Our next speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the winter semester 2024-25 is Prof. Dr. Magdalena Abel from the University of Technology Nürnberg
OCC member and former OCC PhD student Dr. Daniel Kluger from the Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignal Analysis at the University of Münster receives an “ERC Starting Grant” from the European Research Council (ERC). With this funding of around 1.5 million, Daniel Kluger and his research group will investigate the influence of rhythmic processes such as breathing or heartbeat on neuronal processing in the brain and thus on human behavior.
We welcome Nils Otto from the Institute for anatomy and molecular neurobiology
as a new member of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center in 2024.
Nils Otto research centers on synapses crucial for neuronal computations in learning and memory circuits, focusing on their molecular organization, functioning, and plasticity as well as the crucial role of Neurexins for synapses
In our OCC PhD Program we welcome Jana Harenbrock. Her research is based on the context on mechanisms of deviance processing. The project is supervised by OCC members Prof. Dr. Thomas Straube and Dr. Insa Schloßmacher. The PhD Committee is completed by Apl. Prof. Dr. Jens Bölte
Our first speaker in the OCC Colloquium Series in the summer semester 2024 is Prof. Dr. Morgan Barense from the University of Toronto
The OCC Retreat 2024 will be held at the Institute of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room Fl 129 on May 23rd. The OCC PhD students present the current state of their projects in twenty-minute talks each followed by 10 minutes of discussion (OCC Retreat 2024 program). In the afternoon, after the presentations, there will be time for sport and recreation + cake. We are looking forward to interesting presentations, lively discussions and interdisciplinary discourse.