Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Software

1. OpenJUMP QSR-Plugin

The QSR-plugin is java based application that provides a user friendly interface for establishing a connection with a qualitative spatial reasoning engine (only SparQ is supported at the moment), sending spatial reasoning tasks as XML queries, and receiving the results over the http protocol.

This download will be available here soon: QSR-Plugin

To install and use the QSR-Plugin please follow instructions given in the guide for users.

(access QSR interface within VIEW menu of the OpenJUMP application, user will need to download SQR-Plugin (.jar) and place it in the below given location.)


2. OpenJUMP

OpenJUMP is a Geographical Information System (GIS), which has been developed originally by the two Canadian companies Vivid Solutions and Refractions Research under the name JUMP. OpenJUMP underlies the GNU General Public License and is maintained and improved by programmers around the globe and can easily be extended by writing own plugins, cursor tools, renderers, datasources, etc. For an up-to-date version of software and latest version of the OpenJUMP user and developer manuals please visit the OpenJUMP website (http://www.openjump.org/plugins.html).

3. SparQ

(R3-[Q-Shape] project- Bremen University)
SparQ is a toolbox for representing space and reasoning about space based on qualitative spatial relations.It is developed at the University of Bremen within the R3-[Q-Shape] project of the SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). SparQ is based on results from the qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) community which consists of researchers from a various disciplines including computer science, AI, geography, philosophy, psychology, and linguistics. SparQ aims at making these qualitative spatial calculi and the developed reasoning techniques available in a single framework that is released under the GPL license for freely available software. We are using version 0.7.4 of SparQ (Click here to download sparq-0.7.4.tar.gz). For an up-to-date list of supported calculi and the newest version of the SparQ software and manual, please visit the project website (http://www.sfbtr8.uni-bremen.de/project/r3/sparq/).

4. Reasoning queries using Web browser

To test the reasoning interface with queries from your web-browse please visit the link given below.


(Note:  for reasoning using web-browser, user will need to write queries in defined XML-structure).