• Publications

    2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020


    $\bullet $ Christopher Deninger, Theo Grundhöfer, and Linus Kramer. Weyl tensors, strongly regular graphs, multiplicative characters, and a quadratic matrix equation. J. Algebra, 656:170–195, October 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2023.08.028.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Brück, Yuri Santos Rego, and Robin Sroka. On the top-dimensional cohomology of arithmetic Chevalley groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, August 2024. doi:10.1090/proc/16948.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Brück, Jeremy Miller, Peter Patzt, Robin J. Sroka, and Jennifer C.H. Wilson. On the codimension-two cohomology of $SL_n(Z)$. Advances in Mathematics, 451:109795, August 2024. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2024.109795.

    $\bullet $ Thomas J. Haines, Jo ao Lourenço, and Timo Richarz. On the normality of Schubert varieties: remaining cases in positive characteristic. Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure, 57(3):895–959, July 2024. doi:10.24033/asens.2584.

    $\bullet $ Ursula Ludwig. A Morse-Bott type complex and the Bismut-Zhang torsion for intersection cohomology. Annales de l’Institut Fourier, pages 1–68, July 2024. doi:10.5802/aif.3648.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert and Michael Wiemeler. On the homotopy type of the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 26(9):3327–3363, July 2024. doi:10.4171/JEMS/1333.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Hock and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Blobbed topological recursion of the quartic Kontsevich model II: Genus=0 (with an appendix by Maciej Dołęga). Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact., July 2024. doi:10.4171/AIHPD/198.

    $\bullet $ Sylvain E. Cappell, Laurenţiu G. Maxim, Jörg Schürmann, and Julius L. Shaneson. Equivariant toric geometry and Euler-Maclaurin formulae—an overview. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 69(2):105–128, June 2024. doi:10.59277/RRMPA.2024.105.128.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Brück and Robin J. Sroka. Apartment Classes of Integral Symplectic Groups. Journal of Topology and Analysis, June 2024. doi:10.1142/s1793525324500286.

    $\bullet $ Michael Wiemeler. On a conjecture of Stolz in the toric case. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152(8):3617–3621, June 2024. doi:10.1090/proc/16823.

    $\bullet $ Christopher Deninger. Dynamical systems for arithmetic schemes. Indagationes Mathematicae, June 2024. doi:10.1016/j.indag.2024.05.007.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. The positive mass theorem and distance estimates in the spin setting. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, June 2024. doi:10.1090/tran/8942.

    $\bullet $ Gaëtan Borot and Raimar Wulkenhaar. A note on BKP for the Kontsevich matrix model with arbitrary potential. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, June 2024. doi:10.3842/sigma.2024.050.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Lisa Orloff Clark, Mahya Ghandehari, Eun Ji Kang, and Dilian Yang. Representing topological full groups in Steinberg algebras and C*-algebras. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 534(1):128023, June 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2023.128023.

    $\bullet $ Carolyn R. Abbott, Sahana Balasubramanya, and Alexander J. Rasmussen. Valuations, completions, and hyperbolic actions of metabelian groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, May 2024. doi:10.1112/jlms.12916.

    $\bullet $ Antje Dabeler, Emilie Mai Elkiær, Maria Gerasimova, and Tim de Laat. Unitary $L^p$$^+$-representations of almost automorphism groups. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 362(G3):245–249, May 2024. doi:10.5802/crmath.549.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator. Geometry and Topology, 28:1167–1212, May 2024. doi:10.2140/gt.2024.28.1167.

    $\bullet $ Kristin Courtney, Anna Duwenig, Magdalena C. Georgescu, Astrid an Huef, and Maria Grazia Viola. Alexandrov groupoids and the nuclear dimension of twisted groupoid C*-algebras. Journal of Functional Analysis, 286(9):110372, May 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110372.

    $\bullet $ Ronan J. Conlon and Hans-Joachim Hein. Classification of asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau manifolds. Duke Mathematical Journal, April 2024. doi:10.1215/00127094-2023-0030.

    $\bullet $ Petr Naryshkin. Group extensions preserve almost finiteness. Journal of Functional Analysis, 286(7):110348, April 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110348.

    $\bullet $ Ian Gleason and Jo ao Lourenço. Tubular neighborhoods of local models. Duke Mathematical Journal, March 2024. doi:10.1215/00127094-2023-0028.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Julian Kranz, Petr Naryshkin, and Andrea Vaccaro. Tracially amenable actions and purely infinite crossed products. Mathematische Annalen, March 2024. doi:10.1007/s00208-024-02833-9.

    $\bullet $ Siegfried Echterhoff and Mikael Rørdam. Inclusions of $C^*$-algebras arising from fixed-point algebras. Groups Geom. Dyn., 18(1):127–145, February 2024. doi:10.4171/ggd/743.

    $\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. Motivic Chern classes of Schubert cells, Hecke algebras, and applications to Casselman's problem. Annales Scientifiques de l'ÉNS, 57(1):87–141, February 2024. doi:10.24033/asens.2571.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Petr Naryshkin, and Andrea Vaccaro. Dynamical comparison and Z-stability for crossed products of simple $\rm C^*$-algebras. Advances in Mathematics, 438:109471, February 2024. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2023.109471.

    $\bullet $ Tamir Hemo, Timo Richarz, and Jakob Scholbach. A categorical Künneth formula for constructible Weil sheaves. Algebra & Number Theory, pages 499–536, February 2024. doi:10.2140/ant.2024.18.499.

    $\bullet $ Harald Grosse, Naoyuki Kanomata, Akifumi Sako, and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Real symmetric $\Phi ^4$-matrix model as Calogero–Moser model. Letters in Mathematical Physics, February 2024. doi:10.1007/s11005-024-01772-5.

    $\bullet $ Eva Viehmann. On Newton strata in the $B_dR^+$-Grassmannian. Duke Mathematical Journal, 173(1):177–225, January 2024. doi:10.1215/00127094-2024-0005.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert and Jens Reinhold. Some rational homology computations for diffeomorphisms of odd‐dimensional manifolds. Journal of Topology, January 2024. doi:10.1112/topo.12324.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Martin Lesourd, and Rudolf Zeidler. Positive mass theorems for spin initial data sets with arbitrary ends and dominant energy shields. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024(9):7870–7890, January 2024. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnad315.

    $\bullet $ Amandine Escalier. Building prescribed quantitative orbit equivalence with the integers. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, January 2024. doi:10.4171/ggd/766.

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    $\bullet $ Matthias Wink. Cohomogeneity one Ricci solitons from Hopf fibrations. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 31(3):625–676, December 2023. doi:10.4310/cag.2023.v31.n3.a4.

    $\bullet $ Diego Martínez. A note on the quasi-diagonality of inverse semigroup reduced c∗-algebras. Journal of Operator Theory, 90(2):313–329, November 2023. doi:10.7900/jot.2021nov29.2424.

    $\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. Shadows of characteristic cycles, Verma modules, and positivity of Chern–Schwartz–MacPherson classes of Schubert cells. Duke Mathematical Journal, 172(17):3257 – 3320, November 2023. doi:10.1215/00127094-2022-0101.

    $\bullet $ X. Fu, H.-J. Hein, and X. Jiang. Asymptotics of Kähler-Einstein metrics on complex hyperbolic cusps. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, November 2023. doi:10.1007/s00526-023-02613-4.

    $\bullet $ Baptiste Calmès, Emanuele Dotto, Yonatan Harpaz, Fabian Hebestreit, Markus Land, Kristian Moi, Denis Nardin, Thomas Nikolaus, and Wolfgang Steimle. Hermitian $K$-theory for stable ∞-categories I: Foundations. Selecta Mathematica. New Series, 29(1):Paper No. 10, 269, November 2023. doi:10.1007/s00029-022-00758-2.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Nathan Brownlowe, and Aidan Sims. Simplicity of twisted c$^\ast $-algebras of Deaconu–Renault groupoids. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 18(1):265–312, October 2023. doi:10.4171/JNCG/527.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. The left adjoint of derived parabolic induction. Mathematische Zeitschrift, October 2023. doi:10.1007/s00209-023-03385-5.

    $\bullet $ Markus Land, Thomas Nikolaus, and Marco Schlichting. L-theory of $C^*$-algebras. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 127(5):1451–1506, October 2023. doi:10.1112/plms.12564.

    $\bullet $ Kieu Hieu Nguyen. Un cas PEL de la conjecture de Kottwitz. Annales de l’Institut Fourier, 73(6):2239–2304, October 2023. doi:10.5802/aif.3577.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Jonathan H. Brown, Lisa Orloff Clark, Kristin Courtney, Ying-Fen Lin, Kathryn McCormick, and Jacqui Ramagge. The local bisection hypothesis for twisted groupoid c*-algebras. Semigroup Forum, 107(3):609–623, October 2023. doi:10.1007/s00233-023-10392-9.

    $\bullet $ Robin Bartlett. Potential diagonalisability of pseudo-Barsotti–Tate representations. Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 35(2):335–371, October 2023. doi:10.5802/jtnb.1248.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington and Sergio Girón Pacheco. Anomalous symmetries of classifiable $\mathsf C^*$-algebras. Studia Mathematica, 270:73–101, October 2023. doi:10.4064/sm220117-25-6.

    $\bullet $ Alcides Buss and Diego Martínez. Approximation properties of Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and non-Hausdorff groupoids. Advances in Mathematics, 431:109251, October 2023. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2023.109251.

    $\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Otmar Venjakob. Compairing categories of Lubin–Tate $(\varphi _l,\gamma _l)$-modules. Results in Mathematics, September 2023. doi:10.1007/s00025-023-01998-0.

    $\bullet $ Tamir Hemo, Timo Richarz, and Jakob Scholbach. Constructible sheaves on schemes. Advances in Mathematics, 429:109179, September 2023. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2023.109179.

    $\bullet $ Kang Li, Federico Vigolo, and Jiawen Zhang. A Markovian and Roe-algebraic approach to asymptotic expansion in measure. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 17(4):74, September 2023. doi:10.1007/s43037-023-00297-8.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl and Alexander Hock. Complete solution of the LSZ model via topological recursion. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 401(3):2845–2899, August 2023. doi:10.1007/s00220-023-04702-z.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Kevin Aguyar Brix, Toke Meier Carlsen, and Søren Eilers. Conjugacy of local homeomorphisms via groupoids and $\mathrm C^*$-algebras. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 43(8):2516–2537, August 2023. doi:10.1017/etds.2022.50.

