© Uni MS - Vanessa Kloke

News 2013

MGSE Symposium 2013

7 June 2013: The annual symposium of the MGSE will take place next week June, 12 & 13. [Offical press release]

FGM Evolutionary Medicine

8 May 2013: Information on the upcoming module (start May, 13th) can be found at the MGSE website

Collaborative Project between HFSP and IEB

10 April 2013: HFSP has decided to fund a collaborative project on between Erich Bornberg-Bauer (IEB), Florian Hollfelder (Cambridge) and Nobuhiko Tokuriki on the reconstruction of ancestral protein enzyme structures and functions using computations and high-throughput lab-in-a-droplet techniques. [Read here for details]

Graduate School on Genomic Biodiversity Research Funded

1 Feb 2013: In a collaboration between the Muesum König (Bonn), the University of Bonn and the IEB (Group Prof. Bornberg-Bauer), a joint Graduate School on Insect Genomics has been accepted by the Leibniz Foundation and calls for PhD studentships have been issued.

Support for the MGSE

31 Jan, 2013: The Santander Consumer Bank will support WWU within their "Santander Universidades" partnership. This includes financial support for the "Evolution Think Tank" of the Münster Graduate School of Evolution. Press release.

SEFS, Deadline extended

31 Jan 2013: The submission deadline has been extended to Feb, 17th.  SEFS Homepage

New PhD position

23 Jan, 2013: A new PhD position to work on "Evolutionary models of microRNA evolution" is open for application in the group of Prof. Juliette de Meaux . Please click here for the job advertisement.