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(ab Herbst 2001)

Journal articles and book chapters           Editorials (books, journal issues, and field guides)           Popular science contributions and reviews           Abstracts           (quotable) Science commission reports and obituaries

Journal articles and book chapters (back to the top)

  • BECKER, R. T. (2025a in press): Devonian and Lower Carboniferous global events in the Central Variscan orogen. – In: LINNEMANN, U. (Ed.), Geology of the Central European Variscides and its Avalonian-Cadomian precursors.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2025b in press): New genera indicating the origin and early evolution of pharciceratoid ammonoids (Agoniatitida, Pharciceratoidea, Middle Devonian). – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2025c in press): New genera indicating the origin and early evolution of pharciceratoid ammonoids (Agoniatitida, Pharciceratoidea, Middle Devonian). – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften.

  • ZEGHARI, A., OUALI-MEHADJI, A. & BECKER, R. T. (2025 in press): Microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) in early Devonian siliciclastic deposits (Gara Djebilet Formation, Tindouf Basin; Algerian Sahara). – Journal of Sedimentary Research.

  • JUNG, J., ZOPPE, S. F., SÖTE, T., MORETTI, S., DUPREY, N. N., FOREMAN, A. D., WALD, T., VONHOF, H., HAUG, G. H., SIGMAN, D. M., MULCH, A., SCHINDLER, E., JANUSSEN, D. & MARTÍNEZ-GARCÍA, A. (2024): Coral photosymbiosis on Mid-Devonian reefs. – Nature, 636: 647-653.

  • GIBB, M.A., HÜNEKE, H., PINGEL, N., GIBB, L.M., RICHTER, C., MAYER, O., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & BAIDDER, L. (2024): Early Devonian bioclastic contourites in the High Atlas: a plastered drift recording the convergence between Gondwana and Laurussia (Sub-Meseta Zone, Morocco). – In: HERNÁNDEZ-MOLINA, F. J., DAVOLI, G., STIRLING, E. J., CHIARELLA, D. & VIANA, A. R. (Eds.), Oceanic Gateways: Modern and Ancient Analogues and their Conceptual and Economic Implications. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 553: 36 S.;

  • GIBB, M. A., HÜNEKE, H., HADHAV, J., GIBB, L. M., MEHLHORN, P., MAYER, O., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & BAIDDER, L. (2024): Contourite-drift archive links Late Devonian bioevents with periodic anoxic shelf water cascading. – Geology, 52 (11): 807-812.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2024): Basal Emsian redefinition – the Moroccan evidence and perspective.  SDS Newsletter, 39: 47-65.

  • BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S., STICHLING, S., LÖW, M. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2024): Riffentwicklung und globale Events im Raum Hönnetal (nördliches Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Nordsauerland, Mitteldevon – Unterkarbon). – Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des oberrheinischen geologischen Vereins, Neue Folge, 106: 181-216; doi: 10.1127/jmogv/106/0009.l.

  • WICHERN, N. M. A., BIALIK, O. M., NOHL, T., BECKER, R. T. & DE VLEESCHOUWER, D. (2024b): Decoding Deep-Time Rhythms: Probing the Limit of Stratigraphic Correlation in the Time-Specific Facies of the Late Devonian Usseln Limestone (Rhenish Massif, Germany). - Geophysical Research Letters, 51: 11 S.; doi-otg/10.1029/2024GL109392.

  • MEYER-BERTHAUD, B., BERT, C., DECOMBEIX, A.-L., LACAND, M., MERLIN, R., BECKER, R. T., KLUG, C., EL HASSANI, A. & BAIDDER, L. (2024): The euphyllophytes of a new Givetian plant assemblage from the eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco. – Geobios, 85: 58-78;

  • BECKER, R. T. (2024): New ammonoid records and the definition of the base of the German Hemberg-Stufe (Famennian III, Upper Devonian). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 104 (3): 683-705.

  • BOHATY, J., AUSICH, W. I. & BECKER, R. T. (2024): Frasnian crinoid associations of the Prüm Syncline (Eifel, Rhenish Massif, Germany) ‒ biostratigraphic framework and macrofossil assemblages. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 312 (1): 31-83; doi: 10.1127/njgpa/2024/1200.

  • WANG, Z-H., ZENG, X.-W., WIE, K., WU, F.-F., YAO, H.-Z. & BECKER, R. T. (2024): Investigation and Research Status of Devonian in Morocco, NW Africa. – Earth Science, 49 (10): 3647-3673 [in Chinese with English summary].

  • WICHERN, N. M. A., BIALIK, O. M., PERCIVAL, L. M. E., KASKES, P., NOHL, T., BECKER, R. T. & DE VLEESCHOUWER, D. (2024a): Astronomically-paced climate and carbon-cycle feedbacks in the lead up to the Late Devonian Kellwasser Crisis (Winsenberg section, Rhenish Massif, Germany). – Climate of the Past, 20: 415-448;

  • WANG, Y.-N., MA, X.-P., EBBIGHAUSEN, V. & BECKER, R. T. (2023): Spiriferide brachiopods from the early Famennian (Late Devonian) of the Ardennes (western Europe). - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 62 (2): 1-30; doi: 10.19800/j.cnki.aps.

  • BECKER, R. T. & KAISER, S. I. (2023): The Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in Morocco: Review and test of the “Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary calendar” of the International Working Group. – SDS Newsletter, 38: 47-66.

  • RAKOCIŃSKI, M., KUCHARCZYK, J., PISARZOWSKA, A., ZATOŃ, M., MARYNOWSKI, L., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2023): Redox changes and mercury signature during the Lower Alum Shale Event (mid-Tournaisian, Mississippian) in the Rhenish Massif: Implications for oxygenation history and volcanism in southern Laurussian shelf and Palaeotethys Ocean. – Global Planetary Change, 227: 104165, 19 S.;

  • BECKER, R. T. (2023): A unique pericyclid from the Viséan of the eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco) and other Helicocyclinae n. subfam. (Goniatitida). – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 97 (4);

  • HÜNEKE, H., GIBB, A., MAYER, O., KNIEST, J. F., MEHLHORN, P., GIBB, L. M., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI A. & BAIDDER, L. (2023): Bioclastic bottom-current deposits of a Devonian contourite terrace: Facies variability and depositional architecture (Tafilalt Platform, Morocco). – Sedimentology, 70: 1075-1109; doi: 10.1111/sed.13089.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2023 ): A unique pericyclid from the Viséan of the eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco) and other Helicocyclinae n. subfam. (Goniatitida). – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 97.

  • RAKOCIŃSKI, M., KUCHARCZYK, J., PISARZOWSKA, A., ZATOŃ, M., MARYNOWSKI, L., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2023 online): Redox changes and mercury signature during the Lower Alum Shale Event (mid-Tournaisian, Mississippian) in the Rhenish Massif: Implications for oxygenation history and volcanism in southern Laurussian shelf and Palaeotzethys Ocean. – Global Planetary Change (SSRN Electronic Journal).

  • HÜNEKE, H., GIBB, A., MAYER, O., KNIEST, J. FR., MEHLHORN, P., GIBB, L. M., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & BAIDDER, L. (2023 online): Bioclastic bottom-current deposits of a Devonian contourite terrace: Facies variability and depositional architecture (Tafilalt Platform, Morocco). – Sedimentology; doi: 10.1111/sed.13089.

  • WANG, Y.-N., MA, X.-P., EBBIGHAUSEN, V. & BECKER, R. T. (2023): Spiriferide brachiopods from the early Famennian (Late Devonian) of the Ardennes (western Europe). - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica.

  • ZOPPE, S. F., SÖTE, T. & JUNG, J. (2022): Die Entstehung des mitteldevonischen Hagen-Balve-Riffes im Hönnetal (Nordwestliches Sauerland). – Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, Mitteilungen, 96: 40-42.

  • WANG, Y.-N., MA, X.-P., EBBIGHAUSEN, V. & BECKER, R. T. (2022 online): Spiriferide and spiriferinide brachiopods from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of the Bergisches Land, Germany. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 97 (1);

  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2022 online): Upper Frasnian ammonoids (Tornoceratidae) from Büdesheim (Eifel Mountains, Rhenish Massif, Germany). – Palaeontographica, Abt. A., 325 (1/6): 1-67.

  • TALIH, A., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., SAADI, M. & BENMLIH, A. (2022): Stratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary processes of allochthonous Devonian deposits of the Tisdafine Basin, Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco. - Bulletin de l´Institute Scientifique, Rabat, Section Sciences de la Terre, 44: 27-53.

  • GROOS‑UFFENORDE, H., SCHINDLER, E., BECKER, R. T., DOJEN, C., BROCKE, R. & JANSEN, U. (2022): Late Early Devonian ostracodes from the Torkoz area (SW Morocco) and the Emsian/Eifelian boundary. - Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 96 (4): 689-747;

  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R. T., HERBIG, H.-G., QIE, W., KUMPAN, T., DE VLEESCHOUWER, D., WEYER, D. & KALVODA, J. (2022): The Devonian-Carboniferous transition at Borkewehr near Wocklum (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany) – a potential GSSP section. - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102 (3): 763-829;

  • SAUPE, F. & BECKER, R. T. (2022): Refined conodont stratigraphy at Martenberg (Rhenish Massif, Germany) as base for a formal middle/upper Frasnian substage boundary. - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102 (3): 711-761;

  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2022): Two new species of Gondwanaspis (Trilobita, Odontopleurida) from the Givetian-Frasnian transition of the northern Rhenish Massif (Germany). - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102 (3): 697-709;

  • STICHLING, S., BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & MAY, A. (2022): Drowning, extinction, and subsequent facies development of the Devonian Hönne Valley Reef (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany). - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102 (3): 629-696;

  • AFHÜPPE, L. & BECKER, R. T. (2022): A new discosorid and some other nautiloids from the Givetian of the Rhenish Massif, Germany. - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102 (3): 613-627;

  • LÖW, M., SÖTE, T., BECKER, R. T., STICHLING, S., MAY, A., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & Zoppe, S. F. (2022): The initial phase of the Hönne Valley Reef at Binolen (northern Rhenish Massif, Middle Devonian). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102 (3): 573-612;

  • SÖTE, T., BECKER, R. T., HERD, K. J. & BOCKWINKEL, J. (2021). Upper Frasnian Tornoceratidae (Ammonoidea) from the Sand Formation (Bergisch-Gladbach-Paffrath Syncline, Rhenish Massif). – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 95 (2): 237-273.

  • ZONG, P., BECKER, R. T. & MA X.-P. (2021 online). The ammonoid Gonioclymenia fauna from the Upper Devonian (upper Famennian) of western Junggar, northwestern China. – Geological Journal, 2021: 1-20, doi: 10.1002/gj.4182.

  • BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S. & KAISER, S. I. (2021). Review of Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary sections in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101 (2): 357-420.

  • EL HASSANI, A. & BECKER, R. T. (2021): Introduction. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 9-12.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., BAIDDER, L., WEYER, D. & JANSEN, U. (2021): Devonian of the Benahmed region, western Moroccan Meseta. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 13-73.

  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2021): Upper Frasnian ammonoids and gastropods from Boudouda (Benahmed region, Moroccan Meseta). – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 75-101.

  • BECKER, R. T., CÓZAR, P., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., BAIDDER, L. & HARTENFELS, S. (2021): Viséan transgression and reworking at Boudouda (NW Benahmed, western Moroccan Meseta). – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 103-129.

  • EICHHOLT, S., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., MAY, A., JANSEN, U., ERNST, A. & EL KAMEL, F. (2021): Devonian of the Mechra Ben Abbou region (Rehamna) – new data on the reef succession, microfacies, stratigraphy, and palaeogeography. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 131-174.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., CÓZAR, P., HERBIG, H.-G. & ERNST, A. (2021): The Devonian and Viséan transgression in the Eastern Jebilet (Moroccan Meseta) – review and new data. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 175-223.

  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EICHHOLT, S., EL HASSANI, A., BOUARI, A., MOTTEQUIN, B. & BAIDDER, L. (2021): The Devonian of Jebel Ardouz (Mzoudia region, SW Moroccan Meseta) – new data on stratigraphy, facies, and palaeogeography. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2):225-249.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., BAIDDER, L., HÜNEKE, H., MAYER, O., CÓZAR, P., HELLING, S., SEYFFERT, K., AFHÜPPE, L. & MAY, A. (2021): Devonian and the Carboniferous transgression in the Skoura region, Sub-Meseta Zone, Morocco. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 251- 333.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2020). Devonian and Lower Carboniferous global events in the Central Variscan orogen. – In: Linnemann, U. (Ed.), Geology of the Central European Variscides and its Avalonian-Cadomian precursers.

  • BECKER, R. T. & EL HASSANI, A. (2020). Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy and facies of the Moroccan Meseta: implications for palaeogeography and structural interpretation – a project outline. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (1): 9-25.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., EICHHOLT, S. & HELLING, S. (2020). The Devonian of the Oued Cherrat Zone (Western Meseta) – review and new data. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (1):  27-85.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., HARTENFELS, S. & HÜNEKE, H. (2020). Devonian and basal Carboniferous of the allochthonous nappes at Mrirt (eastern part of Western Meseta) – review and new data. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (1):  87-126.

  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., RICHTER, J., HARTENFELS, S., EL HASSANI, A. & EICHHOLT, S. (2020). The unique Devonian of Immouzer-du-Kandar (Middle Atlas basement) – biostratigraphy, faunas, and facies development. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (1): 127-173.

  • BECKER, R. T., MARSHALL, J. E. A., DA SILVA, A.-C., AGTERBERG, F. P., GRADSTEIN, F. & OGG, J. G. (2020). The Devonian Period. – In Gradstein, F. (Ed.), Geologic Time Scale 2020, Vol. 2: 78 pp.,

  • PISARZOWSKA, A., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., SZCZERBA, M., SOBIEN, K., KREMER, B., OWOCKI, K. & RACKI, G. (2020). Middlesex/punctata Event in the Rhenish Basin (Padberg section, Sauerland, Germany). Geochemical clues to the early-middle Frasnian perturbation of global carbon cycle. – Gondwana Research, 191: 103211, [open access].
  • KOLTONIK, K., PISARZOWSKA, A., PAZKOWSKI, M., SLÁMA, J., BECKER, R.T., ZZCZERBA, M., KRAWCZYNSKI, W., HARTENFELS, S., MAZUR, S. & FRANKE, W. (2019). Reply to Comment by M.F. PEREIRA, J.B. SILVA and C. GAMA on “Baltic provenance of top-Famennian siliciclastic material of the northern Rhenish Massif, Rhenohercynian zone of the Variscan orogeny, by KOLTONIK et al., International Journal of Earth Sciences (2018) 107:2645-2669”. – International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108: 1075-1078;
  • KLUG, C., BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A., RITTERBUSH, K., FUCHS, D. & MARTY, D. (2019): Special Issue: Cephalopods through time. – Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 138: 1-7.
  • BECKER, R. T., KLUG, C., SÖTE, T., HARTENFELS, S., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2019). The oldest ammonoids of Morocco (Tafilalt, lower Emsian). – Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 138: 9-25.
  • HELLING, S. & SCHÖLLMANN, L. (2018). Trilobiten aus dem Grenzbereich Emsium/Eifelium (Devon) im Raum Winterberg/Züschen (östliches Sauerland). – Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, 90: 25-65.

