uni kunst kultur-Magazin - Summer 2024
uni kunst kultur-Magazin - Summer 2024

Pioneering work in cultural policy

The Madrigal Choir as an ambassador for the University of Münster
Photo album of the Madrigal Choir's trip to America in 1959 by Renate Brockpähler, Archive for Everyday Culture (LWL)
© Renate Brockpähler

Abstract: In 1959, under the leadership of Herma Kramm, the Madrigal Choir embarked on a remarkable concert tour in the USA. Overcoming financial challenges through Kramm's effective fundraising, the tour not only covered the costs, but also generated a surplus that was used to rebuild the synagogue in Münster. A photo album compiled by student Renate Brockpähler documents the choir’s artistic achievements and sheds light on its commitment to “Wiedergutmachung” for Nazi crimes. The album offers unique insights into the cultural and social dimensions of 1950s America and combines admiration and criticism. Overall, this tour and accompanying album underscore the transformative power of music and cultural exchange and epitomize the visionary leadership of Herma Kramm.