Friedrich paulsen

Friedrich Paulsen
Einrichtung: Graduate School of Politics
Anschrift: Scharnhorststraße 100
D-48151 Münster
  • Projekt

    Innovation between path dependency and convergence: Urban development policies in changing contexts

    The research focus is on the identification and comparative analysis of innovative practices of public governance in German and US cities, focusing on the cooperation of and power relations between public, private-commercial and private non-profit actors.

    Such a practice of public governance – and a consequence as at the same time a cause of current trends in cities (rise of entrepreneurial cities in competition for investment and people; importance of city marketing and reinvention of city images; urban renewal, gentrification and social exclusion; budget constraints, new forms of coalitions in cities, known as governance) – is property-dominated development and modernization of city centers in Germany and the US. Like in a burning glass, the mentioned current issues – maintaining a city’s ability to act, precarious social effects and new coalitions of public governance – condense in this phenomenon of post-modern city politics. It’s the research’s goal to unpack the arguments going along with the post-modern property-led forms of governance in cities.

    The research is led by two central questions:

    • Which practices of public governance in post modern cities are ascribed as innovative by using which arguments?
    • Do these discourses of innovativeness develop more path-dependent (in line with the historic and institutional context) or more convergent?

    The research process is separated into three major steps to answer the central research questions:

    • The first goal is to describe comparatively the country-specific traditions and characteristics of the emergence and development of local public sector arrangements in the two countries.
    • The second goal is to analyze to which changes that occurred in practices of local public governance in the area of post-modern city politics in the two case-study cities of Muenster and Raleigh innovativeness is ascribed on a level of argumentative schemes and discourses. That also means to understand the current debate on reforming local public governance: What are the up-to-date features of innovative public governance in cities?
    • The third goal is to investigate which arguments and discourses are used in which specific context to ascribe innovativeness to practices of local public governance and if these arguments fit with the historic-institutional context of the public sector of the city under investigation. That makes possible to respond to the question of convergence versus path-dependency through a discussion of the results of the research.

  • Forschungsgruppe

    Das Dissertationsvorhaben von Friedrich Paulsen wird von Prof. Annette Zimmer (Universität Münster, Institut für Politikwissenschaft) und Prof. Steven Rathgeb Smith (Syracuse University, Maxwell School) betreut.
    Friedrich Paulsen ist Mitglied der Forschungsgruppe Zivilgesellschaft, sowie des Forschungsnetzwerkes Urban and Regional Innovation.

    Friedrich Paulsen hat sich Im Zuge des Forschungsprozesses am American Institute for Contemporary German Studies der Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. und am Center for Urban and Regional Studies der University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill aufgehalten. Zur Zeit halt er sich als Guest Researcher am BMW Center for German and European Studies der Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, auf.

  • Werdegang

    2013 Guest Researcher am BMW Center for German and European Studies der Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
    2012 Studienaufenthalt am Center for Urban and Regional Studies der University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    2012 Experte am American Institute for Contemporary German Studies der Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C.
    seit 2011 Promotionsstipendium der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
    seit 2011 Project Assistant bei der European Research Services GmbH (Teilzeit)
    2010 Aufnahme in die Graduate School of Politics
    2010-2011 Mitarbeiter der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei: erfolgreiche Einwerbung von Grants der Europäischen Forschungsförderung (FP7)
    2009-2011 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Tätigkeit in Forschung und Lehre
    2009 Abschluss als Magister Artium
    2007-2008 Studienbegleitende Ausbildung zum Nachhaltigkeitsberater am Institut für Nachhaltigkeitsbildung in Münster und Rheine
    2007-2009 Magisterstudium an der Universität Münster in Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Öffentlichem Recht
    2006 Erstellung einer Expertise zur Landreform in Namibia für das Landesbüro der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Windhoek, Namibia
    2005-2009 Studentische, ab 2007 wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Münster, Lehrstuhl für Europäische Sozialpolitik
    2005 Gaststudent an der Universität Amazoniens (UNAMA) in Belem, Para, Brasilien
    2004-2009 Stipendiat der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Grundförderung
    2003-2007 Bachelorstudium: B.A./B.Sc. Public Administration (inhaltliche
    Orientierung: Europastudien, Entwicklungspolitik) an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Institut für Politikwissenschaft) und der niederländischen Universiteit Twente (School of Management and Governance)
    2000-2003 Abitur am Gymnasium Augustinianum, Greven