  • BECKER, R.T. (2018a). Comment (Case 3759) – Support for the proposed conservation of Costaclymenia SCHINDEWOLF, 1920 and Costaclymeniidae RUZHENCEV, 1957 by designation of a neotype for Goniatites binodosus MÜNSTER, 1832 (Mollusca, Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea). - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 75: 261.
  • ZHANG, M., BECKER, R.T., MA, X., ZHANG, Y. & ZONG, P. (2018): Hangenberg Black Shale with cymaclymeniid ammonoids in the terminal Devonian of South China. – Palaeodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98 (4): 14 pp.,
  • ZHANG, Y.-B., MA, X.-P., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & ZHANG, M. (2018): Conodonts from the Yidade Formation at the Panxi section of Yunnan, South China. – Journal of Stratigraphy, 42(3): 301-312.
  • KOLTONIK, K., PISARZOWSKA, A., PASZKOWSKI, M., SLAMA, J., BECKER, R.T., MARYNOWSKI, L., KRAWCZYNSKI, W. & HARTENFELS, S. (2018 online): Provenance of Famennian siliciclastics from the northern Rhenish Massif – paleostructural, paleogeographical and paleoclimatic implications. – International Journal of Earth Sciences,
  • KAISER, S.I., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2018): The global Hangenberg Crisis and Lower Alum Shale Event at El Atrous (southern Tafilalt Platform). – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110 (online): 327-338.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., BECKER, R.T., MAYER, O., GIBB, A. & HÜNEKE, H. (2018): Emsian to middle Famennian bioevents and cephalopod faunas at Mdoura (western Tafilalt Platform). - – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110 (online): 312-326.
  • BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KLUG, C., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & AFHÜPPE, L. (2018): The cephalopod-rich Famennian and Tournaisian of the Aguelmous Syncline (southern Maïder). – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 273-306.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2018): The upper Famennian Dasberg Crisis and Gonioclymenia Limestone at Oum el Jerane (Amessoui Syncline, southern Tafilalt Platform). – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 261-272.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., HARTENFELS, S., GIBB, A., MAYER, O. & HÜNEKE, H. (2018): Emsian events, Frasnian-Famennian boundary, and Gonioclymenia Limestone at Jebel Ihrs (western Tafilalt Platform). – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 229-243.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2018): Jebel Mech Irdane – the Eifelian/Givetian boundary GSSP and an important cephalopod locality. – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 214-228.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., HELLING, S., AFHÜPPE, L., BAIDDER, L. & EL HASSANI, A. (2018): The world-famous Devonian mudmounds at Hamar Laghdad and overlying cephalopod-rich strata. – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 188-213.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., HARTENFELS, S., EL HASSANI, A. & BAIDDER, L. (2018): Bou Tchrafine – central Tafilalt reference section for Devonian stratigraphy and cephalopod suceession. – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 158-187.
  • BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., HARTENFELS, S. & BAIDDER, L. (2018): The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of the Eastern Anti-Atlas: Introduction to a „cephalopod paradise“. – In: HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds.), 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 145-157.
  • BRETT, C.E., BAIRD, G.C., ZAMBITO, J.J. IV, ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., BECKER, R.T. & BARTHOLOMEWS, A.J. (2018): Litho-, Bio-, Chemo-, and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Boyle-Portwood Succession (Middle Devonian, Central Kentucky, U.S.A.). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98 (2): 331-368,
  • SCHINDLER, E., BROCKE, R., BECKER, R.T., BUCHHOLZ, P., JANSEN, U., LUPPOLD, F.W., NESBOR, H.-D. SALAMON, M., WELLER, H. & WEYER, D. (2018): The Devonian in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016. – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 168 (4): 447-463.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A., EICHHOLT, S. & BAIDDER, L. (2017): Late Lower Carboniferous conodonts from a supposed Middle Devonian reef limestone of the Marrakech region (Morocco). – Stratigraphy, 14 (1/3): 7-14.
  • SÖTE, T., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2017): Uppermost Famennian stratigraphy and facies development of the Reigern Quarry near Hachen (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97 (3): 633-654; doi 10.1007/s12549-017-0287-y.
  • LÜDDECKE, F., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2017): Conodont biofacies of a monotonous middle Famennian pelagic carbonate succession (Upper Ballberg Quarry, northern Rhenish Massif). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97 (3): 591-613; doi 10.1007/s12549-017-0288-x.
  • BOCKWINKEL, J., BECKER, R.T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2017): Ammonoids from the late Givetian Taouzites Bed of Ouidane Chebbi (eastern Tafilalt, SE Morocco). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 284 (3): 307-354.
  • BECKER, R.T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2016): Species list of Palmatolepis. – SDS Newsletter, 31: 35-44.
  • BECKER, R.T. (2016): Addition to the Polygnathus (s.l.) species list. – SDS Newsletter, 31: 31-34.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): Age and correlation of the transgressive Gonioclymenia Limestone (Famennian, Tafilalt, eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). – Geological Magazine, 155 (3): 586-629; doi 10.1017/S00167568116000893.
  • BECKER, R.T., PIECHA, M., GEREKE, M. & SPELLBRINK, K. (2016): The Frasnian/Famennian boundary in shelf basin facies north of Diemelsee-Adorf. - In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 220-231.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2016): Givetian to Famennian stratigraphy, Kellwasser, Annulata and other events at Beringhauser Tunnel (Messinghausen Anticline, eastern Rhenish Massif). - In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 196-219.
  • BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., HELLING, S. & SCHREIBER, G. (2016): The “Nehden Goniatite Shale” (lower Famennian, Brilon Reef Complex, NE Rhenish Massif). - In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 179-195.
  • BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., WEYER, D. & KUMPAN, T. (2016): The Famennian to Lower Viséan at Drewer (northern Rhenish Massif). - In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 158-178.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): Famennian sedimentation, faunas, and event stratigraphy at Effenberg Quarry (Remscheid-Altena Anticline, Rhenish Massif) – In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 141-157.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., STICHLING, S., MAY. A. & EICHHOLT, S. (2016): The Givetian-Frasnian Hönne Valley Reef Complex (northern Sauerland) – an outline of stratigraphy and facies development. – In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 126-140.
  • HARTENFELS, S., HARTKOPF-FRÖDER, C., HERBIG, H.-G., BECKER, R.T. & ESTEBAN LOPEZ, S. (2016): Middle Famennian to Viséan stratigraphy at Riescheid (Herzkamp Syncline, Rhenish Massif) – In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 102-125.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., HARTENFELS, S., NOWAK, H., STICHLING, S., JUCH, D. & DROZDZEWSKI, G. (2016): Drowning and sedimentary cover of Velbert Anticline reef complexes (northern Rhenish Massif). – In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 76-101.
  • KÖNIGSHOF, P., HELLING, S., HARTENFELS, S., DE VLEESCHOUWER, D., SCHREIBER, G., BECKER, R.T. & BRETT, C.E. (2016): Eifel Synclines – an overview and Emsian to Frasnian section descriptions – In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 36-45.
  • BECKER, R.T. & WEBER, H.M. (2016): Review of the Devonian-Carboniferous transition in the Aachen region (western Rhenish Massif) – In: BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 29-35.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): A lower Frasnian reef drowning episode at Walheim (Aachen region, Inde Syncline, NW Rhenish Massif). – In: BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 14-28.
  • KÖNIGSHOF, P., BECKER, R.T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2016): The Rhenish Massif as a part of the European Variscides. - In: BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds.), Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 1-13.
  • BECKER, R.T., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & BRETT, C.E. (2016): Devonian climate, sea level and evolutionary events: an introduction. - In: BECKER, R.T., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & BRETT, C.E. (Eds.), Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423: 1-10,
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2016): The global Annulata Events – review and new data from the Rheris Basin (northern Tafilalt) of SE Morocco. - In: BECKER, R. T., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & BRETT, C. E. (eds), Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423.
  • BECKER, R. T., KAISER, S. I. & ARETZ, M. (2016): Review of chrono-, litho- and biostratigraphy around the global Hangenberg Crisis and Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. - In: BECKER, R. T., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & BRETT, C. E. (eds), Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423: 38 S.,
  • WANG, Z. H., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., HARTENFELS, S., JOACHIMSKI, M. M. & GONG, Y. M. (2016): Conodont and carbon isotope stratigraphy near the Frasnian/Famennian (Devonian) boundary at Wulankeshun, Junggar Basin, NW China. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology.
  • EICHHOLT, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2016): Middle Devonian reef facies and development in the Oued Cherrat Zone and adjacent regions (Moroccan Meseta). – Facies, 62, doi 10.1007/s10347-015-0459-7.
  • ZAMBITO, J. J., JOACHIMSKI, M. M., BRETT, C. E., BAIRD, G. C. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2015): A carbonate isotope record for the late Givetian (Middle Devonian) global Taghanic Biocrisis in the type region (northern Appalachian Basin). - BECKER, R. T., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & BRETT, C. E. (eds), Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423: 11 S.,
  • KAISER, S. I., ARETZ, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2015): The global Hangenberg Crisis (Devonian-Carboniferous transition): review of a first-order mass extinction. – In: BECKER, R. T., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & BRETT, C. E. (eds), Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423: 51 S.,
  • BONCHEVA, I., SACHANSKI, V. & BECKER, R. T. (2015): Sedimentary and faunal evidence for the Late Devonian Kellwasser and Annulata events in the Balkan Terrane (Bulgaria). – Geologica Balcanica, 44 (1-3): 17-24.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T. & BULTYNCK, P. (2015): Emsian (Lower Devonian) conodont stratigraphy and correlation of the Anti-Atlas (Southern Morocco). – Bulletin of Geosciences, 90 (4): 893-980.
  • BOCKWINKEL, J., BECKER, R. T. & EBBIGHAUSEN, V. (2015): Late Givetian ammonoids from Ait Ou Amar (northern Maider, Anti-Atlas, southeastern Morocco). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 278 (2): 123-158.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2015): Annexe II. Coupes du Dévonien de la feuille Al Atrous. – In: BENHARREF, M., ALVARO, J.-J., HIBTI, M., POUCLET, A., EL HADI, H., KOUKAYA, A. & BOUDAD, L. 2015 (eds), Carte géologique du Maroc au 1/50 000, feuille Al Atrous, Mémoire explicative, Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique, 555 (bis): 115-137.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2015): Annexe II. Le Dévonien du Synclinal d´Ottara. – In: ALVARO, J.-J., BENHARREF, M., HIBTI, M., & BOUDAD, L. (eds), Carte géologique du Maroc au 1/50 000, feuille Irara, Mémoire explicative, Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique, 552 (bis): 93-95.
  • BECKER, R. T. ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2015): Annexe II. Coupe du secteur de Hassi Nebech. – In: ALVARO, J.-J., ARETZ, M., BENHARREF, M., HIBTI, M., POUCLET, A., EL HADI, H., KOUKAYA, A., ETTACHFINI, E. M. & BOUDAD, L. (eds), Carte géologique du Maroc au 1/50 000, feuille Tawz, Mémoire explicative, Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique, 551 (bis): 109-119.
  • BECKER, R. T. 2015. Annexe I. Le Dévonien du Tafilalet, références complémentaires. – In: ALVARO, J.-J., ARETZ, M., BENHARREF, M., HIBTI, M., POUCLET, A., EL HADI, H., KOUKAYA, A., ETTACHFINI, E. M. & BOUDAD, L. (eds), Carte géologique du Maroc au 1/50 000, feuille Tawz, Mémoire explicative, Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique, 551 (bis): 105-108.
  • KUMPAN, T., BÁBEK, O., KALVODA, J., GRYGAR, T. M., FRÝDA, J., BECKER, R. T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2015): Petrophysical and geochemical signature of the Hangenberg Events: an integrated stratigraphy of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary interval in the Northern Rhenish Massif (Avalonia, Germany). – Bulletin of Geosciences, 90 (3): 667-694.
  • ZHONG, P., BECKER, R.T. & MA X. (2014): Upper Devonian (Famennian) and Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) ammonoids from western Junggar, Xinjiang, northwestern China - stratigraphy, taxonomy and palaeobiogeography. – Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments, 95: 159-202, doi 10.1007/s12549-014-0171-y.
  • BECKER, R. T. & NIKOLAEVA, S. V. (2014): Comment on a proposal to reinstate as available the species-group names proposed for Devonian ammonoids (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) by SOBOLEV (1914a, 1914b) (Case 3600). – Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 71 (2): 1-4.
  • MEOR, H. M. H. A., AUNG, A.-K., BECKER, R. T., RAHMAN, N. A. A., FATT, N. T., GHANI, A. A., SHUIB, M. K. (2014): Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the mid- to upper Palaeozoic succession in Northwest Peninsular Malaysia. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 83: 60-79, doi:
  • BECKER, R. T. (2013): Species list of Polygnathus – corrections and additions. – SDS Newsletter, 28: 29-31.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2013): Middle Givetian – Middle Frasnian event stratigraphy at Mdoura-East (western Tafilalt). – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 143-150.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): Lower Emsian stratigraphy at Jebel Ihrs (western Tafilalt Platform). – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 135-141.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2013): The global Chotec Event at Jebel Amelane (western Tafilalt Platform) – preliminary data. – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), Internationsal Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 129-134.
  • BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., TRAGELEHN, H., BRICE, D. & EL HASSANI, A. (2013): The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary at Lalla Mimouna (northern Maider) – a progress report. – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 109-120.
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2013): Middle Famennian to Middle Tournaisian stratigraphy at El Atrous (Amessoui Syncline, southern Tafilalt). – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 77-86.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., HARTENFELS, S., EL HASSANI, A. & FISCHER, T. (2013): The Givetian – Famennian at Oum el Jerane (Amessoui Syncline, southern Tafilalt). - In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 61-76.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., BAIDER, L., FISCHER, T. & STICHLING, S. (2013): The Upper Devonian at El Khraouia (southern Tafilalt). – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 41-50.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BAIDER, L., EL HASSANI, A. & STICHLING, S. (2013): The Lower and Middle Devonian at El Khraouia (southern Tafilalt). – In: BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 31-40.
  • WARD, P. D., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., RYTINA, M.-K. & STICHLING, S. (2013): The Devonian at Oued Ferkla (Tinejdad region, SE Morocco). – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 23-29.
  • RYTINA, M.-K., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., HARTENFELS, S., HELLING, S., STICHLING, S. & WARD, P.D. (2013): The allochthonous Silurian-Devonian in olistostromes at “The Southern Variscan Front” (Tinerhir region, SE Morocco) – preliminary data. – In: BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 11-21.
  • BOCKWINKEL, J., BECKER, R. T. & EBBIGHAUSEN, V. (2013): Late Givetian ammonoids from Hassi Nebech (Tafilalt Basin, Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco). – Fossil Record, 16 (1): 5-65 + 58 S. (online supplement).
  • BECKER, R. T. & NIKOLAEVA, S. V. (2012): Case 3600. A proposal to reinstate as available the species-group names proposed for Devonian ammonoids (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) by SOBOLEW (1914a, 1914b). – Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 69 (3): 170-177.
  • BRETT, C. E., ZAMBITO, J. J., SCHINDLER, E. & BECKER, R. T. (2012): Diagenetically-enhanced trilobite obrution deposits in concretionary limestones: The paradox of “rhythmic event beds”. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 367/368: 30-43.
  • HAHN, G., MÜLLER, P. & BECKER, R. T. (2012): Unterkarbonische Trilobiten aus dem Anti-Atlas (Marokko). – Geologica et Palaeontologica, 44: 37-74.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2012): The uncounted species of Polygnathus – plea for clear tracks through a taxonomic jungle. – SDS Newsletter, 27: 42-48.
  • BECKER, R. T., & GRADSTEIN, F. M. & HAMMER, O. (2012): The Devonian Period. – In: GRADSTEIN, F. M., OGG, J. G., SCHMITZ, M. D. & OGG, G. M. (eds), A Geological Time Scale 2012, Vol. 2: 559-601, Amsterdam etc. (Elsevier).
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2012): The Devonian-Carboniferous boundary at Lalla Mimouna (Northern Maider, Anti-Atlas, SE Morocco) – Preliminary new data. – SDS Newsletter, 27: 31-37.
  • HARTENFELS, S. (2011): Die globalen Annulata-Events und die Dasberg-Krise (Famennium, Oberdevon) in Europa und Nord-Afrika – hochauflösende Conodonten-Stratigraphie, Karbonat-Mikrofazies, Paläoökologie und Paläodiversität. – Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 105: 17-527.
  • TRAGELEHN, H. & HARTENFELS, S. (2011): Neue Conodonten-Taxa aus dem höheren Famennium (Oberdevon) des Frankenwalds. – Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 105: 1-15.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2011): Lalla Mimouna North, an important Devonian/Carboniferous boundary section at the northern margin of the Maider, Anti-Atlas, SE Morocco. – Newsletters on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 29: 64-70.
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T., STEUBER, T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2011): Climate-controlled mass extinctions, facies, and sea-level changes around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the eastern Anti-Atlas (SE Morocco). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 310: 340-364.
  • MYROW, P. M., Strauss, J. V., Creveling, J. R., Sicard, K. R., Ripperdan, R., Sandberg, C. A. & Hartenfels, S. (2011): A carbon isotopic and sedimentological record of the latest Devonian (Famennian) from the Western U.S. and Germany. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 306: 147-159.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2011): Emsian Chronostratigraphy – Preliminary new data and a review of the Tafilalt (SE Morocco). – SDS Newsletter, 26: 33-43.
  • AUNG, A. K., BECKER, R. T. & GYI, K. K. (2011): First record of Frasnian (Upper Devonian) sediments and ammonoids from Myanmar. – SDS Newsletter, 26: 49-53.
  • EBBIGHAUSEN, V., BECKER, R. T. & BOCKWINKEL, J. (2011): Emsian and Eifelian Ammonoids from Oufrane, eastern Dra Valley (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) – Taxonomy, Stratigraphy and Correlation. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 259: 313-379.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2011): The global Taghanic Biocrisis (Givetian) in the eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304: 136-164. [online preprint 2010]
  • TROTH, I., MARSHALL, J. E. A., RACEY, A. R. & BECKER, R. T. (2011): Devonian sea-level change in Bolivia: A high palaeolatitude biostratigraphical calibration of the global sea-level curve. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304: 3-20. [online preprint 2010].
  • BECKER, R. T. & MAPES, R. H. (2010). Latest Devonian ammonoids from Oklahoma and their biogeographic significance. – Acta Geologica Polonica, 60 (2): 139-163.
  • DOJEN, C., ABOUSSALAM, S. Z. BECKER, R. T. (2010): Palaeoecological and biogeographical interpretation of Devonian ostracodes (Emsian to basal Givetian) of the Western Dra Valley, Morocco (sections Bou Tserfine, Rich Tamelougou and Hassi Mouf). – SDS Newsletter, 25: 37-39.
  • BECKER, R. T., DE BAETS, K. & NIKOLAEVA, S. (2010): New Ammonoid Records From The Lower Emsian Of The Kitab Reserve (Uzbekistan) – Preliminary Results. – SDS Newsletter, 25: 20-28.
  • BECKER, R. T. & HOUSE, M. R. (2009): Devonian ammonoid biostratigraphy of the Canning Basin. – In: PLAYFORD, P. E., HOCKING, R. & COCKBAIN, A. E. (eds), Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin, WA, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Bulletin, 145: 415-439.
  • NAGEL-MYERS, J., AMLER, M. W. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): The Loxopteriinae n. subfam. (Dualinidae, Bivalvia): Review of a common bivalve taxon from the Late Devonian pelagic facies. – Palaeontographica Americana, 63: 167-191.
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T., SPALLETTA, C. & STEUBER, T. (2009): High-resolution conodont stratigraphy, biofacies and extinctions around the Hangenberg Event in pelagic successions from Austria, Italy, and France. – Palaeontographica Americana, 63: 99-143.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): Timing of the global Dasberg Crisis – Implications for Famennian Eustasy and Chronostratigraphy. – Palaeontographica Americana, 63: 71-97.
  • BOCKWINKEL, J., BECKER, R. T. & EBBIGHAUSEN, V. (2009): Upper Givetian ammonoids from Dar Kaoua (Tafilalt, SE Anti-Atlas, Morocco). – Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen, 10: 61-128.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R. T. & TRAGELEHN, H. (2009): Marker conodonts around the global Annulata Events and the definition of an Upper Famennian substage. – SDS Newsletter, 24: 40-48.
  • WEBSTER, G. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): Devonian (Emsian to Frasnian) Crinoids of the Dra Valley, western Anti-Atlas Mountains, Morocco. – In: KÖNIGSHOF, P. (ed.), Devonian Change: Case Studies in Palaeogeography and Palaeoecology, The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 314: 131-148.
  • NAGEL, J., AMLER, M. W. & BECKER, R. T. (2008): Vetupraeca n. gen. and Mucopraeca n. gen. (Cryptodonta, Bivalvia): a re-appraisal of Late Devonian bivalves from the Hercynian Facies. – Journal of Paleontology, 82 (6): 1150-1160.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2008): Environmental change during the Late Famennian and Early Tournaisian (Late Devonian – Early Carboniferous): implications from stable isotope and conodont biofacies in southern Europe. – Geological Journal, 43 (2/3): 241-260.
  • MA, X.-P., EBBIGHAUSEN, V., BECKER, R. T. (2008): Desquamatia and related atrypid brachiopods from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of Bergisches Land, Germany. – Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45: 121-134.
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T. & EL HASSANI, A. (2007): Middle to Late Famennian successions at Ain Jemaa (Moroccan Meseta) – implications for regional correlation, event stratigraphy and synsedimentary tectonics of NW Gondwana. – In: BECKER, R. T. & KIRCHGASSER, W. T. (eds), Devonian events and correlations, The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 278: 237-260.
  • EBBIGHAUSEN, V., BECKER, R. T., BOCKWINKEL, J. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2007): Middle Givetian Brachiopod-Ammonoid Correlation in the Dra Valley (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) and the Bergisch Gladbach-Paffrath Syncline (Rhenish Massif, Germany). – In: BECKER, R. T. & KIRCHGASSER, W. T. (eds), Devonian events and correlations, The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 278: 157-172.
  • BECKER, R. T. & KIRCHGASSER, W. T. (2007): Devonian events and correlations – a tribute to the lifetime achievements of Michael Robert House (1930-2002). – In: BECKER, R. T. & KIRCHGASSER, W. T. (eds), Devonian events and correlations, The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 278: 1-8.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T. (2007): New Upper Givetian to basal Frasnian conodont faunas from the Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco). – Geological Quarterly, 51 (4): 345-374.
  • MA, X.-P., BECKER, R. T., LI, H. & SUN, Y.-Y. (2006): Early and Middle Frasnian brachiopod faunas and turnover on the South China shelf. – Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 51 (4): 789-812.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2006): Geochemical evidence for major environmental change at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Carnic Alps and the Rhenish Massif. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 240: 146-160.
  • WEBSTER, G., BECKER, R. T. & MAPLES, C.G. (2005): Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Devonian (Emsian and Famennian) crinoids from southeastern Morocco. – Journal of Paleontology, 79 (6): 1052-1071.
  • BECKER, R. T. & WEYER, D. (2004): Bartzschiceras n. gen. (Ammonoidea) from the Lower Tournaisian of Southern France. – Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut, Universität Hamburg, 88: 11-36.
  • HAMPE, O., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2004). Omalodus teeth (Elasmobranchii: Omalodontida) from the northern Gondwana margin (middle Givetian: ansatus conodont Zone, Morocco). – In: ARRATIA, G., WILSON, M. V. H. & CLOUTIER, R. (eds), Recent Advances in the Origin and Early Radiation of Vertebrates: 487-504, München (Pfeil Verl.).
  • BECKER, R. T., BOCKWINKEL, J., EBBIGHAUSEN, V., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A. & NÜBEL, H. (2004): Lower and Middle Devonian stratigraphy and faunas at Bou Tserfine near Assa (Dra Valley, SW Morocco). – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 125-139.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BOCKWINKEL, J., EBBIGHAUSEN, V., EL HASSANI, A. & NÜBEL, H. (2004): Upper Emsian stratigraphy at Rich Tamelougou near Torkoz (SW Dra Valley, Morocco). – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 117-123.
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T., BRICE, D., NICOLLIN, J.-P., LEGRAND-BLAIN, M., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A. & NÜBEL, H. (2004): Sedimentary succession and neritic faunas around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary at Kheneg Lakahal south of Assa (Dra Valley, SW Morocco). – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 93-100.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Givetian stratigraphy and faunas at Tiguisselt (Tata region, Dra Valley, Morocco). – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 79-83.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., BOCKWINKEL, J. & EBBIGHAUSEN, V. (2004): Givetian biostratigraphy and facies development at Oufrane (Tata region, eastern Dra Valley, Morocco). – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 71-78.
  • EBBIGHAUSEN, V., BOCKWINKEL, J., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BULTYNCK, P., EL HASSANI, A. & NÜBEL, H. (2004): Late Emsian and Eifelian stratigraphy at Oufrane (Tata region, eastern Dra Valley, Morocco). – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 57-69.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BOCKWINKEL, J., EBBIGHAUSEN, V., EL HASSANI, A. & NÜBEL, H. (2004): The Givetian and Frasnian at Oued Mzerreb (Tata region, eastern Dra Valley). – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 37-55.
  • BECKER, R. T., JANSEN, U., PLODOWSKI, G., SCHINDLER, E., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & WEDDIGE, K. (2004): Devonian litho- and biostratigraphy of the Dra Valley area. An overview. – Documents de l`Institut Scientifique, 19: 3-20.
  • BECKER, R. T., ASHOURI, A. R. & YAZDI, M. (2004): The Upper Devonian Annulata Event in the Shotori Range (eastern Iran). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 230: 1-25.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2003): Das »Taghanic-Event« im höheren Mittel-Devon von West-Europa und Marokko. – Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 97: 332 S.
  • COOK, A. G., BLODGETT, R. B. & BECKER, R. T. (2003): Late Devonian gastropods from the Canning Basin, Western Australia. – Alcheringa, 27: 181-207.
  • FEIST, R., YAZDI, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2003): Famennian trilobites from the Shotori Range, E-Iran. – Annales de la Societe Géologique du Nord, 10 (2ème série): 285-295.
  • EBBIGHAUSEN, V., BECKER, R. T. & BOCKWINKEL, J. (2002): Morphometric Analyses and Taxonomy of oxyconic Goniatites (Paratornoceratinae n. subfam.) from the Early Famennian of the Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). – Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 57: 167-180.
  • BOCKWINKEL, J., BECKER R. T. & EBBIGHAUSEN, V. (2002): Morphometry and Taxonomy of Lower Famennian Sporadoceratidae (Goniatitida) from Southern Morocco. – Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 57: 279-297.
  • BECKER, R. T., HOUSE, M. R., BOCKWINKEL, J., EBBIGHAUSEN, V. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2002): Famennian ammonoid zones of the eastern Anti-Atlas (southern Morocco). – Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 93: 159-205.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2002): Alpinites and other Posttornoceratidae (Goniatitida, Famennian). – Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, 5: 51-73.
  • MISTIAEN, B., BECKER, R. T., BRICE, D., DEGARDIN, J.-M., DERYCKE, C., LOONES, C. & ROHART, J.-C. (2002): Donneés nouvelles sur la partie supérieur de la Formation de Beaulieu (Frasnien de Ferques, Boulonnais, France). – Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, 9 (2ème série): 75-84.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2002): Frasnian goniatites from the Boulonnais (France) as indicators of regional sealevel changes. – Annales de la Sociéte Géologique du Nord, 9 (2ème série): 129-140.
  • TALENT, J. A., MAWSON, R., AITCHINSON, J. C., BECKER, R. T., BELL, K. N., BRADSHAW, M. A., BURROW, C. J., COOK, A., DARGAN, G. M., DOUGLAS, J. G., EDGECOMBE, G. D., FEIST, M., JONES, P. J., LONG, J. A., PHILLIPS-ROSS, J. R., PICKETT, J. W., PLAYFORD, G., RICKARDS, R. B., WEBBY, B. D., WINCHESTER-SETO, T., WRIGHT, A. J., YOUNG, G. C. & ZHEN, Y.-Y. (2001): Devonian palaeobiogeography of Australia and adjoining regions. – Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, Memoir, 23: 167-257.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2001): Palaeobiogeographic relationships and diversity of Upper Devonian Ammonoids from Western Australia. - Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement, 58: 385-401.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2001): Prospects for an Upper Givetian substage. – Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, 4: 83-99 [= SDS Newsletter, 2001, 18: 28-41].

