Announcement Annual Bernhard-Rensch Prize in Evolution and Biocomplexity

The Bernhard-Rensch Prize is awarded for excellent accomplishments in the field of Evolution and Biocomplexity.

Eligibility for nomination: preceding calendar year's graduates to the Special Studies Program in Evolution and Biocomplexity.

The prize is endowed with a total of 400 EUR. This prize money is earmarked to fund the awardee's participation in scientific conference, where she/he will present her/his results.

Nomination: (co-)supervisors of the according master thesis completed in the preceding calendar year can nominate candidates until the end of a current year (precise deadline will be announced).

Award decision: the accomplishments honored by the Annual Bernhard-Rensch Prize must be indicated by one first or two co-authorships to original paper in international peer review journal accepted no later than one year after thesis completion. Up to three students from each calendar year's cohort may be awarded an individual Bernhard-Rensch Prize. In the case that no excellent nomination is submitted, the prize will not be awarded. Currently, on behalf of the SSP director, the following persons jointly appoint the awardees: Prof. Erich Bornberg-Bauer (member of professorate), Dr. Maik Bartelheimer (member Akad. Mittelbau), one PhD-student, who does not belong to the at the time nominees (to be announced on a year-to-year basis).