  • Publikationen

    • Boadu, Patrick/Dierschke, Thomas/Ewert, Benjamin/Evers, Adalbert/Paulsen, Friedrich/Wolf, Andre/Zimmer, Annette, 2011: City reports Germany: Labour market, childcare, immigration and housing in Münster and Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Wilco-Publication, Münster and Gießen,
    • Zimmer, Annette/Paulsen, Friedrich, 2010: Die Neuerfindung der Verbände: Verbände als Dienstleister, in: Hoffjan, Olaf/Stahl, Roland (Eds.): Handbuch Verbandskommunikation, VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden.
    • Zimmer, Annette/Paulsen, Friedrich, 2010: Kommune als Raum bürgerschaftlichen Engagements - Zivilgesellschaft in Münster, in: Gernert, Wolfgang/Konegen, Norbert/Meyers, Reinhard (Eds.): Nachhaltige Kommunalpolitik - ein Anforderungsprofil, Waxmann, Münster.
    • Zimmer, Annette/Nährlich, Stefan/Paulsen, Friedrich, 2009: Verbandsmanagement, in: Maelicke, Bernd/Arnold, Uli (Eds.): Lehrbuch der Sozialwirtschaft, Nomos, Baden-Baden.
    • Zimmer, Annette/Paulsen, Friedrich, 2009: Zur volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Sozialwirtschaft, in: Maelicke, Bernd/Arnold, Uli (Eds.): Lehrbuch der Sozialwirtschaft, Nomos, Baden-Baden.
    • Stallmann, Freia/Paulsen, Friedrich/Zimmer, Annette, 2008: Das Ehrenamt: erster Schritt in die Lokalpolitik? Zum Nexus von Vereinsengagement und lokalpolitischem Mandat am Beispiel der Stadt Münster, in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 39. Jg. (2008), H. 3, p. 547 ff.
    • Paulsen, Friedrich/Stallmann, Freia/Zimmer, Annette, 2008: Schach dem Parlament - Lokalvereine machen Ratsentscheid rückgängig, in: Vetter, Angelika (Eds.): Erfolgsbedingungen lokaler Bürgerbeteiligung, VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden.

  • Weiteres

    Solid experience in managing European Research projects:
    Friedrich Paulsen has solid experience of the administration in EU projects under the 7th Framework Programme, at present he supports 2 collaborative projects (WILCO and COREPOL) and an IRSES (mobility) project.

    University Lectures

    • Master Course at the Münster School of Architecture (MSA), Universiy of Applied Science of Münster: Politische Dimensionen der Stadtentwicklung, academic turn 2012/13
    • Bachelor course, Institute of Political Science, Münster University: Landtagswahlen in NRW, academic term summer 2010 with Andrea Walter, M.A.
    • Bachelor course, Institute of Political Science, Münster University: Political Leadership, academic term winter 2009/10 with Andrea Walter, M.A.
    • Master course, Institute of Political Science, Münster University: Einführung in empirisch-analytische Ansätze und Methoden der Politikwissenschaft, academic term winter 2009/10 with Prof. Dr. Norbert Konegen
    • Master course, Institute of Political Science, Münster University: Lokale Zivilgesellschaft im Wandel, student research project in the academic term winter 2009/10 with Prof. Dr. Norbert Konegen


    • 2010: Member of the Teams “Simulation Lobbying” under the leadership of Astrid Sauermann, M.A. and Prof. Dr. Annette Zimmer, which 2010 has been awarded with the teaching award oft he Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster