Bachelor's and Master's Theses

If you so choose, you may to write your BA or MA thesis in psychology.  Details about the formalities and possible prerequisites can be found in the module descriptions of your respective examination regulations.

Usually the topics you will write about come up during the module lectures or are related to these in some manner. It is beneficial if you speak with the lecturer early on in the process about a specific topic that you are interested in and agree on a preliminary schedule. This can be done by discussing your ideas with the dozent during their office hours. By working together with your advisor the thesis topic and schedule will take on a more concrete form and shape.

For information on available topics, please refer to the pages of the work units / lecturers:

In addition, if you are planning to write an research thesis in psychology, you should read the  Reader für empirische Arbeiten (Reader for Empirical Work - short version). An unabridged version is available by request.

Also, please note that in order to borrow textbooks for your thesis from the Psychology Library (Fliednerstrasse 21), you need a permission slip. Your supervisor must sign the Psy-Library borrower form in order for you to be able borrow books overnight. More information...