Prof. Dr. Karen ZentgrafInstitute of Sport and Exercise Sciences Horstmarer Landweg 62b D-48149 Münster Phone: +49 (0) 251 83-32460 Fax: +49 251(0) 83-32466 Email: → Website |
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Research Areas
- Attentional focusing and motor control/learning
- Neural correlates of action observation and motor imagery
- Perception-action coupling
- Strength and hypertrophy training
Selected Publications
Zentgraf, K., Munzert, J., Bischoff, M. & Newman-Norlund, R. (2011). Simulation during observation of human movements - Theories, empirical studies, applications. Vision Research, 51, 827-835.
Lorey, B., Pilgramm, S., Walter, B., Stark, R., Munzert, J. & Zentgraf, K. (2010). Your Mind's Hand: Motor Imagery of Pointing Movements with Different Accuracy. NeuroImage, 49, 3239-3247.
Zentgraf, K.*, Lorey, B.*, Bischoff, M., Stark, R. & Munzert, J. (2009). Neural Correlates of Attentional Focusing during Finger Movements: An fMRI study. Journal of Motor Behavior, 41, 535-541.
Zentgraf, K. & Munzert, J. (2009). Effects of Attentional Focus Instructions on Movement Kinematics. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10, 520-525.
Munzert, J., Lorey, B. & Zentgraf, K. (2009). Cognitive Motor Processes: The Role of Motor Imagery in the Study of Motor Representations. Brain Research Reviews, 60, 306-326.
Zentgraf, K., Stark, R., Reiser, M., Künzell, S., Schienle, A., Kirsch, P., Walter, B., Vaitl, D. & Munzert, J. (2005). Differential Activation of pre-SMA and SMA proper during Action Observation: Effects of Instructions. NeuroImage, 26, 662-672.
Academic CV
Work Experience and University Education
Since 2011 | Professor for Human Performance and Training in Sports |
2009-2011 | Senior Lecturer, Training Science & Biology of Physical Exercise, University of Bern |
2006-2009 | Post-doc in Movement Science and Sport Psychology, University of Giessen |
2003 | Research visit Prof. Magill, Louisiana State University (USA) |
2001-2006 | PhD-Student and Lecturer in Sports Science, University of Giessen |
1999-2001 | Lecturer in Sports Science, University of Tuebingen |
1992-1999 | University Studies in Medical Science, University of Tuebingen |
1994-1999 | University Studies in Sports Science, University of Tuebingen |
1991-1992 | University Studies in Biology, Indiana University (USA) |
2005 | Promotion (Dr. phil.) (summa cum laude) |
1999 | Diploma in Sport Science (Grade: 1.1) |
1991 | Abitur (Grade: 1.2) |
Honours, Stipends, Prizes
2007 | Travel stipend DFG (NASPSPA, California, USA) |
2006 | Prize for best dissertation, University of Giessen |
2005 | Travel stipend DFG (NASPSPA, Florida, USA) |
2003 | Ranked 5th, Young Investigators Contest des European College of Sport Science („Activation of Motor and Related Areas during Observation and Mental Imagery of Gymnastic Movements: An fMRI Study“) |
2003 | DAAD PhD-Travel stipend (Prof. Magill, Louisiana State University, USA) |