Professor Dr. Sarah Ruth Sippel

Heisenbergstr. 2, Raum 301
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-30026

Akademisches Profil



  • critical agrarian & agri-food studies
  • farmland investments and financialization of nature
  • finance, agri-food tech, and R&D of digital farming technologies
  • sustainable livelihoods, labour, and migration
  • diverse economic practices and alternative futures
  • regional focus: Mediterranean (Morocco, Italy), Australia, US (California)

Forschungsprojekte (Auswahl)

Where Silicon Valley meets Silicon Prairie: Exploring the Research and Development of Digital Farming Technologies Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship, International Institute of Social Sciences/University of California Santa Cruz, European Research Council

Re-imaginations of land and farming in the context of digitalization (SFB 1199, Processes of Spatialization Under the Global Condition) Principal Investigator, German Research Foundation

Land imaginations: the repositioning of farming, productivity, and sovereignty in Australia (SFB 1199, Processes of Spatialization Under the Global Condition) Principal Investigator, German Research Foundation

Food, farming and financialisation: agri-food transformations in Australia Partner Investigator, Principal Investigator: Em/Prof Geoffrey Lawrence, University of Queensland, Australian Research Council Discovery Grant

Agricultural transformation and agrarian questions in the Arab World Network Partner, Principal Investigator: Em/Prof Martha Mundy, London School of Economics and Political Science, The Leverhulme Trust

2007-10 Export agriculture and rural livelihood security in Morocco Principal Investigator, PhD Scholarship, German Research Foundation




    Fachbücher (Herausgegebene Bücher)
    • Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth (Eds.): . Seasonal Workers in Mediterranean Agriculture. The Social Costs of Eating Fresh. London: Routledge.
    Fachbücher (Monografien)
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Böhme Michaela. . Land. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110645583.
    • Reiher, Cornelia; Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . Umkämpftes Essen. Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . Export(t)räume. Bruchzonen marokkanischer Landwirtschaft. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    Sonderhefte von Fachzeitschriften
    • Reimagining land: materiality, affect and the uneven trajectories of land transformation’, edited by Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Visser, Oane . Agriculture and Human Values Symposium, 38.