Editorials (books, journal issues, and field guides) (back to the top)

  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2024): SDS – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 39, 120 S.; Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).

  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2023): SDS - Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 38, 122 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).

  • BECKER, R.T. (Ed., 2022): SDS - Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 37, 85 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).

  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2021). SDS Newsletter, 36. - 77 pp.; Münster (ISSN 2074-7268).

  • BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (Eds., 2021). Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy and facies of the South-Western Moroccan Meseta: Implications for paleogeography and structural interpretation. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (2): 333 pp.; Rabat (Hassan II Academy Press, ISSN 2028-7615 – open access).

  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2020). SDS Newsletter, 35. – 95 pp.; Münster (ISSN 2074-7268).

  • BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (Eds., 2020). Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy and facies of the Western Moroccan Meseta: Implications for palaeogeography and structural interpretation. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Earth, Water and Oceans, Environmental Sciences, 10 (1): 1-194. (Hassan II Academy Press, ISSN 2028-7615 – open access).

  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2019). SDS Newsletter, 34. – 107 pp.; Münster (ISSN 2074-7268).

  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2018). SDS Newsletter, 33. – 96 pp.; Münster (ISSN 2074-7268).

  • DE VLEESCHOUWER, D., KÖNIGSHOF, P., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (Eds., 2018): Middle to Late Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Rhenish Massif. Reading time in Paleozoic sedimentary rock. - IGCP-652 Opening Meeting, Bremen, Fieldtrip Guidebook, 102 pp.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., EL HASSANI, A. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds., 2018): 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Field Guidebook.- Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 109-306.
  • EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds., 2018): 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Program & Abstracts.- Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 1-108.
  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2017): SDS - Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 32, 73 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • HARTENFELS, S. & HELLING, S. (Eds, 2017): 88. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Münster, 26.-30. März 2017, Programm – Kurzfassungen. – Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 109: 1-87.
  • BECKER, R.T., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & BRETT, C.E. (Eds., 2016): Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events. - Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423: 1-481.
  • BECKER, R. T. (Ed., 2017): SDS - Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 31, 100 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S., KÖNIGSHOF, P. & HELLING, S. (Eds., 2016): Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy, facies, and bioevents in the Rhenish Massif, Germany – an IGCP 596 Guidebook. – Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 108: 1-242.
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2015): SDS - Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 30, 80 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S. & KÖNIGSHOF, P. (eds 2015): Devonian bio-events in Western Germany. – Final Meeting of IGCP 596 „Climate change and biodiversity patterns in the mid-Palaeozoic“, Post-conference excursion 23rd-29th September 2015, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, (pre) 108: 1-190.
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2014): SDS – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 29, 70 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2013): SDS – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 28, 76 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & TAHIRI, A. (eds 2013): International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana”, Field Guidebook. - Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 27: 150 S.
  • EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds 2013,): International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26:134 S.
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed.2012): SDS – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 27, 106 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2011): SDS – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 26, 113 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2010): SDS – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 25, 100 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag, ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2009): SDS – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 24, 99 pp., Münster (ISSN 2074-7268).
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2008): SDS - Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 23, 127 pp., Münster (Eigenverlag).
  • BECKER, R. T. (ed. 2007): SDS - Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter. – 22, 110 pp. (Münster, Eigenverlag).
  • BECKER, R. T. & KIRCHGASSER, W. T. (eds 2007): Devonian Events and Correlations. – The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 278: 1-273.
  • ABBOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, G., BECKER, R. T., BOCKWINKEL, J., BRICE, D., BULTYNCK, P., EBBIGHAUSEN, V., EL HASSANI, A., JANSEN, U., KAISER, S., LEGRAND-BLAIN, M., NICOLLIN, J.-P., NÜBEL, H., PLODOWSKI, G., SCHINDLER, E., VOGEL, O. & WEDDIGE, K. (2004): Devonian neritic-pelagic correlation and events in the Dra Valley (western Anti-Atlas, Morocco). – EL HASSANI, A. (ed.), International Meeting on Stratigraphay, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Documents de l´Institut Scientifique, 19: 139 S.

Popular science contributions and reviews (back to the top)

  • Becker, R. T. (2023 online): Fund des Monats September 2023: Goldene Goniatiten aus dem Oberdevon. – Archäologie im Rheinland, Aktuelles: 1 S.

  • Becker, R. T. (2024): Das Absterben des devonischen Neandertal-Riffes datiert durch seltene Goniatiten. – Archäologie im Rheinland, for 2023: 52-55.

  • SÖTE, T., BECKER, R. T., HERD, K. J. & BOCKWINKEL, J. (2020). Die Ammonoideen von Bergisch Gladbach-Sand – Diversität an der globalen Kellwasser-Krise. - Archäologie im Rheinland, for 2019: 44-46.

  • BECKER, R. T., LÜDDECKE, F., BECKER, S., HARTKOPF-FRÖDER, C., SCHRIJVER, D. & WEBER, H. M. (2020). Ein spektakulärer Goniatitenhorizont im Oberdevon des Steimbruchs Prangenhaus. – Archäologie im Rheinland, for 2019: 41-44.

  • HELLING, S. & SCHREIBER, G. (2020). Wachstumsstadien von Trilobiten aus oberdevonischen Schichten von Wuppertal-Uellendahl. - Archäologie im Rheinland, for 2019: 39-41.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2018). Wedekind (1920) – a forgotten early summary of Devonian (and Carboniferous) stratigraphy. – SDS Newsletter, 33: 50-52.
  • BECKER, R.T. (2019). Paläozoische Ammonoidea (inklusive Bactritida) 2014 bis 2018. Literaturbericht. – Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil II, 2018 (5/6): 373-437.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2018b). Buchbesprechung: MÜLLER, P. & HAHN, G. (2018), Die Trilobiten der Erdbach-Kalke von Erdbach (Hessen) und die der „Phillipsien-Bank“ im Raum Warstein (Nordrhein-Westfalen), sowie eine Revision der Cystispininae (mittleres Mississippium), Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 574. – Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil II, 2018 (3/4): 365-367.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., DROZDZEWSKI G., JUCH, D. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2018): „Kommen und Gehen“ einer bisher unbekannten Gesteins- und Fossilabfolge beim A44-Neubau bei Hülsbeck. - Archäologie im Rheinland, 2017: 36-38.
  • ELLERKAMP, M.-P., BECKER, R.T., SCHLÖSSER, M. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2018): Die einzigartige Schneckenfauna aus dem Grenzbereich des Mittel- und Oberdevons von Hofermühle. – Archäologie im Rheinland, 2017: 33-35.
  • EL HASSANI, A., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., BECKER, R.T., EL WARTITI, M. & EL HASSANI, F. (2017): Patrimoine géologique marocain et développement durable: l´exemple du Dévonien du Tafilalt, Anti-Atlas oriental. – Geologues, Revue Officielle de la Sociètè Géologique de France, Géosciences appliquées, 194: 112-117.
  • BECKER, R.T. & KERP, H. (2017): 88. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 26.-30. März 2017, Münster. – GMIT, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 69 (3): 78-80.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T., NOWAK, H., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., JUCH, D. & DROZDZEWSKI, G. (2017): Das letzte rheinische Riff ertrinkt – neue Erkenntnisse aus dem Oberdevon von Wülfrath. – Archäologie im Rheinland, 2016: 60-62.
  • HARTENFELS, S., HARTKOPF-FRÖDER, C. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): Ein neuer Blick auf das bedeutende Devon-Karbon-Profil bei Wuppertal, Riescheid. – Archäologie im Rheinland, 2015: 52-53.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2013): Dr. Volker EBBIGHAUSEN, 10.02.1941 – 3.06.2011. – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26: 7-10.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2012): Ein früher Ammoniten-Verwandter aus dem Rheinischen Devon. – In: MARTIN, T., von KÖNIGSWALD, W., RADTKE, G. & RUST, J. (eds), Paläontologie. 100 Jahre Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 80-81, München (Dr. Friedrich Pfeil).
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2012): Conodonten – Zähne entfernter Verwandter der Wirbeltiere. – In: MARTIN, T., von KÖNIGSWALD, W., RADTKE, G. & RUST, J. (eds), Paläontologie. 100 Jahre Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 78-79, München (Dr. Friedrich Pfeil).
  • BECKER, R. T. (2012): Brachiopoden aus dem Rheinischen Schiefergebirge. – In: MARTIN, T., von KÖNIGSWALD, W., RADTKE, G. & RUST, J. (eds), Paläontologie. 100 Jahre Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 78-79, München (Dr. Friedrich Pfeil).
  • BECKER, R. T. (2008): Eine kurze Geschichte der Erdzeitalter. – In: JÜTTEMANN, V. (ed.), Ewige Augenblicke. Eine interdisziplinäre Annäherung an das Phänomen Zeit. Studium im Alter, Forschungen und Dokumentationen, 11: 46-68, Münster (Waxmann).
  • BECKER, R. T. (2008): Referat über „OVER, D. J., MORROW, J. R. & WIGNALL, P. B. (eds, 2005): Understanding Late Devonian and Permian-Triassic biotic and climatic events. Towards an integrated approach”. – Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil II, 2008 (3/4): 558-563.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2005): Referat über „KLUG, C. (2002): Quantitative stratigraphy and taxonomy of late Emsian and Eifelian ammonoids of the eastern Anti-Atlas (Morocco). Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenb., 238: 1-109”. – Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil II, 2004 (3/4): 451-456.

Abstracts (back to the top)

  • LÖW, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2024 online): Taxonomic revision of Frasnian Gephuroceratidae (Ammonoidea). – In: PalGes 2024 Warsaw, The 95th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (PalGes), Abstract Book: 88.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2024 online): High-resolution biostratigraphy as the base for the analysis of ammonoid biodiversity in the Devonian of the Anti-Atlas (southern Morocco). - In: PalGes 2024 Warsaw, The 95th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (PalGes), Abstract Book: 16.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2024): Devonian ammonoid palaeodiversity in the Anti-Atlas – impact of data base, global events, and palaeoclimate. – In: NEUMANN, C. & HAMPE, O. (Eds.), Mollusc palaeobiology, -ecology and evolution in a changing world. One-day symposium honouring the scientific contributions of Martin ABERHAN and Dieter KORN, Berlin, March 26, 2024: 7-8.

  • LÖW, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2024 online): Taxonomic revision of Frasnian Gephuroceratidae (Ammonoidea). – In: PalGes 2024 Warsaw, The 95th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (PalGes), Abstract Book: 88.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2024 online): High-resolution biostratigraphy as the base for the analysis of ammonoid biodiversity in the Devonian of the Anti-Atlas (southern Morocco). - In: PalGes 2024 Warsaw, The 95th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (PalGes), Abstract Book: 16.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2024): Devonian ammonoid palaeodiversity in the Anti-Atlas – impact of data base, global events, and palaeoclimate. – In: NEUMANN, C. & HAMPE, O. (Eds.), Mollusc palaeobiology, -ecology and evolution in a changing world. One-day symposium honouring the scientific contributions of Martin ABERHAN and Dieter KORN, Berlin, March 26, 2024: 7-8.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., SAUPE, F. & HARTENFELS, S. (2023): Givetian to Tournaisian substages – significance, multi-disciplinary approaches, and GSSP potential in the Rhenish Massif (Germany). – GeoBerlin, Geosciences Beyond Boundaries – Research, Society, Future, Berlin, 3-8 September 2023, Abstracts,

  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2023): Impact of global events on the drowning and extinction of Givetian/Frasnian reefs in the northern Rhenish Massif (Germany). – In: OVER, D. J. (Ed.), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 652 Reading geologic time in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Geneseo, New York, 27 July – 06 August 2023, Program and Abstracts: 19-20.

  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2023): Devonian conodont stratigraphy and facies development of the Azrou region (eastern part of western Moroccan Meseta). - In: OVER, D. J. (Ed.), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 652 Reading geologic time in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Geneseo, New York, 27 July – 06 August 2023, Program and Abstracts: 14-15.

  • WICHERN, N., BIALIK, O. M., NOHL, T., PERCIVAL, L.M.E., KASKES, P., BECKER, R. T. & DEVLEESCHOUWER, D. (2023): Deciphering the role of terrestrial/atmospheric interactions in Late Devonian Kellwasser black shale deposition: A high-resolution cyclostratigraphic study of the Winsenberg section (Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: OVER, D. J. (Ed.), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 652 Reading geologic time in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Geneseo, New York, 27 July – 06 August 2023, Program and Abstracts: 80-81.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., SAUPE, F. & HARTENFELS, S. (2023): Givetian to Tournaisian substages – significance, multi-disciplinary approaches, and GSSP potential in the Rhenish Massif (Germany). – GeoBerlin, Geosciences Beyond Boundaries – Research, Society, Future, Berlin, 3-8 September 2023, Abstracts,

  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2023): Impact of global events on the drowning and extinction of Givetian/Frasnian reefs in the northern Rhenish Massif (Germany). – In: OVER, D. J. (Ed.), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 652 Reading geologic time in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Geneseo, New York, 27 July – 06 August 2023, Program and Abstracts: 19-20.

  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2023): Devonian conodont stratigraphy and facies development of the Azrou region (eastern part of western Moroccan Meseta). - In: OVER, D. J. (Ed.), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 652 Reading geologic time in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Geneseo, New York, 27 July – 06 August 2023, Program and Abstracts: 14-15.

  • WICHERN, N., BIALIK, O. M., NOHL, T., PERCIVAL, L.M.E., KASKES, P., BECKER, R. T. & DEVLEESCHOUWER, D. (2023): Deciphering the role of terrestrial/atmospheric interactions in Late Devonian Kellwasser black shale deposition: A high-resolution cyclostratigraphic study of the Winsenberg section (Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: OVER, D. J. (Ed.), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 652 Reading geologic time in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Geneseo, New York, 27 July – 06 August 2023, Program and Abstracts: 80-81.

  • GIBB, A., HÜNEKE, H., MEHLHORN, P., GIBB, L., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EL HASSANI, A. & BAIDDER, L. (2023): Frasnian contourite channel-drift system: Dense shelf-water cascading of anoxic water from the northern Gondwana Epeiric Sea (Tafilalt, Morocco). –  In: The 4th Deep Water Circulation Research Conference, 24-26 May 2023, Edinburgh, Abstracts: 1 p.

  • WICHERN, N. M. A., BIALIK, O. M., PERCIVAL, L. M. E., KASKES, P., NOHL, T., BECKER, R. T. & DE VLEESCHOUWER, D. (2023): Deciphering the role of terrestrial/atmospheric interactions in Late Devonian Kellwasser black shale deposition: A High-Resolution Cyclostratigraphy study of the Winsenberg section (Rhenish Massif, Germany). – In: EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, 23-28 April 2023, Abstracts, 1 p.

  • LÖW, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2022): Revision of upper Frasnian Rhenohercynian manticoceratids (Gepühuroceratidae, Ammonoidea). - In: 6th International Palaeontological Congress, 7th to 11th November 2022, Khon Kaen, Abstracts, Session 3: 1 p.

  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2022): The Frasnian ammonoid succession of Oued Mzerreb (Dra Valley, Morocco). - In: 6th International Palaeontological Congress, 7th to 11th November 2022, Khon Kaen, Abstracts, Session 9: 1 p.

  • BECKER, R. T., SAUPE, F. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2022): The enigmatic end-Frasnian pelagic mass extinction (top Kellwasser Crisis) – new evidence for correlation with a peak of seismically induced sedimentary events. - In: 6th International Palaeontological Congress, 7th to 11th November 2022, Khon Kaen, Abstracts, Session 9: 1 p.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2022): The Treatise volume on Devonian ammonoids – a tale of unreadable disks, photo boxes, and outdated taxonomic concepts. – In: 6th International Palaeontological Congress, 7th to 11th November 2022, Khon Kaen, Abstracts, Session 3: 1 p.

  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2022): The Frasnian ammonoid succession of Ouidane Chebbi (eastern Tafilalt, Morocco). - In: SCHWEIGERT, G. (Ed.), 93. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Sep. 19th to 23rd at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Abstract Volume: 61.

  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2022): The evolution of early Protognathodus and their significance for the redefinition of the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary. – In: SCHWEIGERT, G. (Ed.), 93. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Sep. 19th to 23rd at the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Abstract Volume: 18.

  • WICHERN, N. M. A., NOHL, T., KASKES, P., PERCIVAL, L. M. E., BECKER, R. T. & DE VLEESCHOUWER, D. (2022). Climatic variability during the Late Devonian Kellwasser Crisis on astronomical and millennial timescales. – In: 21st International Sedimentological Congress, Aug. 22-26, 2022: 1 p.; Beijing [online].

