
This module can also be used in the function column.

With the module "Contact data" you can output (also in the right column) the contact data of a contact person in microformats. Microformats are a markup format that can be used, among other things, to output addresses in such a way that they can be directly captured and further processed with search engines and utilities.


Screenshot Imperia contact
© Uni MS IT

To use them, please select the "Contact data" module.
There you must first decide in the drop-down field whether you want to enter the contact data manually or import the information from CRIS or HIS.

Manual input

You are provided with a set of input fields that cover all the specifications possible in the microformat. Of course, you do not have to fill in every fill in every field. However, for multilingual appearances, make sure that you fill in the fields provided for other languages as well. Fields not fields will not be displayed.
You also have the option to select a portrait image from the MAM. Please note that the profile picture is not displayed in the right column.
In content area, you can add links to external profiles such as Academia, LinkedIn or Twitter to the contact details via the "External Profiles" button, if required.

The result could look like shown below or on the right in the function column:



Prof. Bernhard von Beispiel
Mathematical Institute
Room 101
Musterweg 123
48567 Musterstadt
T: 555-9876
F: 555-6789
External Profiles:

Integrate CRIS/HIS profiles

Instead of entering the contact data manually, you can also access the data in the research database CRIS and in the HIS system. The advantage is obvious: You only have to maintain your contact data in one place. To do this, you simply have to select whether you want to include the contact data of a person or an institution. Then enter the name of the person / institution in the free field and select the appropriate entry from the search suggestions.
On the page "Customizing the function column" you can read how to customize the function column to create contact modules for multiple pages.