Foto of Nevin Şahin
© N. Şahin

Dr. Nevin Şahin

Research Associate

Fields of Interest

  • Sociology of music
  • Music theories
  • Migration and transnationality
  • Qualitative methodology in social research

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  • Vita

    Nevin Şahin graduated from Middle East Technical University with a BA in Foreign Language Education and a minor degree in Sociology. She finished her MS in 2009 in Social Anthropology with an ethnographic research on music and migration among German-Turkish young women in amateur Turkish music choirs. She completed her PhD in Sociology in 2016 upon her research on music and power among performers of Mevlevi music, which was awarded Thesis of the Year by the Graduate School of Social Sciences at Middle East Technical University. She worked in several research projects, including a comparative theoretical research on makam music and Byzantine music. Besides her research profile, she taught courses on English, Introduction to Sociology, and Religious Music Traditions. She joined the CMO team in 2018.

  • Publikationen/Publications/Yayınlar


    Articles and Book reviews

    Şahin, N. (2019). [Review of the book Makamsız: Individualization of Traditional Music on the Eve of Kemalist Turkey, by Martin Greve], Journal of Ottoman Studies, 53: 353-356.

    Şahin, N. (2019). Beste Ve İcra İlişkisi Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz: İki Sûzinak Şarkı [A Comparative Analysis on the Relationship Between Composition and Performance: Two Songs in Makam Sûzinak], Sanat&Tasarım/Art&Design, 16: 146-162.

    Şahin, N., Güray, C. & Aydın, A. F. (2018). Cross-cultural Influences in Makam Theory: The Case of Greek-Orthodox Theorists in the Ottoman Empire, Musicologist, 2 (2).

    Şahin, N. (2018). Gould’un Kontrapuntal Yaklaşımı: Teknoloji, Müzik, Milliyetçilik [Gould’s Contrapuntal Approach: Technology, Music, Nationalism], Sanat Yazıları, 39.

    Şahin, N. (2018). Göç Bağlamında Müzik ve Kimlik İlişkisi: Türk-Alman Genç Kadınlar Örneği [The Relationship between Music and Identity in the Context of Migration: The Case of Turkish-German Young Women], Sosyoloji Dergisi, 38 (1): 179-197.

    Şahin, N. & Avcı-Akbel, B. (2016). Gelenek ve Musiki İnkılabı: Arel’in Mevlevi Ayinlerinde Makam ve Usul [Tradition and Music Revolution: Makam and Usul in Arel’s Mevlevi Ayini Compositions], Porte Akademik, 13: 83-98.

    Şahin-Malkoç, N. (2012). “Oturduğu Yerden Antropoloji”: DORYOlarda Siberetnografiyi Düşünmek [“Armchair Anthropology“: Thinking Cyberethnography in MMORPGs]. Folklor Edebiyat, “Siberkültür Özel Sayısı”, 72: 153-162.

    Şahin, N. (2011). İki Şehir Bir Musiki: Türk Müziğini Araştırmak Üzerine [Two Cities One Music: On Researching Turkish Music]. Halkbilimi “Popüler Kültür”, 22: 4-5.


    Şahin, N. & Güray, C. (in print). The Final Period in the Cycle: Evaluating the Works of Greek-Orthodox Music Theorists of the 19 th Century Ottoman Music Scene as a Cultural Media for Constructing or Preserving the National Identity. In Hikmet Toker, ed. Relations between Art and Politics in the19th Century Ottoman Empire. İstanbul: İstanbul University Press.

    Şahin, N. (2018). The Dervish on the Eurovision Stage: Popular Music and the Heterogeneity of Power Interests in Contemporary Turkey. In S. Nitzsche and M. Dunkel, eds. Popular Music and Public Diplomacy: Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag: 69-91. [Open Access via Transcript Verlag: Download]

    Şahin, N. (2015) (in METU Migration Research Group). Türkiye Göç Araştırmalarında Araştırmacı Deneyimleri: Göç Çalışmalarında Araştırmacının Konumu Üzerine Öz-Düşünümsel bir Bakış [Researcher Experiences in Turkish Migration Research: A Self-Reflexive Look into the Positionality of the Researcher in Migration Studies]. In L. Körükmez and İ. Südaş, eds. Göçler Ülkesi. İstanbul: Schola Ayrıntı: 197-227.