    $\bullet $ Yifei Zhao. Quantum parameters of the geometric Langlands theory. Selecta Mathematica, 29(4):66, August 2023. doi:10.1007/s00029-023-00868-5.

    $\bullet $ Jan Nienhaus, Peter Petersen, and Matthias Wink. Betti numbers and the curvature operator of the second kind. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 108(4):1642–1668, July 2023. doi:10.1112/jlms.12790.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays, Jan Dobrowolski, and Tingxiang Zou. Elekes-Szabó for groups, and approximate subgroups in weak general position. Discrete Anal., July 2023. doi:10.19086/da.77361.

    $\bullet $ Carolyn R. Abbott, Sahana H Balasubramanya, and Alexander J. Rasmussen. Higher rank confining subsets and hyperbolic actions of solvable groups. Advances in Mathematics, 424:109045, July 2023. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2023.109045.

    $\bullet $ Fridolin Melong and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Generalized Heisenberg–Virasoro algebra and matrix models from quantum algebra. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 64(7):073505, July 2023. doi:10.1063/5.0150975.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert. Diffeomorphisms of odd-dimensional discs, glued into a manifold. Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 23(5):2329–2345, July 2023. doi:10.2140/agt.2023.23.2329.

    $\bullet $ Lucas Mann and Annette Werner. Local systems on diamonds and $p$-adic vector bundles. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023(15):12785–12850, July 2023. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnac182.

    $\bullet $ Jan Nienhaus, Peter Petersen, Matthias Wink, and William Wylie. Holonomy restrictions from the curvature operator of the second kind. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 88:102010, June 2023. doi:10.1016/j.difgeo.2023.102010.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Daniel Räde, and Rudolf Zeidler. Nonnegative scalar curvature on manifolds with at least two ends. Journal of Topology, 16(3):855–876, June 2023. doi:10.1112/topo.12303.

    $\bullet $ Simon André and Katrin Tent. Simple sharply 2-transitive groups. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 376(06):3965–3993, June 2023. doi:10.1090/tran/8846.

    $\bullet $ Kang Li, Federico Vigolo, and Jiawen Zhang. Asymptotic expansion in measure and strong ergodicity. Journal of Topology and Analysis, 15(02):361–399, June 2023. doi:10.1142/S1793525321500278.

    $\bullet $ Lucas Mann. Normal and irreducible adic spaces, the openness of finite morphisms, and a Stein factorization. Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 250:498–510, June 2023. doi:10.1017/nmj.2022.40.

    $\bullet $ Jörg Schürmann and Raimar Wulkenhaar. An algebraic approach to a quartic analogue of the Kontsevich model. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 174(3):471–495, May 2023. doi:10.1017/S0305004122000366.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays, Jan Dobrowolski, and Tingxiang Zou. Elekes-Szabó for groups, and approximate subgroups in weak general position. Discrete Analysis, pages 28, May 2023. doi:10.19086/da.773610.

    $\bullet $ Eugen Hellmann. On the derived category of the Iwahori–Hecke algebra. Compositio Mathematica, 159(5):1042–1110, May 2023. doi:10.1112/S0010437X23007145.

    $\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Konstantin Ardakov. The Bernstein center in natural characteristic. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 320:1–20, May 2023. doi:10.4213/tm4254.

    $\bullet $ Jay Shah. Parametrized higher category theory. Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 23(2):509–644, May 2023. doi:10.2140/agt.2023.23.509.

    $\bullet $ Julian Kranz. The weak containment problem for étale groupoids which are strongly amenable at infinity. J. Operator Theory, 89(2):349–360, April 2023. doi:10.7900/jot.2021aug20.2358.

    $\bullet $ Aaron C. Naber, André A. Neves, and Burkhard Wilking. Geometrie. Oberwolfach Reports, 19(2):1551–1601, April 2023. doi:10.4171/owr/2022/28.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Julian Kranz, and Petr Naryshkin. Classifiability of crossed products by nonamenable groups. J. Reine Angew. Math., 797(0):285–312, April 2023. doi:10.1515/crelle-2023-0012.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Hock, Harald Grosse, and Raimar Wulkenhaar. A Laplacian to compute intersection numbers on $\mathcal M$ and correlation functions in NCQFT. Comm. Math. Phys., 399(1):481–517, April 2023. doi:10.1007/s00220-022-04557-w.

    $\bullet $ Ben Heuer, Lucas Mann, and Annette Werner. The $p$-adic Corlette–Simpson correspondence for abeloids. Mathematische Annalen, 385(3):1639–1676, April 2023. doi:10.1007/s00208-022-02371-2.

    $\bullet $ Konstantin Ardakov and Peter Schneider. The Bernstein Centre in Natural Characteristic. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 320(1):1–20, March 2023. doi:10.1134/s0081543823010017.

    $\bullet $ Christopher Deninger. A Pro-algebraic Fundamental Group for Topological Spaces. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 320(1):62–90, March 2023. doi:10.1134/S0081543823010054.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Bertoloni Meli and Kieu Hieu Nguyen. The Kottwitz conjecture for unitary PEL-type Rapoport–Zink spaces. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2023(796):1–68, March 2023. doi:10.1515/crelle-2022-0077.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. Scalar curvature and generalized Callias operators. In Perspectives in Scalar Curvature, pages 515–542. World Scientific, March 2023. doi:10.1142/9789811273223_0002.

    $\bullet $ Boris Botvinnik and Johannes Ebert. Positive scalar curvature and homotopy theory. In Perspectives in Scalar Curvature, pages 83–157. World Scientific, March 2023. doi:10.1142/9789811273230_0003.

    $\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Claus Sorensen. Duals and admissibility in natural characteristic. Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 27(02):30–50, March 2023. doi:10.1090/ert/634.

    $\bullet $ Klaus Altmann, Amelie Flatt, and Lutz Hille. Extensions of toric line bundles. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 304(1):3, March 2023. doi:10.1007/s00209-023-03206-9.

    $\bullet $ Olivier Biquard and Hans-Joachim Hein. The renormalized volume of a 4-dimensional Ricci-flat ALE space. Journal of Differential Geometry, 123(3):411–429, March 2023. doi:10.4310/jdg/1683307004.

    $\bullet $ Julian Kranz. Amenability for actions of étale groupoids on $\mathrm C^\ast $-algebras and Fell bundles. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., March 2023. doi:10.1090/tran/8909.

    $\bullet $ Kieu Hieu Nguyen and Eva Viehmann. A Harder-Narasimhan stratification of the $B^+_dR$-Grassmannian. Compositio Mathematica, 159(4):711–745, March 2023. doi:10.1112/S0010437X23007066.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Gilles G de Castro, Lisa Orloff Clark, Kristin Courtney, Ying-Fen Lin, Kathryn McCormick, Jacqui Ramagge, Aidan Sims, and Benjamin Steinberg. Reconstruction of twisted Steinberg algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023(3):2474–2542, February 2023. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnab291.

    $\bullet $ Thorben Kastenholz and Jens Reinhold. Simplicial volume and essentiality of manifolds fibered over spheres. Journal of Topology, 16(1):192–206, February 2023. doi:10.1112/topo.12286.

    $\bullet $ Sayan Chakraborty, Siegfried Echterhoff, Julian Kranz, and Shintaro Nishikawa. K-theory of noncommutative bernoulli shifts. Mathematische Annalen, 388(3):2671–2703, February 2023. doi:10.1007/s00208-023-02587-w.

    $\bullet $ Dan Segal and Katrin Tent. Defining $r$ and $g(r)$. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 25(8):3325–3358, 2023. doi:10.4171/jems/1255.

    $\bullet $ Jens Niklas Eberhardt and Jakob Scholbach. Integral motivic sheaves and geometric representation theory. Advances in Mathematics, 412:108811, January 2023. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2022.108811.

    $\bullet $ Arthur Bartels and Wolfgang Lück. On the algebraic $\mathrm K$-theory of Hecke algebras. In Mathematics Going Forward, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 241–277. Springer International Publishing, January 2023. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-12244-6_19.

    $\bullet $ Giles Gardam, Dawid Kielak, and Alan D. Logan. The surface group conjectures for groups with two generators. Mathematical Research Letters, 30(1):109–123, January 2023. doi:10.4310/MRL.2023.v30.n1.a5.

    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler and Claudio Llosa Isenrich. Dehn functions of coabelian subgroups of direct products of groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 107(1):123–152, January 2023. doi:10.1112/jlms.12682.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Lisa Orloff Clark, and Astrid an Huef. Inclusions of c\ast -algebras of graded groupoids. Journal of Operator Theory, 89(1):287–301, January 2023. doi:10.7900/jot.2021aug26.2353.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. On the decomposition of Hecke polynomials over parabolic Hecke algebras. Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 34(3):941–997, January 2023. doi:10.5802/jtnb.1235.

    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler and Vladimir Vankov. Finitely generated groups acting uniformly properly on hyperbolic space. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 17(1):101–109, January 2023. doi:10.4171/ggd/659.

    $\bullet $ João Lourenço. Grassmanniennes affines tordues sur les entiers. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 11:e12, January 2023. doi:10.1017/fms.2023.4.

    $\bullet $ Gideon Amir, Rangel Baldasso, Maria Gerasimova, and Gady Kozma. Fire retainment on Cayley graphs. Discrete Math., 346(1):113176, January 2023. doi:10.1016/j.disc.2022.113176.

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    $\bullet $ Fernando Lledó and Diego Martínez. A note on commutation relations and finite dimensional approximations. Expo. Math., 40(4):947–960, December 2022. doi:10.1016/j.exmath.2022.08.004.

    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler and Federico Vigolo. A new construction of CAT(0) cube complexes. Algebr. Geom. Topol., 22(7):3327–3375, December 2022. doi:10.2140/agt.2022.22.3327.

    $\bullet $ Simon André. Co-Hopfian virtually free groups and elementary equivalence. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 54(6):2202–2218, December 2022. doi:10.1112/blms.12687.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Antieau, Akhil Mathew, Matthew Morrow, and Thomas Nikolaus. On the Beilinson fiber square. Duke Math. J., 171(18):3707–3806, December 2022. doi:10.1215/00127094-2022-0037.