  • MEYER-BERTHAUD, B., BECKER, R. T., BERT, C., DECOMBEIX, A.-L., EL HASSANI, A., KLUG, C., LACAND, M., RAMEL, M. & TAHIRI, A. (2022): A new Givetian assemblage of permineralized plants from Anti-Atlas, Morocco. – In: 11th European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference, June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden: 143-144; hal-03731986.

  • JUNG, J., ZOPPE, S. F., SÖTE, T., DUPREY, N., FOREMAN, A., SIGMAN, D. M., HAUG, G. H., VONHOF, H. & MARTÍNEZ-GARCÍA, A. (2022): Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes. – In: Goldschmidt Conference, Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA, 10-15 July 2022.

  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2022c). The impact of the Lower Kellwasser Event (Devonian, upper Frasnian) on ammonoids (Tornoceratidae) at Büdesheim (Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: The 11th International Symposium on Cephalopods – Present and Past, 12-16 September 2022, Natural History Museum London, Abstracts: 24.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2022): Iterative evolution (homoplasy) as the rule in cephalopod evolution – implications for phylogenetic reconstructions. – In: The 11th International Symposium on Cephalopods – Present and Past, 12-16 September 2022, Natural History Museum London, Abstracts: 4.

  • LÖW, M., SÖTE, T., BECKER, R. T., MAY, A., STICHLING, S., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & ZOPPE, S. F. (2021). Microfauna and Microfacies from the initial reef stadium of Binolen in the Hönne Valley (Sauerland, Middle Devonian). – 92nd Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschafts, Vienna, 26 Sept. – 01 Oct., 2021, Abstract Volume, 1p.

  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2021). Exceptionally high diversity in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Tornoceratidae (Ammonoidea) from Büdesheim (Rhenish Massif, Germany). – 92nd Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschafts, Vienna, 26 Sept. – 01 Oct., 20021, Abstract Volume, 1 p.

  • HASSAN, M. H. A. & BECKER, R. T. (2019). Carboniferous ammonoids from the Kubang Pasu Formation, Hutan Aji, Perlis. – In: National Geoscience Conference 2019 (NGC2019), Pertemuan Persatuan. Warta Geologi, 45 (3): 261.

