++ 22.01.2025 ++ The students from the interdisciplinary master’s in cognitive neuroscience presented their results from the fMRI seminar in a poster session. All the posters and presentations were excellent. Well done! Congratulations to Finn, Thilo and Philipp for winning this year's poster prize!
++ 12.12.2024 ++ Ricarda and Sophie travelled to Cologne to meet with their cooperation partners Markus Raab, Alexandra Pizzera and Dennis Redlich from the German Sport University. There, they presented the newest fMRI findings from their exciting collaborative study on auditory reaffarences in hurdling.
++ 25.11.2024 ++ The first group of students from the interdisciplinary master’s in cognitive neuroscience visited our lab this week. Each group learns about the analysis of MRI data, techniques in brain imaging, and the research interests and activities of our group. It’s a pleasure to have them around and we’re looking forward to the next groups over the next few weeks.
++ 02.11.2024 ++ Falko's new paper was accepted by NeuroImage. Congratulations! Using Bayesian model comparison this paper comprehensively demonstrates that the uni-to-multimodal gradient shapes the cortical chronotopy in both task and resting-state. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Jorge Sepulcre from the Yale School of Medicine and fellow OCC member Jana Fehring for their invaluable support with this project.
++ 09.10.2024 ++ With the start of the new winter semester, we welcomed the new cohort of the interdisciplinary master’s program in cognitive neuroscience with a scavenger hunt to explore the different institutions involved in their master’s program. A warm welcome!
++ 02.09. bis 13.09.2024 ++ Rosari completed a lab rotation on “Neurobiology of Drosophila” at the Institute of Neuro- and Behavioural Biology, University of Münster as part of the graduate program. She gained experience on brain dissection and to perform behavioural experiments.
++ 09.09.2024 ++ The first paper from the PEGI project was accepted in Memory. Marius and Nina, with supervision from Ricarda, showed the effects of prediction errors on memory, using the naturalistic and socially charged dialogues that will be used throughout the PEGI project. Congratulations!
++ 06.09.2024 ++ Benjamin successfully defended his PhD! In a great presentation, he summarised his work about prediction errors in episodic memory and highlighted effects of repetition, repeated learning, agency, and perspective. Congratulations!
++ 11.07.2024 ++ Lena successful defended her PhD! Congratulations!
++ 01.07.2024 ++ Anas Al-Naji joined our lab as a new PhD student. He will work on a project using EEG together with Anoush and Ricarda. A warm welcome!
++ 23.06. bis 27.06.2024 ++ Nina, Falko and Sophie presented their Posters at the OHBM 2024 Annual Meeting in Seoul, Korea https://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=4229
++ 11.06.2024 ++ Rosari's new paper was accepted by NeuroImage. Congratulations!
++ 01.06.2024 ++ Sophie won one of the poster prizes at PuG2024 in Hamburg https://pug2024.de/ . Congratulations!
++ 28.05.2024 ++ Benjamin's new paper was accepted by Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Congratulations!
++ 15.05.2024 ++ Jenny's new paper was accepted by Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Congratulations!
++ 30.04.2024 ++ Anoush's new paper was accepted by Frontiers in Psychology. Congratulations!
++ 16.04.2024 ++ In this summer semester, Vanessa, Katharina, Raphael and Lea are starting their internships in the BiPsy group as part of the interdisciplinary master’s programme in cognitive neuroscience (iCoN). A warm welcome!
++ 12.04.2024 ++ Anoush's new paper was accepted by Psychophysiology. Congratulations!
++ 21.03.2024 ++ Marius won the First Poster Prize at the TeaP in Regensburg - congratulations! https://conference-service.com/teap-2024-regensburg/welcome.html
++ 25.01.2024 ++ Basketball meets Neuroscience: Nina meets Uni Baskets player Julius Ferber for 3 quick questions https://gameday.ms/quicks/quick-3-mit-nina-liedtke-und-julius-ferber/
++ 22.01. bis 28.01.2024 ++ This week, Ricarda can be heard on the new episode of the podcast "Wissen Weekly" as an expert on the topic of "Dopamine Detox“