Welcome TO THE SP BioSciences!

We are looking forward to getting to know you as an active member of the SP BioSciences and to involving you - from the very beginning and beyond your doctorate!
The members of the open-topic SP BioSciences offer many opportunities for networking, exchange and cooperation. This is what makes science interesting: In the SP BioSciences you can get to know other doctoral candidates, new perspectives arise in conversation and discussion, in the workshops and in the joint events. The SP BioSciences - More than just a PHD!

Dear doctoral candidates and other interested parties,


To our great pleasure we can inform you that registrations for the 3rd SPBiosciences Poster Symposium “Sustainability for Science & Science for Sustainability” are finally open and possible via this link: SP BioSciences Postersyposium 2024 - Registration

In order to register you click “Buy Tickets”/ ”Einen Platz reservieren”, fill in your information (for “company” fill in either Uni Muenster or UKM, whichever applies) and finally click “Register/ “Registrieren”.

In addition to this we are very pleased to be able to announce the company Qiagen as the event’s keynote speaker.

As previously stated PHD students of all doctoral programs are welcome to apply to present a poster.

PIs and all other members of the groups, although not eligible to present a poster, are more than welcome to attend the symposium to chat and discuss over free food and drinks. We kindly ask you to register your attendance regardless of whether you are presenting a poster or not, as it helps with the planning. We will inform you about your successful registration (with or without a poster) via E-Mail.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!


When?     07.10.2024

                  3 pm – 10 pm 


Where?    Entrance Hall of the Schloss


Who can register?   PhD students of the SP BioSciences or others, supervisors of the PhDs (Professors, Postdocs, PIs).


Registration period:   25.07.2024-31.08.2024