    Artikel in Fachzeitschriften, Zeitungen oder Magazinen
    Forschungsartikel (Zeitschriften)
    Rezensionen (Zeitschriften)
    Forschungsartikel (Buchbeiträge)
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . Agri-investment cashing in on COVID-19.’ In Beyond Global Food Supply Chains: Crisis, Disruption, Regeneration, edited by Stead, Victoria; Hinkson, Melinda, 23–36. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Böhme, Michaela. . Gemeinschaftliches Gut, nationales Territorium, Finanzanlageobjekt: Aktuelle Neuaushandlungen von Land.’ In Ungleiche ländliche Räume. Widersprüche, Konzepte und Perspektiven, edited by Belina, Bernd; Kallert, Andreas; Mießner, Michael; Naumann, Matthias, 117–130. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/9783839460139-008.
    • Lawrence, Geoffrey; Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Larder, Nicolette. . ‘State-led and finance-backed farming endeavours: Changing contours of investment in Australian agriculture.’ In Finance or Food? The Role of Cultures, Values, and Ethics in Land Use Negotiations, edited by Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Muirhead, Bruce; McMichael, Philip, 150–177. Toronto: Toronto University Press. doi: 10.3138/9781487517236-009.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Böhme, Michaela. . Dis/articulating agri-food spaces: The multifaceted logics of agro-investments.’ In Spatial Formats Under the Global Condition, edited by Middell, Matthias; Marung, Steffi, 336–360. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110643008-013.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Böhme, Michaela; Gharios, Cynthia. . Strategic financialization? The emergence of Sovereign Wealth Funds in the global food system.’ In Financialisation, Food Systems and Rural Transformation, edited by Bjorkhaug, Hilde; Magnan, André; Lawrence, Geoffrey, 62–84. London: Routledge.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . Verflüssigungen, Fixierungen und Neukonfigurationen von Orten: Trans-MENA-Perspektiven am Beispiel von Agrarräumen.’ In Jenseits etablierter Meta-Geographien. Der Nahe Osten und Nordafrika in transregionaler Perspektive, edited by Wippel, Steffen; Fischer-Tahir, Andrea, 193–211. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Lawrence, Geoffrey; Burch, David. . ‘The financialization of farming: The Hancock company of Canada and its embedding in rural Australia.’ In Transforming the Rural. Global Processes and Local Futures, edited by Miele, Mara; Higgins, Vaughan; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Truninger, Monica, 3–23. Bingley: Emerald Publishing. doi: 10.1108/S1057-192220170000024001.
    • Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘The financialisation of agriculture and food.’ In International Handbook of Rural Studies, edited by Shucksmith, Mark; Brown, David L., 215–226. London: Routledge. doi: 10.4337/9780857939838.00023.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . Contested red gold: The tomato in the context of European–Moroccan relations.’ In Migration and Agriculture. Mobility and Change in the Mediterranean Area, edited by Corrado, Alessandra; de Castro, Carlos; Perrotta, Domenico, 147–167. London: Routledge.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘All you need is export? Moroccan farmers juggling global and local markets.’ In Handbook on the Globalisation of Agriculture, edited by Robinson, Guy M.; Carson, Doris A., 328–349. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    • Lawrence, Geoffrey; Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Burch, David. . ‘The financialisation of food and farming.’ In Handbook on the Globalisation of Agriculture, edited by Robinson, Guy M.; Carson, Doris A., 309–327. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘Kampf ums “rote Gold”: Die Tomate im Spannungsfeld europäisch-marokkanischer Interessenkonflikte.’ In Umkämpftes Essen. Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten, edited by Reiher, Cornelia; Sippel, Sarah Ruth, 67–96. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. doi: 10.13109/9783666301704.67.
    • Reiher, Cornelia; Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘Einleitung: Umkämpftes Essen in globalen Kontexten.’ In Umkämpftes Essen. Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten, edited by Reiher, Cornelia; Sippel, Sarah Ruth, 9–37. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. doi: 10.13109/9783666301704.9.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Gertel, Jörg. . ‘Shared insecurities? Farmers and workers in Bouches-du-Rhône.’ In Seasonal Workers in Mediterranean Agriculture. The Social Costs of Eating Fresh, edited by Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth, 37–48. London: Routledge.
    • Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘Super/markets: Beyond buyer-drivenness in Southern France.’ In Seasonal Workers in Mediterranean Agriculture. The Social Costs of Eating Fresh, edited by Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth, 49–60. London: Routledge.
    • Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘Introduction: Seasonality and temporality in intensive agriculture.’ In Seasonal Workers in Mediterranean Agriculture. The Social Costs of Eating Fresh, edited by Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth, 3–22. London: Routledge.
    • Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘Epilogue: The social costs of eating fresh.’ In Seasonal Workers in Mediterranean Agriculture. The Social Costs of Eating Fresh, edited by Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth, 246–252. London: Routledge.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘Disrupted livelihoods? Intensive agriculture and labour markets in the Moroccan Souss.’ In Seasonal Workers in Mediterranean Agriculture. The Social Costs of Eating Fresh, edited by Gertel, Jörg; Sippel, Sarah Ruth, 186–198. London: Routledge.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Kemmerling, Birgit. . ‘Power geometries of food security: A critical area studies perspective.’ In Self-Reflexive Area Studies, edited by Middell, Matthias, 215–247. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘“On a commencé petit à petit”: Globalisierte Agrarproduktion und soziale Mobilität im Souss.’ In Alltagsmobilitäten: Aufbruch marokkanischer Lebenswelten, edited by Breuer, Ingo; Gertel, Jörg, 269–287. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/transcript.9783839409282.269.
    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth. . ‘Doreen Massey.’ In Theoretiker der Globalisierung, edited by Middell, Matthias; Engel, Ulf, 341–353. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.

    Arbeitspapiere / Working Papers

    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth; Bauer Lea. . Finanzialisierung von Landwirtschaft sichtbar machen? Zum reflexiven und epistemischen Potential experimenteller Visualisierung Working paper series des SFB 1199 an der Universität Leipzig, Nr. 24. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, .

    Sonstige wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

    • Sippel, Sarah Ruth (section head). . ‘Global economic entanglements, area studies, and transregional perspectives’ and ‘Transregional mobilities, migratory systems, and diasporas’, in: Middell, M. (ed.) Handbook of Transregional Studies, London: Routledge..


    • Vita

      Akademische Ausbildung

      Habilitation in Geography (Dr. phil. habil.), Institute of Geography, Leipzig University
      PhD in Geography (Dr. phil.), Institute of Geography, Leipzig University
      Magister Artium, Middle Eastern Studies and Philosophy, Oriental Institute/Institute of Philosophy, Leipzig University
      Undergraduate Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence

      Beruflicher Werdegang

      Honorary Senior Research Fellow, School of Social Science, University of Queensland
      Lecturer, Institute of Cultural Anthropology, Leipzig University
      Guest Professor, Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz
      Visiting Academic, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague
      Principal Investigator, Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1199 ‘Processes of Spatialization Under the Global Condition’, Leipzig University
      Senior Researcher, Centre for Area Studies, Leipzig University
      Visiting Academic & DAAD Short-term Lecturer, University of Queensland, Brisbane
      PhD Candidate, DFG Research Training Group 1261 ‘Critical Junctures of Globalization’, University of Leipzig