Peyerimhoff Prize for Theoretical Chemistry Münster
The Sigrid Peyerimhoff Doctoral Award of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theoretische Chemie (AGTC) goes this year to a scientist from Münster. Dr. Johannes Tölle from the group of Prof. Johannes Neugebauer received this prize for his dissertation entitled "Subsystem-Based Modeling of Photo-Induced Processes".
This price includes, among other things, a two-year membership in the AGTC and Participation in the upcoming Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Heidelberg (18.09. - 22.09.2022), during which the award ceremony will take place.
Johannes Tölle is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the group of Prof. Garnet Chan, as part of the Walter Benjamin Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG).