Research Project

The idea of neuroplasticity has given optimistic statistical results in cognitive impairment patients. However, neuroplasticity can reveal reversed results and cause pathological symptoms. Tinnitus is considered to be a maladaptive change in brain. It is the perception of a sound when an actual external sound is not present and it is caused by the imbalance of inhibitory and excitatory neurons in the auditory pathway.
The current project examines the functional connectivity of Tinnitus patients and proposes an intervention of induced lateral-inhibition via the Tailor Made Notched Music Training (TMNMT; for a detailed description see Pantev et al., 2012; 2014).

PhD Committee

Prof. Dr. Christo Pantev

Prof. Dr. Pienie Zwitserlood

Prof. Dr. Markus Junghöfer


Salvari, V., Paraskevopoulos, E., Chalas, N., Müller, K., Wollbrink, A., Dobel, C., ... & Pantev, C. (2019). Auditory categorization of man-made sounds versus natural sounds by means of MEG functional brain connectivity. Frontiers in neuroscience, 13, 1052.

Wollbrink, A., Dobel, C., Salvari, V., Paraskevopoulos, E., Kisker, C., Mittmann, K., & Pantev, C. (2019). Choice of test stimulus matters for pitch matching performance: Comparison between pure tone and narrow band noise. Hearing research, 381, 107776.

Paraskevopoulos, E., Dobel, C., Wollbrink, A., Salvari, V., Bamidis, P. D., & Pantev, C. (2019). Maladaptive alterations of resting state cortical network in Tinnitus: A directed functional connectivity analysis of a larger MEG data set. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-11.

Vivas, A. B., Ladas, A. I., Salvari, V., & Chrysochoou, E. (2017). Revisiting the bilingual advantage in attention in low SES Greek-Albanians: does the level of bilingual experience matter?. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-14.

Conference Contributions

Salvari, V.S. , Frantzidis, C. A., Bamidis, P. D., Chrysochoou, E., Vivas, A. B. (in Press) The effects of bilingualism on conflict resolution: Evidence from an ERP study with Greek-Albanian bilinguals. Paper presented at the SUN2016 Conference, Corfu.

Vivas, A.B., Chrysochoou, E., Ladas, A., & Salvari, V. (in Press) Bilignualism and cognitive processes: A life-span approach with Greek-Albanian bilinguals.  Paper presented at the 16th  National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Psychology, 2017 in Thessaloniki.

Tepelena, I., Frantzidis, C., Salvari V., Hadjileontiadis, L., & Bamidis, P. (in Press) Are elderly less responsive to emotional stimuli? An EEG-based study across pleasant, unpleasant and neutral Greek words. Paper presented at the 30th IEEE International symposium on Computer-based medical Systems. IEEE CBMS 2017, Thessaloniki.


*1988 Korce, Albania
2006-2008 Public Institute of Vocational Training (Thermi) Kindergarten/Preschool Education and nursery care for people with disabilities, Thessaloniki
2011-2015 B.Sc (Hons) Psychology at the University of Sheffield, International faculty City College, Thessaloniki
2015 Bachelor Thesis: ‘ The linguistic experience on executive attentional control and distractror-devaluation effect: A study with Greek-Albanian bilinguals.’
2015-2017 M.Sc. Cognitive Neyropsychology at the University of Sheffield, International faculty City College, Thessaloniki
2017 Master Thesis: ‘The linguistic experience on Stroop and Simon effect: A study with Greek-Albanian bilinguals and event-related potentials.’
2017 Beginning of PhD research project, Institute of Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis