last update: 06-02-2025

OPON 2025


University of Münster, 12-14 February 2025

© Wigger | Uni Münster



The 8th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures (OPON2025) will take place in Münster. The workshop is a continuation of the highly successful workshops that were held in Wrocław, Münster, Warsaw, and Bayreuth. The purpose of the series of workshops is the exchange of ideas related to theoretical and experimental work in the field of optical properties of nanostructures and other solid state systems.


  • Confirmed Invited Speakers

    Marc Aßmann (Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany)
    Quantum coherence of polariton condensates

    Michał Baranowski (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland)
    Exciton-phonon coupling: Unraveling the driving force behind perovskite optical response

    Maciej Bieniek (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland)
    Fine structure of excitons in gated 2D TMD’s heterostructures

    Irene D'Amico (University of York, UK)
    Many-body interactions in quantum thermal machines and batteries

    Thorsten Deilmann (University of Münster, Germany)
    Optical properties of interlayer excitons in electric and magnetic fields

    Michał Gawełczyk (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland)
    Spin physics in droplet-etched GaAs quantum dots

    Tobias Heindel (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
    Advances in quantum light generation for quantum networking

    Georg Herink (Universität Bayreuth, Germany)
    Insights from strong-field multi-color interactions: Lightwave microscopy and exciton manipulation at Terahertz frequencies

    Jacek Kasprzak (Institut Néel, CNRS Grenoble, France)
    Controlling coherence in semiconductors with electric fields

    Andreas Knorr (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
    Exciton-Bloch-equation approach to study the competition of exciton-exciton and exciton-light interaction

    Aris Koulas-Simos (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
    High-β monolayer-based lasers with spontaneously formed photonic-defect microcavities

    Anna Musiał (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland)
    Quantum dot-based non-classical light sources emitting at telecom C-band

    Wojciech Pacuski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
    Spectroscopy and epitaxy of 2D materials on hBN

    Elizaveta Semenova (Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark)
    From quantum dots to quantum networks: Scalable photonic devices operating in the telecom C-band

    Karolina Słowik (Nicolaus Copernicus University Torun, Poland)
    Quantum nanophotonics with low-dimensional structures: Interfacing quantum optics and material science

    Richard Warburton (University of Basel, Switzerland)
    A semiconductor quantum dot in an open microcavity

    Ursula Wurstbauer (University of Münster, Germany)
    Collective excitations, moiré minibands and twist disorder in van der Waals structures

  • Registration & Fees

    Participation in the workshop is by invitation/recommendation only.


    We will provide coffee breaks. Vouchers for lunch are provided for all external participants.

    There will be no conference fees.

  • Committees

    Organizing Committee

    Tilmann Kuhn

    Hubert Krenner

    Sandra Lühn

    Daniel Ebbeler

    Anja Vocke

    Jutta Marquardt

    Daniel Groll

    Emeline Nysten

    Matthias Weiß

    Daniel Wigger

    Program Committee

    Vollrath Martin Axt

    Joanna Jadczak

    Piotr Kossacki

    Hubert Krenner

    Tilmann Kuhn

    Paweł Machnikowski

    Doris Reiter


  • Accommodation & Venue


    We will take care of the hotel reservations for the invited speakers.

    All other participants should book their accommodation by themselves via this link.

    If you need any help or advice concerning accommodation, don't hesitate to contact us via Email.


    Sessions: The talks and poster session will be held at the physics building IG1, lecture hall HS 2,
    Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, 48149 Münster (Link to the campus map)

    Time slots for inited talks are 30 minutes (25 min. talk + 5 min. discussion).

    Time slots for inited talks are 15 minutes (12 min. talk + 3 min. discussion).

    Poster boards are 99 cm wide and 142 cm high; they are appropriate for the format A0 portrait.

    Lunch: Mensa am Ring,
    Domagkstr. 61, 48149 Münster (Link to the campus map)

  • Program & Timetable


    ABSTRACT BOOK OPON 2025 (online version)

    ABSTRACT BOOK OPON 2025 (print version)

    last update: 06-02-2025

    © OPON2025
  • Abstract Templates (submission deadline: 20 December 2024)

    Template download

  • Previous Workshops

    OPON 2024, Wrocław

    OPON 2020, Warsaw

    OPON 2018, Münster

    OPON 2016, Wrocław

    OPON 2013, Bayreuth

    OPON 2012, Münster

    OPON 2011, Wrocław

Supported by

The workshop is organized by the Institute of Solid State Theory and the Physical Institute, University of Münster, as part of the Research Group Linkage Grant between Wrocław University of Science and Technology (P. Machnikowski) and the University of Münster (T. Kuhn, H. Krenner), funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

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