How individuals deal with the corona crisis – and what role does religion play in this?

Dossier “Religion and conspiracy theories in the time of the corona epidemic”

The second part focuses on the attitudes and practices of individuals, and examines how they deal with the corona crisis and the extent to which religion plays a role in this. We investigate, for example, whether and for what reasons people use the alternative religious formats on offer, such as online services, to what extent they pursue spiritual or religious practices in the face of the crisis, and what significance their personal faith has in how they interpret and deal with the pandemic.

© Carolin Hillenbrand

Study on religion and social cohesion in the time of the corona pandemic. By political scientist Carolin Hillenbrand

The corona crisis touches on the central problem addressed by religion: namely, coping with contingency. Contingency is everything that is possible but not necessary – questions about why and wherefore, which arise especially in times of crisis like the current pandemic. What role does the religiosity or spirituality of individuals currently play in how they deal personally with the corona crisis? This is the question that we investigate in our study, which we are conducting together with an international research group (with scholars from Italy, Spain and Finland) and the “Research Institute for Social Cohesion” at the University of Leipzig. More


How religions are dealing with the corona crisis: Protestant churches and their environs. A guest article by historian and theologian Dr. Johannes Wischmeyer

It is probably the case that no event since 1945 has occupied the Protestant churches in Germany more, and has played a greater role in how they perceive themselves and others, than the corona pandemic. Current studies and reports on the situation help us to gain an initial view of the developments since the beginning of March 2020. More