Theses apl. Prof. Dr Jens Bölte

My main interest is language: language comprehension, speech and language acquisition in adults. I investigate mental processes that take place in fractions of a second. Speakers produce 3-4 words per second. Listeners find the right word within approx. 300 milliseconds from a set of approx. 50,000 words stored in their mental lexicon. Due to my interests, I mainly supervise work in the field of psycholinguistics.

I also supervise theses in cooperation with colleagues from the Institute of Biomagnetism and Biosignal Analysis, the Institute of Medical Psychology and Systems Neuroscience and the Institute of Translational Psychiatry. Dependent measurements such as RT, eye movements, EEG, MEG and fMRI are used in the theses.  An overview of the theses I have supervised can be found in the following table.  Current thesis topics can be found under News.

An overview of the doctoral theses I have supervised can be found at the bottom of the page.

  • Klute, Hannah; Magnetoencephalographic but not Behavioral Indicies of Fear Generalization are Associated With Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy in Spider Phobia: A Longitudinal MEG study; 2024; Master thesis
  • Scherer, Joshua-Nikodemus; Interactive effect of emotional neglect and the serotonin transporter gene on gray matter volume in major depression: A replication study; 2024 Master thesis
  • Tilly, Linn; Neuronal correlates of unconscious face processing - an EKP study with efficient backward masking; 2024; Bachelor thesis
  • Breitwieser, Pia; Differential processing of emotional faces under efficient masking - an EKP study; Master thesis
  • Temming, Paula; Neuronal correlates of consciousness and post-perceptual processes: Testing the relationship between the P3b and decision-making processes; Master thesis
  • Winkler, Annika; The Relationship of Cognition and Sleep Parameters in Patients with Autoimmune Encephalitis; 2024; Master thesis
  • Bartels, Karina; Response delays influence consciousness reports due to gradual decay in short term memory; 2024; Bachelor thesis
  • Homeyer, Hannha, Sofie; Electrophysiological correlates of high- and low-level conscious processing in an inattentaional blindness paradigm; 2024; Master thesis
  • Richarz, Carina; Social evaluative feedback generated based on self-view: Investigating fMRI responses to self-congruent vs. self-incongruent positive and negative social feedback; 2024; Bachelor thesis
  • Chhetri, Meriya; The influence of self-image congruence on the processing of social feedback: An analysis of event-related potentials (ERPs); 2024; Bachelor thesis
  • Incicco, Francesca; Graded or Dichotomous? Examining the Spectrum of Conscious Perception Using an Adapted Attentional Blink Paradigm; 2024; Bachelor thesis
  • Tegethoff, Jan-Luca; Is Retinal Layer Thickness a Potential Marker of Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis - A Longitudinal Panel Study; 2023; Master thesis
  • Bexten, Alea Marie; Brain Structural Changes in the Course of Major Depressive Disorder: A Multilevel Modeling Approach to Longitudinal Imaging Data; 2023; Master thesis
  • Helming; Hanne; Social feedback processing depending on self-view and expectations congruence: An ERP study; 2023; Master thesis
  • Sturm, Oliver; Processing of neutral stimuli in phobia related and unrelated contexts: Effects of virtual reality exposure therapy and associations with treatment response in spider phobia; 2023; Master thesis
  • Bianco, Riccardo; Behavioral and Magnetencephalographic Correlates of Auditory-Cue Fear Generalization; 2023; Master thesis
  • Hüttenhein, Franka; Depression and neural responses: The influence of self-image and expectations on the processing of social feedback; 2023; Bachelor thesis
  • Reinel, Sophia-Marie Renate; Global Functioning in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Association with Disease Progression
    and Fiber Integrity; 2023, Bachelor thesis