  • MAYER, O., HÜNEKE, H., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2018). Bottom-current controlled erosion and deposition on a pelagic carbonate platform: microfacies of the Givetian-Frasnian limestones of the northern Tafilalt Platform (Morocco). – 20th International Sedimentological Congress, ISC 2018, 13 to 17 August 2018, Québec, Canada, Abstracts: 1 p.
  • SÖTE, T., BECKER, R. T. & HERD, C. (2019). Upper Frasnian tornoceratids (Goniatitida) from the Sand Formation of the Bergisch Gladbach-Paffrath Syncline (Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: Paleo & Life, 90th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Munich 2019, Abstracts: 140.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2019). Impact of Emsian/Eifelian (Devonian) global events on faunas and biofacies in the Moroccan Meseta. – In: Paleo & Life, 90th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Munich 2019, Abstracts: 20.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2019). The Devonian/Carboniferous transition in the Rhenish Massif – Borkewehr, a potential GSSP section. - In: HARTENFELS, S., HERBIG, H.-G., AMLER, M. R. W. & ARETZ, M. (Eds.), 19th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, Cologne, July 29-August 2, 2019, Abstracts. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 23: 140-141.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2019b). New Lower Carboniferous ammonoid faunas from the eastern Anti-Atlas, Southern Morocco. – In: HARTENFELS, S., HERBIG, H.-G., AMLER, M. R. W. & ARETZ, M. (Eds.), 19th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, Cologne, July 29-August 2, 2019, Abstracts. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 23: 40-41.
  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2019). Lower Famennian ammonoid stratigraphy in the Canning Basin (Western Australia). - In: Strati 2019, 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2-5 July 2019, Milano, Italy, Abstract Book: 192.
  • LÜDDECKE, F. & HARTENFELS, S. (2019). Famennian conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies of the Minervois Nappe (Ravin de la Fontaine de Sante, Montagne Noire, Southern France) – a reinvestigation. - In: Strati 2019, 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2-5 July 2019, Milano, Italy, Abstract Book: 187.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2019a). Principles of Devonian ammonoid zonations. – In: Strati 2019, 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2-5 July 2019, Milano, Italy, Abstract Book: 86.
  • BECKER, R.T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2018): The upper Givetian – strange mid-Palaeozoic interval with maximum biostratigraphic time resolution and rapid eustatic fluctuations. – Opening Meeting IGCP 652 “Reading Time in Paleozoic sedimentary Rock”, 12th – 13th September 2018, Bremen, Germany, Oral Presentations: 2 pp.
  • SAUPE, A., HARTERNFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2018): Biofacies analysis of agglutinated foraminifers along an Upper Devonian transect from Central Europe to North Africa. - In: GeoBonn 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, Germany, Abstracts: 266.
  • BECKER, R.T. (2018): Iterative evolution as the rule – not exception – in ammonoids and other cephalopods. - In: GeoBonn 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, Germany, Abstracts: 253.
  • Hartenfels, S. & Becker, R.T. (2018): Borkewehr near Wocklum (northern Rhenish Massif), a possible future Devonian/Carboniferous boundary GSSP section. - In: GeoBonn 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, Germany, Abstracts: 252.
  • ELLERKAMP, M.-P. & BECKER, R.T. (2018): A comparison of Givetian gastropod faunas from the Tata region (Dra Valley, southern Morocco) and the Rhenish Massif. - In: GeoBonn 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, Germany, Abstracts: 251.
  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R.T. (2018): The early radiation of ammonoids after the global Kellwasser Crisis in the Canning Basin (Frasnian-Famennian boundary, Western Australia). - In: GeoBonn 2018, 2-6 September 2018, Bonn, Germany, Abstracts: 217.
  • STICHLING, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2018): Initial reef growth in the Hönne Valley (Hagen-Balve Reef complex, Rhenish Massif). - In: 5th International Paleontological Congress, Paris, 9th – 13th July 2018, Abstract Book: 107.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & LÜDDECKE, F. (2018): Preliminary Famennian data of the “Ravin de la Fontaine de Sante” section (Montagne Noire, southern France). - In: 5th International Paleontological Congress, Paris, 9th – 13th July 2018, Abstract Book: 107.
  • HARTENFELS, S., KAISER, S.I., JOACHIMSKI, M.M., GIRARD, C. & KUMPAN, T. (2018): Environmental changes during Famennian low-order biocrises – stable isotope data from European successions. - In: 5th International Paleontological Congress, Paris, 9th – 13th July 2018, Abstract Book: 107.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2018): The Frasnian-Famennian boundary mass extinction – widespread seismic events, the timing of climatic pulses, “pelagic death zones”, and opportunistic survivals. In: 5th International Paleontological Congress, Paris, 9th – 13th July 2018, Abstract Book: 107.
  • SÖTE, T. & BECKER, R.T. (2018): The early radiation of ammonoids after the global Kellwasser Event in the Canning Basin (Frasnian-Famennian boundary, Western Australia). – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds., 2018): 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Program & Abstracts.- Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 100.
  • HOLDERIED, L., BECKER, R.T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2018): Ontogenetic morphometry, taxonomy and phylogeny of Paratornoceratinae (Goniatitida) from the lower Famennian of NW Australia. – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds., 2018): 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Program & Abstracts.- Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 47-48.
  • BECKER, R.T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2018): Upper Famennian sea-level changes and ammonoid radiations in the eastern Anti-Atlas (Southern Morocco). – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds., 2018): 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Program & Abstracts.- Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 18-19.
  • AFHÜPPE, L., BECKER, R.T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2018): New data on cyrto- and gyroconic nautiloids from the Devonian of the eastern Anti-Atlas. – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & LÜDDECKE, F. (Eds., 2018): 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Fes, 26th March – 3rd April 2018, Program & Abstracts.- Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 15-16.
  • WANG, Z., HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & GONG, Y. (2017): New Upper Devonian conodonts from Northwestern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China. - In: YANG, Q., REITNER, J., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (Eds.), Critical Intervals in Earth History: Palaeobiological Innovations., 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 382-383; University of Science and Technology of China Press.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T. & KUMPAN, T. (2017): A possible new Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary stratotype section: Borkewehr near Wocklum (Northern Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: YANG, Q., REITNER, J., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (Eds.), Critical Intervals in Earth History: Palaeobiological Innovations., 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 79-81; University of Science and Technology of China Press.
  • LÜDDECKE, F., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2017): Middle Famennian conodont biofacies: a new approach. – In: YANG, Q., REITNER, J., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (Eds.), Critical Intervals in Earth History: Palaeobiological Innovations., 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Paläontologische Gesellschaft: 206-208; University of Science and Technology of China Press.
  • HERBERS, P., BECKER, R.T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2017): The impact of re-sampling on conodont abundance, palaeodiversity, biofacies, and stratigraphic analysis – two Famennian case studies. - In: LIAO, J.-C. & VALENZUELA-RÍOS, J.I. (Eds.), Fourth International Conodont Symposium, ICOS IV, “Progress on Conodont Investigation”, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 22: 343-346.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & BECKER, R.T. (2017): The upper Givetian to lower Frasnian conodont succession and Frasnes Events at Giebringhausen (NE Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: LIAO, J.-C. & VALENZUELA-RÍOS, J.I. (Eds.), Fourth International Conodont Symposium, ICOS IV, “Progress on Conodont Investigation”, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 22: 339-341.
  • CIFER, T., CORRADINI, C., GIRARD, C., HARTENFELS, S. & KAISER, S. I. (2017b). A new Devonian/Carboniferous boundary section in the stratotype area (La Serre, Montagne Noire, France). - In: LIAO, J.-C. & VALENZUELA-RÍOS, J. I. (Eds.), Fourth International Conodont Symposium, ICOS IV, “Progress on Conodont Investigation”, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 22: 199.
  • HARTENFELS, S., BECKER, R.T. & KUMPAN, T. (2017): Uppermost Famennian to Lower Tournaisian stratigraphy at Borkewehr near Wocklum (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: LIAO, J.-C. & VALENZUELA-RÍOS, J.I. (Eds.), Fourth International Conodont Symposium, ICOS IV, “Progress on Conodont Investigation”, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 22: 195-197.
  • LÜDDECKE, F., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2017): A new approach to Middle Famennian conodont biofacies (Upper Ballberg Quarry, northern Rhenish Massif). - In: LIAO, J.-C. & VALENZUELA-RÍOS, J.I. (Eds.), Fourth International Conodont Symposium, ICOS IV, “Progress on Conodont Investigation”, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 22: 171-174.
  • STICHLING, S., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2017): Conodont dating of reef drowning and extinction in the Hönne Vallesy (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: LIAO, J.-C. & VALENZUELA-RÍOS, J.I. (Eds.), Fourth International Conodont Symposium, ICOS IV, “Progress on Conodont Investigation”, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 22: 163-165.
  • BRETT, C.E., ZAMBITO, J.J., BAIRD, G.C., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., BECKER, R.T. & BARTHOLOMEW, A.J. (2017): Biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian (Givetian) in central Kentucky, USA. – In: LIAO, J.-C. & VALENZUELA-RÍOS, J.I. (Eds.), Fourth International Conodont Symposium, ICOS IV, “Progress on Conodont Investigation”, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 22: 149-151.
  • SAUPE, A., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2017): Foraminifer and carbonate facies around the Famennian Annulata Events (Upper Devonian) at Ziyyar I (Moroccan Meseta). - In: HELLING, S. & HARTENFELS, S. (Eds.), 88. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Münster, 26.-30. März 2017, Programm, Kurzfassungen, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 109: 76.
  • KAISER, S.I., JOACHIMSKI, M.M. & HARTENFELS, S. (2017): First evidence for a carbon isotope excursion in the expansa Zone (upper/Uppermost Famennian) in Franconia (Germany) – understanding palaeoenvironmental changes during pre-Hangenberg times. - HELLING, S. & HARTENFELS, S. (Eds.), 88. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Münster, 26.-30. März 2017, Programm, Kurzfassungen, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 109: 55.
  • ELLERKAMP, M.-P., BECKER, R.T., SCHLÖSSER, M. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2017): Upper Givetian / lower Frasnian gastropods from reef limestones of the Hofermühle South Quarry (Bergisches Land, Germany). - In: HELLING, S. & HARTENFELS, S. (Eds.), 88. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Münster, 26.-30. März 2017, Programm, Kurzfassungen, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 109: 33.
  • BECKER, R.T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2017): In pursuit for a revised Devonian-Carboniferous boundary – new data from the Rhenish Massif, Ardennes, southern Morocco, and South China. – In: HELLING, S. & HARTENFELS, S. (Eds.), 88. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Münster, 26.-30. März 2017, Programm, Kurzfassungen, Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 109: 29.
  • CIFER, T., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2017): Konodonti in karbonatni mikrofacies na meji devon-karbon, na profilu La Serre C (Montagne Noire, Francija). In: ROŽIČ, B. (Ed.), 23. Posvetovanje Slovenskih geologov (23rd Meeting of Slovenian Geologists), 17-22.
  • STICHLING, S., BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2016): Microfacies analysis and stratigraphy of drill core Hon_1101 (Devonian Hagen-Balve Reef Complex). - In: NIEBUHR, B., WILMSEN, M., KUNZMANN, L. & STEFEN, C. (Eds.), Fossils: Key to evolution, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments, 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden, September 11-15, 2016, Programme, Abstracts, Field trip guides: 148-149; Dresden (Saxoprint GmbH).
  • SÖTE, T., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): Stratigraphy and microfacies near the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary at Forststeinbruch Reigern (Hachen, northern Rhenish Massif). - In: NIEBUHR, B., WILMSEN, M., KUNZMANN, L. & STEFEN, C. (Eds.), Fossils: Key to evolution, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments, 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden, September 11-15, 2016, Programme, Abstracts, Field trip guides: 146; Dresden (Saxoprint GmbH).
  • SAUPE, A., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): Agglutinating foraminifers around the Annulata Events and Dasberg Crisis (Famennian, Upper Devonian) – Palaeoecology and palaeodiversity. – In: NIEBUHR, B., WILMSEN, M., KUNZMANN, L. & STEFEN, C. (Eds.), Fossils: Key to evolution, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments, 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden, September 11-15, 2016, Programme, Abstracts, Field trip guides: 134; Dresden (Saxoprint GmbH).
  • SACHER, M., HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER R.T. (2016): Middle Famennian to Lower Tournaisian conodont stratigraphy at Oberrödinghausen (northern Rhenish Massif) – A progress report. - In: NIEBUHR, B., WILMSEN, M., KUNZMANN, L. & STEFEN, C. (Eds.), Fossils: Key to evolution, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments, 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden, September 11-15, 2016, Programme, Abstracts, Field trip guides: 133; Dresden (Saxoprint GmbH).
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2016): Eovariscan tectonic movements as a trigger of the global Kellwasser Crisis? A critical review. – In: NIEBUHR, B., WILMSEN, M., KUNZMANN, L. & STEFEN, C. (Eds.), Fossils: Key to evolution, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments, 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft e.V., Dresden, September 11-15, 2016, Programme, Abstracts, Field trip guides: 30-31; Dresden (Saxoprint GmbH).
  • STICHLING, S., BECKER, R.T., HARTENFELS, S. & ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. (2016): New data on the extinction of the Hagen-Balve reef complex (based on bore hole HON_1101). - In: GURDEBEKE, P., DE WEIRDT, J., VANDENBROUCKE, T.R.A. & CRAMER, B.D. (Eds.), IGCP 591, The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution, Closing Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 130-131.
  • RICHTER, J., HARTENFELS, S., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., BECKER, R.T. & EL HASSANI, A. (2016): Biostratigraphy of the isolated Devonian (Emsian to Famennian) at Immouzer du Kandar (south of Fes, Moroccan Meseta). - In: GURDEBEKE, P., DE WEIRDT, J., VANDENBROUCKE, T.R.A. & CRAMER, B.D. (Eds.), IGCP 591, The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution, Closing Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 127.
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): A new Pragian trilobite assemblage from Aïn-Al-Aliliga (western Meseta, NW Morocco). - In: GURDEBEKE, P., DE WEIRDT, J., VANDENBROUCKE, T.R.A. & CRAMER, B.D. (Eds.), IGCP 591, The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution, Closing Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 68-69.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R.T. (2016): Revised conodont stratigraphy of the famous Ballberg section (Famennian, Rhenish Massif, Germany). - In: GURDEBEKE, P., DE WEIRDT, J., VANDENBROUCKE, T.R.A. & CRAMER, B.D. (Eds.), IGCP 591, The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution, Closing Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 66-67.
  • BECKER, R.T., ABOUSSALAM, Z.S., EL HASSANI, A. & HARTENFELS, S. (2016): The distribution of Devonian pelagic facies in the western Moroccan Meseta as a key for palaeogeographic reconstructions in the Prototethys. – In: GURDEBEKE, P., DE WEIRDT, J., VANDENBROUCKE, T.R.A. & CRAMER, B.D. (Eds.), IGCP 591, The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution, Closing Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 24-25.
  • STICHLING, S., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EICHHOLT, S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2015): Event-controlled reef drowning and extinction in the Hönne Valley (northern Rhenish Massif, Hagen-Balve reef complex). – In: MOTTEQUIN, B., DENAYER, J., KÖNIGSHOF, P., PRESTIANNI, C. & OLIVE, S. (eds), IGCP 596 – SDS Symposium, Climate change and Biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Palaeozoic, Strata (Travaux de Géologie sédimentaire et Paléontologie), Série 1 (communications), 16: 138-139.
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2015): A new Pragian trilobite assemblage from Ain-Al-Aliliga (western Meseta, NW Morocco). - In: MOTTEQUIN, B., DENAYER, J., KÖNIGSHOF, P., PRESTIANNI, C. & OLIVE, S. (eds), IGCP 596 – SDS Symposium, Climate change and Biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Palaeozoic, Strata (Travaux de Géologie sédimentaire et Paléontologie), Série 1 (communications), 16: 68-69.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2015): Revised conodont stratigraphy of the famous Ballberg section (Famennian, Rhenish Massive, Germany). - In: MOTTEQUIN, B., DENAYER, J., KÖNIGSHOF, P., PRESTIANNI, C. & OLIVE, S. (eds), IGCP 596 – SDS Symposium, Climate change and Biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Palaeozoic, Strata (Travaux de Géologie sédimentaire et Paléontologie), Série 1 (communications), 16: 66-67.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., EL HASSANI, A., HARTENFELS, S. & BAIDDER, L. (2015): The timing of Eovariscan block faulting, reworking and re-deposition in the Moroccan Meseta. – In: MOTTEQUIN, B., DENAYER, J., KÖNIGSHOF, P., PRESTIANNI, C. & OLIVE, S. (eds), IGCP 596 – SDS Symposium, Climate change and Biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Palaeozoic, Strata (Travaux de Géologie sédimentaire et Paléontologie), Série 1 (communications), 16: 14-15.
