Normative Crises
Normative crises and normative transformation processes analysed in interdisciplinary volume
The volume “Normative Crises” of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” has been published by Mohr Siebeck Verlag. Emerging from the interdisciplinary work of the past funding phase in the field of research “Normativity” and a conference at the Cluster of Excellence on “Liquefaction and Solidification of Norms”, it was edited by the sociologist of religion Prof. Dr. Christel Gärtner, the philosopher of law Prof. Dr. Thomas Gutmann, the philosopher Prof. Dr. Walter Mesch and the philosopher Dr. Thomas Meyer. The interdisciplinary volume analyses the structure of normative crises and normative transformation processes, particularly in the religious and political fields, both regarding theory and based on concrete examples from various historical epochs.
The volume examines questions such as: Why do normative certainties break down, and how do actors succeed in legitimising themselves as normative instances by establishing new ‘last truths’, basic values and paradigms of normative discourses? What is the connection between normative criticism and crisis? When and how do justification narratives change, shift or stabilise, and what are the dynamics that result from this? How do new solutions emerge in the dialectic of continuity and discontinuity? What are the processes like in which this happens? Are there ideal-typical structures of the liquefaction and solidification of norms and normative discourses, and what is the appropriate theoretical access to such processes? (Mohr Siebeck/sca)