  • Spreen, Clara; Longitudinal Changes in the Human Structural Connectome: Associations with Aging, Cognitive Performance and Psychopathology; 2023; Master thesis
  • Bögemann, Nele Johanna; The Effect of Mental Imagery on the Perceptual Decision Process and its Neural Basis; 2022; Master thesis
  • Berther, Teresa; Comparison of Data Quality in the Gazepoint GP3 HD and EyeLink 1000+ Eyetracking Systems; 2022; Bachelorarbeit
  • Lammers, Jule; Tactile perception in juvenile patients with anorexia und potential relations to body image distortions: an EEG-study; 2022; Master thesis
  • Blümer, Thea; FFP2 mask wearers require more neural resources to process directed attention tests: magnetoencephalographic evidence; 2022; Master thesis
  • Vilde, Natalya; The effect of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over ventromedial prefrontal cortex on reward processing and risk-taking behavior; 2022; Bachelor thesis
  • Krebs, Sophie Catherine; Disentangling neural correlates of consciousness and task relevance: an attentional blink study; 2022; Master thesis
  • Choi, Dahna; The Association Between Fronto-Limbic Functional Connectivity and Resilience Following Childhood Maltreatment – A Resting-State fMRI Study; 2021; Master thesis
  • Flint, Claas; 2021; Differentiation of anxiety disorders, depression and their comorbidity: a machine learning approach on structural MRI data; Bachelor thesis
  • Olstowski, Katharina; Effects of Task-relevance and Emotion on the Neural Processing of Sounds: An ERP Study; 2021; Master thesis
  • Wüste, Lucia Victoria; Do unipolar and bipolar depressions differ in the white substance's white matter?; 2021; Master thesis
  • Sonnenberg, Britta; Presentation duration as a factor influencing emotional amplification of EPN and LPP in negative and neutral images under perceptual distraction; 2021; Bachelor thesis
  • Reppen, Mareike; Emotional Processing in Depression With and Without Comorbid Anxiety Disorders – A PPI Analysis to Investigate Functional Connectivity; 2021; Master thesis
  • Hense, Annika Theresa; Electrophysiological Correlates of Inattentional Anosmia: an ERP study; 2021; Master thesis
  • Feickert, Robin; Behavioural and Magnetoencephalographic Correlates of Fear Generalization in Spider Phobic Patients and Balanced Healthy Controls; 2021; Master thesis
  • Wacker, Anna; Conscious and Unconscious Emotional Word Processing under the Attentional Blink: An fMRI study; 2021; Master thesis
  • Wolf, Maren-Isabel; Modulatory Effects of Top-down Attention on the C1-Component; 2021; MasterLinke, Linda; Functional difference in emotion regulation of patients with major depression and/or comorbid soical phobia; 2020; Master thesis
  • Kaup, Anna; The role of quantity and timing of couter-evidenz over the time course of decision making; 2020; Bachelor thesis
  • Müller, Amelie Luisa; The connection between perceived social support and changes in amygdala volume in major depression; 2020; Master thesis
  • Blümer, Thea; Exploring the time course of detection in a 2 Stimulus Attentional Blink Paradigm: Spectrum manipulation in fearful vs. neutral faces; 2020; Bachelor thesis
  • Kroker, Thomas; Inhibitory versus Excitatory tDCS of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Conditioned Fear Generalization: Magnetoencephalographic Correlates; 2020; Master thesis
  • Winter, Alexandra; The Emotional Enhancement of Memory in Alzheimer's Disease: Assessing the diagnostic applicability of the Münsteraner Test des Emotionalen Gedächtnis (MTEG); 2020; Master thesis
  • Loock, Kaja; Electrophysiological responses to emotional faces in patients with amygdala damage: an attentional blink study; 2020; Master thesis
  • Gruber, Marius; Cognitive Decline in Multiple Sclerosis: A longitudinal study comparing patients with relapsing-remitting and primary progressive multiple sclerosis; 2020; Master thesis
