Zeugs NEWS 2018

New working paper is published!

News from our research focuses:


Wilde, Gabriele | Meyer, Birgit (2018) Angriff auf die Demokratie. Die Macht des Autoritären und die Gefährdung demokratischer Geschlechterverhältnisse. Eine Einleitung

The thematic focus "Attack on Democracy" of Femina Politica 1/2018 (Journal for Feminist Political Science), whose introduction is available as Working Paper No. 11/2018, deals with the increasingly established right-wing populist and authoritarian movements and parties that increasingly challenge modern democracies. These developments influence the construction of gender roles and gender power relations. However, there has been little systematic analysis of the role and functions of women in this context, of how authoritarian political and social designs seek to destroy social plurality, difference and diversity, and of the constitutive role of mobilization against gender and supposed 'gender ideology'. This focus issue of Femina Politica takes up this desideratum for research and asks to what extent authoritarian policies attack and change democratic gender relations and thus represent a fundamental attack on democracy.

Here you can download the Working Paper No. 11|2018.

A new Anthology is published!

Wilde, Gabriele/Zimmer, Annette/Obuch, Katharina/Panreck, Isabelle-Christine (Hg.)(2018) Civil Society and Gender Relations in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes. New Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Case Studies. Opladen, Farmington Hills: Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Gender relations play a central role in their stabilization and persistence, not only in autocratic and hybrid regime structures. The emergence of authoritarian politics and right-wing populist parties is also increasingly challenging Western democracies. The dangers for global democratic conditions are currently difficult to foresee and present both politics and political science with new challenges. With the following publications, ZEUGS contributes to current diagnoses of the present. Further information on the anthology can be found here.

a new working paper is published!

Fuchs, Gesine (2018): Sozialpolitische Wirkungen von „Workfare“ im Wohlfahrtsstaat.

Workfare, a composite term from Welfare and Work, refers to policies in which social benefits are paid only in exchange for services in return, such as work or integration efforts. The concept of workfare, together with neoliberalism, has spread to welfare states in recent decades. The text elaborates the programmatic and operative elements of workfare in the German Grundsicherung (Hartz IV) and shows the effects on people at risk of poverty and the socio-political consequences. The sociopolitical impact of Workfare must be considered in a differentiated way. For example, the greatest consequences do not appear to lie in practical successes of successful labor market integration, but in a considerable loss of autonomy over one's own life, in a stratification of political participation and of social citizenship rights. The further increased orientation towards gainful employment leaves the relationship between socially necessary non-gainful employment and gainful employment and its gender-specific distribution unresolved.

Here you can download the Working Paper No. 10|2018