Daniela Stoltenberg & Daniel Maier
© Marc Volk

Workshop: Tracing Twitter with Daniela Stoltenberg and Daniel Maier

(19.06.2019) On Thursday, June 27, Daniela Stoltenberg and Daniel Maier will give a short workshop on how to collect, process, and analyze communication networks from the social media platform Twitter. As more and more public discourse moves online and onto social networking sites in particular, the capability of analyzing such networks is rapidly gaining importance in the social sciences.

The course focuses on accessing and collecting tweets via the Twitter’s API interfaces. The tweets are then used to obtain information about their content and communication relationships, such as mentions, retweets, and replies. Finally, this information is used to reconstruct communication networks between users and, for example, to analyze communication roles or to identify cohesive sub-groups. Twitter allows access to the geolocation of some users, so that the networks can be determined spatially. The statistical programming environment R is used for all steps. The corresponding scripts will be provided to course participants after the event.

Daniela Stoltenberg M.A. is a research associate at the department of communication at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster since 2018. Her research interests include the digital public sphere, communication geography and computational methods.

Dr. Daniel Maier completed his PhD at Freie Universität on "Dynamics of Networked Public Spheres". Since 2012 he is research associate in the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at FU Berlin focusing on social networks, networked public spheres and automated content analysis. Both currently work on the project "Translocal Networks: Public in the Social Web" which is a subproject of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center "Re-Figuration of Spaces".

The workshop takes place on Thursday, June 27, from 12.15-15.45 as part of the project seminar "Social Media Hypes" by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annie Waldherr. A few places are available for those who are interested in taking part. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to: annie.waldherr@uni-muenster.de

 Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)