  • Gutewort, Laura; Brain over heart? Differential ERP responses on emotional and neutral pictures under linear increasing perceptual load.; 2020; Master thesis
  • Thiel, Katharina; Effects of acute sleep deprivation with and without previous chronic sleep deprivation on sleep structure and EEG-power in recovery sleep; 2020; Master thesis
  • Ziehfreund, Lena; The Effect of tDCS on Reward Processing and Prediction; 2020; Master thesis
  • Finkendei, Lars; Neuronal Reward Processing: Differences between suicidal and non-suicidal patients with major depression; 2019; Master thesis
  • Coers, Tilmann; Effects of a one-session exposure therapy on fear learning in spider phobia: A magnetoencephalography study; 2019; Bachelor thesis
  • Wandschura, Julia; How do phobia(ir)relevant stimuli influence the attention of spider-phobic compared to healthy controls?; 2019; Bachelor thesis
  • Bögemann, Nele, Johanna; Modulation of the centroparietal positive potential by strength and amount of evidence and its relation to decision confidence; 2019; Bachelor thesis
  • Doll, Sarah; Computational modelling as a predictor of affective response to tDCS treatment in Major Depression - an exploratory analysis of a clinical trial; 2019; Master thesis
  • Balloff, Carolin; The influence of information processing speed on verbal learning and memory: a comparison between patients with multiple sclerosis and healthy controls; 2019; Master thesis
  • Smith, Paul; Predicting conditioned stimuli in spider phobics: Machine learning applications on electrophysiological data; 2019; Bachelor thesis
  • Höfig, Angelina; The relationship between memory reconsolidation and return of fear in a Multi-CS conditioning paradigm: a magnetoencephalography study; 2019; Master thesis
  • Caldarone, Flora; Time-dependent perceptual load modulation of emotional face processing: An ERP-study; 2019; Master thesis
  • Sonntag, Kerstin; Predictors of typing performance of 50 - 90 years old participants using the keylog-program InputLog; 2019; Master thesis
  • Brockhoff, Laura; Post-error slowing and decision making in early multiple sclerosis and healthy controls; 2019; Master thesis
  • Ravenschlag, Anna Natali; An investigation of early processing of morphologically complex words using behavioral and magnetoencephalographic measures.; 2019; Master thesis
  • Hein, Sarah; The impact of ventromedial prefrontal cortex stimulation via tDCS on conditioned fear generalization: A Magnetoencephalography study.; 2019; Master thesis
  • Janßen, Lisa; Clinical relevance of self-reported cognitive fatigue in early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; 2018; Master thesis
  • Wiens, Nele; Magnetoencephalographic and behavioral correlates of fear-generalisation: A multiCS-study; 2018; Master thesis
  • Hense, Annika Teresa; Conscious and unconscious emotional face processing in the attentional blink: an fMRT study; 2018; Bachelor thesis
  • Gagsch, Florian; Gaze behavior and emotion discrimination in patients with amygdala damage due to herpes encephalits; 2018; Bachelor thesis
  • Dittrich, Bastian; Affective vs. cognitive theory of mind: Distinguishing frontotemporal dementia from Alzheimer-dementia with the help of the Fauxpas-test; 2018; Master thesis
  • Brieke, Jaqueline; Neural mechanisms of fear generalisation for specific phobias; 2018; Master thesis
  • Feldmann, Lucas; Multivariate pattern-analysis of EEG-data to differentiate neutral and emotional stimuli in panic disorder and social phobia; 2018; Master thesis
  • Koss, Tom; Processing of morphologically complex words; 2018; Bachelor thesis
  • Jenner, Christoph; Two contrast-level model of subliminal emotion processing: An ERP-study using continuous flash suppression; 2018; Master thesis
  • Finkendei, Lars; Modality/multimodal processing and associated neuronal correlates; 2017; Bachelor thesis
  • Gruen, Jenny; Emotional Processing in Preschool Children: A Magnetencephalography Study; 2017; Master thesis
