Within Christianity in Africa, women are often in the majority, frequently playing a primary role maintaining the faith and carrying out the work of the Church at family, community, and ecclesial levels. Yet their voices, perspectives, concerns, and accomplishments are often overlooked. In this course, we therefore want to look carefully at African Christian women’s contributions from both historical and contemporary perspectives. We will approach the course thematically, with a mix of individual biographies and larger case studies to gain insight into how African Christian women have made important theological and ecclesiological contributions through their words, actions, and examples, ranging from prayer and service to protest and martyrdom. We will also consider issues relating to ”formal” and ”informal” theologies, noticing how women are often engaged in ”grassroots” or oral theologies, providing important reflections on their daily lived experiences. This course will be of interest to students wishing to explore issues of Christianity and gender within an African context, as well as those interested in ”grassroots” and oral theologies.

The courses will take place by live zoom at the scheduled time, with full lecture notes and powerpoint available on Learnweb along with the course materials.

Der Kurs dient als Vorbereitungskurs für die Ghana-Exkursion 2022

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: SoSe 2021