Study Group "Between Fact and Fiction" (until 2012)

15th-century scribe
15th-century scribe
© wikipedia

Facts and fictions, poetry and truth, reality and imagination – ever since the so-called ‘linguistic turn’ in research, enquiring into the relationship between historiography and literature has provoked controversy. This debate had grave consequences also for research into the Middle Ages and the early modern period. In past years, the discussion focussed in particular on medieval/early modern conceptions of fictionality and facticity, which differ in many respects from today’s conceptions. It is, therefore, indispensable to be aware of these discrepancies – for example, when dealing with historiographical sources, courtly literature or (auto-) biographies. Within the study group “Between Fact and Fiction”, we intend to look into different aspects of this topic: Which course did the fictionality debate take in the history of research and on which concept does it centre? Which theoretical positions exist? In which way can current research approaches be inspiring?

Based on the initiators’ key activities in German medieval studies and in medieval history, other periods and disciplines will also be taken a look at, which is why participants from other fields are very welcome. There will be the opportunity to present and discuss own works.

The study group forms part of a larger concept: A workshop is scheduled for early 2011. Moreover, the study group’s initiators are planning a course on the topic intended to be held in the winter semester 2010-2011.

If you are interested in participating in the meetings please contact the coordinators of the study group.

The first session was based on the following texts:

  • Hans-Werner Goetz: “Konstruktion der Vergangenheit”. Geschichtsbewusstsein und “Fiktionalität” in der hochmittelalterlichen Chronistik, dargestellt am Beispiel der Annales Palidenses. In: Von Fakten und Fiktionen. Mittelalterliche Geschichtsdarstellungen und ihre kritische Aufarbeitung. Ed. Johannes Laudage (= Europäische Geschichtsdarstellungen, 1). Cologne/Weimar/Vienna 2003. P. 225-257.
  • Jan-Dirk Müller: Literarische und andere Spiele. Zum Fiktionalitätsproblem in vormoderner Literatur. In: Poetica. Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 36 (2004). P. 281-311.


  • Pröbe, Annika