© Uni MS

Neural oscillations and their role in perception and cognition

Brain activity is often characterized by oscillations – wave-like signal fluctuations that can occur in response to specific events or just spontaneously without an obvious external trigger. We aim to understand the link between EEG oscillations and perception and cognition, suing a combination of EEG and psychophysics.

© Uni MS

Scene perception and scene memory

We can effortlessly perceive and understand the world around us, and we easily remember what we see with great detail.
Or do we?
Using a combination of EEG and eyetracking, we study how the world out there is represented inside our minds and which factors determine what we remember and what we forget.

© Uni MS

#EEGManyPipelines: how robust are EEG analysis pipelines?

EEG data are usually processed through a series of analysis steps from pre-processing, selection of electrodes and time ranges, down to statistical testing. Each steps requires a decision between a large set of alterantive methods and parameters. How strongly do these analytic decisions affect the results and can we trust that EEG findings obtained with a particular analysis pipeline can be reproduced with an alternative pipeline?