  • WANG, Z., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., HARTENFELS, S. & GONG, Y. (2015): Conodont stratigraphy and palaeobiogeography near the Frasnian/Famennian boundary at Wulankeshun, Junggar Basin, NW China. - In: GÜLLI, E. & PILLER, W. E. (eds), STRATI 2015, 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 19. – 23. July 2015, Graz, Austria, Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 21: 395.
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2015): Phacopid trilobites from the Daleje Event Interval (Emsian, Devonian) at El Khraouia (Amessoui Syncline, southern Tafilalt, Morocco). – In: GÜLLI, E. & PILLER, W. E. (eds), STRATI 2015, 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 19. – 23. July 2015, Graz, Austria, Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 21: 158.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2015): New middle Famennian conodont data and the Annulata Event al El Khraouia (Amessoui Syncline, southern Tafilalt, Morocco). – In: GÜLLI, E. & PILLER, W. E. (eds), STRATI 2015, 2nd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 19. – 23. July 2015, Graz, Austria, Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 21: 151.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2014): New data on Upper Devonian black shale events in the eastern part of the central Moroccan Meseta. - 4thInternational Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, September/October 2014, Online Abstracts, 1 S.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2014): Devonian global events in the Moroccan Meseta – an update. – 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, September/October 2014, Online Abstracts, 1 S.
  • FISCHER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2014): Ontogenetic morphometry, taxonomy and biogeographic aspects of Famennian (Upper Devonian) Prionoceratidae. - In: KLUG, C. & FUCHS, D. (eds), 9th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, in combination with the 5th International Symposium, Coleoid Cephalopods through Time, Zürich 2014, Abstracts and program: 36.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2014): Origin and evolution of the Gephuroceratina (Ammonoidea, Agoniatitida). - In: KLUG, C. & FUCHS, D. (eds), 9th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, in combination with the 5th International Symposium, Coleoid Cephalopods through Time, Zürich 2014, Abstracts and program: 24.
  • MEOR, H. H. A., AUNG, A.-K., BECKER, R. T., RAHMAN, N. A. A., FATT, N. T., GHANI, A. A., SHUIB, M. K. (2014): Carboniferous (Mississippian) dropstones and diamictite from the Chepor Member, basal Kubang Pasu Formation: Earliest record of glacial-derived deposits in Peninsular Malaysia. – National Geoscience Conference, Grand Central, Hotel Kuala Trengganu, 13-14th June 2014, Proceedings: 38-39.
  • HARTENFELS, S., RYTINA, M.-K. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): Microfacies and conodont faunas of the allochthonous Famennian at the “Southern Variscan Front” (Tinerhir region, SE Morocco). – The 3rd International Conference on the Palaeontology of South-East Asia (ICPSEA3), Abstracts: 29-30.
  • STICHLING, S., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., HELLING, S., RYTINA, M.-K. & WARD, D. (2013): Devonian successions at the northern margin of the Maider (S-Morocco): microfacies, palaeoecology and stratigraphy. - In: REITNER, J., YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History, Abstract Volume: 158 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen).
  • HARTENFELS, S., RYTINA, M.-K. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): Famennian conodont faunas in olistrostromes at Taourirt n´Khellil (Tinerhir region, SE Morocco) – lost Devonian at the “Southern Variscan Front”. - In: REITNER, J., YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History, Abstract Volume: 63 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen).
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): A Lower Devonian trilobite fauna from a Carboniferous olistostrome at Taourirt n´Khellil (Tinerhir region, SE Morocco). - In: REITNER, J., YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History, Abstract Volume: 68 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen).
  • FISCHER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): Morphometry, taxonomy, autecology and palaeobiogeography of Prionoceratidae (Ammonoidea). - In: REITNER, J., YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History, Abstract Volume: 51 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen).
  • EICHHOLT, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): Microfacies and Devonian reef development in the Oued Cherrat Zone, Moroccan Meseta. - In: REITNER, J., YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History, Abstract Volume: 40 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen).
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., HARTENFELS, S., EL HASSANI, A. & BAIDDER, L. (2013): The global carbonate crisis at the Devonian-Carboniferous transition in Morocco. - In: REITNER, J., YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History, Abstract Volume: 19 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen).
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EICHHOLT, S., EL HASSANI, A., BENFRIKA, E. M. & EL KAMEL, F. (2013): The precise timing of Devonian reef growth and extinctions in the Moroccan Meseta. – In: REITNER, J., YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & REICH, M. (eds), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerstätten through Earth History, Abstract Volume: 13 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen).
  • NOWAK, H., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2013): Facies development and death of the Devonian Wülfrath Reef (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany). – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26: 99-102.
  • MAHBOUBI, A., GIRARD, C., CORNÉE, J. J., BECKER, R. T. & FEIST, R. (2013): Late Devonian sequences and biostratigraphy of the South Marhouma region, Beni Abbes, SW Algeria – Preliminary results. - In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26: 80.
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): Lower Devonian trilobites from a Carboniferous olistostrome near Ait Issa (Tinerhir area, southern margin of the Variscan Zone, SE Morocco). – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26: 52-54.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): El Gara South – new data on Famennian ammonoid and conodont faunas and the Annulata Events in the Rheris Basin (northern Tafilalt, Morocco). – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26: 48-51.
  • EICHHOLT, S., BECKER, R. T. & STICHLING, S. (2013): Microfacies and Devonian reef development in the Oued Cherrat Zone (Ain Khira South and Ain-es-Seffah), Moroccan Meseta. – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26: 37-39.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T., EICHHOLT, S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2013): Conodont biostratigraphy and the timing of facies changes at Ain-es-Seffah (Oued Cherrat Zone, Moroccan Meseta). – In: EL HASSANI, A., BECKER, R. T. & TAHIRI, A. (eds), International Field Symposium „The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana“, Abstract Book, Document de l´Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 26:11-13.
  • NOWAK, H., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2012): Facies development and death of the Devonian Wülfrath Reef (northern Rhenish Massif, Germany). – 56th Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, 16-18 December 2012, University College Dublin: 81.
  • BECKER, R. T., GRADSTEIN, F. & HAMMER, O. (2012): Devonian Time Scale. – GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, 4th – 7th November 2012, Abstracts and Programme.
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2012): New proetid and phacopid trilobites from the Middle Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of the Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, SE Morocco). - In: WITZMANN, F. & ABERHAN, M. (eds), Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Programme, Abstracts, and Field Guides, 24.09. – 29.09.2012, Terra Nostra, 2012/3: 73.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2012): Conodont age and correlation of the transgressive Gonioclymenia and Kalloclymenia Limestones (Famennian, Anti-Atlas, SE Morocco). - In: WITZMANN, F. & ABERHAN, M. (eds), Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Programme, Abstracts, and Field Guides, 24.09. – 29.09.2012, Terra Nostra, 2012/3: 67.
  • FISCHER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2012): Palaeopathology and autecology of uppermost Famennian ammonoids from the Maider and Tafilalt Basins (eastern Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco). - In: WITZMANN, F. & ABERHAN, M. (eds), Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Programme, Abstracts, and Field Guides, 24.09. – 29.09.2012, Terra Nostra, 2012/3: 54.
  • EICHHOLT, S., BECKER, R. T. & STICHLING, S. (2012): Microfacies and development of the Devonian reef at Ain Jemaa (Moroccan Meseta). – In: WITZMANN, F. & ABERHAN, M. (eds), Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Programme, Abstracts, and Field Guides, 24.09. – 29.09.2012, Terra Nostra, 2012/3: 47-48.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., BECKER, R. T. & EICHHOLT, S. (2012): Conodont dating of reefs and carbonate platforms in the Middle and Upper Devonian of the Moroccan Meseta. – In: WITZMANN, F. & ABERHAN, M. (eds), Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Programme, Abstracts, and Field Guides, 24.09. – 29.09.2012, Terra Nostra, 2012/3: 27-28.
  • BECKER, R. T. & EICHHOLT, S. (2012): Phylogeny and palaeogeography of the Beloceratidae from the Middle/Upper Frasnian of the Canning Basin (Australia). - 34th International Geological Congress, Unearthing our Past and Future – Resourcing Tomorrow, Abstract CD: 3907.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2012): Local variations of the global Annulata and Dasberg Crisis biofacies. - 34th International Geological Congress, Unearthing our Past and Future – Resourcing Tomorrow, Abstract CD: 3719.
  • MA, X., ZONG, P., BECKER, R. T., ZHANG, Y. & ZHANG, M. (2012): Famennian stratigraphic and faunal sequence of western Junggar, northwestern China. – 34th International Geological Congress, Unearthing our Past and Future – Resourcing Tomorrow, Abstract CD: 3258.
  • BONCHEVA, I., SACHANSKI, V. & BECKER, R. T. (2011): Sedimentary and faunal evidence for the Late Devonian Kellwasser and Annulata events in the Balkan Terrane (Bulgaria). – In: SUTTNER, T. J., KIDO, E., PILLER, W. & KÖNIGSHOF, P. (eds), IGCP 596 Opening Meeting, Graz, 19-24th September 2011, Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 16: 26-27.
  • DOJEN, C., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2011): Auswirkungen der Daleje-, Chotec- und Kacák-Events auf benthische Ostrakoden des westlichen Dra-Tals (SW-Marokko): erste Ergebnisse.- In: 82. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Abstract-Volume, Beiträge zur Paläontologie, 32: p. 50.
  • DOJEN, C., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2011): Lowermost Emsian to lower Givetian ostracods from the Western Dra Valley (Morocco): First palaeoecological and event-stratigraphical data. – Joannea Geologie und Paläontologie, 11: 53-54 [vgl. Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 16: 41-42].
  • BECKER, R. T. & BAKHAREV, N. K. (2011): Ammonoids from around the Middle/Upper Devonian boundary of the Rudny Altai (Southern Siberia, Russia). – In: OBUT, O. T. & KIPRIYANOVA, T. P. (eds), Biostratigraphy, Paleogeography and Events in Devonian and Lower Carboniferous (SDS / IGCP 596 joint field meeting), Contributions of International Conference in memory of Evgeny A. YOLKIN: 34-36 (Novosibirsk Publishing House SB RAS).
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2011): New trilobite discoveries from Lower and Middle Devonian strata of southern Morocco. – In: WEUG, A. & LEROSEY-AUBRIL, R. (eds), 2nd German Trilobite Symposium, Programme & Abstracts: 10-11.
  • PARISH, A., DAY, J., MYERS, R., TAPANILA, L. & BECKER, R. T. (2011 online): Comiotoechia and Xinshaoella? (Rhynchonellida-Ladogiidae) from the Middle? and Late Frasnian of the Euramerican tropics (North America) and Germany): First known occurrences outside of the Russian Platform and South China. – GSA, Northeastern (46th Annual) and North-Central (45th Annual) Joint Meeting, 20-22nd March, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Abstracts, 1 p.
  • HELLING, S., HÜBERS, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Neue, seltene Gerastos-Funde (Trilobita, Proetida) aus dem Unter- und Mittel-Devon Süd-Marokkos. – In: Paläontologie im Blickpunkt, 80. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 5.-8. Oktober 2010, Programm und Kurzfassungen, Zitteliana, Reihe B, 29: 46.
  • EICHHOLT, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Phyletischer Gradualismus bei Beloceratiden (Agoniatitida, Gephuroceratacea) des tiefen Oberdevon? – In: Paläontologie im Blickpunkt, 80. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 5.-8. Oktober 2010, Programm und Kurzfassungen, Zitteliana, Reihe B, 29: 31.
  • BECKER, R. T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2010): Der Faunenwechsel bei Ammonoideen des mittleren Fameniums (Oberdevon III/IV) – Folge einer globalen trophischen Krise in Außenschelfen? – In: Paläontologie im Blickpunkt, 80. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 5.-8. Oktober 2010, Programm und Kurzfassungen, Zitteliana, Reihe B, 29: 20-21.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z.S. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Der Einfluß der globalen Frasnes-Events (basales Oberdevon) auf Conodonten-Abfolgen im östlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirge. – In: Paläontologie im Blickpunkt, 80. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 5.-8. Oktober 2010, Programm und Kurzfassungen, Zitteliana, Reihe B, 29: 13.
  • HUMBERG, B. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Morphometry and palaeopathology of Orthoceratida from the Middle and Upper Devonian of the Dra Valley (SW Morocco). - 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, August 30 – September 3, 2010, University of Burgundy & CNRS, Dijon – France, Abstract Volume: 128.
  • HÜBERS, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Empirical relationships between shell expansion and septal spacing in Devonian ammonoids. - 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, August 30 – September 3, 2010, University of Burgundy & CNRS, Dijon – France, Abstract Volume: 48.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2010): The chance of evolutionary success – the case of the oldest (Tournaisian) ceratitoid ammonoids (Prodromitidae, Tornoceratina). – 8th International Symposium, Cephalopods – Present and Past, August 30 – September 3, 2010, University of Burgundy & CNRS, Dijon – France, Abstracts Volume: 25-26.
  • KIRCHGASSER, W. T., BAIRD, G. C., OVER, J. D., BRETT, C. E. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Konzentrat Lagerstätte of the goniatite Naplesites marking a global transgression event (Upper Devonian Mesobeloceras Genozone) in the Rhinestreet Shale, Western New York. - International Palaeontological Congress, London 2010, June 28 – July 3, S. 231.
  • DOJEN, C., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Effects of Lower/Middle Devonian events on ostracodes from Morocco. - International Palaeontological Congress, London 2010, June 28 – July 3, S. 149.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., HARTENFELS, S. & EL HASSANI, A. (2010): An update of Middle/Upper Devonian global events in southern Morocco. - International Palaeontological Congress, London 2010, June 28 – July 3, S. 85.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2010): Middle/Upper Devonian boundary conodont faunas from Giebringhausen (Rhenish Massif, Germany). – International Palaeontological Congress, London 2010, June 28 – July 3, S. 61.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): Auswirkungen der globalen Annulata-Events und der Dasberg-Krise (Oberdevon) auf die Conodonten-Evolution. – In: MARTIN, T. & KAISER, S. I. (eds), Paläontologie – Schlüssel zur Evolution, 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Bonn, 5.-7. Oktober 2009, Terra Nostra, 2009 (3): 41-41.
  • DOJEN, C., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): Palaeoecological and biogeographical interpretation of Devonian ostracodes (Emsian to basal Givetian) of the Western Dra Valley, Morocco (sections Bou Tserfine, Rich Tamelougou and Hassi Mouf). – In: MARTIN, T. & KAISER, S. I. (eds), Paläontologie – Schlüssel zur Evolution, 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Bonn, 5.-7. Oktober 2009, Terra Nostra, 2009 (3): 28.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): Aussterben und Radiation bei Conodonten im Zuge der polyphasen, globalen Frasnes-Events (Grenzbereich Mittel-/Ober-Devon). – In: MARTIN, T. & KAISER, S. I. (eds), Paläontologie – Schlüssel zur Evolution, 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Bonn, 5.-7. Oktober 2009, Terra Nostra, 2009 (3): 15.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): New Conodont Faunas from around the Middle/Upper Devonian Boundary of the Montagne Noire (S. France). - 9th North American Paleontological Convention, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 21-26, 2009, Abstracts, Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions, 3: 226.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2009): The Global Annulata Events in Germany and SE Morocco – Implications for Upper Famennian (Devonian) Eustasy and Chronostratigraphy. - 9th North American Paleontological Convention, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 21-26, 2009, Abstracts, Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions, 3: 460-461.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2009): Strange Times: Sea-Level and Climate Related Upper Givetian Evolutionary Extremes. – 9th North American Paleontological Convention, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, June 21-26, 2009, Abstracts, Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions, 3: 458.
  • HUMBERG, B. & BECKER, R. T. (2008): Palaeopathology and Palaeoecology of Orthoceratida (Nautiloidea) from the Middle and Upper Devonian of the Dra Valley (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). - In: KÖNIGSHOF, P. & LINNEMANN, U. (eds), Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, 20th International Senckenberg Conference & 2nd Geinitz Conference “From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents”, Abstracts and Programme: 184-185, Frankfurt a. M., Dresden.
