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    Sondertermin - 13.11.2019, 10 Uhr c.t.

    Electronic Structure, Manybody Effects and Phonon-assisted Dynamics in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

    Moritz Cygorek

    Quantum Theory Group, University of Ottawa, Canada

    Quantum dots are key devices for quantum technologies. Because of their strong interaction with light, quantum dots can serve as single-photon sources or as emitters of entangled photon pairs. As novel fabrication techniques enable an unprecedented degree of control over the shapes and sizes of semiconductor nanostructures, there is a demand for tools to theoretically predict how changes in their geometry influence their electronic and optical properties.

    Here, I present QNANO, an atomistic million-atom electronic structure simulation framework for semiconductors and 2D materials based on the tight-binding and configuration-interaction approach, and show how it can be used as a predictive tool to model the electronic and optical properties of excitonic complexes and multi-electron systems in nanowire quantum dots. Moreover, I report on the ultrafast dynamics in laser-driven semiconductor quantum dots in optical microcavities as sources of non-classical light, where the non-perturbative coupling to phonons, simulated using a numerically exact real-time path-integral method, turns out to have both detrimental and beneficial aspects for applications.

    Einladende: D. Reiter


  • Seminarvorträge im WS 2019/20

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      Moritz Cygorek (Quantum Theory Group, University of Ottawa, Canada)
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