    $\bullet $ Yifei Zhao. Tannakian reconstruction of reductive group schemes. Pacific J. Math., 321(2):467–478, December 2022. doi:10.2140/pjm.2022.321.467.

    $\bullet $ Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos and Katrin Tent. Universality vs genericity and $C_4$-free graphs. Eur. J. Comb., 106:103590, December 2022. doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2022.103590.

    $\bullet $ Daniel Keppeler, Philip Möller, and Olga Varghese. Automatic continuity for groups whose torsion subgroups are small. J. Group Theory, 25(6):1017–1043, November 2022. doi:10.1515/jgth-2021-0105.

    $\bullet $ Urs Hartl and Rajneesh Kumar Singh. Periods of Drinfeld modules and local Shtukas with complex multiplication -– erratum. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 21(6):2247–2251, November 2022. doi:10.1017/S1474748020000705.

    $\bullet $ Amandine Escalier. Local-to-global-rigidity of lattices in $SL_n(\mathbb K)$. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 72(5):1733–1771, November 2022. doi:10.5802/aif.3490.

    $\bullet $ Omar Mohsen. Index theorem for inhomogeneous hypoelliptic differential operators. Münster Journal of Mathematics, November 2022. doi:10.17879/21089693141.

    $\bullet $ Ben De Bondt, Andrea Vaccaro, Boban Veličković, and Alessandro Vignati. Games on AF-algebras. Int. Math. Res. Notices, pages rnac313, November 2022. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnac313.

    $\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Rachen Ollivier. On the pro-$p$ Iwahori Hecke Ext-algebra of SL$_2(\mathbb Q_p)$. Mémoires SMF, October 2022. doi:10.24033/msmf.483.

    $\bullet $ Fernando Abadie, Eusebio Gardella, and Shirly Geffen. Partial $C^*$-dynamics and Rokhlin dimension. Ergod. Theor. Dyn. Syst., 42(10):2991–3024, October 2022. doi:10.1017/etds.2021.82.

    $\bullet $ Yifei Zhao. Tannakian reconstruction of coalgebroids. In Stacks Project Expository Collection, pages 268–290. Cambridge University Press, October 2022. doi:10.1017/9781009051897.011.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl, Alexander Hock, Harald Grosse, and Raimar Wulkenhaar. From scalar fields on quantum spaces to blobbed topological recursion. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 55(42):423001, October 2022. doi:10.1088/1751-8121/ac9260.

    $\bullet $ Beeker Benjamin, Matthew Cordes, Giles Gardam, Radhika Gupta, and Emily Stark. Cannon-Thurston maps for CAT(0) groups with isolated flats. Math. Ann., 384(1-2):963–987, October 2022. doi:10.1007/s00208-021-02245-z.

    $\bullet $ Rudolf Zeidler. Band width estimates via the Dirac operator. J. Differ. Geom., September 2022. doi:10.4310/jdg/1668186790.

    $\bullet $ Petr Naryshkin. Polynomial growth, comparison, and the small boundary property. Adv. Math., 406:108519, September 2022. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2022.108519.

    $\bullet $ Achim Krause and Thomas Nikolaus. Bökstedt periodicity and quotients of DVRs. Compos. Math., 158(8):1683–1712, September 2022. doi:10.1112/s0010437x22007655.

    $\bullet $ Ryo Asai and Jay Shah. Algorithmic canonical stratifications of simplicial complexes. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 226(9):107051, September 2022. doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2022.107051.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong. A uniqueness theorem for twisted groupoid c-algebras. J. Funct. Anal., 283(6):109551, September 2022. doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2022.109551.

    $\bullet $ Philip Möller and Olga Varghese. Abstract group actions of locally compact groups on CAT(0) spaces. Groups Geom. Dyn., 16(3):863–887, August 2022. doi:10.4171/ggd/677.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert and Oscar Randal-Williams. The positive scalar curvature cobordism category. Duke Math. J., 171(11):2275–2406, August 2022. doi:10.1215/00127094-2022-0023.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl, Alexander Hock, and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Blobbed topological recursion of the quartic Kontsevich model I: Loop equations and conjectures. Commun. Math. Phys., 393(3):1529–1582, August 2022. doi:10.1007/s00220-022-04392-z.

    $\bullet $ João Lourenço. Théorie de bruhat-tits pour les groupes quasi-réductifs. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 21(4):1331–1362, July 2022. doi:10.1017/s1474748020000572.

    $\bullet $ Julian Kranz and Timo Siebenand. Partial tensor-product functors and crossed-product functors. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150(12):5359–5367, July 2022. doi:10.1090/proc/16048.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington. Nuclear dimension of extensions of $\mathcal O_\infty $-stable algebras. J. Operat. Theor., 88(1):173–189, July 2022. doi:10.7900/jot.2020dec21.2321.

    $\bullet $ Michael Ben–Zvi, Robert Kropholler, and Rylee Alanza Lyman. Folding-like techniques for CAT(0) cube complexes. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 173(1):227–238, July 2022. doi:10.1017/S0305004121000645.

    $\bullet $ Alexander J Rasmussen, Carolyn Abbott, and Sahana H Balasubramanya. Valuations, completions, and hyperbolic actions of metabelian groups. In 2022 Virtual Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2022), volume 424, 109045. AMS, July 2022. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2207.12945.

    $\bullet $ Dawid Kielak, Robert Kropholler, and Gareth Wilkes. $\ell ^2$-Betti numbers and coherence of random groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 106(1):425–445, July 2022. doi:10.1112/jlms.12579.

    $\bullet $ Renee S. Hoekzema, Mona Merling, Laura Murray, Carmen Rovi, and Julia Semikina. Cut and paste invariants of manifolds via algebraic $\mathrm K$-theory. Topology Appl., 316:108105, July 2022. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2022.108105.

    $\bullet $ Michael Wiemeler. Smooth classification of locally standard $T^k$-manifolds. Osaka J. Math, 59(3):549–557, July 2022. doi:10.18910/88486.

    $\bullet $ Esmail Arasteh Rad and Urs Hartl. Category of $C$-motives over finite fields. J. Number Theory, 232:283–316, July 2022. doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2020.06.015.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Ilan Hirshberg, and Andrea Vaccaro. Strongly outer actions of amenable groups on Z-stable nuclear C*-algebras. J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), 162:76–123, June 2022. doi:10.1016/j.matpur.2022.04.003.

    $\bullet $ Soufian Abja, Sławomir Dinew, and Guillaume Olive. Uniform estimates for concave homogeneous complex degenerate elliptic equations comparable to the Monge-Ampère equation. Potential Anal., pages 1–18, June 2022. doi:10.1007/s11118-022-10009-w.

    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler and Mark Pengitore. A coarse embedding theorem for homological filling functions. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 54(3):876–890, June 2022. doi:10.1112/blms.12580.

    $\bullet $ Jorge Castillejos, Samuel Evington, Aaron Tikuisis, and Stuart White. Uniform property Γ. Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2022(13):9864–9908, June 2022. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnaa282.

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    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler. Hyperbolic groups with almost finitely presented subgroups (with an appendix by Robert Kropholler and Federico Vigolo). Groups Geom. Dyn., 16(1):153–178, May 2022. doi:10.4171/ggd/644.

    $\bullet $ Simon André. Homogeneity in virtually free groups. Israel J. Math., 249(1):167–225, May 2022. doi:10.1007/s11856-022-2311-9.

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    $\bullet $ Timo Richarz and Jakob Scholbach. The motivic Satake equivalence and a question about the Drinfeld lemma. In Algebraic K-Theory, pages 37–40. May 2022. doi:0.4171/OWR/2022/24.

    $\bullet $ Andrea Vaccaro. Trivial endomorphisms of the Calkin algebra. Israel J. Math., 247(2):873–903, April 2022. doi:10.1007/s11856-021-2284-0.

    $\bullet $ Urs Hartl and Rajneesh Kumar Singh. A short review on local shtukas and divisible local Anderson modules. In Perfectoid Spaces, Infosys Science Foundation Series, pages 51–68. April 2022. doi:10.1007/978-981-16-7121-0_4.

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    $\bullet $ Simon André and Jonathan Fruchter. Formal solutions and the first-order theory of acylindrically hyperbolic groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 105(2):1012–1072, February 2022. doi:10.1112/jlms.12526.

    $\bullet $ Laurenţiu G. Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Constructible sheaf complexes in complex geometry and applications. In Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities III, pages 679–791. February 2022. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-95760-5_10.

    $\bullet $ Tim de Laat and Safoura Zadeh. Weak$_*$-continuity of invariant means on spaces of matrix coefficients. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 506(2):125669, February 2022. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125669.

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    $\bullet $ Eugen Hellmann, Christophe M. Margerin, and Benjamin Schraen. Density of automorphic points in deformation rings of polarized global Galois representations. Duke Math. J., 171(13):2699–2752, January 2022. doi:10.1215/00127094-2021-0080.

    $\bullet $ Soufian Abja. Viscosity solutions to complex first eigenvalue equations. Complex Var. Elliptic, 68(5):776–792, January 2022. doi:10.1080/17476933.2021.2020261.

    $\bullet $ Hans-Joachim Hein, Song Sun, Jeff Viaclovsky, and Ruobing Zhang. Nilpotent structures and collapsing Ricci-flat metrics on the K3 surface. J. Am. Math. Soc., 35(1):123–209, January 2022. doi:10.1090/jams/978.

    $\bullet $ Michael Weiss. Rational Pontryagin classes of Euclidean fiber bundles. J. Geom. Topol, 25(7):3351––3424, January 2022. doi:10.2140/gt.2021.25.3351.

    $\bullet $ Georg Frenck and Jens Reinhold. Bundles with non-multiplicative Â-genus and spaces of metrics with lower curvature bounds. Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2022(10):7873–7892, January 2022. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnaa361.

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    $\bullet $ Simon André. Elementary subgroups of virtually free groups. Groups Geom. Dyn., 15(4):1523–1552, December 2021. doi:10.4171/ggd/638.

    $\bullet $ Simon André. Acylindrical hyperbolicity and existential closedness. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150(3):909–918, December 2021. doi:10.1090/proc/15409.