  • Thiel, Katharina; Better safe than sorry? – Magnetoencephalographic and behavioral correlates of fear generalisation; 2017; Bachelor thesis
  • Loock, Kaja; The role of Amygdala in processing threat-related faces under different load levels and teh relationship to trait anger; 2017; Bachelor thesis
  • Ziehfreund, Lena; Is Reward Positivity influenced by eye-movement evoking stimuli? An EEG-study; 2017; Bachelor thesis
  • Michel, René; EEG-based offline fatigue detection in Airbus A320 pilots during simulated night flights; 2017; Master thesis
  • Hostert, Anke Lena; Processing of morphologically complex words; 2017; Bachelor thesis
  • Roth, Marie-Lusie; Conscious and unconscious processing of faces during attentional blink: a fMRT study; 2017; Master thesis
  • Wilhelm, Christine; A magnetoencephalographic study of reward processing during a gambling task in humans; 2016; Bachelor thesis
  • Doll, Sarah; Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex on reward processing - magnetoencephalographic correlates; 2016; Bachelor thesis
  • Bosch, Johannes; Modulation of emotional picture processing with tDCS of the mPFC - an eeg-study; 2016; Bachelor thesis
  • Geisler, Adina; Age related differences in recognizing and visual exploration of emotional faces; 2016; Bachelor thesis
  • Dittrich, Bastian; Verarbeitung emotionaler Gesichter – Keine Modulation ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale bei unterdrückter bewusster Wahrnehmung; 2016; Bachelor thesis
  • Herdering, Regin; The role of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the processing of faces under the threat of shock; 2016; Master thesis
  • Maitzen, Julius; Modulation of emotional face processing by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the medial prefrontal cortex; 2016; Master thesis
  • Helmich, Ruth; Neuronale Korrelate der Verarbeitung traumaassoziierter Bilder bei Patientinnen mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung - eine fMRT-Studie; 2016; Master thesis
  • Schloßmacher, Insa; Investigating nonconscious emotional processing: ERPs elicited by facial expressions under continuous flash suppression.; 2016; Master thesis
  • Bürger, Christian; Differenzierung von bipolarer affektiver Störung und Major Depression anhand von neuraler Aktivität auf emotionale Gesichter: Ein fMRT Mustererkennungsansatz; 2015; Master thesis
  • Waltermate, Lena; The effect of perceived membership in olfactory face conditioning: Magnetoencephalographic correlates; 2015; Bachelor thesis
  • Herrmann, Maike; Motorische Simulation: Einflüsse der Gruppenzugehörigkeit des Akteurs und der Art der Handlung; 2014; Bachelor thesis
  • Gansel, Eva; Intergruppenpräferenzen in der motorischen Simulation - die Rolle von Gesicht und sozialer Kategorie des Akteurs; 2014; Bachelor thesis
  • Krause, Elena; Visual exploration and recognition of facial emotion in limbic encephalitis; 2014; Master thesis
  • Michel, René; Modulation der P300 Komponente durch eventproduzierende Objekte bei einer Go/Nogo Simon Aufgabe: Eine EEG-Studie; 2014; Bachelor thesis
  • Quante, Laura; Effects of prediction and plausibility in written language comprehension: An ERP study; 2014; Master thesis
  • Biel, Anna Lena; Fremdeln neuronal: Reduzierte motorische Simulation beobachteter Handlungen bei Fremdgruppenmitgliedern im EEG?; 2013; Bachelor thesis
  • Hösker, Thomas M.; Elektrophysiologische Korrelate der ästhetischen Verarbeitung von Websites: Ein Vergleich zwischen Experten und Laien; 2013; Diplomarbeit
  • Kempf, Elena; "Das Dorf, das man sieht, braucht kein Ortsschild" - Reduzierte motorische Simulation bei Beobachtung von Fremdgruppenmitgliedern; 2013; Bachelor thesis
  • Nordendorf, Sonja; Das Groteskheitsurteil in Abhängigkeit des Rotationswinkels; 2013; Diplomarbeit
  • Förster, Katharina; Auf frischer Tat ertappt! Wann werden scheinbar morphologisch komplexe Wörter vom Worterkennungssystem entlarvt?; 2012; Bachelor thesis