    Şahin-Malkoç, N. (2014). “Homeland” in “Dreamland”? Space and Identity in Göçmen Konutları. In K. Kamp et al, eds. Contemporary Turkey at a Glance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Local and Translocal Dynamics. Springer VS: 173-190.

    Papers in Proceedings

    Şahin, N. (in print). Near East Meets Far East-in Europe! A Eurovisional Analysis. 3rd International Music and Dance Studies Symposium Proceedings. October 17-20, 2018. Trabzon University, Trabzon, Turkey.

    Şahin, N. (2018). Karanlıktaki Miras: Arel’in Mevlevi Ayinlerini İncelemek [The Legacy in Darkness: Analyzing Arel’s Mevlevi Ayini Compositions]. Uluslararası Hüseyin Sadettin Arel ve Türk Müziği Sempozyumu. December 13-14, 2017. İstanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey.

    Şahin, N. (2018). Ses Sanatçılarının Saz Müziğiyle İlişkisi: Cumhuriyet Dönemi [Relationship of Singers with Instrumental Music: The Republican Period]. In Çağhan Adar, ed. IX. Uluslararası Hisarlı Ahmet Sempozyumu “Müzik Teorileri” Tam Metin Kitabı. Afyon: Matbaa-i Beka: 269-287.

    Şahin, N. (2017). Whirling Dervish on Stage: Mevlevi Sufism in the Process of Heritagification. In Abdullah Akat & F. Merve Eken Küçükaksoy, eds. 2nd International Music and Dance Studies Symposium “Memory and Cultural Heritage” Proceedings. October 18-22, 2016. Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey: 344-356.

    Şahin, N. & Güray, C. (2016). Bizans Sonrası Müzik Kültürünün Türk Musikisindeki Yansımaları: Rum Kuramcıların Nazariyat Yazmaları [Reflections of Post-Byzantine Music Cultures on Turkish Music: Treatises of Greek Theoreticians]. In Tarkan Yazıcı & Kürşat Gülbeyaz, eds. 2. Uluslararası Müzik ve Dans Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı. Muğla: Müzik Eğitimi Yayınları: 271-275.

    Şahin, N. & Güray, C. (2016). Son Dönem Türk Musikisi Bestekârlarının Usûl Anlayışlarındaki Dönüşümün Ezgi ve Güfte Üzerinden İncelemesi: Lenk Fahte Örneği [Analysis of the Transformation in the Usul Understandings of Contemporary Turkish Music Composers through Melody and Lyrics: The Case of Lenk Fahte]. In Emrah Lehimler & Koray Çelenk, eds. 1. Erzurum Ulusal Müzik Bilimleri Sempozyumu Bildiriler, Cilt 2. Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları: 719-730.

    Şahin-Malkoç, N. (2014). Eteklerden Dökülen Nağmeler: Değişen Mevleviliğin Müzikleri [Tunes Falling from Skirts: Musics of Transforming Mevlevi Sufism].  In Çağhan Adar, ed. 4. Uluslararası Hisarlı Ahmet Sempozyumu Tam Metin Kitabı. Afyonkarahisar: ARG Matbaacılık: 460-464.
    Şahin, N. (2011). Müzik bahane: Amatör Türk Müziği Korolarında Kültürlenme [Music as Excuse: Enculturation in Amateur Turkish Music Choirs]. Porte Akademik, 1 (2): 278-282.

    Cilbir, G. & Şahin, N. (2009). Güncel Politik Gelişmelerle ilgili Koşut Metinlerde Politik İdeolojiler ve Dil Algısı üzerine Toplumdilbilimsel bir İnceleme [A Sociolinguistic Analysis on Political Ideologies and Perceptions of Language in Parallel Texts on Current Political Agenda]. In S. Ay et al, eds. Essays on Turkish Linguistics: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, August 6-8, 2008. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag: 257-265.