    $\bullet $ Wilderich Tuschmann and Michael Wiemeler. On the topology of moduli spaces of non-negatively curved Riemannian metrics. Math. Ann., 384(3–4):1629–1651, December 2021. doi:10.1007/s00208-021-02327-y.

    $\bullet $ Agnese Mantione and Rafael Torres. Geography of 4-manifolds with positive scalar curvature. Expo. Math., 39(4):566–582, December 2021. doi:10.1016/j.exmath.2021.05.003.

    $\bullet $ Ana Khukhro, Kang Li, Federico Vigolo, and Jiawen Zhang. On the structure of asymptotic expanders. Adv. Math., 393:108073, December 2021. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2021.108073.

    $\bullet $ Tim de Laat and Timo Siebenand. Exotic group $C^*$-algebras of simple Lie groups with real rank one. Ann. Inst. Fourier, 71(5):2117–2136, December 2021. doi:10.5802/aif.3441.

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    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Lisa Orloff Clark, Kristin Courtney, Ying-Fen Lin, Kathryn McCormick, and Jacqui Ramagge. Twisted Steinberg algebras. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 226(3):Paper No. 106853, 33, July 2021. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2021.106853.

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    $\bullet $ Timo Richarz and Jakob Scholbach. Tate motives on Witt vector affine flag varieties. Selecta Math. (N.S.), 27(3):Paper No. 44, 34, June 2021. doi:10.1007/s00029-021-00665-y.

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    $\bullet $ Martin Bays and Emmanuel Breuillard. Projective geometries arising from Elekes-Szabó problems. Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér., 54(3):627–681, May 2021. doi:10.24033/asens.2467.

    $\bullet $ Timo Richarz and Jakob Scholbach. The motivic Satake equivalence. Math. Ann., 380(3-4):1595–1653, May 2021. doi:10.1007/s00208-021-02176-9.

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    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert and Georg Frenck. The gromov-lawson-chernysh surgery theorem. Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 27(2):37, March 2021. doi:10.1007/s40590-021-00310-w.

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    $\bullet $ Jacek Brodzki, Erik Guentner, Nigel Higson, and Shintaro Nishikawa. On the Baum-Connes conjecture for groups acting on CAT(0)-cubical spaces. Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2021(5):3698–3728, February 2021. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnaa059.

    $\bullet $ Tim de Laat and Mikael de la Salle. Banach space actions and L2-spectral gap. Anal. PDE, 14(1):45–76, February 2021. doi:10.2140/apde.2021.14.45.

    $\bullet $ Mark Blume and Lutz Hille. Quivers and moduli spaces of pointed curves of genus zero. Algebraic Comb., 4(1):89–124, February 2021. doi:10.5802/alco.152.

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    $\bullet $ Michael Ben-Zvi and Robert Kropholler. Right-angled artin group boundaries. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 149(2):555–567, February 2021. doi:10.1090/proc/15261.

    $\bullet $ Robin Bartlett. Potentially diagonalisable lifts with controlled Hodge-Tate weights. Doc. Math., 26:795–827, January 2021. doi:10.4171/dm/830.

    $\bullet $ Urs Hartl and Rajneesh Kumar Singh. Product formulas for periods of CM abelian varieties and the function field analog. J. Number Theory, 218:62–151, January 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2020.06.017.

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    $\bullet $ Laurentiu Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Plethysm and cohomology representations of external and symmetric products. Adv. Math., 375:107373, December 2020. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2020.107373.

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    $\bullet $ Hans-Joachim Hein and Valentino Tosatti. Higher-order estimates for collapsing Calabi-Yau metrics. Camb. J. Math., 8:683–773, December 2020. doi:10.4310/cjm.2020.v8.n4.a1.

    $\bullet $ Omar Mohsen. On the deformation groupoid of the inhomogeneous pseudo‐differential calculus. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 53(2):575–592, November 2020. doi:10.1112/blms.12443.

    $\bullet $ Jorge Castillejos and Samuel Evington. Nuclear dimension of simple stably projectionless $\mathsf C^*$-algebras. Anal. PDE, 13(7):2205–2240, November 2020. doi:10.2140/apde.2020.13.2205.

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    $\bullet $ Philip Easo, Esperanza Garijo, Sarunas Kaubrys, David Nkansah, Martin Vrabec, David Watt, Cameron Wilson, Christian Bönicke, Samuel Evington, Marzieh Forough, Sergio Girón Pacheco, Nicholas Seaton, Stuart White, Michael F. Whittaker, and Joachim Zacharias. The Cuntz–Toeplitz algebras have nuclear dimension one. J. Funct. Anal., 279(7):108690, October 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2020.108690.

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  • Preprints

    2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020


    $\bullet $ Thomas Jack Munn and Oskar Riedler. $(λ,λ)$-eigenfunctions on compact manifolds. arXiv e-prints, September 2024. arXiv:2409.16932.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington, Abraham C. S. Ng, Aidan Sims, and Stuart White. Nuclear dimension of extensions of commutative C$^*$-algebras by Kirchberg algebras. arXiv e-prints, September 2024. arXiv:2409.12872.

    $\bullet $ Philipp Sibbel and Wilhelm Winter. A Cantor spectrum diagonal in O$_2$. arXiv e-prints, September 2024. arXiv:2409.03511.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays and Tingxiang Zou. An asymmetric version of Elekes-Szabó via group actions. arXiv e-prints, August 2024. arXiv:2408.14215.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Kupers, Ezekiel Lemann, Cary Malkiewich, Jeremy Miller, and Robin J. Sroka. Scissors automorphism groups and their homology. arXiv e-prints, August 2024. arXiv:2408.08081.

    $\bullet $ Sira Busch and Hendrik Van Maldeghem. A characterisation of lines in finite Lie incidence geometries of classical type. arXiv e-prints, August 2024. arXiv:2408.02413.

    $\bullet $ Sira Busch, Jeroen Schillewaert, and Hendrik Van Maldeghem. Groups of projectivities and Levi subgroups in spherical buildings of simply laced type. arXiv e-prints, August 2024. arXiv:2407.09226.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Georg Frenck, and Rudolf Zeidler. Positive scalar curvature with point singularities. arXiv e-prints, July 2024. arXiv:2407.20163.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington and Christopher Schafhauser. Uniform property $γ$ and finite dimensional tracial boundaries. arXiv e-prints, July 2024. arXiv:2407.16612.

    $\bullet $ Maximilian Tönies. K-theory of rank one reductive p-adic groups and Bernstein blocks. arXiv e-prints, July 2024. arXiv:2407.14929.

    $\bullet $ Shirly Geffen and Julian Kranz. Note on C*-algebras associated to boundary actions of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups. arXiv e-prints, July 2024. arXiv:2407.15215.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington. Traces on the uniform tracial completion of $\mathcal Z$-stable C$^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, June 2024. arXiv:2407.00727.

    $\bullet $ Christoph Böhm and Urs Hartl. Moment map flow on real reductive Lie groups and GIT estimates. arXiv e-prints, June 2024. arXiv:2406.19340.

    $\bullet $ Eugen Hellmann, Valentin Hernandez, and Benjamin Schraen. Patching and multiplicities of p-adic eigenforms. arXiv e-prints, June 2024. arXiv:2406.01129.

    $\bullet $ Matthew Kennedy and Dan Ursu. Intermediate subalgebras for reduced crossed products of discrete groups. arXiv e-prints, June 2024. arXiv:2406.01546.

    $\bullet $ Thomas Nikolaus and Maria Yakerson. An alternative to spherical Witt vectors. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.09606.

    $\bullet $ Zhixiang Wu. Geometric translations of $(\varphi ,γ)$-modules for $\mathrm GL_2(\mathbb Q_p)$. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.16637.

    $\bullet $ Soufian Abja and Slawomir Dinew. Regularity of geodesics in the spaces of convex and plurisubharmonic functions II. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.09248.

    $\bullet $ Calista Bernard, Jeremy Miller, and Robin J. Sroka. Partial bases and homological stability of $\rm GL$$_n(R)$ revisited. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.09998.

    $\bullet $ Shachar Carmeli, Thomas Nikolaus, and Allen Yuan. Maps between spherical group rings. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.06448.

    $\bullet $ Laurenţiu Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Weighted Ehrhart theory via equivariant toric geometry. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.02900.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Antieau, Achim Krause, and Thomas Nikolaus. On the $K$-theory of $\bf Z$$/p^n$. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.04329.

    $\bullet $ Willian Corrêa, Valentin Ferenczi, Rafela Gesing, and Pedro Tradacete. Extremes of interpolation scales of Banach spaces. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.03867.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Rafaela Gesing, Grigoris Kopsacheilis, and Petr Naryshkin. Essential freeness, allostery and Z-stability of crossed products. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.04343.

    $\bullet $ Emanuele Bodon. Finite generation properties of the pro-$p$ Iwahori-Hecke $\operatorname Ext$-algebra. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.00916.

    $\bullet $ Hans-Joachim Hein, Man-Chun Lee, and Valentino Tosatti. Collapsing immortal kähler-ricci flows. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.04208.

    $\bullet $ Konrad Bals. The topological Cartier–Raynaud ring. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.10724.

    $\bullet $ Edith Hübner. Animated λ-rings and Frobenius lifts. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.15040.

    $\bullet $ Elia Fusi, Ramiro A. Lafuente, and James Stanfield. The homogeneous generalized Ricci flow. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.15749.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Sven Hirsch, and Rudolf Zeidler. Rigidity of spin fill-ins with non-negative scalar curvature. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.17533.

    $\bullet $ David Kerr, Grigoris Kopsacheilis, and Spyridon Petrakos. Bauer simplices and the small boundary property. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.04634.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Hock and Johannes Thürigen. Combinatorial Dyson-Schwinger equations of quartic matrix field theory. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.03389.

    $\bullet $ José Miguel Balado-Alves and Anna Siffert. Construction of $r$-harmonic submanifolds in spheres. arXiv e-prints, April 2024. arXiv:2404.02535.

    $\bullet $ Pramod N. Achar, Jo ao Lourenço, Timo Richarz, and Simon Riche. A modular ramified geometric Satake equivalence. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.10651.

    $\bullet $ Dugald Macpherson and Katrin Tent. Omega-categorical pseudofinite groups. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.17684.

