Dr. Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat

Dr. Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat is a researcher at the Sheffield Hallam University, UK. His research focuses on the factors that shape communicative spaces: the integration of social interactions with mobile and digital social platforms, with the physical-geographic space. This field opens into a triple research discussion that combines 1) media governance and power, 2) cultural production, communities and identities, and 3) the geopolitics of platforms and communication infrastructures and technologies. Ramon Rodriguez-Amaz uses digital and computational methods to analyse communicative activity in space and place.
He has been invited and participated in research and teaching exchanges in more than ten different universities around Europe including Austria, Germany, France, Spain and Catalunya; and of course, the United Kingdom. As a social scientist, he fights monsters of social injustice, social discrimination and social inequalities reproduced by technologies and by wrong decisions. As a teacher, he finds personal pleasure in learning, in changing the ways of thinking. He says: „Perhaps this explains why I study technology, and why science is for me also a way of creativity more than a Techne, or why I am so terribly scared of monkeys with weapons.“