

You come across databases very often, even if you do not necessarily realise it. University data on students, employees and lectures are stored in databases. Online shops have databases in the background in which articles, customers, sales, suppliers and much more are stored. This course offers an introduction to databases. The first half looks at databases more from the perspective of developing a database application, looking at conceptual modelling (ER diagrams), logical modelling (relational data model including the query language of relational algebra), relational design theory for evaluating the relational schema of a database, and SQL as a standard for implementing a database (specifically PostgreSQL in the exercises). The second half then looks behind the scenes, from storing data and accessing it to query optimisation and transaction management including locking and recovery.

The lecture is given in German. Please move to the German version of this site for further details or register in the Learnweb course, once it is available.