The Christian Churches and the Nazi state

© Reclam

Historian Olaf Blaschke focuses on the role of the two Christian Churches in the development of the Nazi state. The relationship between the two Christian Churches and the Nazi state with its ideology is one of the most prominent issues of German contemporary history. Books on this topic often dwell too much on details, they are scant overviews, and they usually suffer from a denominational bias depending on the confession of the author. This book undertakes to trace the developments between adaptation or even collaboration on the one hand and resistance on the other. It compares the attitude of the Churches despite their comprehensive separation and despite their distinguished institutional relationship with the Nazi state. While the Roman Catholic Church, the German Christian, and the Confessing Church partly shared common challenges, they also fought against each other.

Literature: Blaschke, Olaf: Die Kirchen und der Nationalsozialismus, Stuttgart: Reclam Sachbuch 2014.