On Islamic Humanism

© Herder

In his book Islamic theologian Mouhanad Khorchide introduces the concept of Islamic humanism. Not least of all, the terror by IS-militia shows us a religion, which seems to fall out of a bygone time. An Islam, which is misused to justify claims to power and to portray an inhumane action as desired by God. Does this have anything to do with Islam at all? Mouhanad Khorchide says yes. And it should be reason not least for Muslims to face the question: What is going wrong in Islam? The root of such excesses lies in an understanding of Islam in which God alone turns around himself.

Toward such an opinion, Mouhanad Khorchide counters the concept of an Islamic humanism, which postulates a God who believes in mankind and appreciates his human existence. He ventures nothing less than a new outline of a self-understanding of Islam. His proposition is: We need a global humanism, which acknowledges mankind as a global family. In recognizing its own potentials, Islam can make a crucial contribution to that end. Mouhanad Khorchide draws attention to the one God who takes human seriously in his freedom. A book, which portrays Islam as a modern and prevailing religion: as an essential source of a global humanism.

Literature: Khorchide, Mouhanad: Gott glaubt an den Menschen. Mit dem Islam zu einem neuen Humanismus, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder 2015.