    $\bullet $ Sylvain E. Cappell, Laurenţiu Maxim, Jörg Schürmann, and Julius L. Shaneson. Equivariant toric geometry and Euler-Maclaurin formulae – an overview. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.19715.

    $\bullet $ Laurenţiu Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Weighted Ehrhart theory via mixed Hodge modules on toric varieties. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.17747.

    $\bullet $ David González-Álvaro and Masoumeh Zarei. Positive sectional curvature is not preserved under the Ricci flow in dimensions seven and thirteen. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.13764.

    $\bullet $ Gianluca Basso, Alessandro Codenotti, and Andrea Vaccaro. Surfaces and other peano continua with no generic chains. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.08667.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert. Tautological classes and higher signatures. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.02755.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Julian Kranz, and Andrea Vaccaro. Actions on classifiable C$^*$-algebras without equivariant property (SI). arXiv e-prints, February 2024. arXiv:2402.16637.

    $\bullet $ Thomas Tony. Scalar curvature rigidity and the higher mapping degree. arXiv e-prints, February 2024. arXiv:2402.05834.

    $\bullet $ Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff. Deformation of fell bundles. arXiv e-prints, February 2024. arXiv:2402.04369.

    $\bullet $ Xin Fu, Hans-Joachim Hein, and Xumin Jiang. A continuous cusp closing process for negative Kähler-Einstein metrics. arXiv e-prints, January 2024. arXiv:2401.11468.

    $\bullet $ Pedro Boavida de Brito and Michael S. Weiss. The torus trick for configuration categories. arXiv e-prints, January 2024. arXiv:2401.00799.

    $\bullet $ Julian Kranz and Shintaro Nishikawa. Bernoulli shifts on additive categories and algebraic $K$-theory of wreath products. arXiv e-prints, January 2024. arXiv:2401.14806.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington, Sergio Girón Pacheco, and Corey Jones. Equivariant $\mathcal D$-stability for actions of tensor categories. arXiv e-prints, January 2024. arXiv:2401.14238.

    $\bullet $ Petr Naryshkin and Spyridon Petrakos. $\mathcal Z$-stability of crossed products by topological full groups. arXiv e-prints, January 2024. arXiv:2401.06006.

    $\bullet $ Amandine Escalier and Camille Horbez. Graph products and measure equivalence: classification, rigidity, and quantitative aspects. arXiv e-prints, January 2024. arXiv:2401.04635.

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    $\bullet $ Pedro Boavida de Brito and Michael S. Weiss. Presentations of configuration categories. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.17632.

    $\bullet $ Pedro Boavida de Brito and Michael S. Weiss. The configuration category of a covering space. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.17631.

    $\bullet $ Włodzimierz J. Charatonik, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Robert P. Roe, and Shujie Yang. Projective fraïssé limits of trees with confluent epimorphisms. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.16915.

    $\bullet $ Marco Amelio, Simon André, and Katrin Tent. Non-split sharply 2-transitive groups of odd positive characteristic. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.16992.

    $\bullet $ Roberto Araujo. Long-time behavior of awesome homogeneous Ricci flows. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.16517.

    $\bullet $ Emanuele Dotto, Achim Krause, Thomas Nikolaus, and Irakli Patchkoria. Witt vectors with coefficients and TR. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.12971.

    $\bullet $ Yifei Zhao. Half-integral levels. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.11058.

    $\bullet $ Diego Martínez and Federico Vigolo. Roe algebras of coarse spaces via coarse geometric modules. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.08907.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Abraham C. S. Ng, Aidan Sims, and Yumiao Zhou. A twist over a minimal étale groupoid that is topologically nontrivial over the interior of the isotropy. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.08683.

    $\bullet $ Kristin Courtney and Wilhelm Winter. Images of order zero maps. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.08215.

    $\bullet $ Giles Gardam. Non-trivial units of complex group rings. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.05240.

    $\bullet $ Ksenia Fedosova, Kim Klinger-Logan, and Danylo Radchenko. Convolution identities for divisor sums and modular forms. arXiv e-prints, December 2023. arXiv:2312.00722.

    $\bullet $ Harald Grosse, Naoyuki Kanomata, Akifumi Sako, and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Real symmetric $\Phi ^4$-matrix model as Calogero-Moser model. arXiv e-prints, November 2023. arXiv:2311.10974.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Anschütz, João Lourenço, Zhiyou Wu, and Jize Yu. Gaitsgory's central functor and the Arkhipov-Bezrukavnikov equivalence in mixed characteristic. arXiv e-prints, November 2023. arXiv:2311.04043.

    $\bullet $ David Kerr and Spyridon Petrakos. McDuff factors from amenable actions and dynamical alternating groups. arXiv e-prints, November 2023. arXiv:2311.08192.

    $\bullet $ Murray Elder, Giles Gardam, Adam Piggott, Davide Spriano, and Kane Townsend. Graphs and groups with unique geodesics. arXiv e-prints, November 2023. arXiv:2311.03730.

    $\bullet $ Ksenia Fedosova, Julie Rowlett, and Genkai Zhang. Casimir energy of hyperbolic orbifolds with conical singularities. arXiv e-prints, November 2023. arXiv:2311.03331.

    $\bullet $ Kevin Poljsak. Towards finding the second best Einstein metric in low dimensions. arXiv e-prints, November 2023. arXiv:2311.02404.

    $\bullet $ Johan Klemmensen. Mass inequality and stability of the positive mass theorem for hler manifolds. arXiv e-prints, November 2023. arXiv:2311.05588.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Antieau, Achim Krause, and Thomas Nikolaus. Prismatic cohomology relative to δ-rings. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.12770.

    $\bullet $ Oskar Riedler. Polynomial harmonic morphisms and eigenfamilies on spheres. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.19565.

    $\bullet $ José Miguel Balado-Alves. Polyharmonic hypersurfaces into complex space forms. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.14452.

    $\bullet $ Roberto Araujo. On the isometry group of immortal homogeneous ricci flows. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.18182.

    $\bullet $ Anusha M. Krishnan and Michael Wiemeler. $10$-dimensional positively curved manifolds with $t^3$-symmetry. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.12689.

    $\bullet $ Michael Wiemeler. On a conjecture of Stolz in the toric case. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.08456.

    $\bullet $ Markus Banagl, Jörg Schürmann, and Dominik J. Wrazidlo. Topological gysin coherence for algebraic characteristic classes of singular spaces. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.15042.

    $\bullet $ Urs Hartl and Yujie Xu. Uniformizing the moduli stacks of global $G$-shtukas II. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2309.17441.

    $\bullet $ Stefania Trentin. On the Rapoport-Zink space for $\mathrm GU(2, 4)$ over a ramified prime. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2309.11290.

    $\bullet $ Samuel M. Corson, Sam Hughes, Philip Möller, and Olga Varghese. Higman-Thompson groups and profinite properties of right-angled Coxeter groups. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2309.06213.

    $\bullet $ Gideon Amir, Guy Blachar, Maria Gerasimova, and Gady Kozma. Lipschitz harmonic functions on vertex-transitive graphs. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2309.06247.

    $\bullet $ Kieu Hieu Nguyen. On categorical local Langlands program for $GL_n$. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2309.16505.

    $\bullet $ Thorben Kastenholz and Robin J. Sroka. Simplicial bounded cohomology and stability. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2309.05024.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Lisa Orloff Clark, Mahya Ghandehari, Eun Ji Kang, and Dilian Yang. Representing topological full groups in Steinberg algebras and $\mathsf C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2309.04927.

    $\bullet $ Fabian Hebestreit, Achim Krause, and Maxime Ramzi. A note on quadratic forms. arXiv e-prints, September 2023. arXiv:2308.01795.

    $\bullet $ Alessandro Codenotti and Daniel Max Hoffmann. Ranks in Ellis semigroups and model theory. arXiv e-prints, August 2023. arXiv:2308.05477.

    $\bullet $ Anna-Maria Ammer and Katrin Tent. On the model theory of open generalized polygons. arXiv e-prints, August 2023. arXiv:2308.03677.

    $\bullet $ Tim de Laat, Federico Vigolo, and Jeroen Winkel. Dynamical propagation and Roe algebras of warped spaces. arXiv e-prints, August 2023. arXiv:2308.07006.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Jonathan H. Brown, Lisa Orloff Clark, Kristin Courtney, Ying-Fen Lin, Kathryn McCormick, and Jacqui Ramagge. The local bisection hypothesis for twisted groupoid $\mathrm C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, July 2023. arXiv:2307.13814.

    $\bullet $ Francesco Fournier-Facio, Maria Gerasimova, and Pieter Spaas. Local Hilbert–Schmidt stability. arXiv e-prints, July 2023. arXiv:2307.13155.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Martin Lesourd, and Rudolf Zeidler. Positive mass theorems for spin initial data sets with arbitrary ends and dominant energy shields. arXiv e-prints, July 2023. arXiv:2307.05277.

    $\bullet $ Jan Nienhaus and Matthias Wink. New expanding Ricci solitons starting in dimension four. arXiv e-prints, July 2023. arXiv:2307.16683.

    $\bullet $ Arthur Bartels and Wolfgang Lueck. Almost equivariant maps for td-groups. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. arXiv:2306.00727.

    $\bullet $ Gaëtan Borot and Raimar Wulkenhaar. A short note on BKP for the Kontsevich matrix model with arbitrary potential. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. arXiv:2306.01501.

    $\bullet $ Petr Naryshkin and Andrea Vaccaro. Hyperfiniteness and Borel asymptotic dimension of boundary actions of hyperbolic groups. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. arXiv:2306.02056.

    $\bullet $ Arthur Bartels and Wolfgang Lueck. Recipes to compute the algebraic $\mathrm K$-theory of Hecke algebras of reductive $p$-adic groups. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. arXiv:2306.01510.

    $\bullet $ Arthur Bartels and Wolfgang Lueck. Inheritance properties of the Farrell-Jones conjecture for totally disconnected groups. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. arXiv:2306.01518.

    $\bullet $ Arthur Bartels and Wolfgang Lueck. Algebraic $\mathrm K$-theory of reductive $p$-adic groups. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. arXiv:2306.03452.

    $\bullet $ Christopher Deninger and Michael Wibmer. On the proalgebraic fundamental group of topological spaces and amalgamated products of affine group schemes. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. arXiv:2306.03296.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Hock. Genus permutations and genus partitions. arXiv e-prints, June 2023. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2306.16237.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Brück and Robin J. Sroka. Apartment classes of integral symplectic groups. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.17697.

