Location privacy seminar - final presentations and demos

On Tuesday, the three groups of students participating in the course on location privacy will present the results of their work. Students from the university of Minnesota at Minneapolis and from ifgi jointly developed three app concepts to improve the management of location privacy. One app realises a concept to give users fine-grained control over how location information is disclosed.  A second app prototypes a concept where localisation is independent of mobile phone providers, and a third app looks at CCTVs (surveillance cameras) and how to plan a route where you are (not) seen by them.

There will be short presentations by each group followed by discussions, demonstrations of the apps and hands-on experiences with the app. The event is open to anyone and starts at 14:00 st in room 309.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chris Kray (c.kray@uni-muenster.de)