  • HELLING, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2008): The youngest known Scutelluidae (Trilobita) of the Anti-Atlas (Upper Givetian, southern Morocco). - In: KÖNIGSHOF, P. & LINNEMANN, U. (eds), Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, 20th International Senckenberg Conference & 2nd Geinitz Conference “From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents”, Abstracts and Programme: 182-183, Frankfurt a. M., Dresden.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2008): Timing of sea-level changes in the Upper Famennian (Devonian) Effenberg Quarry, northern Rhenish Massif, Germany. - In: KÖNIGSHOF, P. & LINNEMANN, U. (eds), Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, 20th International Senckenberg Conference & 2nd Geinitz Conference “From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents”, Abstracts and Programme: 179-181, Frankfurt a. M., Dresden.
  • GREIFELT, T., BECKER, R. T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2008): Impact of the Annulata and Dasberg Events (upper Famennian) on agglutinating foraminifere assemblages in the northern Rhenish Massif (Germany). - In: KÖNIGSHOF, P. & LINNEMANN, U. (eds), Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, 20th International Senckenberg Conference & 2nd Geinitz Conference “From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents”, Abstracts and Programme: 173-175, Frankfurt a. M., Dresden.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2008): Devonian neritic-pelagic correlations – methods, case studies and problems. - In: KÖNIGSHOF, P. & LINNEMANN, U. (eds), Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, 20th International Senckenberg Conference & 2nd Geinitz Conference “From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents”, Abstracts and Programme: 25-28, Frankfurt a. M., Dresden.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BRETT, C. E. (2008): High-resolution biostratigraphy of Emsian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate successions of the western Dra Valley (Anti-Atlas, SW-Morocco). – In: KIM, A. I., SALIMOVA, F. A. & MESHCHANKINA, N. A. (eds), International Conference „Global Alignments of Lower Devonian Carbonate and Clastic Sequences“ (IGCP 499 Project/SDS joint field meeting), Kitab State Geological Reserve, Uzbekistan, August 25 – September 3, 2008, Contributions: 14-18 (SealMag Press, Tashkent).
  • BECKER, R. T. (2008): Frasnian ammonoids in neritic facies – implications for correlations and the Kellwasser mass extinction. – The 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo 2008, 6-14 August, Abstracts, 1 S. (CD).
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T. & STEUBER, T. (2007): Rapid environmental change during the latest Famennian – implications from conodont biofacies and stable isotope analyses. - In: OVER, J. D. & MORROW, J. (eds), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 50 (Minuteman Press, Rochester). [= Palaeontographica Americana, 63, 2009: 212-213]
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2007): Timing of sea-level changes in the Upper Famennian of Europe and SE Morocco. - In: OVER, J. D. & MORROW, J. (eds), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 38-39 (Minuteman Press, Rochester). [= Palaeontographica Americana, 63, 2009: 205-206]
  • BECKER, R. T. & MAPES, R. H. (2007): Uppermost Devonian ammonoids from Oklahoma and their biogeographic affinities. – In: OVER, J. D. & MORROW, J. (eds), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 15 (Minuteman Press, Rochester). [= Palaeontographica Americana, 63, 2009: 195]
  • BAIRD, G., BRETT, C. E., BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., DESANTIS, M. & BARTHOLOMEW, A. J. (2007): Comparatitive stratigraphy of Eifelian successions in southern Morocco and the Appalachian Basin: implications for global events. - In: OVER, J. D. & MORROW, J. (eds), Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 11-12 (Minuteman Press, Rochester). [= Palaeontographica Americana, 63, 2009: 193-194]
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T. & STEUBER, T. (2007): Conodont biofacies and environmental change during the latest Famennian expansa and Upper praesulcata Zone in southern Euramerica. – In: WANG, Y., ZHANG, H. & WANG, X. (eds), XVI International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, June 21-24, 2007, Nanjing, China, Abstracts, Journal of Stratigraphy, 31, Supplement 1: 150.
  • KAISER, S. I. & BECKER, R. T. (2007): The required revision of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. - In: WANG, Y., ZHANG, H. & WANG, X. (eds), XVI International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, June 21-24, 2007, Nanjing, China, Abstracts, Journal of Stratigraphy, 31, Supplement 1: 95.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2007): The revised global Middle Tournaisian to Middle Viséan ammonoid biostratigraphy. – In: WANG, Y., ZHANG, H. & WANG, X. (eds), XVI International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, June 21-24, 2007, Nanjing, China, Abstracts, Journal of Stratigraphy, 31, Supplement 1: 45-46.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2006): New Middle Givetian to Lower Frasnian conodont faunas from the Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco). – In: PURNELL, M., DONOGHUE, P., Programme & Abstracts: 10.
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T. & EL HASSANI, A. (2006): Oberdevonische Conodonten- und Ammonoideenfaunen der marokkanischen Meseta und ihre Bedeutung für regionale Korrelationen, Event-Stratigraphie und synsedimentäre Tektonik am NW-Rand Gondwanas. - In: 76. Jahrestagung, Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Kiel, 28.-30. August 2006, Beitragskurzfassungen, Berichte-Reports, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Kiel, 22: 47.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2006): Die Annulata- und Dasberg-Events (Oberdevon, Famennium) im Maider und Tafilalt (Anti-Atlas, SE-Marokko). – In: 76. Jahrestagung, Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Kiel, 28.-30. August 2006, Beitragskurzfassungen, Berichte-Reports, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Kiel, 22: 29-31.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T., BECKER, R. T. & RASSER, M. W. (2006): The Devonian/Carboniferous boundary stratotype section (La Serre E, Montagne Noire) revisited. – In: ARETZ, M. & HERBIG, H.-G. (eds), Carboniferous Conference Cologne, From Platform to Basin, September 4-10, 2006, Program and Abstracts, Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 15: 52 [= Abstract in: PURNELL, M., DONOGHUE, P., ALDRIDGE, R. & REPETSKI, J. (eds), ICOS 06, International Conodont Symposium, Leicester, Programme & Abstracts: 43].
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2006): A multidisciplinary approach to untangle the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary mass extinction (Hangenberg Event). – In: ARETZ, M. & HERBIG, H.-G. (eds), Carboniferous Conference Cologne, From Platform to Basin, September 4-10, 2006, Program and Abstracts, Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 15: 50-51 [= Abstract in: PURNELL, M., DONOGHUE, P., ALDRIDGE, R. & REPETSKI, J. (eds), ICOS 06, International Conodont Symposium, Leicester, Programme & Abstracts: 41].
  • BECKER, R. T., KAISER, S. I. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2006): The Lower Alum Shale Event (Middle Tournaisian) in Morocco – facies and faunal changes. – In: ARETZ, M. & HERBIG, H.-G. (eds), Carboniferous Conference Cologne, From Platform to Basin, September 4-10, 2006, Program and Abstracts, Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 15: 7-8.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2006): The Annulata and Dasberg Events (Famennian) in the Tafilalt and Maider (Eastern Anti Atlas, SE Morocco). – In: YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & WELDON, E. A. (eds), Ancient Life and Modern Approaches, Abstracts of the 2nd International Palaeontological Congress, June 17-21, 2006, Beijing, China: 358, University of Science and Technology of China Press, Beijing. [= SDS Newsletter, 2007, 22: 33]
  • BECKER, R. T. (2006): Myths and Facts concerning the Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Mass Extinction. – In: YANG, Q., WANG, Y. & WELDON, E. A. (eds), Ancient Life and Modern Approaches, Abstracts of the 2nd International Palaeontological Congress, June 17-21, 2006, Beijing, China: 352, University of Science and Technology of China Press, Beijing. [SDS Newsletter, 22: 47-48, 2007]
  • NAGEL, J., BECKER, R. T. & AMLER, M. W. (2005). Ergebnisse der Revision pelagischer Bivalventaxa des Oberdevons. - In: HUBMANN, B. & PILLER, W. E. (eds), 75. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Graz, 27. August – 2. September 2005, Beitragskurzfassungen, Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 10: 79.
  • HARTENFELS, S. & BECKER, R. T. (2005): Die Annulata- und Dasberg-Events (Oberdevon, Famennium) – erste Vergleichsdaten aus Deutschland und Marokko. - In: HUBMANN, B. & PILLER, W. E. (eds), 75. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Graz, 27. August – 2. September 2005, Beitragskurzfassungen, Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 10: 31-34.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2005): Die Korrelation von Conodonten- und Goniatitenabfolgen der Pericyclus-Stufe (Ober-Tournaisium bis Mittel-Viséum, Unterkarbon). – In: HUBMANN, B. & PILLER, W. E. (eds), 75. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Graz, 27. August – 2. September 2005, Beitragskurzfassungen, Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 10: 6-9.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2005): Late Givetian to basal Frasnian ammonoid-conodont correlations and extinctions. – In: YOLKIN, E. A., IZOKH, N. G., OBUT, O. T. & KIPRIYANOVA, T. P. (eds), International Conference “Devonian terrestrial and marine environments: From continent to shelf” (IGCP 499 Project / SDS joint field meeting), Contributions: 5-6; Novosibirsk (Publishing House of SB Ras “Geo” Branch).
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2005): Paläoklimatische und –ozeanographische Veränderungen an der Wende Devon/Karbon. – Abschlußkolloqium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogrammes 1054, 11.-12. Oktober 2004, Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Erlangen: 28-29.
  • NAGEL, J., BECKER, R. T. & AMLER, M. W. (2004): Praecardium BARRANDE im Oberdevon des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges? - In: REITNER, J., REICH, M. & SCHMIDT, G. (eds), Geobiologie, 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, 02. bis 08. Oktober 2004, Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster: 169-170 (Universitätsdrucke Göttingen).
  • NAGEL, J., AMLER, M. W. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Pelagische Muscheln – die Stiefkinder der oberdevonischen Biota. - In: REITNER, J., REICH, M. & SCHMIDT, G. (eds), Geobiologie, 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, 02. bis 08. Oktober 2004, Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster: 168-169 (Universitätsdrucke Göttingen).
  • BECKER, R. T. (2004): Neue Erkenntnisse zur Bedeutung der globalen Kellwasser-Krise (höchstes Frasnium) für die Evolution der Ammonoidea. - In: REITNER, J., REICH, M. & SCHMIDT, G. (eds), Geobiologie, 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, 02. bis 08. Oktober 2004, Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster: 54-55 (Universitätsdrucke Göttingen).
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Neue Conodontenfaunen aus dem Ober-Givetium und basalen Frasnium von Marokko und der Montagne Noire. - In: REITNER, J., REICH, M. & SCHMIDT, G. (eds), Geobiologie, 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, 02. bis 08. Oktober 2004, Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster: 41-43 (Universitätsdrucke Göttingen).
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Globale Umweltveränderungen an der Devon/Karbon-Grenze im Spiegel der Geochemie, Biostratigraphie und Sedimentologie. – In: REITNER, J., REICH, M. & SCHMIDT, G. (eds), Geobiologie, 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, 02. bis 08. Oktober 2004, Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster: 31-32 (Universitätsdrucke Göttingen).
  • NAGEL, J., AMLER, M. W. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Devonian pelagic bivalves – forgotten and misunderstood. – 48th Palaeontological Association, Annual Meeting, Lille 2004, Abstracts with Programme: 171-172.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Paläoklimatische und –ozeanographische Veränderungen an der Wende Devon/Karbon. – Abschlußkolloquium des DFG Schwerpunktprogrammes 1054, 11.-12. Oktober 2004, Erlangen, Abstracts: 28-29.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2004): Ammonoid extinctions near the Frasnian-Famennian boundary. - Sixth International Symposium, Cephalopods Present & Past, Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America, Sept. 16-19, 2004, Abstracts: 25-26.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Late Givetian to basal Frasnian ammonoid-conodont correlations and extinctions. – Sixth International Symposium, Cephalopods - Present & Past, Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America, Sept. 16-19, 2004, Abstracts: 15-16.
  • ANDERSON, T., BECKER, R. T. et al. (2004): Twice-baked ammonoids: Famennian (and later) events at Dugan Pond, Sierra County, California. – GSA Rocky Mountains/Cordilleran Sections, Abstracts: 1 S.
  • WEBSTER, G., BECKER, R. T. & MAPLES, C. G. (2004): Biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and taxonomy of Devonian (Emsian and Famennian) crinoids from southeastern Morocco. – In: Devonian neritic-pelagic Correlation and Events, International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Abstracts: 87.
  • NÜBEL, H. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): A Phillipsastreid Biostrome in the Late Givetian of the Maider (SE Anti-Atlas, Morocco). – In: Devonian neritic-pelagic Correlation and Events, International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Abstracts: 79-80.
  • KAISER, S. I., BECKER, R. T. & STEUBER, T. (2004): Sedimentology and sea-level changes around the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary in southern Morocco. – In: Devonian neritic-pelagic Correlation and Events, International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Abstracts: 71-72.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2004): Conodont biostratigraphy, oceanic anoxia and climatic change during the Latest Devonian to Earliest Carboniferous. - In: Devonian neritic-pelagic Correlation and Events, International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Abstracts: 25-26.
  • EBBIGHAUSEN, V., BECKER, R. T., BOCKWINKEL, J. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2004): A neritic alien in the pelagic Givetian of the Dra Valley. - In: Devonian neritic-pelagic Correlation and Events, International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Abstracts: 22-23.
  • BRICE, D., LEGRAND-BLAIN, M., NICOLLIN, J.-P., BECKER, R. T. & KAISER, S. I. (2004): Brachiopod Biostratigraphy around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in Morocco and surrounding localities in Algerian Sahara. - In: Devonian neritic-pelagic Correlation and Events, International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Abstracts: 15-18.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2004): The Frasne Event – a phased 2nd oder global crisis and extinction period around the Middle-Upper Devonian boundary. – In: Devonian neritic-pelagic Correlation and Events, International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10, 2004, Abstracts: 8-10.
  • NÜBEL, H. & BECKER, R. T. (2003): Ein Phillipsastreen-Biostrom im Ober-Givetium des Maider (Anti-Atlas, Marokko). – In: Biodiversität, Exogene & endogene Hintergründe, 73. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 29.9. – 3.10.2003, Johannes GUTENBERG-Universität Mainz, Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 120-121.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2003): Biostratigraphie, Sedimentologie und Geochemie im Devon/Karbon-Grenzbereich. – In: Biodiversität, Exogene & endogene Hintergründe, 73. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 29.9. – 3.10.2003, Johannes GUTENBERG-Universität Mainz, Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 77.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2003): Das Frasne-Event – ein vernachlässigter globaler Faunenschnitt im basalen Oberdevon. – In: Biodiversität, Exogene & endogene Hintergründe, 73. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 29.9. – 3.10.2003, Johannes GUTENBERG-Universität Mainz, Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 26-27.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2003): Conodonten- und Chemostratigraphie an der Devon/Karbon-Grenze. – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 39.
  • YAZDI, M. & BECKER, R. T. (2003): First report of the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) nautiloid Centroceras from Zefreh Section, Northeast of Isfahan. – Geological Congress Iran: 1 S.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2003): Paläoklimatische und –ozeanographische Veränderungen an der Wende Devon/Karbon. – Berichtskolloquium des SPP 1054, Evolution des Systems Erde während des jüngeren Paläozoikums im Spiegel der Sediment-Geochemie, 24.-26.2.2003, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse: 13-14.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2002): Kohlenstoff-Isotopenvariationen und biofazielle Veränderungen an der Devon / Karbon-Grenze. - NIEBUHR, B. (Ed.), Geo 2002, Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft, 1.-5. Oktober in Würzburg, Programm und Kurzfassungen, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 184-185.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2002): Devon-Stratigraphie – Konzepte, Probleme und Anwendungspotential. – In: NIEBUHR, B. (ed.), Geo 2002, Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft, 1.-5. Oktober in Würzburg, Programm und Kurzfassungen, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 68-69.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2002): Environments and biofacies in the Devonian pelagic realm. – In: BROCK, G.A. & TALENT, J.A. (eds), First International Palaeontological Congress, Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts, 68: 16-17.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2002): Biostratigraphy and carbon isotopes in Devonian/Carboniferous boundary sections of Morocco, Germany and the Carnic Alps. – In: Eighth International Conodont Symposium held in Europe, Toulouse-Albi, June 22-25, 2002, Strata, Série 1: communications, 12: 90.
  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2002): Extinctions and diversifications in conodonts and trilobites around the global Taghanic Biocrisis (Late Givetian). – In: Eighth International Conodont Symposium held in Europe, Toulouse-Albi, June 22-25, 2002, Strata, Série 1: communications, 12: 19.
  • KAISER, S. I., STEUBER, T. & BECKER, R. T. (2002): Paläoklimatische und –ozeanographische Veränderungen im Oberdevon und Unterkarbon. – Berichtskolloquium des DFG Schwerpunktprogrammes 1054, „Evolution des Systems Erde während des jüngeren Paläozoikums im Spiegel der Sedimentgeochemie“, 13. – 15. März 2002: 57.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2002): Global Events and extinctions on different scales. – In: SCHUMACHER, S. & KIESSLING, W. (eds), “Berlin 2002”, International Symposium “Mesozoic-Cenozoic Bioevents: Possible links to impacts and other causes, Scientific Program: 6-7.