    $\bullet $ Alcides Buss and Siegfried Echterhoff. A new approach to (exotic) deformation of $\mathrm C^*$-algebras via coactions. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.09997.

    $\bullet $ James O'Quinn. Finitary codings of finite expectation between shifts over free groups. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.02872.

    $\bullet $ Philip Möller and Olga Varghese. On quotients of Coxeter groups. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.06207.

    $\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Claus Sorensen. Dg-Hecke duality and tensor products. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.08795.

    $\bullet $ Maria Gerasimova and Konstantin Shchepin. Stability of amalgamated free products and HNN extensions. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.08720.

    $\bullet $ Tamir Hemo, Timo Richarz, and Jakob Scholbach. Constructible sheaves on schemes. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.18131.

    $\bullet $ Maria Gerasimova and Nicolas Monod. A family of exotic group $\mathrm C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.01990.

    $\bullet $ Alessandro Codenotti. Some examples of tame dynamical systems answering questions of Glasner and Megrelishvili. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.00726.

    $\bullet $ Robin Bartlett. Cycles relations in the affine Grassmannian and applications to Breuil–Mézard for $G$-crystalline representations. arXiv e-prints, May 2023. arXiv:2305.06455.

    $\bullet $ Shirly Geffen and Dan Ursu. Simplicity of crossed products by FC-hypercentral groups. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.07852.

    $\bullet $ Shanxiao Huang. Families of paraboline $(\varphi , \Gamma _K)$-modules. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.06525.

    $\bullet $ Konstantin Ardakov and Peter Schneider. Stability in the category of smooth mod-$p$ representations of $\mathrm S \mathrm L_2(\mathbb Q_p)$. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.02585.

    $\bullet $ Petr Naryshkin. Group extensions preserve almost finiteness. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.02456.

    $\bullet $ Kristin Courtney. Completely positive approximations and inductive systems. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.02325.

    $\bullet $ Kristin Courtney and Wilhelm Winter. Nuclearity and CPC$^*$-systems. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.01332.

    $\bullet $ José Miguel Balado-Alves. Explicit harmonic self-maps of complex projective spaces. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.00851.

    $\bullet $ Antje Dabeler, Emilie Mai Elkiær, Maria Gerasimova, and Tim de Laat. Unitary $L^p$$^+$-representations of almost automorphism groups. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.01079.

    $\bullet $ Agatha Atkarskaya, Eliyahu Rips, and Katrin Tent. The Burnside problem for odd exponents. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2303.15997.

    $\bullet $ Gideon Amir, Guy Blachar, Maria Gerasimova, and Gady Kozma. Probabilistic laws on infinite groups. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.09144.

    $\bullet $ Jan Nienhaus and Matthias Wink. Einstein metrics on the ten-sphere. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2303.04832.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Hock. Laplace transform of the $x - y$ symplectic transformation formula in topological recursion. arXiv e-prints, April 2023. arXiv:2304.03032.

    $\bullet $ Sylvain E. Cappell, Laurenţiu Maxim, Jörg Schürmann, and Julius L. Shaneson. Equivariant toric geometry and Euler-Maclaurin formulae. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.16785.

    $\bullet $ Kang Li, Hung-Chang Liao, and Wilhelm Winter. The diagonal dimension of sub-$\mathrm C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.16762.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. The geometrical lemma for smooth representations in natural characteristic. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.14721.

    $\bullet $ Michael Wiemeler. On circle actions with exactly three fixed points. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.15396.

    $\bullet $ Jörg Schürmann, Connor Simpson, and Botong Wang. A new generic vanishing theorem on homogeneous varieties and the positivity conjecture for triple intersections of Schubert cells. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.13833.

    $\bullet $ David González-Álvaro and Masoumeh Zarei. Positive intermediate curvatures and Ricci flow. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.08641.

    $\bullet $ Andrea Vaccaro. Ultraproducts of factorial $W^*$-bundles. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.01942.

    $\bullet $ Tim de Laat and Mikael de la Salle. Actions of higher rank groups on uniformly convex Banach spaces. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.01405.

    $\bullet $ Fridolin Melong and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Generalized Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra and matrix models from quantum algebra. arXiv e-prints, February 2023. arXiv:2303.08073.

    $\bullet $ Yifei Zhao. Spectral decomposition of genuine cusp forms over global function fields. arXiv e-prints, February 2023. arXiv:2302.13023.

    $\bullet $ Alcides Buss and Diego Martínez. Approximation properties of Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and non-Hausdorff groupoids. arXiv e-prints, February 2023. arXiv:2302.14466.

    $\bullet $ Achim Krause, Jonas McCandless, and Thomas Nikolaus. Polygonic spectra and TR with coefficients. arXiv e-prints, February 2023. arXiv:2302.07686.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Hock and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Blobbed topological recursion from extended loop equations. arXiv e-prints, January 2023. arXiv:2301.04068.

    $\bullet $ Amandine Escalier. Drawing Diestel-Leader graphs in 3D. arXiv e-prints, January 2023. arXiv:2301.08747.

    $\bullet $ Christopher Deninger. Primes, knots and periodic orbits. arXiv e-prints, January 2023. arXiv:2301.11643.

    $\bullet $ Konrad Bals. Periodic cyclic homology over . arXiv e-prints, January 2023. arXiv:2301.03112.

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    $\bullet $ Darya Sukhorebska. Simple closed geodesics on regular tetrahedra in spaces of constant curvature. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.02240.

    $\bullet $ Finn Bjarne Kohl and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Intersection theory of the complex quartic Kontsevich model. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.01359.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays, Jan Dobrowolski, and Tingxiang Zou. Elekes-Szabó for collinearity on cubic surfaces. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.14059.

    $\bullet $ Sahana Balasubramanya, Francesco Fournier-Facio, Anthony Genevois, and Alessandro Sisto. Property (NL) for group actions on hyperbolic spaces. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.14292.

    $\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. From motivic Chern classes of Schubert cells to their Hirzebruch and CSM classes. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.12509.

    $\bullet $ Simon André and Vincent Guirardel. Finitely generated simple sharply 2-transitive groups. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.06020.

    $\bullet $ Michael Wiemeler. Rigidity of elliptic genera for non-spin manifolds. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.01059.

    $\bullet $ Lee Kennard, Michael Wiemeler, and Burkhard Wilking. Positive curvature, torus symmetry, and matroids. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.08152.

    $\bullet $ Kieu Hieu Nguyen and Eva Viehmann. A Harder-Narasimhan stratification of the $B_d$$_R^+$-Grassmannian. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2111.01764.

    $\bullet $ Pramod N. Achar, João Lourenço, Timo Richarz, and Simon Riche. Fixed points under pinning-preserving automorphisms of reductive group schemes. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.10182.

    $\bullet $ Yeong Chyuan Chung, Diego Martínez, and Nóra Szakács. Quasi-countable inverse semigroups as metric spaces, and the uniform Roe algebras of locally finite inverse semigroups. arXiv e-prints, November 2022. arXiv:2211.09624.

    $\bullet $ Robert Cass, Thibaud van den Hove, and Jakob Scholbach. The geometric Satake equivalence for integral motives. arXiv e-prints, November 2022. arXiv:2211.04832.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Julian Kranz, Petr Naryshkin, and Andrea Vaccaro. Tracially amenable actions and purely infinite crossed products. arXiv e-prints, November 2022. arXiv:2211.16872.

    $\bullet $ Kristin Courtney, Anna Duwenig, Astrid an Huef, Magdalena C. Georgescu, and Maria Grazia Viola. Alexandrov groupoids and the nuclear dimension of twisted groupoid $C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, November 2022. arXiv:2211.00547.

    $\bullet $ Renee S. Hoekzema, Carmen Rovi, and Julia Semikina. A K-theory spectrum for cobordism cut and paste groups. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.00682.

    $\bullet $ Ian Gleason and João Lourenço. On the connectedness of $p$-adic period domains. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.08625.

    $\bullet $ Sayan Chakraborty, Siegfried Echterhoff, Julian Kranz, and Shintaro Nishikawa. $k$-theory of non-commutative Bernoulli shifts. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.09209.

    $\bullet $ Matthew Emerton, Toby Gee, and Eugen Hellmann. An introduction to the categorical $p$-adic Langlands program. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.01404.

    $\bullet $ Alessandro Codenotti and Aleksandra Kwiatkowska. Projective Fraïssé limits and generalized Ważewski dendrites. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.06899.

    $\bullet $ Konstantin Ardakov and Peter Schneider. The central sheaf of a Grothendieck category. arXiv e-prints, October 2022. arXiv:2210.12419.

    $\bullet $ Lucas Mann. The 6-functor formalism for $\mathbb Z_\ell $ and $\mathbb Q_\ell $-sheaves on diamonds. arXiv e-prints, September 2022. arXiv:2209.08135.

    $\bullet $ Julian Kranz and Shintaro Nishikawa. $K$-theory of Bernoulli shifts of finite groups on UHF-algebras. arXiv e-prints, September 2022. arXiv:2210.00061.

    $\bullet $ Shintaro Nishikawa. Sp(n,1) admits a proper 1-cocycle for a uniformly bounded representation. arXiv e-prints, September 2022. arXiv:2003.03769.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Petr Naryshkin, and Andrea Vaccaro. Dynamical comparison and $\mathcal Z$-stability for crossed products of simple $C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, September 2022. arXiv:2209.06507.

    $\bullet $ Jan Nienhaus, Peter Petersen, Matthias Wink, and William Wylie. Holonomy restrictions from the curvature operator of the second kind. arXiv e-prints, August 2022. arXiv:2208.13820.

    $\bullet $ Markus Land, Thomas Nikolaus, and Marco Schlichting. L-theory of $C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, August 2022. arXiv:2208.10556.

    $\bullet $ Philip Möller and Olga Varghese. On normal subgroups in automorphism groups. arXiv e-prints, August 2022. arXiv:2208.05677.

    $\bullet $ Carolyn R. Abbott, Sahana Balasubramanya, Sam Payne, and Alexander J. Rasmussen. Valuations, completions, and hyperbolic actions of metabelian groups. arXiv e-prints, July 2022. arXiv:2207.12945.

