Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation. Einleitung 1814-1917

Cover Einleitung
© Ferdinand Schöningh

Burning pyres, the persecutions of heretics and banning of books - that is what the Inquisition is commonly known for. But what about its historical reality? This large-scale research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) has set itself the task of reappraising the history of the Roman Inquisition and the Congregation of the Index (1542 to 1966). Through thorough archival studies, in Rome especially, and meticulous detailed research, the specific activities of these two congregations in the period from 1814 to 1917 have been successfully documented for the first time. Information on the books that were investigated in Rome by the Inquisition or the Congregation of the Index, regardless of the field of knowledge and scholarship, information on the censors and their judgments on book censorship are made accessible and usable across disciplines in this internationally oriented, foundational research.

Published in the series "Basic Research on the Roman Inquisition and the Congregation of the Index": Hubert WOLF (ed.), Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation. Einleitung 1814-1917, (Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation. Grundlagenforschung: 1814-1917), Paderborn et alibi 2005, 429 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 3-506-72950-7.