow -Relaxation Modes of a Metallic Liquid near the Glass Transition
    Applied Physics Letters, 79, (2001) 1986-1988


    Wilde, G.
    Dynamic specific heat of a metallic glass-former
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 644, (2001), L.3.3.1-L.3.3.6.


    Wilde, G., Wu, R.I. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Nanocrystal Development in Aluminum-based Metallic Glasses
    In "Proceedings of the 22nd Risø International Symposium on Materials Science: Science of Metastable and Nanostructured Alloys; Structure, Properties and Modelling", edited by A.R. Dinesen, M. Eldrup, D. Juul Jensen, S. Linderoth, T.B. Pedersen, N.H. Pryds, A. Schrøder Pedersen and J.A. Wert, Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, (2001), 429-434


    Ehrhardt, H., Weißmüller, J. and Wilde, G.
    Size-dependent melting of matrix-isolated Pb-nanocrystals
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 634, (2001), B8.6.1-B8.6.6.


    Das, S.K., Perepezko, J.H., Wu, R. and Wilde, G.
    Undercooling and glass formation in Al-base alloys
    Materials Science and Engineering A 304-306, (2001) 159-165, (Invited paper)


    Wu, R., Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Glass Formation and Primary Nanocrystallization in Al-base metallic glasses
    Materials Science and Engineering A 301, (2001) 12-17

  • 2000 - 1994

    Wilde, G., Wu, R. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Nanocrystallization of Al-rich metallic glasses
    Advances in Solid State Physics, 40, (2000), 391-405, (Invited paper)


    Wilde, G.
    Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the nanocrystallization reaction in metallic glasses
    In “Berichte zur XXI (8). Arbeitskreistagung Nichtkristalline Festkörper, edited by B. Müller, Universität Jena, (2000)


    Jiang, Q., Li, J.C. and Wilde, G.
    On the size dependence of the diamond-graphite transition
    Journal of Physics D – Condensed Matter, 12, (2000) 5623-5627


    Hebert, R.J., Wilde, G., Sieber, H. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Cold-Rolling of Al-based Alloys
    Ultrafine Grained Materials, edited by R.S. Mishra, S.L Semiatin, C. Suryanarayana, N.N. Thadhani und T.C. Lowe, TMS 2000, 165-172


    Perepezko, J.H., Sebright, J.L., Wilde, G. and Höckel, P.G.
    Undercooling and Solidification of Atomized Liquid Droplets
    In “Spray Deposition and Melt Atomization”, edited by K. Bauckhage, V. Uhlenwinkel und U. Fritsching, Universität Bremen, (2000) 613-626, (Invited paper)


    Wu, R., Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Kinetics of Glass Formation and Nanocrystallization in Al-RE-(TM) Alloys
    Ultrafine Grained Materials, edited by R.S. Mishra, S.L Semiatin, C. Suryanarayana, N.N. Thadhani und T.C. Lowe, TMS 2000, 63-72


    Perepezko, J.H. and Wilde, G.
    Amorphization and alloy metastability in undercooled systems
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 274, (2000) 271-281, (Invited paper)


    Wilde, G., Sebright, J., Höckel, P. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Nucleation kinetics analysis by repeated solidification of single-droplets
    In “Materials Development and Processing”, EUROMAT – Volume 8, edited by L. Schultz, D.M. Herlach und J.V. Wood, DGM, (2000) 85-91


    Wu, R., Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Glass formation and nanostructure development in Al-based alloys
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 581, (2000) 101-106


    Mitsch, C., Görler, G.P., Wilde, G. and Willnecker, R.
    Heat capacity of Pd40Ni40P20 in the deeply undercooled liquid state determined by relaxation experiments in the glass transition region
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 270, (2000) 172-180


    Wilde, G., Sakidja, R., Dong, Z. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Microstructural Development and Phase Stability of Mo(ss)-Mo(5)SiB(2) in-situ composites
    In "High Temperature Materials Chemistry", edited by K. Hilpert, F.W. Froben and L. Singheiser, Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Energietechnik, Volume 15, (2000), 157-160


    Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Experimental study of particle incorporation during dendritic solidification
    Materials Science and Engineering A 283, (2000) 25-37


    Sieber, H., Wilde, G., A. Sagel and Perepezko, J.H.
    Solid-state amorphization by cold-rolling
    In “Materials Development and Processing”, EUROMAT – Volume 8, edited by L. Schultz, D.M. Herlach und J.V. Wood, DGM, (2000) 3-9


    Wilde, G., Görler, G.P., Willnecker, R. and Fecht, H.J.
    Calorimetric, thermomechanical and rheological characterization of bulk glass-forming Pd40Ni40P20
    Journal of Applied Physics 87(3), (2000) 1141-1152


