© OWMs

Prof. Dr. Meinald Thielsch

AOR, Research Area: Organisational Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction
Room: 54
Phone: +49 251 83-38484
Fax: +49 251 83-34190
eMail: thielsch(at)uni-muenster.de

Office hours:
By appointment, please email at least one week in advance, thanks!


  • Short CV

    since 04/2019
    Extraordinary professor

    since 04/2013
    Organisational & Business Psychology | BFO - Consulting and Training for Organisations, University of Münster (since 01/2014 as tenured faculty member).

    Research associate, University of Münster, Chair of psychological assessment and personality psychology (Prof. Back)

    Research associate, University of Münster, Chair of psychological assessment (Prof. Schmukle)

    since 01/2008
    Coordinator of the Evaluation and QM-Team for psychology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

    Ph.D. (Major: Psychology, Minor: Information systems)
    Dissertation topic: Website aesthetics. Perception of aesthetics and its relation to content, usability, and personality. [German: Ästhetik von Websites: Wahrnehmung von Ästhetik und deren Beziehung zu Inhalt, Usability und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen]

    since 06/2005    
    Research consultant and speaker (i.a. BZgA, Team Meuter GmbH, Questback GmbH)

    Research associate, University of Münster, Chair of psychological assessment and media psychology (Prof. Bommert)

    Studies in Psychology, University of Münster

  • Membership in Professional Organisations

    • Associated Partner at the Competence Center for Crisis Management (C³M)
    • DGPs - German Psychological Society [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie e.V.]
    • DGOF - German Society for Online-Research [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online Forschung e.V.]
    • FG MCI - SIG Human-computer-interaction of the GI [Fachgruppe Mensch-Computer-Interaktion der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.]
    • German UPA - German Usability Professionals' Association e.V.
    • PWM - Psychology in Business and Media [Psychologie in Wirtschaft und Medien e.V.]