10 years of gender research at the WWU

ZEUGS celebrates its 10th anniversary in December 2021. We look forward to the celebrations and will announce more information about the anniversary.

ZEUGS is also participating in this year's #4genderstudies!

On 18 December, the nationwide science day #4genderstudies will take place for the fifth time. Under #4genderstudies, attention is drawn to research in the fields of gender studies, critical gender research and feminist science. The contributions of gender studies to current social and political challenges as well as the relevance and necessity of the discipline are in focus. ZEUGS also joins, because in Münster the motto continues to be: Think globally. Interdisciplinary research. Study gender.

the new zeugs-newsletter on the occasion of the 10th anniversary Is published!

In 2021 the anniversary edition of the ZEUGS Newsletter is published. In addition to current information on research and publication activities, courses and activities of ZEUGS, the anniversary edition also contains short interviews of ZEUGS members. The newsletter can be downloaded here. We hope you enjoy reading it!

© Uni MS - Johannes Sträßer

25th November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The aim is to bring the threat of gender-based violence back into the focus of social attention. To send a clear an widely visible signal of the WWU Münster's clear position against violence against women an orange flag will be hoisted on the castle building during the week of 22th until 25th November.

The nationwide helpline "Violence against Women" offers anonymus counselling under 0800 116 016.

Network meeting "Zentren & Studiengänge" des Netzwerks Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW in Münster

ZEUGS hosts the network meeting "Zentren & Studiengänge" of the Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW in December 2021 in Münster. We look forward to the exchange!

New publications within the framework of the ZEUGs-lecture series "Riskante Künstler*innen"


Dr. Mareike Gebhardt and Prof. Dr. Silvia Schultermandl have published the lectures within the framework of the ZEUGS-lecture series "Riskante Künstler*innen. Potentiale und Gefährdungen in der Kreativwirtschaft". The lecture of Dr. Mareike Gebhardt Das Geschlechterregime des Kreativitätsdispositivs and the lecture of Prof. Dr. Silvia Schultermandl Insta-girlhood and the Limits of #Metoo Life Writing are available via the gender-blog of Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW.

Presence of ZEUGS at this year's conference of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW)

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde and Dr. Mareike Gebhardt participate in the conference of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW) on the topic "Wir haben die Wahl! Politik in Zeiten von Unsicherheit und Autokratisierung" in September 2021. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde participates in the anniversary roundtable of the section Politik und Geschlecht on the topic "Wer hat die Wahl? Machtkritische Perspektiven in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft oder: Was ist aus dem 'feminist turn' geworden?". Dr. Mareike Gebhardt organises the panel "Entscheiden und Zeitlichkeit: Konstruktivistische Perspektiven auf bedrohliche Zukünfte und autoritäre Verheißungen" together with Dr. Marlon Barbehön.

Participation in the international ISTR-conference from 12 to 15 July 2021

ZEUGS attends the international ISTR-conference originally planed for july 2020 in Montréal and now taking place digitally from 12 to 15 july 2021. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde and Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer organise the roundtable "If not for Demicracy for What? Civil Society in Authoritarian Settings" as part of the conference.

Reviewer database of the Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrums for gender studies

We would like to refer to the freely accessible reviewer database of the Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum für scientific articles. The database makes it easier to find gender research reviewers and is intended to facilitate open-access-publishing for gender researchers.

Interdisciplinary Lecture series "Riskante Künstler*innen" in Sose 2021

In the summer semester 2021 ZEUGS will host the interdisciplinary lecture series "Riskante Künstler*innen. Potentiale und Gefährdungen in der Kreativwirtschaft" led by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wilde and Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer.

The ZEUGS lecture series aims to bring together voices from academia and practice on the specific situation of women* in the creative industries. The aim is to reflect on the social dynamics of gendered precariousness in their historical genesis, theoretical location and social science relevance. To this end, theoretical positions, practice-relevant findings and gender-political dimensions of cultural production and reception will be discussed from an interdisciplinary perspective. The lecture series focusses on the voices of women* in the "creative class" under the impression of covid-19 with the aim of illuminating gender relations as power relations in the creative field. In this respect, the lecture series addresses breaks and opportunities that ware constitutive for the risky existence of artists.

The lecture series starts on 28.04.2021 and takes place online at Zoom. Further information about the lectures and registration modalities can be found in the flyer.


New arrivals on ZEUGS!

ZEUGS has new associate members! Prof. Dr. Ursula Frohne from the Institut für Kunstgeschichte (Universität Münster), Dr. Manon Westphal from the Institut für Politikwissenschaft (Universität Münster) and Dr. Valerie Dahl from the Institut für Soziologie (Universität Münster) support ZEUGS.