
Named after the messenger's staff announcing luck and wealth, the attribute of the god Hermes, this foundation aims to promote the Archaeological Museum of Münster University. The five main tasks of the museum are: Collecting, preserving, researching, presenting and mediating. The foundation's orientation is analogous to that of the Kerykeion:
- Hermes, the god who is also responsible for the shepherds, naturally cares for the increase and welfare of the flocks. The foundation sees this aspect represented in the gathering.
- The messenger's staff gives the bearer protection and thus stands as a symbol for peace. This quality is echoed in the task of preservation.
- With the help of the kerykeion Hermes can open or close eyes.
This aspect of perspicacity represents research and presentation - embedded in the WWU Archaeological Museum in a practical training for students.
- Another main function of Hermes as messenger of the gods is the protection of the gymnasia - in antiquity training centres for physical and mental education. The transfer of knowledge between the museum and the public is therefore also to be promoted by the foundation.