  • Scharmacher, Julian; Zerlegung morphologisch komplexer Wörter während der frühen visuellen Worterkennung; 2012; Bachelor thesis
  • Hammerschmidt, Wiebke; Der Thatcher-Effekt in Abhängigkeit des Rotationswinkels; 2011; Bachelor thesis
  • Hulisz, Maren; Die Stabilität von Ästhetikurteilen & der Einfluss räumlicher Frequenzen auf die Bewertung der Ästhetik von Websites; 2010; Diplomarbeit
  • Kummerfeldt, Katharina; Erleichterung oder Hemmung? Semantische Effekte in einer maskierten Bild-Wort-Interferenz Aufgabe; 2010; Diplomarbeit
  • Lütke, Friederike; Wer komplex anfängt, macht komplex weiter: Produktion morphologisch komplexer Wörter; 2009; Diplomarbeit
  • Nowak, Kim; Priming von Blickbewegungen beim Erkennen von natürlichen Objekten; 2009; Diplomarbeit
  • Rappen, Wiebke; Form und Funktion - Bildbenennung mit morphologisch komplexen und pseudokomplexen Distraktoren; 2009; Diplomarbeit
  • Langemeyer, Martin; Unterspezifikation der Phonemmerkmale "Ort" und "Stimme" in der auditiven Worterkennung; 2008; Diplomarbeit
  • Viebahn, Malte Clemens; Phonemic restoration in different syllabic and phonological contexts; 2007; Diplomarbeit
  • Berns, Stefanie; Der Einfluss suprasegmentaler Information bei der auditiven Worterkennung; 2005; Diplomarbeit
  • Honemann, Sarah; "Umbringen, herbringen, erbringen" - ähnlich und doch anders: Welche Rolle spielt die semantische Transparenz bei der Verarbeitung morphologisch komplexer Verben?; 2005; Diplomarbeit
  • Jacob, Gunnar; The syntactic processing of garden-path structures; 2005; Diplomarbeit
  • Schülbe, Claudia; Kongruenzeffekte mit semantischen Reizen im Metakontrast-Dissoziationsparadigma; 2005; Diplomarbeit
  • Stracke, Henning; Kategoriale, assoziative und mediative Effekte bei der Bildbenennung; 2004; Diplomarbeit
  • Van Loh, Hella; Semantisches Priming bei auditiven Wortfragmenten: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zur Bedeutung auditiver Wortfragmente für die auditive Worterkennung; 2004; Diplomarbeit
  • Zgorecki, Rainer; Lemmakonkurrenz bei Zeitvariation: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zu Interferenzen durch systematisch variierte Distraktoren bei der Sprachproduktion; 2004; Diplomarbeit
  • Curdts, Dagmar; Assimilation in existierenden und neuen Komposita: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zur semantischen Aktivierung von Wörtern; 2003; Diplomarbeit
  • Jorschick, Annett B.; Die Rolle von Assoziation und Kategorie im Bild-Wort-Interferenz-Paradigma; 2003; Diplomarbeit
  • Lunkenheimer, Hanne; Assimilation bei neugebildeten Komposita: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zum Einfluss regelhafter und regelwidriger phonologischer Veränderungen auf die auditive Worterkennung; 2003; Diplomarbeit
  • Pfeiffer, Nadine Elisabeth; Regressive Ortsassimilation bei Wort- und Pseudowortkomposita; 2003; Diplomarbeit
  • Wuttke, Tanja; Semantisches Priming im Metakontrast: Dissoziationsparadigma; 2003; Diplomarbeit
  • Bien, Heidrun; Assimilation in morphologisch komplexen Wörtern: Phonementdeckung in regressiver Ortsassimilation und progressiver Stimmlosigkeitsassimilation; 2002; Diplomarbeit
  • Gumnior, Heidi; Assimilation in Komposita: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zur Bedeutung phonologisch regelhafter Veränderungen für die auditive Worterkennung; 2002; Diplomarbeit
  • Klabuhn, Kerstin; Vom Plural in Singularen: Eine Untersuchung zu den kognitiven Prozessen bei der Verarbeitung von flektierten Pluralformen im Deutschen; 2001; Diplomarbeit
  • Mense, Vanessa; Semantische Primingeffekte bei minimal veränderten Initialphonem; 2001; Diplomarbeit
  • Weldert, Gregor; Zulässige Abweichungen bei der Worterkennung: Aktivierung durch Pseudowörter; 2001; Diplomarbeit
  • Balliel, Anke; Von Kapitännen und Krankenbrüdern: Psychologische Aspekte der Genusmarkierung bei Personenbezeichnungen; 2000; Diplomarbeit
