© eScience Uni MS

Research Data Infrastructure (RDI) / Uni Cloud

The Uni Cloud is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offer that enables research groups to store research data free of charge or to operate services that work closely with or provide that research data. The Uni Cloud also operates a JupyterHub for researchers as a virtual working environment for interactive data analysis and visualization. Access to the research data is possible from workstations, via the PALMA HPC cluster, from the JupyterHub or even from VMs via various protocols. The operation of own services is done by providing VMs that can be generated via a web interface and can be provisioned with any cloud image of an operating system. The hardware on which the Uni Cloud runs is called the Research Data Infrastructure (RDI).

Contact: Dr. Markus Blank-Burian (CIT)
cloud@wwu.de | Fon: 0251 83-31677
Web: zivconfluence.uni-muenster.de/display/osc