Literature tips

This module can only be used in the function column!

The "Literature Tips" module allows you to specify literature tips in the right column of your Imperia document. To do this, first select the "Literature tips" module
first select the module "Literature tips" under "New module".
Then the following input window opens:

Screenshot Imperia module literature tips
© Uni MS IT

Under "Heading" you can name the topic, for example very generally "Literature tips" or more concretely "own publications", seminar literature" or "sources". Then you can enter the author in the next field and finally the details of the work, such as title, edition, year of publication, etc. With "Link text" and "Link target" you also have the option to link to a more detailed page or a pdf document.
Here is an example of a completed module:

Screenshot Imperia completed module literature tips
© Uni MS IT

You can see the result on the right side.