  • Burgsdorf, Stefan; Sind Äpfel wie Mangos? Eine Untersuchung zu kognitiven Prozessen bei der Verarbeitung regelmäßiger und unregelmäßiger Substantive im Deutschen; 2000; Diplomarbeit
  • Hohmeister, Johanna; Effects of Semantic Relatedness in a Postcue Translation Procedure: A Test of the Revised Hierarchical Model of Bilingual Memory Representation by Kroll and Steward (1990, 1994); 2000; Diplomarbeit
  • Petzmeyer, Ricarda; Phonologische Primingeffekte unter der Berücksichtigung von Assimilationsprozessen: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Worterkennung; 2000; Diplomarbeit
  • Unland, Sandra; Auch maskierte WORTE beschleunigen die WORTerkennung: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zur visuellen Worterkennung unter Metakontrast-Maskierung; 2000; Diplomarbeit
  • Heinrich, Ulrike; Das Metakontrast-Dissoziations-Paradigma: Eine Untersuchung zu Priming-Effekten bei semantischer Kongruenz; 1999; Diplomarbeit
  • Knodel, Heiko; Priming- und Interferenzeffekt bei der Worterkennung: Zum Einfluss von Phonemüberlappung zwischen Prime und Zielwort auf die Geschwindigkeit der Wortreproduktion; 1999; Diplomarbeit
  • Coenen, Elisabeth; Kannst du das Worp mal deutlicher aussprechen? Eine experimentelle Untersuchung zu Assimilationsprozessen und Unterspezifikation in der auditiven Worterkennung; 1998; Diplomarbeit
  • Pastor, Stefan; Die Annahme einer einheitlichen kognitiven Repräsentation von Zahlen; 1998; Diplomarbeit
  • Kroes, Cornelia; "Ein 'Mann' für alle Fälle": Das generische Maskulinum aus linguistischer und psycholinguistischer Perspektive; 1997; Diplomarbeit
  • Uhe, Mechtild; Können /porze/ und /porzella/ genauso schnell erkannt werden wie /porzellan/? Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Erkennungspunkt; 1996; Diplomarbeit


Supervised Doctoral Studies

Cognitive-affective and Perceptive Aspects of Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms in Adolescent Patients: Neuroimaging and Clinical Data
How transcranial direct current stimulation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex affects cognitive biases and reward processing- behavioral and neuroimaging evidence
Thelen, KatrinDer Kasuserwerb bei typisch entwickelten Kindern und Kindern mit Sprachentwicklungsstörung
Neuropsychology of Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis
Neural correlates of consciousness in visual and auditory perception
Surmann, MarianWie kann die Behandlung von Betroffenen mit psychotischen Erkrankungen verbessert werden? Eine Verschiebung des Behandlungsfokus jenseits Pharmakotherapie.
Schloßmacher, InsaNeural correlates of consciousness and deviance processing investigated using no-report paradigms
Förster, KatharinaCognitive and Neurobiological Mechanisms of Social Dysfunction in Major Depressive Disorder
Amsellem, SherlleyThe role of congruency in the subjective experience of food-like objects
Marusch, TinaLanguage production of inflectional verb morphology in healthy and impaired adult speakers of German and English
Feldker, KatharinaNeural correlates of disorder-related processing in panic disorder
Heitmann, Carina YvonneNeural correlates of disorder-related processing in social anxiety disorder
Geukes, SebastianOn necessary conditions for learning new words and their meanings: behavioral and event-related studies
Huiyan LinModulation of expectancy congruency to facial expressions: Electrophysiological studies
Automatic processing of facial affect in schizophrenia and its relationship to socio-emotional negative symptoms.
Kürten, JuliaEinfluss des BDNF-Val66Met-Polymorphismus auf synaptische Plastizität und Gedächtnis
Rösser, NinaVerbesserung von motorischem Lernen durch Levodopa bei chronischen Schlaganfallpatienten
Jorschick, Annett, B.Speech variation in German and Dutch and its consequences for underspecified representation
Böhl, AndreaGerman compounds in language comprehension and production
Runde, AnneDie Rolle externer Repräsentationen in der netzgestützten Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation