Welcome to the Animal Evolutionary Ecology Group

We seek to understand the ecological and evolutionary consequences of host-parasite interactions from the individual to the ecosystem level. Host-parasite systems are ideal models for studying evolution in action, because hosts and parasites evolve very fast. So, host-parasite interactions provide us with great opportunities to study coevolution and eco-evolutionary feedbacks. See more

AG Kurtz 2023
© AG Kurtz


© Robert Peuß
© Maja Drakula

The Animal Evolutionary Ecology group offers a variety of courses for Bachelor and Master students.

In the third/fifth semester of the Bachelor's programme we are responsible for the lecture "Evolution and Biodiversity of Animals" and the associated dissection course. We also offer an exciting in-depth module for the BSc (5. semester), together with AG Gadau on the evolutionary ecology of animals, which includes an excursion to Hiddensee.

In the Master's programme we offer research and advanced modules. Either on the main topic of host-parasite coevolution or on Mediterranean fauna.

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Our model systems