    Hu, X., Tan, T.B., Li, Y., Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    The glass transition of Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 studied by temperature-modulated calorimetry
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 260, (1999) 228-234


    Herlach, D.M., Holland-Moritz, D., Schenk, T., Schneider, K., Wilde, G., Boni, O., Fransaer, J. and Spaepen, F.
    Undercoolability of pure Co and Co-based alloys
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252, (1999) 271-276


    Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Critical-Point wetting at the metastable chemical binodal in undercooled Fe-Cu alloys
    Acta Materialia 47, (1999) 3009-3021


    Sieber, H., Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Thermally activated amorphous phase formation in cold rolled multilayers of Al-Ni, Al-Ta, Al-Fe and Zr-Cu
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252, (1999) 611-615


    Holland-Moritz, D., Lu, I.R., Wilde, G., Schroers, J. and Grushko, B.
    Melting entropy of Al-based quasicrystals
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252, (1999) 829-832


    Sakidja, R., Wilde, G., Sieber, H. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Microstructural development of Moss - Mo5SiB2 (T2) alloys
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 552, (1999)     KK6.3.1-KK6.3.6.


    Sieber, H., Sagel, A., Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Amorphous phase formation during cold rolling of Al-Sm and Zr-Cu-Ni-Al multilayer structures
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252, (1999) 616-620


    Wilde, G., Byrnes, M. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Particle-dendrite interaction during undercooled liquid solidification of metal-matrix composites
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252, (1999) 626-631


    Wilde, G., Sieber, H. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Glass formation versus nanocrystallization in an Al92Sm8 alloy
    Scripta Materialia 40, (1999) 779-783


    Wilde, G. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Equilibrium thermodynamics near the glass transition - the conceptual application of the limiting fictive temperature
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 554, (1999) 217-222


    Lu, I.-R., Wilde, G., Görler, G.P. and Willnecker, R.
    Thermodynamic properties of Pd-based glass-forming alloys
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252, (1999) 577-581


    Wilde, G., Sieber, H and Perepezko, J.H.
    Continuous amorphization of Zr-based alloys by controled mechanical intermixing
    Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium Vol. 554, (1999) 173-178


    Wilde, G., Sieber, H. and Perepezko, J.H.
    Glass formation in Al-rich Al-Sm alloys during solid state processing at ambient temperature.
    Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids 250-252, (1999) 621-625


    Grushko, B., Holland-Moritz, D., Wittmann, R. and Wilde, G.
    Transition between periodic and quasiperiodic structures in Al-Ni-Co
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 280, (1998) 215-230


    Schröter, K., Wilde, G., Willnecker, R., Weiss, M., Samwer, K. and Donth, E.
    Shear modulus and compliance in the dynamic glass transition range of metallic glasses
    Europhysics Journal B 5, (1998) 1-5


    Wilde, G., Görler, G.P., Jeropoulos, K., Willnecker, R. and Fecht, H.J
    Specific volume, heat capacity and viscosity of deeply undercooled Pd40Ni40P20 bulk metallic glass forming alloy
    Materials Science Forum 269-272, (1998) 541-546


    Perepezko, J.H. and Wilde, G.
    Alloy metastability during nucleation controlled reactions
    Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 102, (1998) 1074-1082, (Invited paper)


    Volkmann, T., Wilde, G., Willnecker, R. and Herlach, D.M.
    Nonequilibrium solidification of hypercooled Co-Pd melts
    Journal of Applied Physics 83, (1998) 3028-3034


    Wilde, G., Klose, S.G., Soellner, W., Görler, G.P., Jeropoulos, K., Willnecker, R. and Fecht, H.J.
    On the stability limits of the undercooled liquid state of Pd-Ni-P
    Materials Science and Engineering A 226-228, (1997) 434-438


    Wilde, G., Willnecker, R., Singh, R.N., and Sommer, F.
    The metastable miscibility gap in the system Fe-Cu
    Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 88, (1997) 804-809


    Willnecker, R., Görler, G.P. and Wilde, G.
    Appearance of a hypercooled liquid region for completely miscible alloys
    Materials Science and Engineering A 226-228, (1997) 439-442


    Wilde, G., Görler, G.P. and Willnecker, R.
    The specific heat of highly undercooled (Co, Ni, Fe)-Pd melts
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 205-207, (1996) 317-321


    Wilde, G., Görler, G.P. and Willnecker, R.
    Hypercooling of completely miscible alloys
    Applied Physics Letters 69, (1996) 2995-2997


    Wilde, G., Mitsch, C., Görler, G.P. and Willnecker, R.
    Specific heat and related thermodynamic functions of undercooled Cu-Ni and Au melts
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 205-207, (1996) 425-429


    Wilde, G., Görler, G.P., Willnecker, R. and Dietz, G.
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