Practical information

The phone number of the hut is 0043-5517-6303.


The Zaferna Hut is above Mittelberg Kleinwalsertal at an altitude of 1430m above sea level How best comes into Kleinwalsertal Mittelberg, is on the website of Zaferna Hut accurately described.

If you arrived in Mittelberg, there are two ways to reach the hut. On foot or by lift. How do you find the way and the lift, you can see here:

How do I find the hut from the bus stop "Alpenrose"?

  1. The Zaferna lift belongs to Sonna-Alp which lies next to the Hut Zaferna and is free for residents of Zaferna Hut. This means that if you say the operating team that you heard on the Zaferna Hut to the group, you pay nothing. It should be noted that the Zaferna lift in summer runs daily 9:00 to 16:30!
  2. (The sporty version) Simple way to Zaferna Hut walk (150 meters ⇒ 20–30 min).


The Zaferna Hut is located in a region aplinen to about 1430m. Therefore, it is take sensible walking shoes (preferably hiking boots). In the hut slippers or flip-flops should be worn. Since it can be quite cold in the mountains, even in summer, a few warm things should be taken. Bed sheets are available in the cottage!

  • identity card
  • cash (!)
  • hiking boots
  • shoes for the cottage
  • Flip-flops for the showers
  • rainwear
  • small backpack for trips/hikes
  • flashlight
  • sunscreen
  • sunglasses
  • containers for food and drinks (2 liters)
  • blister plasters
  • swimwear
  • towels
  • Auslandskrankenschein
  • etc.

The list is not exhaustive. Who wants to stay the whole time in the hut of course does not have to think of all the things mentioned above,)

Comments and suggestions on okamp (at)


The Zaferna Hut is a self-catering chalet, ie that we need to cook for yourself and clean up. Should anyone be interested to cook, please send email with the ingredients for about 30 people at Vegetarians should be as early as possible by email melden.Für accommodation are 12 multi-bed rooms available. The cabin has a phone.