Centre for Advanced Study
“Access to cultural goods in the digital transformation”

The digital transformation has fundamentally changed the possibilities and conditions of access to cultural goods — i.e. to works of art, but also to the holdings of archives, collections and museums and to such “subjects” as the results of scientific research — and will continue to require new forms and practices of production, reproduction and reception of such goods in the future.

The Centre for Advanced Study Access to Cultural Goods in Digital Change (KFG 33), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) explores — especially with art as an example — both the new forms of access to cultural goods and the new forms of access restriction and access control made possible by digitalisation. In doing so, it also takes into account the fact that the digital transformation ties the production and reception of many cultural goods to technological preconditions that can be characterised as second-order access conditions.

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© Natascha Unkart

Fourth Summer School Museology

A week of researching and teaching, learning and living in (the middle of) the museum: from 22 to 27 July 2024, the Institute of Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology organized a one-week practical course on current topics and tasks of museums together with the LWL Open-Air Museum Detmold (“Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Alltagskultur”). Participants gained in-depth insights into the museum as a field of practice, as a place of research, as a collection and educational institution and much more. It was headed by Prof. Dr Lioba Keller-Drescher, in-house fellow of the Centre for Advanced Study. Guest curator was Dr. Birgit Johler, Senior Fellow of the Centre for Advanced Study.

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© Universität Münster | Stefan Klatt

“Digital Access to Library Content – Legal Frameworks in Germany and Sri Lanka”

On 15 July 2024, the senior fellows Dr. Prathiba Mahanamahewa (Univ. of Colombo), Prof. Dr. Nishantha Sampath Punchihewa (Univ. of Colombo) and Prof. Dr. W. K. M. Mervin Kumara Weerasinghe (Univ. of Kelaniya) gave an insight into the topic „Digital Access to Library Content – Legal Frameworks in Germany and Sri Lanka“ in their lecture.

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© Universität Münster | Stefan Klatt

Fellow-Lecture: “‘Cultural Appropriation’. Questions about a concept”

On 8 July 2024, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gutmann held his Fellow Lecture “‘Cultural Appropriation’. Questions about a concept“. In his lecture, he  discussed whether cultural appropriation is suitable as a tool of criticism, how other concepts are important to be differentiated from it and what makes a group a possible legal entity with regard to cultural property and inheritance. Thomas Gutman’s lecture was followed by a vivid discussion containing both positive comments as well as critical questions.

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© Universität Münster | Stefan Klatt

Fellow Lecture “Embodied Aesthetics”

On 17 June 2024, Dr. Fatmeh Masdari presented in her lecture titled “Embodied Aesthetics – Exploring the Creation and Perception of Artistic Works in the Realms of Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence” some theses from the project of her second doctoral thesis, dedicated to the investigation of AI-based art. In addition to discussing the societal impacts of AI-generated artworks on the accessibility of art in general, Masdari also explored how AI art could alter our understanding of human aesthetic experience.