An explicit method

The first idea is just to use central differences for both time and space derivatives, i.e.,

$\displaystyle \frac{u_i^{j+1}-2u_i^j+u_i^{j-1}}{\triangle t^2}=c^2\frac{u_{i+1}^{j}-2u_i^j+u_{i-1}^{j}}{\triangle x^2}$ (2.9)

or, with $ \alpha=c\triangle t/\triangle x$

$\displaystyle \boxed{u_i^{j+1}=-u_i^{j-1}+2(1-\alpha^2)u_i^{j}+\alpha^2(u_{i+1}^j+u_{i-1}^j)}$ (2.10)

Schematical representation of the scheme can be seen on Fig. 2.1.2.
Figure 2.1: Schematical visualization of the numerical scheme (2.10) for (2.2).

Besides, one should add the initial conditions (2.7). To the implementation of the second initial condition one needs again the virtual point $ u_i^{-1}$ ,

$\displaystyle u_t(x_i,0)=g(x_i)=\frac{u_i^1-u_i^{-1}}{2\triangle t}+\mathcal{O}(\triangle t^2).

With $ g_i:=g(x_i)$ one can rewrite the last expression as

$\displaystyle u_i^{-1}=u_i^1-2\triangle t g_i+\mathcal{O}(\triangle t^2),

and the second time row can be calculated as

$\displaystyle \boxed{u_i^1=\triangle tg_i+(1-\alpha^2)f_i+\frac{1}{2}\alpha^2(f_{i-1}+f_{i+1}),}$ (2.11)

where $ u(x_i,0)=u_i^0=f(x_i)=f_i$ .

Gurevich_Svetlana 2008-11-12