    $\bullet $ David Hansen and Lucas Mann. $p$-adic sheaves on classifying stacks, and the $p$-adic Jacquet-Langlands correspondence. arXiv e-prints, July 2022. arXiv:2207.04073.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Bertoloni Meli, Linus Hamann, and Kieu Hieu Nguyen. Compatibility of the Fargues–Scholze correspondence for unitary groups. arXiv e-prints, July 2022. arXiv:2207.13193.

    $\bullet $ Robin Bartlett and Misja F. A. Steinmetz. Explicit Serre weights for $GL_2$ via Kummer theory. arXiv e-prints, July 2022. arXiv:2207.00402.

    $\bullet $ Oskar Riedler. Closed embedded self-shrinkers of mean curvature flow. arXiv e-prints, July 2022. arXiv:2207.04851.

    $\bullet $ Jan Nienhaus, Peter Petersen, and Matthias Wink. Betti numbers and the curvature operator of the second kind. arXiv e-prints, June 2022. arXiv:2206.14218.

    $\bullet $ Włodzimierz J. Charatonik, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, and Robert P. Roe. Projective Fraïssé limits of graphs with confluent epimorphisms. arXiv e-prints, June 2022. arXiv:2206.12400.

    $\bullet $ Lara Beßmann. A recursive description of automorphism groups of inductively constructed polytopes. arXiv e-prints, June 2022. arXiv:2206.03793.

    $\bullet $ Lara Beßmann. A recursive description of automorphism groups of inductively constructed polytopes. arXiv e-prints, June 2022. arXiv:2206.03793.

    $\bullet $ Philip Möller. A note on almost negative matrices and Gromov-hyperbolic Coxeter groups. arXiv e-prints, May 2022. arXiv:2205.07791.

    $\bullet $ Amandine Escalier. Sofic approximations and optimal quantitative orbit equivalence. arXiv e-prints, May 2022. arXiv:2205.12137.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini, Daniel Räde, and Rudolf Zeidler. Nonnegative scalar curvature on manifolds with at least two ends. arXiv e-prints, May 2022. arXiv:2205.12174.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl and Alexander Hock. Complete solution of the LSZ model via topological recursion. arXiv e-prints, May 2022. arXiv:2205.12166.

    $\bullet $ Lara Beßmann. Is the right-angled building associated to a universal group unique? arXiv e-prints, May 2022. arXiv:2205.08145.

    $\bullet $ Lara Beßmann. Is the right-angled building associated to a universal group unique? arXiv e-prints, May 2022. arXiv:2205.08145.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays, Omer Ben-Neria, Itay Kaplan, and Pierre Simon. On large externally definable sets in NIP. arXiv e-prints, May 2022. arXiv:2205.11792.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. The left adjoint of derived parabolic induction. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.11581.

    $\bullet $ Christopher Deninger, Theo Grundhöfer, and Linus Kramer. Weyl tensors, strongly regular graphs, multiplicative characters, and a quadratic matrix equation. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.02706.

    $\bullet $ Yifei Zhao. Étale metaplectic covers of reductive group schemes. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.00610.

    $\bullet $ Dennis Wulle. Cohomogeneity one manifolds with quasipositive curvature. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.11652.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Brück, Jeremy Miller, Peter Patzt, Robin J. Sroka, and Jennifer C.H. Wilson. On the codimension-two cohomology of $SL_n(Z)$. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.11967.

    $\bullet $ Christopher Deninger. There is no "Weil-"cohomology theory with real coefficients for arithmetic curves. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.02714.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl and Alexander Hock. A spectral curve for the generation of bipartite maps in topological recursion. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.05181.

    $\bullet $ Arthur Bartels and Wolfgang Lueck. On the algebraic K-theory of Hecke algebras. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.07982.

    $\bullet $ Benjamin Antieau, Achim Krause, and Thomas Nikolaus. On the K-theory of $\mathbb Z/p^n$ – announcement. arXiv e-prints, April 2022. arXiv:2204.03420.

    $\bullet $ Jens Niklas Eberhardt and Jakob Scholbach. Integral motivic sheaves and geometric representation theory. arXiv e-prints, March 2022. arXiv:2202.11477.

    $\bullet $ Denis Nardin and Jay Shah. Parametrized and equivariant higher algebra. arXiv e-prints, March 2022. arXiv:2203.00072.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert and Jens Reinhold. Some rational homology computations for diffeomorphisms of odd-dimensional manifolds. arXiv e-prints, March 2022. arXiv:2203.03414.

    $\bullet $ Philip Möller and Olga Varghese. A note on semicompleteness of graph products of abelian groups. arXiv e-prints, February 2022. arXiv:2202.10083.

    $\bullet $ Arielle Leitner and Federico Vigolo. An invitation to coarse groups. arXiv e-prints, February 2022. arXiv:2203.08591.

    $\bullet $ Amandine Escalier. Building prescribed quantitative orbit equivalence with the group of integers. arXiv e-prints, February 2022. arXiv:2202.10312.

    $\bullet $ Peter Schneider and Claus Sorensen. Duals in natural characteristic. arXiv e-prints, February 2022. arXiv:2202.01800.

    $\bullet $ Giles Gardam, Dawid Kielak, and Alan D. Logan. The surface group conjectures for groups with two generators. arXiv e-prints, February 2022. arXiv:2202.11093.

    $\bullet $ Philip Möller, Luis Paris, and Olga Varghese. On parabolic subgroups of Artin groups. arXiv e-prints, January 2022. arXiv:2201.13044.

    $\bullet $ Omar Mohsen. On the index of maximally hypoelliptic differential operators. arXiv e-prints, January 2022. arXiv:2201.13049.

    $\bullet $ Iakovos Androulidakis, Omar Mohsen, and Robert Yuncken. A pseudodifferential calculus for maximally hypoelliptic operators and the Helffer-Nourrigat conjecture. arXiv e-prints, January 2022. arXiv:2201.12060.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Julian Kranz, and Petr Naryshkin. Classifiability of crossed products by nonamenable groups. arXiv e-prints, January 2022. arXiv:2201.03409.

    $\bullet $ Ronan J. Conlon and Hans-Joachim Hein. Classification of asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau manifolds. arXiv e-prints, January 2022. arXiv:2201.00870.

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    $\bullet $ J. D. Quigley and Jay Shah. On the equivalence of two theories of real cyclotomic spectra. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.07462.

    $\bullet $ Julian Kranz and Timo Siebenand. Partial tensor-product functors and crossed-product functors. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.04164.

    $\bullet $ Claudio Gorodski, Andreas Kollross, and Burkhard Wilking. Actions on positively curved manifolds and boundary in the orbit space. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.00513.

    $\bullet $ Giles Gardam, Dawid Kielak, and Alan D. Logan. Algebraically hyperbolic groups. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.01331.

    $\bullet $ Goulnara Arzhantseva, Dawid Kielak, Tim de Laat, and Damian Sawicki. Spectral gap and origami expanders. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.11864.

    $\bullet $ Simon André. Co-Hopfian virtually free groups and elementary equivalence. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.04072.

    $\bullet $ Gideon Amir, Rangel Baldasso, Maria Gerasimova, and Gady Kozma. Fire retainment on Cayley graphs. arXiv e-prints, December 2021. arXiv:2112.08793.

    $\bullet $ Fernando Lledó and Diego Martínez. A note on commutation relations and finite dimensional approximations. arXiv e-prints, November 2021. arXiv:2111.15221.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl and Alexander Hock. Genus one free energy contribution to the quartic Kontsevich model. arXiv e-prints, November 2021. arXiv:2111.05411.

    $\bullet $ Simon André and Katrin Tent. Simple sharply 2-transitive groups. arXiv e-prints, November 2021. arXiv:2111.09580.

    $\bullet $ Eusebio Gardella, Ilan Hirshberg, and Andrea Vaccaro. Strongly outer actions of amenable groups on $\mathcal Z$-stable nuclear $C^*$-algebras. arXiv e-prints, October 2021. arXiv:2110.14387.

    $\bullet $ Jay Shah. Recollements and stratification. arXiv e-prints, October 2021. arXiv:2110.06567.

    $\bullet $ J. D. Quigley and Jay Shah. On the parametrized Tate construction. arXiv e-prints, October 2021. arXiv:2110.07707.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl, Harald Grosse, Alexander Hock, and Raimar Wulkenhaar. From scalar fields on quantum spaces to blobbed topological recursion. arXiv e-prints, October 2021. arXiv:2110.11789.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Nathan Brownlowe, and Aidan Sims. Simplicity of twisted $\mathrm C^*$-algebras of Deaconu–Renault groupoids. arXiv e-prints, September 2021. arXiv:2109.02583.

    $\bullet $ Jay Shah. Parametrized higher category theory II: Universal constructions. arXiv e-prints, September 2021. arXiv:2109.11954.

    $\bullet $ Kasia Jankiewicz, Annette Karrer, Kim Ruane, and Bakul Sathaye. The boundary rigidity of lattices in products of trees. arXiv e-prints, September 2021. arXiv:2109.09175.

    $\bullet $ Siegfried Echterhoff and Mikael Rørdam. Inclusions of $C^*$-algebras arising from fixed-point algebras. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.08832.

    $\bullet $ Shintaro Nishikawa. Crossed product approach to equivariant localization algebras. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.11235.

    $\bullet $ Petr Naryshkin. Polynomial growth, comparison, and the small boundary property. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.04670.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. On the smooth part functor. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.05262.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. On the decomposition of Hecke polynomials over parabolic Hecke algebras. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.04535.

    $\bullet $ Xin Fu, Hans-Joachim Hein, and Xumin Jiang. Asymptotics of Kähler-Einstein metrics on complex hyperbolic cusps. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.13390.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. The positive mass theorem and distance estimates in the spin setting. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.11972.

    $\bullet $ Robin Bartlett. Degenerating products of flag varieties and applications to the Breuil–Mezard conjecture. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.04094.

    $\bullet $ Carolyn R. Abbott, Sahana Balasubramanya, and Alexander J. Rasmussen. Higher rank confining subsets and hyperbolic actions of solvable groups. arXiv e-prints, August 2021. arXiv:2108.08175.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays, Jan Dobrowolski, and Tingxiang Zou. Elekes-Szabó for groups, and approximate subgroups in weak general position. arXiv e-prints, July 2021. arXiv:2107.05547.

