- Seminar: LearningCenter Informatik [108028]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold)[ - | | wöchentlich | Mo | SRZ 116 | Thore Thießen]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Di | SRZ 116 | Thore Thießen]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Mi | SRZ 116 | Thore Thießen]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Do | SRZ 116 | Thore Thießen]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Fr. | SRZ 116 | Thore Thießen]
[ - | | wöchentlich | Fr. | SRZ 116 | Thore Thießen]
[ - | M B 1 (M 1) | Thore Thießen]
[ - | M B 1 (M 1) | Thore Thießen]
[Thore Thießen] - Blockpraktikum: Lab Course Software Engineering [108093]
(in cooperation with Dr. Carina da Silva, Dr. Dietmar Lammers)[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M A 109 (SR 1B) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M A 111 (SR 1C) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M A 401 (SR 4) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 123 | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 6 (M 6) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | SRZ 104 | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | SRZ 105 | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | SRZ 17 | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | SRZ 18 | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | SRZ 5 | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
[ - | M B 2 (M 2) | Dr. Carina da Silva]
- Tutorial "Introduction to Programming" [104509]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Jacqueline Strob, Maria Herick, Carolin Wortmann, Phil Steinhorst) - Introduction to Java [104507]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Jacqueline Strob)
- Tutorial Algorithms and Data Structures [102064]
(in cooperation with Adrian Derstroff, Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen, Marina Evers, Karim Huesmann, Maria Herick)
- Seminar: Seminar: Algorithmic Graph Theory [100034]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold) - Resource-efficient Algorithms [100028]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold)
- Seminar: Data structures [108029]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold)
- Tutorial Algorithmic Geometry [106088]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Maria Herick)
- Tutorial Algorithms and Data Structures [104088]
(in cooperation with Philipp Kather, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Maria Herick)
- Tutorial "Introduction to Programming" [102090]
(in cooperation with Philipp Kather, Prof. Dr. Jan Vahrenhold, Phil Steinhorst)
- Seminar: LearningCenter Informatik [108028]
Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
- Thießen T, Vahrenhold J. Optimal Offline ORAM with Perfect Security via Simple Oblivious Priority Queues in: Mestre J, Wirth A, eds. Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2024) proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, Sydney. Wadern: Dagstuhl Publishing (LIPIcs - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics). doi: 10.4230/LIPIcs.ISAAC.2024.36.
- Thießen T, Vahrenhold J. Klee’s Measure Problem Made Oblivious in: Castañeda A, Rodríguez-Henríquez F, eds. LATIN 2022: Theoretical Informatics, 15th Latin American Symposium, Guanajuato, Mexico, November 7–11, 2022, Proceedings proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, Guanajuato. Heidelberg: Springer pp. 121–138. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13568). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-20624-5_8.
- Thießen T, Vahrenhold J. Oblivious Median Slope Selection in: He M, Sheehy D, eds. Proceedings of the 33rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry proceedings of the 33rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Virtual (orginally Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada). pp. 320–331.
Thore Thießen, MSc
Professur für Praktische Informatik (Prof. Vahrenhold)
Einsteinstr. 62, room 702a
48149 Münster
T: +49 251 83-38412