• Publikationen


    How to Read Out the Phonon Number Statistics via Resonance Fluorescence Spectroscopy of a Single-Photon Emitter
    D. Groll, F. Paschen, P. Machnikowski, O. Hess, D. Wigger, and T. Kuhn
    Adv. Quantum Technol. 2023, 2300153


    Resonant and phonon-assisted ultrafast coherent control of a single hBN color center
    J.A. Preuss, D. Groll, R. Schmidt, T. Hahn, P. Machnikowski, R. Bratschitsch, T. Kuhn, S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos, and D. Wigger
    Optica 9 (5), 522-531 (2022)

    Photon scattering from a quantum acoustically modulated two-level system
    T. Hahn, D. Groll, H.J. Krenner, T. Kuhn, P. Machnikowski, and D. Wigger
    AVS Quantum Sci. 4, 011403 (2022)


    Comparison of the semiclassical and quantum optical field dynamics in a pulse-excited optical cavity with a finite number of quantum emitters
    K. Jürgens, F. Lengers, D. Groll, D.E. Reiter, D. Wigger, and T. Kuhn
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 205308 (2021)

    Controlling Photoluminescence Spectra of hBN Color Centers by Selective Phonon-Assisted Excitation: A Theoretical Proposal
    D. Groll, T. Hahn, P. Machnikowski, D. Wigger, and T. Kuhn
    Mater. Quantum. Technol. 1 (2021) 015004


    Four-wave mixing dynamics of a strongly coupled quantum-dot–microcavity system driven by up to 20 photons
    D. Groll, D. Wigger, K. Jürgens, T. Hahn, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, J. Kasprzak, and T. Kuhn
    Phys. Rev. B 101, 245301 (2020)


    Influence of excited state decay and dephasing on phonon quantum state preparation
    T. Hahn, D. Groll, T. Kuhn, and D. Wigger
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 024306 (2019)

  • Theses

    Theory of solid state single photon emitters: From incoherent to coherent spectroscopy
    [PhD thesis, 2023]

    Investigation of the dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model coupled to phonons
    [Master thesis, 2018]

    Produktion und hadronischer Zerfall neuer Eichbosonen am LHC
    [Bachelor thesis, 2016]