    $\bullet $ David Kerr and Petr Naryshkin. Elementary amenability and almost finiteness. arXiv e-prints, July 2021. arXiv:2107.05273.

    $\bullet $ Thorben Kastenholz and Jens Reinhold. Essentiality and simplicial volume of manifolds fibered over spheres. arXiv e-prints, July 2021. arXiv:2107.05892.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert. Diffeomorphisms of odd-dimensional discs, glued into a manifold. arXiv e-prints, July 2021. arXiv:2107.00903.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays, Itay Kaplan, and Pierre Simon. Density of compressible types and some consequences. arXiv e-prints, July 2021. arXiv:2107.05197.

    $\bullet $ Eugen Hellmann. On the derived category of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra. arXiv e-prints, June 2021. arXiv:2006.03013.

    $\bullet $ Lee Kennard, Michael Wiemeler, and Burkhard Wilking. Splitting of torus representations and applications in the Grove symmetry program. arXiv e-prints, June 2021. arXiv:2106.14723.

    $\bullet $ Konstantin Ardakov and Peter Schneider. The Bernstein center in natural characteristic. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.06128.

    $\bullet $ Amandine Escalier. Local-to-global-rigidity of graphs quasi-isometric to the Bruhat-Tits building of $SL_n(\mathbb K)$. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2008.07250.

    $\bullet $ Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos and Assaf Shani. Strong ergodicity phenomena for Bernoulli shifts of bounded algebraic dimension. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.04989.

    $\bullet $ Omar Mohsen. A Lichnerowicz theorem for singular foliations using blow-up groupoids. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.05201.

    $\bullet $ Laurentiu G. Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Constructible sheaf complexes in complex geometry and applications. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.13069.

    $\bullet $ Agnese Mantione and Rafael Torres. Geography of $4$-manifolds with positive scalar curvature. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.12162.

    $\bullet $ Tim de Laat and Safoura Zadeh. Weak*-continuity of invariant means on spaces of matrix coefficients. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.12551.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington and Sergio Girón Pacheco. Anomalous symmetries of classifiable C*-algebras. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.05587.

    $\bullet $ Andrea Bianchi, Florian Kranhold, and Jens Reinhold. Parametrised moduli spaces of surfaces as infinite loop spaces. arXiv e-prints, May 2021. arXiv:2105.05772.

    $\bullet $ Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos and Katrin Tent. Universality vs genericity and C$_4$-free graphs. arXiv e-prints, April 2021. arXiv:2104.13222.

    $\bullet $ Rachel Ollivier and Peter Schneider. On the pro-$p$ Iwahori Hecke Ext-algebra of SL$_2(\mathbb Q_p)$. arXiv e-prints, April 2021. arXiv:2104.13422.

    $\bullet $ Tim Clausen and Katrin Tent. Mock hyperbolic reflection spaces and Frobenius groups of finite Morley rank. arXiv e-prints, April 2021. arXiv:2104.10096.

    $\bullet $ Martin Bays and Jean-François Martin. Incidence bounds in positive characteristic via valuations and distality. arXiv e-prints, April 2021. arXiv:2104.04339.

    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler, Stefano Vidussi, and Genevieve Walsh. Virtual algebraic fibrations of surface-by-surface groups and orbits of the mapping class group. arXiv e-prints, March 2021. arXiv:2103.06930.

    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler and Claudio Llosa Isenrich. Dehn functions of coabelian subgroups of direct products of groups. arXiv e-prints, March 2021. arXiv:2103.05093.

    $\bullet $ Grigory Kondyrev, Aaron Mazel-Gee, and Jay Shah. Dualizable objects in stratified categories and the 1-dimensional bordism hypothesis for recollements. arXiv e-prints, March 2021. arXiv:2103.15785.

    $\bullet $ Alexander Hock and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Blobbed topological recursion of the quartic Kontsevich model II: Genus=0. arXiv e-prints, March 2021. arXiv:2103.13271.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. Localization of the parabolic Hecke algebra at a strictly positive element. arXiv e-prints, March 2021. arXiv:2103.16949.

    $\bullet $ Simone Cecchini and Rudolf Zeidler. Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator. arXiv e-prints, March 2021. arXiv:2103.06833.

    $\bullet $ Jorge Castillejos and Samuel Evington. Stabilising uniform property Γ. arXiv e-prints, February 2021. arXiv:2010.05792.

    $\bullet $ Jonas McCandless. On curves in K-theory and TR. arXiv e-prints, February 2021. arXiv:2102.08281.

    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler. Constructing groups of type $FP_2$ over fields but not over the integers. arXiv e-prints, February 2021. arXiv:2102.13509.

    $\bullet $ Giles Gardam. A counterexample to the unit conjecture for group rings. arXiv e-prints, February 2021. arXiv:2102.11818.

    $\bullet $ Clark Barwick, Saul Glasman, Akhil Mathew, and Thomas Nikolaus. K-theory and polynomial functors. arXiv e-prints, February 2021. arXiv:2102.00936.

    $\bullet $ Giles Gardam, Dawid Kielak, and Alan D. Logan. Jsj decompositions and polytopes for two-generator one-relator groups. arXiv e-prints, January 2021. arXiv:2101.02193.

    $\bullet $ Becky Armstrong, Gilles G. de Castro, Lisa Orloff Clark, Kristin Courtney, Ying-Fen Lin, Kathryn McCormick, Jacqui Ramagge, Aidan Sims, and Benjamin Steinberg. Reconstruction of twisted Steinberg algebras. arXiv e-prints, January 2021. arXiv:2101.08556.

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    $\bullet $ Robert Kropholler, Rylee Alanza Lyman, and Thomas Ng. Extensions of hyperbolic groups have locally uniform exponential growth. arXiv e-prints, December 2020. arXiv:2012.14880.

    $\bullet $ Tamir Hemo, Timo Richarz, and Jakob Scholbach. Constructible sheaves on schemes and a categorical Künneth formula. arXiv e-prints, December 2020. arXiv:2012.02853.

    $\bullet $ Aleksandra Kwiatkowska and Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos. The automorphism group of the random poset does not admit a generic pair. arXiv e-prints, December 2020. arXiv:2012.04376.

    $\bullet $ Samuel Evington. Nuclear dimension of extensions of $\mathcal o_\infty $-stable algebras. arXiv e-prints, December 2020. arXiv:2012.03650.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Ebert and Michael Wiemeler. On the homotopy type of the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature. arXiv e-prints, December 2020. arXiv:2012.00432.

    $\bullet $ Noel Brady, Robert Kropholler, and Ignat Soroko. Homological Dehn functions of groups of type $fp_2$. arXiv e-prints, December 2020. arXiv:2012.00730.

    $\bullet $ Julian Kranz. The weak containment problem for étale groupoids which are strongly amenable at infinity. arXiv e-prints, November 2020. arXiv:2011.13852.

    $\bullet $ Dennis Heinig, Tim de Laat, and Timo Siebenand. Group $C^*$-algebras of locally compact groups acting on trees. arXiv e-prints, November 2020. arXiv:2011.11265.

    $\bullet $ Fabian Hebestreit and Achim Krause. Mapping spaces in homotopy coherent nerves. arXiv e-prints, November 2020. arXiv:2011.09345.

    $\bullet $ Michael Ben-Zvi, Robert Kropholler, and Rylee Alanza Lyman. Folding-like techniques for $\mathrm C \mathrm A \mathrm T(0)$ cube complexes. arXiv e-prints, November 2020. arXiv:2011.05374.

    $\bullet $ Claudius Heyer. Parabolic induction via the parabolic pro-$p$ Iwahori–Hecke algebra. arXiv e-prints, October 2020. arXiv:2010.08435v1.

    $\bullet $ Georg Frenck and Jens Reinhold. Spaces of metrics of positive Ricci curvature and bundles with non-multiplicative Â-genus. arXiv e-prints, October 2020. arXiv:2010.04588.

    $\bullet $ Fernando Abadie, Eusebio Gardella, and Shirly Geffen. Partial C*-dynamics and Rokhlin dimension. arXiv e-prints, October 2020. arXiv:2010.03511.

    $\bullet $ Baptiste Calmès, Emanuele Dotto, Yonatan Harpaz, Fabian Hebestreit, Markus Land, Kristian Moi, Denis Nardin, Thomas Nikolaus, and Wolfgang Steimle. Hermitian K-theory for stable ∞-categories II: Cobordism categories and additivity. arXiv e-prints, September 2020. arXiv:2009.07224.

    $\bullet $ Baptiste Calmès, Emanuele Dotto, Yonatan Harpaz, Fabian Hebestreit, Markus Land, Kristian Moi, Denis Nardin, Thomas Nikolaus, and Wolfgang Steimle. Hermitian K-theory for stable ∞-categories III: Grothendieck-Witt groups of rings. arXiv e-prints, September 2020. arXiv:2009.07225.

    $\bullet $ Urs Hartl and Chia-Fu Yu. Arithmetic Satake compactifications and algebraic Drinfeld modular forms. arXiv e-prints, September 2020. arXiv:2009.13934.

    $\bullet $ Philip Möller and Olga Varghese. Abstract group actions of locally compact groups on $\mathrm C \mathrm A \mathrm T(0)$ spaces. arXiv e-prints, September 2020. arXiv:2009.10470.

    $\bullet $ Baptiste Calmès, Emanuele Dotto, Yonatan Harpaz, Fabian Hebestreit, Markus Land, Kristian Moi, Denis Nardin, Thomas Nikolaus, and Wolfgang Steimle. Hermitian K-theory for stable ∞-categories I: Foundations. arXiv e-prints, September 2020. arXiv:2009.07223.

    $\bullet $ Rudolf Zeidler. Width, largeness and index theory. arXiv e-prints, August 2020. arXiv:2008.13754.

    $\bullet $ Johannes Branahl, Alexander Hock, and Raimar Wulkenhaar. Blobbed topological recursion of the quartic Kontsevich model I: Loop equations and conjectures. arXiv e-prints, August 2020. arXiv:2008.12201.

    $\bullet $ Achim Krause. The Picard group in equivariant homotopy theory via stable module categories. arXiv e-prints, August 2020. arXiv:2008.05551.

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