(quotable) Science commission reports and obituaries (back to the top)

  • BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S. & HARTKOPF-FRÖDER, C. (2024). Stephan HELLING, 1983-2024. – GMit, 98: 144.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & SÖTE, T. (2024). Membership News: R. Thomas BECKER CMs Z. Sarah ABOUSSALAM, Till SÖTE, and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 39: 80-85.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2024): Jürgen BOCKWINKEL (8.11.1936 – 21.3.2024). – SDS Newsletter, 39: 27-32.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2024): Stephan HELLING (genannt NIGGEMEYER) (11.7.1983 – 17.5.2024). – SDS Newsletter, 39: 22-27.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S., SÖTE, T. & SAUPE, F. (2023): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER, CMs Z. Sarah ABOUSSALAM, Till SÖTE, Felix SAUPE, and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 38: 84-91.

  • BECKER, R. T. & NARKIEWICZ, K. (2023): Pierre BULTYNCK (12.6.1938 – 27.11.2022). – SDS Newsletter, 38: 2-11.

  • LUPPOLD, F. W. & BECKER, R. T. (2023): Jörn BRINCKMANN (13.4.1937 – 4.8.2022). – SDS Newsletter, 38: 13-14.

  • BLODGETT, R. B. & BECKER, R. T. (2023): Alan PEDDER (30.4.1932 – 10.7.2023). – SDS Newsletter, 38: 14-24.

  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2022): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER, CM Zhor Sarah ABOUSSALAM, and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 37: 52-59.

  • BECKER, R. T. & ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. (2021). Membership News: TM R. Thomas Becker, CM Zhor Sarah Aboussalam, and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 36: 41-46.

  • BECKER, R. T. (2021): Obituary: Gerhard Karl Bernhard Alberti (22-6.1931 – 15.-10.2019). – SDS Newsletter, 36: 2-9.

  • BECKER, R. T., BERTLING, M. & Schöllmann, L. (2021). Obituary: Friedrich Strauch (1935-2020). – GMit, 83: 113.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HELLING, S. (2019): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER, CM Zhor Sarah ABOUSSALAM, CM Stephan HELLING, and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 34: 67-72.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HELLING, S. (2018): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER, CM Zhor Sarah ABOUSSALAM, CM Stephan HELLING, and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 33: 63-71.
  • EL HASSANI, A. & BECKER, R.T. (2018): 10th International Symposium “Cephalopods – Present and Past”, Introduction and Program. – Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 110: 3-13.
  • BECKER, R. T., HARTENFELS, S., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HELLING, S. (2017): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER, CMs Sven HARTENFELS, Zhor Sarah ABOUSSALAM, Stephan HELLING, and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 32: 40-47.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2016): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 31: 64-71.
  • BECKER, R.T. (2016): Obituary: Michael E. SCHUDACK (1954-2016). – SDS Newsletter, 31: 16-17.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2015): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 30: XXX
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2014): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 29: 43-47.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2014): International Field Symposium “The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of northern Gondwana” (in memory of Dr. Volker EBBIGHAUSEN), 22nd to 29th March 2013, Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco. – SDS Newsletter, 29 (Conference Reports): 16-17.
  • BECKER, R. T., ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & HARTENFELS, S. (2013): Membership News: The Münster Devonian Team. – SDS Newsletter, 28: 59-63.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2013): Towards the formal voting on Famennian substages. – SDS Newsletter, 28: 24-29.
  • BECKER, R. T. & BRETT. C. E. (2013): Minutes of the Annual SDS Business Meeting, 34th IGC, Brisbane, Australia, Tuesday, June 7, 2012. – SDS Newsletter, 28: 6-10.
  • MARSHALL, J. E. & BECKER, R. T. (2013): International Commission on Stratigraphy, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy. Annual Report 2009. – SDS Newsletter, 28: 2-5.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2012): Membership News: TM R.T. BECKER and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 27: 69-72.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2012): Interesting but potentially overlooked recent Devonian papers. – SDS Newsletter, 27: 61-63.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2012): International Commission on Stratigraphy, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Report 2009. – SDS Newsletter, 27: 8-12.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2012): Obituary: Volker EBBIGHAUSEN, 10.02.1941 – 3.06.2011. – SDS Newsletter, 27: 2-5.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2011): Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER and the Münster Group. – SDS Newsletter, 26: 91-95.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2011): International Commission on Stratigraphy, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Report 2010. – SDS Newsletter, 26: 9-13.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2010): Membership News: TM R.T. BECKER and the Münster Devonian Group. – SDS Newsletter, 25: 66-69.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2010): International Commission on Stratigraphy, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy. Annual Report 2009. – SDS Newsletter, 25: 7-12.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2009): Membership News: TM R.T. BECKER and the Münster Devonian Group. – SDS Newsletter, 24: 67-72.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2009): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, Kitab State Geological Reserve, Uzbekistan. – SDS Newsletter, 24: 12-15.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2009): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, Oslo, 33rd International Geological Congress. – SDS Newsletter, 24: 7-12.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2009): International Commission on Stratigraphy, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Report 2008. – SDS Newsletter, 24: 2-7.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2008): SDS Membership News: TM R.T. BECKER & the Devonian Group at Münster. – SDS Newsletter, 23: 103-106.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2008): International Commission on Stratigraphy, Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Report to ICS, 2007. – SDS Newsletter, 23: 5-11.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2007): SDS Membership News: TM R. T. BECKER and the Devonian Group at Münster. – SDS Newsletter, 22: 83-87.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2007): International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS). SDS Activities 2000-2005, Report for the IUGS Review Committee of ICS, November 2005. - SDS Newsletter, 22: 58-65.
  • BECKER, R. T. & HARTENFELS, S. (2007): The Dasberg Event in the Rhenish Massive, Carnic Alps, and Anti-Atlas (Tafilalt, Maider) – Implications for Famennian eustatics and chronostratigraphy. – Document of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS), Annual Business Meeting, Eureka, Nevada, September 2007, 5 pp. [= SDS Newsletter, 2008, 23: 40-44].
  • BECKER, R. T. (2006): Emsian substages and the Daleje Event – a review of conodont, dacryoconarid, ammonoid and sealevel data. – Document of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Leicester, July 2006: 19 S. [= SDS Newsletter, 2007, 22: 29-32]
  • BECKER, R. T. (2005): SDS Membership News: R. Thomas BECKER, Münster. – SDS Newsletter, 21: 32-36.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2005): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, Rabat, 1st of March 2004. – SDS Newsletter, 21: 3-8.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2005): Correlation of the proposed Middle Givetian substage with the global ammonoid record. – Document of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Novosibirsk 2005, 6 S. [= SDS Newsletter, 22: 17-23, 2007].
  • BECKER, R. T. (2004): Ammonoid definitions of Upper Devonian substages. – Document of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, 7 S. (Florenz) [= 32nd International Geological Congress, Abstracts, 1 S.]
  • BECKER, R. T. (2003): SDS Membership News: R. Thomas BECKER (Münster). – SDS Newsletter, 19: 70-71.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2003): Minutes of the SDS Business Meeting, Toulouse, June 2002. – SDS Newsletter, 19: 5-13.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2003): Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Robert HOUSE, 27th August 1930 to 6th August 2002, SDS Chairman from 1992 to 1006 – a personal goodbye. – SDS Newsletter, 19: 1-2.
  • ABOUSSALAM, Z. S. & BECKER, R. T. (2002): The base of the hermanni Zone as the base of an Upper Givetian substage. - Document of the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Toulouse 2002: 10 S. [= SDS Newsletter, 2003, 19: 25-34].
  • BECKER, R. T. (2002): Famennian ammonoid zones of the eastern Anti-Atlas – Implications for substage subdivision. – Document submitted to the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting, Toulouse 2002: 5 S. [= SDS Newsletter, 2003, 19: 20-24]
  • BECKER, R. T: (2001): SDS Membership News: TM R. Thomas BECKER (Münster). – SDS Newsletter, 18: 71-73.
  • BECKER, R. T. (2001): Minutes of the 2001 SDS Business Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany. – SDS Newsletter, 18: 5-11.