© Uni MS - Vanessa Kloke

News 2014

[Job announcement] Full Professor of Molecular Evolutionary Biology

11 December 2014: The Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster, Germany, seeks to appoint an outstanding evolutionary biologist to fill a professorship and invites applications for a Full Professor of Molecular Evolutionary Biology (W3 salary scale, starting date: October 1st, 2015). Detailed information can be found here.

Lecture series "WasserWissen"

12 November 2014: The Lecture series "WasserWissen" takes place from 12.11.2014-21.01.2015, on Wednesdays, 18:15-19:30, Audimax A 004, Corrensstraße 25. Download the flyer for the lecture or visit the netzwerkwasser website for more information.

New Principle Director

November 2014: Prof. Dr. Kai Müller took over the position as Principle Director of the IEB from Prof. Dr. Juliette de Meaux.

Botanische Exkursion ins Ötztal 26.7.-5.8.2014

July 2014: Im Fortgeschrittenen-Modul "Subalpine und alpine Vegetation temperater Hochgebirge am Beispiel Zentralalpen" (WS 2014/15) sind noch ein paar Plätze frei.
Informationen und Kontakt: Prof. Kai Müller

Enroll now for the botanical field trip to the Oetztal (Austria) from July 26 - August 5, 2014

The field trip is part of the advanced course on "Subalpine and Alpine temperate vegetation of high mountain ranges” (Fortgeschrittenenmodul, WS 2014/2015).
Further info and contact: Prof. Dr. Kai Müller
More details

Back online!

8 January 2014: We're sorry for the long downtime and subsequent inconveniences. We now switched to a new server and content management system, which made some minor changes to the layout necessary. Overall, the new site should be more easy to navigate and give a higher stability. We're still bugfixing and transferring missing content. Thank you for your understanding.