Abstracts collector

With the "Abstracts Collector" module, you can create an overview page that displays articles with a headline, a short text and, if necessary, an image, or you can display a short summery of Contact details. A link redirects to the detailed article. The created link leets to the full articel or Contactpage. If you have more question you can contact the onlinen editorial support.

View of the overview page on the target system:

Screenshot Imperia short entry
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Screenshot Imperia short entry
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Tweet with Twitter-Card
Tweet with Twitter-Card
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Twitter card

It is also possible to create a "Twitter card" via an abstract entry. If an Imperia page is linked on Twitter that has an abstract entry containing an image, a headline and a teaser text, this information is output on Twitter as a "Twitter card". The Twitter card replaces the link in the output.

Whether this abstract entry entry is also "collected" somewhere is not relevant. However, Imperia pages without an abstract entry entry do not generate a Twitter card.

In order for a Twitter card to be generated from an abstract entry, a rubric parameter must be set in the corresponding rubric: twittercard = 1.
You can optionally set the parameter input_twittercard_document = 1 (otherwise a Twitter card will be created for all documents with an abstract entry in the rubric). If the parameter is not set, you can decide in the meta edit step of an Imperia document whether a Twitter card should be created or not.

Documents already published before the parameter is set must be refreshed in order for a Twitter Card to be generated.

Target section and Source section

At first wer need to clarify th differences between the Target section and the Source section. The Target section is the place whrere you put the documents, in which the abstracts collector should be implemented. In this documents the collected abstracts are displayed (At theexample  below "News" is the target source). In the Source section are the documents which need to be collected. This documents will be collected and displayed on the target pages in a short form (at this example the rubric "2021" ist the source section). In the source section, new documents can be continuously added, which are displayed on the target page after being refreshed again.


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Attetion: by creating the rubrics (or sections), remember to name the subdirectories like the rubrics. To avoid  mistakes try to just use low case by naming and don't use special characters.

  • 1.Creating a source section

    To create a source section, create a new category with the following parameters:

    Parameter  Value
    eingabe_auswahlmuster  1
    kurzfassung_validcode WWU_KFSG
    versionsparameter sammler_htms_datei, kurzfassung_validcode
    sammler_htms_datei index.htms

    For the „sammler_htms_datei“ enter the path without the base path htms-file an, for example index.htms or /aktuelles/index.htms

  • 2. Creating a target section

    To create a page with a abstracts collector, use the following rubric parameters:
    Parameter Value
    kurzfassung_validcode WWU_KFSG
    sammler_htms_datei index.htms
    versionsparameter sammler_htms_datei, kurzfassung_validcode

    For the „sammler_htms_datei“ enter the path without the base path htms-file an, for example index.htms, or /studium/index.htms

  • 3. Create a new document with abstract collections

    Create a new document with the ending ".htms" in the target section. (This file is a template of the collector ([file name] .html).The actual page with the teasers is only generated when the article is created and the page is updated.)

    Add the module "Abstract collector" to the new document. At"Collection path", enter the path without the base path in which the articles for the collector (at this example the source section) are saved, here "Handbuch / news / 2021".

    Screenshot Imperia module abstract collector
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    Verhalten des Sammlers: Should usually be left at "Collect abstracts"(„Sammeln der Kurzfassungen“). Alternatively, "Collect links only" („Nur Links sammeln“) can be used here to create simple link lists.

    Reihenfolge der Dokumente: The criterion according to which the list is sorted. The basis is the sorting pattern in the documents (see below). Selectable options are lexical ascending/descending, numerical ascending/descending, creation and modification date as well as file name or document title.

    Filter für Auswahlmuster: If the collector should have a keyword system, one or more keywords should be entered here, according to which the collection is to be sorted out later. It is advisable to choose short keywords that are as catchy as possible and to record them in a documentation.

    Maximale Anzahl der Teaser: If the collector is not to display any number of abstracts, but only a fixed number, a corresponding number can be entered here.

    Andere Sammler beachten: Normally not to be ticked. If a collected document is edited but the abstract remains unchanged, e.g. because only a typo in the main text of the page is corrected, this checkbox is useful.

    Altersbeschränkung: No documents older than the specified date are collected.

  • 4. Create a new article/contact page

    To create a new article for the abstracts collector, create a new document with the extension ".html" in the source rubric, as usual, and design it. Attention, these documents must not be called index.html!
    Then, in the abstract section, add a "Abstract entry" ("Kurzfassungseintrag") to this document using the drop-down button (at the very bottom).
    In it, you specify accordingly which information should ultimately appear on the page with the abstracts/teasers.

    The summary entries themselves are to be edited as in the flex module "Newsbox / Fieldset-Kasten" (new layout) or "Umflossene box" or "Erzwungener Umbruch nach Bild" (old layout). As a rule of thumb, they should not exceed three lines in the text part.

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    If you want to create a contact page to be collected by the abstracts collector, follow the same steps. Insert the flex module "Kontaktdaten" into the document instead of the short entry module.

    Attention: The module contact data ("Kontaktdaten") must be added in the short form area (at the very bottom).

    The "Kontaktdaten" module for the collector is to be treated in the same way as the already known "Kontaktdaten" module.

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    Enter the sorting pattern:

    The default sorting pattern is to be entered here. It is advisable to differentiate depending on the case.

    Experience has shown that the following are suitable:


    For news: Sorting pattern in date format (e.g. 05.08.2012: 20120805), with collector options set to "Numerisch absteigend". In this way, the most recent news item is always the top one. It only becomes problematic if there are several entries on the same day. In this case, it would be possible to work with an ascending number at the end.
    For lists of persons: Sorting pattern in the format or with identical names (e.g. Klaus Müller: mueller.klaus), with the collector options set to "Lexikalisch aufsteigend". Thus the list begins with the surname A and ends with Z.
    Entering the selection pattern: Keywords by which the document can be identified by the template are to be entered here. It is important here that the keywords correspond to those given in the pages with abstract entries (keep documentation on this if necessary).
    Do not rewrite the collector pages: Normally not to be ticked.

    When you have completed and released/published the document, the collector file is automatically updated and the abstract entry is displayed.

  • Edit existing articles

    If you want to edit the individual articles, the easiest way is to call up the overview page on the development system (so instead of https://www.uni-muenster.de/... write https://imperia.uni-muenster.de/...). There, each article can be called up and edited via there quick edit link.

    View of the overview page in the development system:


    Screenshot Imperia article processing development system
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    If  you edit this page using the usual button in the Quick Edit bar instead, you will be taken to the document you have created in which you have incorporated the short form collector.