• Curriculum Vitae


    since 2022:
    Scientific Coordinator
    Joint Institute for Individualisation in a Changing Environment (JICE)

    Online editor
    Faculty of Biology/Chemistry, University of Osnabrück

    since 2020:
    Co-founder and editor
    Online science magazine "ETHOlogisch - Verhalten verstehen"

    Research assistant and research coordinator
    Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster

    Research assistant
    Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster


    PhD (Dr. rer. nat.)
    Faculty of Biology, University of Münster

    Studies in Biosciences (M.Sc.)
    University of Münster

    Studies in Biosciences (B.Sc.)
    University of Münster

  • Publications

    Scientific Publications

    Mutwill AM, Schielzeth H, Zimmermann TD, Richter SH, Kaiser S, Sachser N (2021): Individuality meets plasticity: Endocrine phenotypes across male dominance rank acquisition in guinea pigs living in a complex social environment. Hormones and Behavior 131:104967. 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2021.104967 [doi]

    Mutwill AM, Zimmermann TD, Hennicke A, Richter SH, Kaiser S, Sachser N (2020): Adaptive reshaping of the hormonal phenotype after social niche transition in adulthood. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20200667. 10.1098/rspb.2020.0667 [doi]

    Sachser  N, Zimmermann TD, Hennessy MB, Kaiser S (2020): Sensitive phases in the development of rodent social behavior. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 36: 63–70. 10.1016/j.cobeha.2020.07.014 [doi]

    Mutwill  AM, Zimmermann  TD, Reuland C, Fuchs S, Kunert J, Richter SH, Kaiser S, Sachser N (2019): High reproductive success despite queuing – Socio-sexual development of males in a complex social environment. Frontiers in Psychology 10: 2810. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02810 [doi]

    Zimmermann TD, Kaiser S, Sachser N (2017): The adaptiveness of a queuing strategy shaped by social experiences during adolescence. Physiology & Behavior 181: 29–37. 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.08.025 [doi]

    Zimmermann TD, Kaiser S, Hennessy MB, Sachser N (2017): Adaptive shaping of the behavioural and neuroendocrine phenotype during adolescence. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20162784. 10.1098/rspb.2016.2784 [doi]

    Hennessy MB, Kaiser S, Tiedtke T, Sachser N (2015): Stability and change: Stress responses and the shaping of behavioral phenotypes over the life span. Frontiers in Zoology 12(Suppl1): 18. 10.1186/1742-9994-12-S1-S18 [doi]

    Other Publications

    Sachser N, Kästner N, Zimmermann T (Hrsg.): Das unterschätzte Tier. Was wir heute über Tiere wissen und im Umgang mit ihnen besser machen müssen. Rowohlt Verlag, 2022.

    Zimmermann T (2020): Tierische Freundschaften. In: yuki – Das Magazin für Familien aus Münster 1: 24–25.

    Zimmermann T (2019): Sozialverhalten in der Adoleszenz. In: C. Otterstedt (Hrsg.), Meerschweinchen (Bunte Reihe 7): 10–13.