Dr. Benjamin Zipser

Institute of Neuro and Behavioural Biology
Department of Behavioural Biology
Badestrasse 13,
D-48149 Münster

Phone: +49 (0) 251/83 21004
Fax.: +49 (0) 251/83 23896
E-mail: benjamin.zipser@googlemail.com

PhD in 2016

Research Project

Shaping of Animal Personalities during Adolescence.
In male domestic guinea pigs, the housing conditions during adolescence (pairwise with a female or in a mixed-sex colony) result in marked differences regarding aggression as well as courtship and sexual behaviour. The dissertation project aims at understanding whether these behavioural profiles are part of overall animal personalities that can be modified environmentally during adolescence and that are stable contextually as well as temporally into adulthood.

PhD Committee

Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser (Supervisor)
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser
Prof. Dr. Volker Arolt


Zipser B, Schleking A, Kaiser S, Sachser N (2014) Effects of domestication on biobehavioural profiles: a comparison of domestic guinea pigs and wild cavies from early to late adolescence. Front Zool 11:30. doi:10.1186/1742-9994-11-30.

Zipser, B; Kaiser, S; Sachser, N (2013): Dimensions of Animal Personalities in Guinea Pigs. Ethology. (doi: 10.1111/eth.12140). Web

Richter, SH; Garner, JP; Zipser, B; Lewejohann, L; Sachser, N; Touma, C; Chourbaji, S; Brandwein, C; Gass, P; van Stipdonk, N; Spruijt, B; Voikar, V; Wolfer, DP; Würbel, H (2011): Effect of Population Heterogenization on the Reproducibility of Mouse Behavior: A Multi-Laboratory Study. PLoS One 6: e16461. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016461). Web

Lewejohann, L; Zipser, B; Sachser, N (2011): "Personality" in laboratory mice used for biomedical research: a way of understanding variability? Developmental Psychobiology 53: 631-640.


*1983 in Freiburg i. Br., Germany
2001/2002 Participation in the ethological class of the Freiburg-Seminar for Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Investigations about the cognitive abilities of domesticated animals (cats and dogs). (Supervisor: Dr. Immanuel Birmelin)
2003–2009 Studies in Biology, University of Münster.
2006 Bachelor's thesis, Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster, Title: Characterisation and comparison of two inbred strains of mice in five tests on anxiety-like behaviour. (Supervisor Prof. Dr. N.Sachser)
2009 Master's thesis, Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster, Title: "Maternal effects on dominance status and endocrinology of female domestic guinea pigs in dyadic interactions" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. N. Sachser)
2009 Beginning of PhD research projekt, Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster